Full Thickness Posterior Rotator Cuff Tear

Arthroscopic Posterosuperior Rotator Cuff Repair for Full-Thickness Tears

Matthew P. Noyes, MD
Patrick J. Denard, MD
Stephen S. Burkhart, MA, MD


This chapter provides a thorough review of the advancements in tear recognition that have facilitated the improved techniques which have resulted in anatomic repair and better outcomes following rotator cuff repair. The indications and descriptions for multiple techniques are discussed in detail.

Keywords: double row, full thickness tear, knotless repair, load-sparing rip stop, posterosuperior rotator cuff


  • Advancements in shoulder arthroscopy have allowed for better tear pattern recognition of the posterosuperior rotator cuff, which allows for anatomic repair and restoration of external rotation strength.

  • The subscapularis generates the largest amount of force of any rotator cuff muscle and is generally believed to be the most important single rotator cuff muscle.

  • The choice of knotted or knotless repair techniques is based on tissue quality.

  • Massive rotator cuff tears are a subset of rotator cuff tears that remain a problematic condition to treat because the force couples are no longer balanced, resulting in an unstable fulcrum of motion and painful dysfunction.

  • The Diamondback repair is an enhanced suture bridging repair construct that provides twice as many linked diagonal compression sutures with three times the number of intersection points.

  • The load-sharing rip-stop construct is the authors’ preferred method for massive rotator cuff repair with poor tissue quality in which a double-row repair is not possible because of limited mobility.

Tear Pattern Recognition

One of the major advancements of arthroscopy has been the ability to more thoroughly evaluate rotator cuff tears compared to a traditional open approach. This has led to recognition of four major types of rotator cuff tears: (1) crescent tears, (2) U-shaped tears, (3) L-shaped tears, and (4) massive contracted tears. Recognition of these distinct tear patterns is crucial because the tear pattern dictates the repair pattern. Anatomic reconstruction of the posterosuperior footprint is important to restore external rotation strength and balance force couples, and repairing tears according to their tear pattern can lead to excellent results ( ).

Crescent-shaped tears are the simplest of all tears. These tears have good medial-to-lateral mobility and can be repaired directly to bone with minimal tension. Essentially, all crescent-shaped tears are repaired with a double-row construct.

In contrast, U-shaped rotator cuff tears extend much farther medially. The apex of the tear is usually adjacent to the glenoid rim medially. These tears demonstrate significant mobility in the anterior-to-posterior direction and should be initially repaired in a side-to-side fashion using margin convergence sutures. Failure in recognizing this tear pattern will result in overwhelming tensile stresses if an attempt is made to repair a lateral bone bed. However, sequential medial to lateral suturing of the anterior and posterior leaflets causes the free margin of the rotator cuff to converge toward the bone bed on the humerus. The free margin of the tear is then directly repaired to bone in a tension-free manner. This technique both allows repair of possible irreparable tears and minimizes strain on the repair site ( ).

L-shaped and reverse L-shaped tears have a leaflet that is more mobile than the other leaflet. In these cases, side-to-side suturing along the longitudinal split is required followed by repair to the greater tuberosity bone bed. The use of traction stitches is useful in assisting reduction and repair of these more complex tear patterns.

Massive contracted tears have limited mobility in both the anteroposterior and medial-lateral planes. These tears typically require advanced mobilization techniques such as interval slides to achieve repair. Based on their limited mobility and frequent tendon loss, these are often best addressed with a single-row or load-sharing rip-stop (LSRS) repair.

Importance of the Subscapularis

Although this chapter focuses on posterosuperior tears, one must not neglect the subscapularis tendon. The subscapularis generates the largest amount of force of any rotator cuff muscle and is generally believed to be the most important single rotator cuff muscle because it is the only anterior muscle that can balance the posterior forces of the rotator cuff. In addition, the anterior attachment of the rotator cable extends to the upper subscapularis insertion. Therefore repair of the upper subscapularis decreases the stress on the adjacent repair of the supraspinatus, thereby protecting the supraspinatus repair. After the subscapularis has been repaired, the comma sign is very useful in locating the anterolateral corner of the supraspinatus tendon, to which it remains attached. For these reasons, we strongly recommend repairing all subscapularis tears before proceeding with arthroscopic repair of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons.

Surgical Technique: Setup and Preparation

In shoulder arthroscopy, angles and soft tissue and bone preparation play integral parts in anatomic rotator cuff repair.


The angle of visualization is influenced by the position of the patient, the angle of the arthroscope, and the position of the portal the surgeon is viewing through. We perform rotator cuff repairs in the lateral decubitus position. The arm is held in 20 to 30 degrees of abduction combined with 20 degrees of forward flexion with 5 to 10 lb of lateral weight suspended from a standard arthroscopic boom. We palpate the “soft spot” created by the glenoid medially and humeral head laterally and insert the arthroscope below the equator of the glenohumeral joint at about 7 o’clock. We have found that the often-used posterior portal tends to move too superior as soft tissue swelling increases and provides a poor angle of approach to the subacromial space. Therefore we avoid this by placing our skin incision more inferiorly. We also use 30- and 70-degree scopes interchangeably during the case.

Bone-Bed Preparation

A complete bursectomy is essential in all rotator cuff repair cases for two reasons. First, it is essential to see the entire rotator cuff margin to recognize the tear pattern. This includes removing all bursal leaders that attach to the internal deltoid fascia. We routinely release the internal deltoid fascia to achieve greater freedom for the instruments to move. Second, it removes the pain-generating cytokines that reside in the inflamed bursa in the subacromial space. With bone preparation, it is useful to remove all soft tissues from the greater tuberosity with an electrocautery device and then lightly use a high-speed bur to create a uniformly bleeding bone bed to facilitate healing.

Repair Techniques for Full-Thickness Tears

We strongly believe in restoration of anatomy. Therefore we perform a suture-bridging double-row repair whenever possible. However, the repair must respect the tear mobility and tendon length. A variety of suture-bridging techniques are available. As described further later, we base the choice of knotted and knotless techniques on tissue quality.

Suture-Bridging Double-Row Repair

The original double-row repair was described as two independent rows of anchors. The technique has progressed to linking of the medial and lateral row anchors, which has improved biomechanical properties and decreased retear rates ( Fig. 7A.1 ) ( )

Fig. 7A.1, Schematic of the self-reinforcing suture bridge technique. A, Linked double-row construct before loading. Inset, Free body diagram of the construct. H1, Thickness of rotator cuff before loading; L1, length of tendon beneath suture. B, Loading of the linked double-row construct results in compression of rotator cuff footprint. Inset, Free body diagram of the construct. a, Length of suture between tendon edge and lateral anchor; H2, thickness of compressed rotator cuff under tensile load; L2, length of tendon beneath suture; T, tensile loading force. C, Up-close view of the linked double-row construct after loading. Inset, Free body diagram showing distributed normal force (N) resulting from elastic deformation of tendon beneath the suture. The frictional force (f) increases as the normal force (N) increases under load. D, Linked double-row construct with two medial anchors linked to two lateral anchors provides maximal footprint compression under loading. Additionally, a medial double-mattress stitch in this case provides a seal to joint fluid.

The tear is initially visualized through a posterior subacromial viewing portal with a 30-degree arthroscope. A 70-degree arthroscope is also often helpful, particularly for lateral row placement. Additionally, the scope may be placed in the lateral viewing portal as necessary to better visualize the posteromedial aspect of the footprint. The medial anchors are placed through separate percutaneous portals. This allows the proper angle of approach and aids in suture management. A threaded double-loaded anchor (5.5-mm BioComposite Corkscrew FT; Arthrex, Naples, FL) is placed anteromedially adjacent to the articular margin and approximately 5 mm posterior the bicipital groove. A second anchor is placed posteromedially.

Medial mattress sutures are then passed with a self-retrieving antegrade suture passer. The mattress sutures should be evenly spaced to prevent suture cut-out. We have a simple way of restoring the normal length–tendon relationship, even in tendon loss, to achieve anatomic repair with normal biomechanics. In the setting of a mobile tear, an anatomic and properly tensioned double-row repair can be obtained if the surgeon passes the medial-row sutures 2 to 3 mm lateral to musculotendinous junction. This always restores proper length–tendon relationship. In the case of tendon loss in which only a single-row repair is possible, anchors are placed slightly lateral to the articular margin. In such cases of single-row repair, the sutures are placed more lateral, 6 to 7 mm from the musculotendinous junction. This allows the musculotendinous junction to be within 2 mm of the articular margin, preventing overtensioning and reducing the probability of retear.

Traditionally, only one suture pair from each anchor is used for the SutureBridge, but the use of the second suture pair may add fixation in poor quality tendons. The mattress sutures are tied with a static six-throw surgeon’s knot using a double-diameter knot pusher (Surgeon’s Sixth Finger; Arthrex). After each pair is tied, the suture limbs are preserved by retrieving them out the same portal used for anchor insertion. The lateral row is then established by crisscrossing the medial row suture limbs. One limb from each medial row anchor is retrieved out the lateral cannula and the combined suture limbs are secured with two 4.75- or 5.5-mm BioComposite SwiveLock C anchors (Arthrex). The sutures are tensioned through the cannula before inserting the anchor to determine the appropriate location of the lateral anchors. The lateral anchors are placed on the metaphyseal cortex lateral to the “corner” of the greater tuberosity. One anchor is placed anteriorly and another posteriorly. The sutures are cut flush with the anchor for a low-profile knotless lateral repair.

Knotless Double-Row Rotator Cuff Repair

In the setting of good-quality tissue, we use a knotless technique ( ). The steps in the repair are essentially the same as previously described. Medial threaded anchors (BioComposite SwiveLock C; Arthrex) preloaded with a 2-mm suture tape (FiberTape; Arthrex) are placed adjacent to the articular margin.

  • Video 7A.1

    SpeedBridge™ with medial double pulley.

One of two techniques is then used for suture passage depending on the desired construct. The medial anchors have #2 safety sutures in the anchor eyelet that may be incorporated into the repair. We often use these to create a broad double-mattress suture between the two anchors using a double-pulley technique. The suture tape and safety sutures from one anchor are retrieved out the lateral working portal. The free end of a FiberLink suture (Arthrex) is loaded onto an antegrade suture passer and passed through the rotator cuff. The sutures from the anchor are then passed through the opposite end of the FiberLink, which is a closed loop. The free end of the FiberLink is then retrieved out the portal used for anchor placement and used to shuttle the sutures through the rotator cuff. These steps are repeated for the other anchor.

Next one #2 suture from each anchor is retrieved out the lateral portal. A six-throw surgeon’s knot is tied over an instrument and limbs are cut. Pulling the opposite limbs of the #2 sutures delivers the knot into the subacromial space so that it rests over one of the anchors. The remaining two #2 suture limbs are then retrieved and tied with a static knot (a sliding knot cannot be used since the previous knot prevents sliding) over the opposite anchor. This medial double-mattress creates a medial seal between the rotator cuff and the glenohumeral joint.

Before lateral fixation, the tendon repair is assessed for dog ears. The same FiberLink used for shuttling can be used to create cinch loops at the anterior and posterior margins of the tear to reduce dog ears and reinforce the rotator cable attachments. Finally, the suture tape limbs (and dog-ear sutures if placed) are crisscrossed and secured laterally with two knotless anchors as previously described ( Figs. 7A.2 and 7A.3 ).

Fig. 7A.2, Schematic of a SpeedBridge (Arthrex, Naples, FL) rotator cuff repair with medial double-pulley and dog-ear reduction. A, Two medial anchors are placed for a SpeedBridge repair B, Medial sutures are passed through the rotator cuff in a single pass using a FiberLink (Arthrex). Then a mattress stitch is tied between the two anchors using the #2 FiberWire Eyelet safety stitches with a double-pulley technique. The FiberLink can then be used for dog-ear reduction. The closed end of the FiberLink is passed through the rotator cuff at the margin of the tear and is retrieved out the same portal as used for insertion. Inset, Extracorporeally, the closed end of the FiberLink is passed through the looped end to create a cinch loop. C, The cinch loop, a suture from the anteromedial anchor, and a suture from the posteromedial anchor are secured laterally with a BioComposite SwivelLock C anchor. D, Final appearance after placement of a posterior FiberLink and a posterolateral anchor.

Fig. 7A.3, A, Right shoulder, posterior subacromial viewing portal demonstrating a crescent-type full-thickness posterosuperior rotator cuff tear. B, Right shoulder, posterior subacromial viewing portal demonstrating SpeedBridge (Arthrex, Naples, FL) rotator cuff repair with medial double-pulley and dog-ear reduction.

If tissue quality is excellent, a completely knotless technique can be used. In this setting, the medial #2 safety sutures are removed and the suture tapes alone are passed through the rotator cuff in the standard fashion. Because the limbs of these tapes come prewedged into a single limb at the end of the suture, a shuttling technique is not required in this case.

Massive Tears

Massive rotator cuff tears are a subset of rotator cuff tears that remain a problematic condition to treat. With a significant tear, the force couples are no longer balanced, resulting in an unstable fulcrum of motion and painful dysfunction. However, not all tears will result in an unstable fulcrum. This is because many tears occur in the avascular crescent region of the posterior rotator cuff (e.g., supraspinatus tendon and anterior half of the infraspinatus tendon). Enclosed within the arc of the rotator cable is the classical crescent region of the rotator cuff, which is the area where the majority of tears begin. When a tear begins in this region, the muscle exerts its force on the humeral head through the rotator cable in much the same way that a suspension bridge exerts its force through a distributed load from its cable to its columns. Because of this preserved function, most tears that are contained within the rotator cable region still have a stable fulcrum, allowing for preserved motion and minimal strength deficits. Conversely, tears that extended through the rotator cable attachments usually result in an unstable fulcrum, with loss of strength and the possible development of pseudoparalysis ( ).

Interval Slides and Other Advanced Mobilization Techniques

Although partial rotator cuff repairs have been shown to work very well with regard to improving pain and function in the short term, a complete anatomic rotator cuff repair is desirable, particularly in younger patients. In two separate studies, showed that an anatomic repair of a massive rotator cuff tear is possible even in the setting of pseudoparalysis and results in restoration of the cable region with resultant improvement in function in 90% of cases or greater. It is critical to exhaust all efforts to mobilize the rotator cuff in the medial to lateral and anterior to posterior planes based on the tear pattern. Most massive rotator cuff tears may be reparable without releases after properly evaluating for the natural mobility. One of the keys in repairing massive tears is to first address and repair the subscapularis tendon, which is torn in the majority of massive rotator cuff tears. We also perform a limited subacromial decompression that preserves the coracoacromial arch. The other major key to success is to excavate the tendon and bursal leaders. This requires visualization of the scapular spine and clearing of the posterolateral gutter. While viewing through the lateral portal using a combination of motorized shaver and cautery placed through the posterior portal, the scapular spine is exposed. Bouncing the shaver off the scapular spine to enter the space ensures protection of the underlying rotator cuff. The scapular spine is a keel-shaped structure that delineates the interval between the supraspinatus and the infraspinatus tendons. Work can then be carried laterally to safely remove bursal leaders or false cuff that inserts on the deltoid.

The need for interval slides is based on the mobility of the rotator cuff tendon margins. When a tear has been determined to be irreparable despite standard releases, interval slides should be considered to improve mobility. The decision is based on a number of factors, including patient age, symptoms, tissue quality, and initial tear mobility. This is particularly relevant in patients with greater than 50% fatty atrophy on magnetic resonance imaging ( ).

Two slides are relevant to repairs of the posterior rotator cuff: the anterior interval slide in continuity and the posterior interval slide. The anterior interval slide is a release of the anterior leading edge of the supraspinatus tendon from the rotator interval. Our preferred method (anterior interval slide in continuity) is to use an electrocautery to release the coracohumeral ligament from the base of the coracoid while preserving the comma tissue ( ). This preserves the tissue adjacent to the anterior leading edge of the subscapularis. The anterior interval slide typically provides an additional 1 cm of excursion, and we use this in nearly all massive tears. The release is typically done while viewing with a 70-degree arthroscope through a posterior portal and working through an anterosuperolateral portal.

In contrast, the posterior slide is a release of the posterior edge of the supraspinatus from the infraspinatus. Our experience has been that the posterior interval slide provides more mobility than the anterior interval slide, with up to 4 cm of increased excursion noted after performing the slide. The posterior interval slide is performed while viewing through a lateral portal with a 30-degree arthroscope or from a posterior portal while viewing with a 70-degree arthroscope. Traction stitches are placed in the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons. A spinal needle is used to identify the correct angle approach in line with the posterior interval and toward the scapular spine. An arthroscopic scissor is then introduced and begins the posterior interval slide along the lateral margin of the rotator cuff directing the tendon incision toward the base of the scapular spine. The release is continued toward the scapular spine until the perineural fat pad lateral to the spine is encountered. This identifies the proximity of the suprascapular nerve. With an isolated posterior interval slide only, the mobility of the infraspinatus tendon is usually sufficiently improved to permit for repair to bone. After repair of the tendon to bone, the separation between the supraspinatus and infraspinatus is closed with margin convergence sutures, which reduces strain, thereby protecting the tendon–bone repair interface during critical phases of healing.

Diamondback Repair

The repair pattern must be adapted to the tear pattern. As such, in the setting of a large uncovered footprint from anterior to posterior, additional lateral or medial anchors may be placed as needed. One adaptation is the Diamondback repair. This repair was developed by the senior author (SSB) as an enhanced suture bridging repair construct that provides twice as many linked diagonal compression sutures with three times the number of intersection points.

Two medial double-loaded anchors (5.5-mm BioComposite Corkscrew FT; Arthrex) are placed just lateral to the articular margin in the fashion described previously for the knotted suture-bridging technique. All eight suture limbs are passed in a mattress fashion 2 to 3 mm lateral to the musculotendinous junction. The four central limbs are used in a double-pulley technique to create broad double-mattress sutures. The first two suture limbs are cut short, but the tails of the second pair are preserved. Mattress sutures are tied with the anterior-most two limbs and repeated posteriorly. A total of 3 BioComposite SwiveLock C anchors are placed laterally accepting two suture limbs for each SwiveLock in a crisscross fashion creating a diamondback pattern of repair. Biomechanical testing of the diamondback configuration demonstrated the highest initial footprint contact area and lowest decrease in contact pressure over time when compared with single- and double-row repairs ( )

Load-Sharing Rip-Stop Technique for Massive Rotator Cuff Repair

A Load-Sharing Rip-Stop technique (LSRS) technique was developed by the authors that combines the advantages of a wide rip-stop suture tape and load-sharing properties of a double-row repair ( ). demonstrated that a rip-stop suture with a double-loaded anchor had load to failure equivalent to a modified Mason-Allen stitch. This construct is particularly useful for cases in which there is limited medial tendon that precludes a standard double-row repair.

While viewing through a posterior portal, a FiberTape suture is passed through the rotator cuff as an inverted mattress stitch placed 3 mm lateral to the musculotendinous junction. If the tear has a large anterior-to-posterior dimension, then a second FiberTape may be placed in similar fashion. The limbs are retrieved out of an accessory portal. These rip-stop suture tapes must not be tensioned and repaired to bone until after the sutures from the medial anchors have been passed circumferentially around them.

Next, two double-loaded 5.5-mm anchors are placed anteromedially and posteromedially along the articular margin. Beginning posteriorly, the sutures are passed from the medial anchors as simple stiches that penetrate the rotator cuff medial to the rip-stop suture. After the medial sutures are passed, the FiberTape rip-stop sutures are retrieved from an accessory portal and secured laterally with two knotless suture anchors, making sure they encircle the sutures from the medial anchors.

Finally, simple sutures from the medial anchors are retrieved, and static knots are tied. It is important to delay knot tying until after the rip-stop stitch is secured laterally. This is done for two reasons. First, it is important to have a firm, taut rip stop. Second, the FiberTape serves to unload the medial sutures because the rip-stop construct is secured laterally to an anchor.

were the first to report a biomechanical study of an LSRS construct for repair of tissue-deficient rotator cuff tears. The mean load to failure for LSRS was nearly twice that for a single-row repair construct. The LSRS construct is the authors’ preferred method for massive rotator cuff repair with poor tissue quality in which a double-row repair is not possible because of limited mobility.


  • Burkhart S.S., Danaceau S.M., Pearce C.E.: Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: analysis of results by tear size and repair technique-margin convergence versus direct tendon to bone repair. Arthroscopy 2001; 17: pp. 905-912.
  • Burkhart S.S., Denard P.J., Obopilwe E., Mazzoca A.D.: Optimizing pressurized contact area in rotator cuff repair: the diamondback repair. Arthroscopy 2012; 28: pp. 188-195.
  • Burkhart S.S., Barth J.R., Richards D.P., Zlatkin B., Larsen M.: Arthroscopic repair of massive rotator cuff tears with stage 3 and 4 fatty degeneration. Arthroscopy 2007; 23: pp. 347-354.
  • Burkhart S.S., Denard P.J., Konicek J., Hanypsiak B.T.: Biomechanical validation of load sharing rip stop fixation for the repair of tissue deficit rotator cuff tears. Am J Sports Med 2014; 42: pp. 457-462.
  • Burkhart S.S.: The principle of margin convergence in rotator cuff repair as a means of strain reduction at the tear margin. Ann Biomed Eng 2004; 32: pp. 166-170.
  • Denard P.J., Burkhart S.S.: A load sharing rip stop fixation construct for arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. Arthrosc Tech 2012; 15: pp. 37-42.
  • Denard P.J., Jiwani A.Z., Ladermann A., Burkhart S.S.: Long term outcome of arthroscopic massive rotator cuff repair: the importance of double row fixation. Arthroscopy 2012; 28: pp. 909-915.
  • Denard P.J., Koo S.S., Murena L., Burkhart S.S.: Pseudoparalysis: the importance of the rotator cable integrity. Orthopaedics 2012; 35: pp. 1353-1357.
  • Denard P.J., Ladermann A., Brady P.C., et. al.: Pseudoparalysis from a massive rotator cuff tear is reliably reversed with an arthroscopic rotator cuff repair in patients without preoperative glenohumeral arthritis. Am J Sports Med 2015; 43: pp. 2373-2378.
  • Denard P.J., Ladermann A., Jiwani A.Z., Burkhart S.S.: Functional outcome after arthroscopic repair of massive rotator cuff tears in individual with pseudoparalysis. Arthroscopy 2012; 28: pp. 1214-1219.
  • Lo I.K., Burkhart S.S.: Arthroscopic repair of massive, contracted, immobile rotator cuff tears using single and double interval slides: technique and preliminary results. Arthroscopy 2004; 20:
  • Lo I.K., Burkhart S.S.: Double row arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: re-establishing the footprint of the rotator cuff. Arthroscopy 2003; 19: pp. 1035-1042.
  • Ma C.B., MacGillivray J.D., Clabeaux J.: Biomechanical of arthroscopic rotator cuff stitches. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2004; 86: pp. 1211-1216.


Brian C. Lau, MD
Alan L. Zhang, MD
C. Benjamin, MA, MD


The diagnosis and surgical management of posterior rotator cuff tears have evolved over the past several decades. Improved imaging protocols, in particular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), has enhanced our characterization of size and tear pattern ( ). Improved techniques have expanded surgical treatment to include open, mini-open, and all arthroscopic. Efforts to study and determine outcomes have also seen the development of new tools to assess repairs including ultrasonography, MRI, and patient-reported outcome measures ( ). To critically assess the literature and determine optimal treatments, a thorough understanding of outcomes measurements must first be achieved. Despite the increase in surgical repairs, there is evidence that conservative treatment with physiotherapy alone may have comparable outcomes compared with open or mini-open repairs for rotator cuff tears smaller than 3 cm. All-arthroscopic repair has become the mainstay of treatment and has demonstrated comparable outcomes compared with mini-open and open repairs. Large and massive tears have greater failure rates and high retear rates, up to 94%. Fatty infiltration and muscle atrophy are predictors of poor outcomes and are irreversible. Preliminary studies demonstrate that repair techniques such as single-row and double-row techniques demonstrate comparable results. Early rehabilitation and delayed rehabilitation demonstrate similar functional outcomes and risk of retear. Currently, the use of plasma-rich platelets has not been shown to be cost effective, and their clinical benefit is uncertain

Keywords: functional, outcomes, patient-reported outcomes, posterior cuff, retear


  • The diagnosis and surgical management of posterior rotator cuff tears have evolved over the past several decades. Improved imaging protocols, in particular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), have enhanced our characterization of size and tear pattern ( ).

  • Improved techniques have expanded surgical treatment to include open, mini-open, and all-arthroscopic techniques.

  • Efforts to study and determine outcomes have also seen the development of new tools to assess repairs including ultrasonography, MRI, and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) ( ).

  • To critically assess the literature and determine optimal treatments, a thorough understanding of outcomes measurements must first be achieved.

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