Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Oculofacial surgery is a unique specialty that combines aspects of ophthalmology, general plastic surgery, head and neck surgery, dermatology, neurological surgery, and craniofacial surgery. With advances in endoscopic and small incision techniques, many oculofacial procedures can now be performed safely and effectively with minimal scarring and excellent aesthetic results.
Oculofacial surgery encompasses both functional and aesthetic goals. As such, the evaluation of the oculofacial patient requires a complete history and physical examination with particular attention to medical, functional, aesthetic, and psychosocial details.
A complete medical history should be elicited, with particular attention to hypertension, diabetes, liver disease, immune status, current or prior cancer, and trauma. Surgical history should include any previous facial surgery, ophthalmic surgery (such as refractive surgery), use of neurotoxins and dermal fillers, and chemical- or energy-based skin treatments. Medications, including anticoagulants, tobacco, and alcohol, should be documented. A history of implanted cardiac devices should also be noted since this determines which types of cautery can be safely used. The use of medications, tobacco and alcohol should be documented.
The physical examination should focus on the areas of patient concern and the proposed surgical procedure. The entire face should be examined and the patient can be allowed to point to areas of concern using a handheld mirror. For most eyelid, facial, and orbital procedures, documentation of visual acuity, pupillary function, color vision, slit-lamp examination, intraocular pressure, eyelid position and closure, and tear film are minimum requirements. Dilated fundoscopic examination may be required in select cases if there is any evidence of optic nerve compromise. Ocular motility in nine positions of gaze ( Figure 1.1 ) and globe position by exophthalmometry ( Figure 1.2 ) should be carefully documented for any orbital procedure. The Naugle exophthalmometer is useful for measuring proptosis or enophthalmos when prior surgery has been performed to remove the lateral orbital rim. Vertical and horizontal globe displacement should be noted as well. Evaluation of lacrimal diseases requires functional and anatomic testing. Both dye disappearance testing and lacrimal probing and irrigation are useful.
Ancillary testing for oculofacial surgery may include visual field testing for functional eyelid conditions, dacryoscintigraphy for lacrimal obstructions, and imaging studies for orbital diseases. Computed tomography (CT) is useful for evaluation of bony structures and general screening for orbital disease. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is better suited for soft-tissue lesions and optic nerve diseases. Angiography is indispensable for evaluating vascular malformations.
Photography is an essential component of the oculofacial examination. Ideally, photographs should be taken during all aspects of patient care from the preoperative evaluation, intraoperatively when indicated, and at postoperative visits. Many third-party insurance carriers require photographic documentation prior to authorization of functional oculofacial surgeries. Additionally, photographs are important for the aesthetic patient to document changes after treatment and for medical legal protection. Photographs should be taken in the frontal, side, and three-quarter views. For orbital diseases, eye movements in the nine positions of gaze are taken. Additionally, a worm's eye view ( Figure 1.3 ) is used to document globe position and closure of the lids to document the presence or absence of lagophthalmos ( Figure 1.4 ).
Modern digital single lens reflex (DSLR) cameras are ideal in the oculofacial setting. These DSLRs allow for rapid sequence photography with excellent resolution and dynamic range compared to pocket-sized cameras with smaller imaging sensors. Uniform lighting can be difficult and variable depending on the clinical situation. In general, flash photography is used to normalize lighting. A dedicated photo room with a blue backdrop and diffuse lighting is ideal, but for most surgeons, a DSLR using the pop-up or external flash will suffice. The use of a 50 mm macro lens is ideally suited for full-time use. Using the macro function, this lens allows close-up photography of small lesions on the face. Furthermore, with its fixed focal length, facial photographs will appear square and consistent, avoiding the barrel distortion seen when the camera is too close to the subject. Finally, to achieve uniform focus across the entire photograph, a small aperture (at least greater than f/10) should be set to allow for a deep depth of field.
The choice of anesthesia depends on patient age, medical condition, as well as physician and patient preference. Patient safety and comfort are an absolute priority, and intraoperative patient cooperation may be needed during certain oculofacial procedures. A combination of various anesthetic modalities is frequently utilized to provide an optimal surgical experience.
Topical anesthetic drops such as proparacaine or tetracaine are useful for conjunctival procedures and also to prevent ocular discomfort from prep solutions (e.g., Betadine solution). Topical anesthetic gels, such as lidocaine gel, with concentrations ranging from 1% to 4%, can be used in more involved procedures because of their longer-lasting effect. Also, topical anesthetic creams can be applied to the skin before injection procedures or minor cutaneous biopsies.
In most oculofacial procedures, local infiltration of involved tissues is the preferred method of anesthesia. It entails minimal risks while allowing adequate patient comfort and cooperation. Local anesthetic agents include short-acting lidocaine and procaine, or long-acting bupivacaine. A mixture of short-acting and long-acting anesthetic agents is often used to have a rapid onset and long duration of action. The mixture of equal parts of 2% lidocaine with epinephrine at 1 : 100,000 and 0.75% bupivacaine is an effective combination. The vasoconstrictive effect of epinephrine improves hemostasis, reduces vascular absorption, and increases duration of action of the anesthetic. Other potential additions include hyaluronidase, which facilitates anesthetic dispersion through tissues, and bicarbonate, which buffers the pH, reducing the stinging sensation during infiltration. The surgeon should be vigilant for possible cardiac or neurologic side effects, particularly with inadvertent intravascular injections. By withdrawing the plunger and ensuring that there is no reflux of blood prior to injecting, the risk of intravascular injection can be further reduced. Local anesthetic should be injected sparingly during external levator advancement and eyelid retraction repairs, since infiltrating the levator with anesthetic can cause artificially reduced levator function. Other risks include tissue necrosis, although this is unlikely due to the abundant vascularity of the periorbital area.
When local anesthesia is administered in a clinic setting without oral or IV sedation, several maneuvers can be performed to minimize discomfort. Performing massage or vibratory distraction at or near the site of injection may decrease pain perception according to the gate control theory. Dilution of lidocaine/bupivacaine with sodium bicarbonate (in a 1 : 10 ratio) raises the pH to minimize injection site burning. Pre-cooling the target area with ice packs is another adjunct, as is use of topical lidocaine cream for the skin or 4% lidocaine on cotton tip applicators for mucous membranes. Finally, slow injection, handholding and talking “talkesthesia” are all useful in fully conscious patients. Minimizing pain during injection will go a long way towards maintaining the confidence of your patients and ensuring subsequent cooperation during the procedure.
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