Follow-Up of Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices—Remote Monitoring and in Person: Implementation and Guidelines

Aside from direct therapeutic ability, cardiovascular implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) have a sophisticated capacity to identify, quantify, and present diagnostic data regarding their own performance and also patient condition (e.g., arrhythmias, hemodynamic parameters). Attention to these may facilitate device and/or disease management. This requires mechanisms for CIED monitoring that permit timely retrieval of important diagnostic data. Hence postimplant follow-up is important. However, clinical practice is inconsistent. Follow-up schedules vary according to facility, physician preference, and available resources. A recent survey in the United States indicated that only a fraction of patients were seen regularly in the year after implant. To address this deficit, in 2008 professional organizations advocated a system of regular periodic assessment for patients receiving CIEDs. However, frequent in-office evaluation generates a large service commitment and challenges patient compliance. Another major limitation is that patients remain unmonitored between scheduled appointments, irrespective of frequency (i.e., the majority of the time). Hence recorded data remain concealed for extended periods. This is important if clinical intervention based on these data would prevent patient morbidity and/or mortality, most obviously with system component failures. A mechanism for performing continuous surveillance and rapid problem recognition and notification, without overburdening device clinics, is desirable. Recent trials have shown that automatic remote monitoring (RM) fulfills many of these tasks and is becoming the preferred method of postimplant follow-up for implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) and cardiac resynchronization therapy devices (CRT-Ds), as well as for pacemakers. Most recent guidelines endorse this practice as standard of care.

Monitoring Goals

Monitoring goals are intended to establish and maintain appropriate CIED function and optimal programming; identify risks, whether device-related (e.g., impending lead failure) or disease-related (e.g., advent of atrial fibrillation [AF]); monitor response to therapy; and provide a communication channel for systematic data review. Timely response to any changing need is important, but it is challenging when such changes are asymptomatic.

In-Person Monitoring

In-person monitoring with a structured in-clinic follow-up protocol by physicians or allied health professionals in a clinic or medical institution has been the conventional standard for device follow-up. Face-to-face evaluation permits history-taking, physical examination, electrocardiography, and radiography as indicated. Interrogation of the device is performed using a programmer for bidirectional communication with the CIED. This has traditionally been wand-based but more recently has been done with wireless telemetry using a programmer located within 3 m. Device function, including capture and sensing thresholds, may be reviewed. Response to medical therapy may be disclosed (e.g., for AF). Programmed settings and functions may be reprogrammed if necessary to optimize device operation and individualize parameters according to patient need (“actionable” encounters). The frequency of this may depend on the indication for the encounter (e.g., a routine scheduled check versus unscheduled encounters to follow a particular condition or specific symptoms).

In-person monitoring is required following implantation before hospital discharge, for wound checks within 2 weeks, and then again at 6 to 12 weeks to set chronic parameters for pacemakers, ICDs, and CRTs. This time period is significant because system-related problems (e.g., threshold increase, perforation, and need for revision) tend to cluster in the early postoperative period.

Subsequent follow-up schedules vary according to facility, physician preference, and available resources. Consensus recommendations advocate a minimal recommended schedule of device follow-up every 3 to 6 months at the clinic for ICDs and CRT-Ds and every 6 to 12 months for pacemakers, but with increased frequency (e.g., monthly) in response to product advisories and recalls. Follow-up of implantable loop recorders (ILRs), which play an important role in detection of infrequent arrhythmias and evaluation of syncope, is relatively unstructured and is performed according to facility protocols (and/or patient symptoms). Scheduled checks occurring with this frequency represent a huge number of evaluations estimated to be almost 4 million encounters annually in the United States alone. At the same time, efficiency with regard to problem discovery rates have until recently been unknown. In addition, this protocol does not account for unscheduled checks, an added burden on already saturated device clinics. The occurrence of significant cardiac or arrhythmic symptoms (e.g., shock therapy, palpitations) or if a CIED alert is detected (e.g., audible alert) traditionally has required emergent clinic attendance and CIED interrogation. In the mid-2000s, a succession of advisories demanding higher frequency of follow-up overwhelmed clinic follow-up capacity, motivating the development and application of RM technologies.

Remote Technologies

Remote monitoring may be defined as a method for communication of information contained in the patient's CIED (usually from home) and the physician and/or allied professional responsible for follow-up. This promises improved patient access and clinic efficiencies and rapid patient evaluation as and when they need to be seen.

Transtelephonic Monitoring Without Interrogation

RM of pacemakers has occurred for decades using transtelephonic monitoring (TTM) using modem technology. This system converts electrocardiographic information into sound to communicate over telephone lines to a decoding machine, which changes the sound back into the “rhythm strip.” This was introduced in the early 1970s to monitor the longevity of pacemakers and was implemented for remote surveillance of sensing and capture, as well as lead and device malfunction. It permitted frequent monitoring of pacing rate, determination of the underlying rhythm, and timely detection of battery depletion. Although extensively used, it was restricted to pacemakers, depended on active patient participation (and hence was vulnerable to adherence issues), and delivered only a brief snapshot of the cardiac rhythm and thus was likely to miss intermittent problems. Indeed, in a recent trial, only 3 of 190 events were found on TTM with discovery of the remainder requiring (delayed) inpatient assessment.

Modern Systems

Modern systems permit access to the extensive data recorded in diagnostic memory of current-generation CIEDs. Each system is proprietary and works only with compatible devices from the same manufacturer ( Table 40-1 ). All RM systems require a small external device to communicate programmed parameters and diagnostic data stored in the CIED memory, either with active patient participation (via a wand) or automatically and fully independent of patient or physician interaction (“wandless”). In the latter ( Fig. 40-1 ), an encrypted telemetric signal is sent from the CIED to a transceiver. This relies on a CIED-initiated remote transmission using a Medical Implant Communication Service (402-405 MHz) or Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (902-928 MHz) radiofrequency band allocated for implanted medical devices. The only requirement is that the patient be within a distance of approximately 6 ft (approximately 2 m) from the transceiver. These may be at preset time intervals of variable frequency (e.g., every 3 months or more frequently). The effect of transmission frequency on battery longevity varies among different proprietary systems. One system automatically transmits daily (Home Monitoring; Biotronik). Once transferred from the CIED to the patient device, encrypted data are uploaded via telephone landlines or cellular transmissions to a secure central database or data-processing facility organized by the manufacturer. Details are posted on a secure website for review by authorized personnel. The system can be programmed to download data at specific times and/or dates, usually when the patient is sleeping adjacent to the base unit. Generally, the transmitted parameters of different RM systems are programmable according to individual needs. Alert messages may be communicated to physicians via email, text messaging, fax, or telephone call, according to the clinical urgency of the event. The customization of alerts for individual patients may be Internet-based, obviating the need for patient attendance (e.g., Biotronik's Home Monitoring) ( Fig. 40-2 ) with very rapid data delivery ( Fig. 40-3 ), or it may require the use of a programmer during an ambulatory visit (e.g., CareLink; Medtronic). In some systems, patients may be informed of alert messages by an audible signal (beep) or vibration from the CIED. RM reports are typically generated and sent with different alert levels, enabling the caregiver to respond according to their relative urgency. For example, event notifications may be delivered to the physician or clinic, either as “red alerts” signifying conditions that might leave the patient without appropriate device therapy or as “yellow alerts” of lesser urgency regarding patient and device functions. A unique feature of the Latitude system is the ability of ambulatory patients to connect weight scales and blood pressure cuffs to allow the remote identification of sudden changes in heart failure (HF) status.

TABLE 40-1
Remote Monitoring Resources From Selected Manufacturers
Biotronik Medtronic Boston Scientific St. Jude Medical Sorin Group
Popular Name Home Monitoring (HM) CareLink Latitude Merlin SMARTVIEW RMS
FDA approval of technology 2001 2005 2006 2007 2012
FDA approval of clinical utility Replace device interrogation during in-office follow-up
Early detection of silent asymptomatic arrhythmias
Nil Nil Nil Nil
Characteristic Portable (wearable) Stationary Stationary Stationary Stationary
Operation Automatic Patient-initiated and automatic Patient-initiated and automatic Automatic and patient-initiated Automatic and patient-initiated
Products permitting remote monitoring ICD, PPM, CRT-P, CRT-D (all wireless) ICD, CRT (PPM and ILR require wanded download) ICD, CRT, PPM Wand operated/wireless ICD, PPM, CRT-P, CRT-D (all wireless) ICD, CRT-D (PPM require wanded download)
Long-range telemetry Cellular (4-Band GSM) and/or landline Landline Landline Landline/cellular Landline/GPRS
Transmission Daily periodic; automatic event messaging Scheduled; patient initiated event messaging Scheduled; patient initiated event messaging Daily alert check; scheduled; patient initiated Automatic follow-up, alarms; patient initiated
Impact of daily transmission on battery longevity Low High High Low Low
Event notification Website; fax; email; SMS Website; email; phone; SMS Website; fax; phone Website; fax; phone; SMS Website; email; fax; SMS
Early detection <24 hr <24 hr (some event types) <24 hr (some event types) <24 hr (event based) <24 hr
IEGM/Holter transmission Automatic periodic real-time and event triggered IEGM Pacemaker Holter; 10s IEGM strip on request Automatic periodic real-time and event triggered IEGM Real-time IEGM IEGM & marker at time of transmission (7s) + arrhythmic episodes Holter (tachogram, IEGM and marker)
Alert programming Remote Requires patient presence Remote Requires patient presence Requires patient presence
Patient notification mechanism Call-back light on transceiver Phone call from clinic to patient Phone call from clinic to patient Device vibration and/or transceiver light Phone call from clinic to patient
Heart failure sensor Heart rate variability Optivol Weight and blood pressure Heart rate variability SonR (in compatible models)
Data archive Long term (>25 years) Long term Long term Long term Long term
CRT-D, Cardiac resynchronization therapy device; CRTP, pacemaker with cardiac resynchronization therapy; FDA, U.S. Food and Drug Administration; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; ILR, implantable loop recorder; PPM, pacemaker.

Figure 40-1, Automatic Remote Home Monitoring Exemplified by Home Monitoring (HM; Biotronik, Berlin, Germany), Which Received U.S. Food and Drug Administration Approval in 2002.

Figure 40-2, A, Event notifications are programmable online may be customized for each patient (examplified by Home Monitoring [Biotronik]). B, The patient review list displays the event notifications. Accessing any one of them will permit review of details (e.g., for event date June 23). C, Appropriate pacing therapy was delivered for ventricular arrhythmia detected in the ventricular fibrillation (VF) zone. FF, Far field; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; RV, right ventricular.

Figure 40-3, Transmission Time With Automatic Remote Monitoring.

Remote Management

Remote management may be categorized into remote interrogation (RI) and remote monitoring (RM). The distinctions are important. RI (also known as “remote follow-up”) involves scheduled automatic device interrogation, structured to mirror in-office checks. (TTM of pacemakers is a rudimentary form, providing basic information on battery status and capture thresholds.) Early data from these wanded systems indicated their technical feasibility and patient acceptance. Data transfer is similar to in-person interrogation. Nevertheless, these systems are cumbersome to use. Patients reported difficulty in manipulating wand, raising compliance issues. This was time-consuming and inconvenient to clinic staff, who have to establish contact (i.e., not an efficient method of follow-up). Devices that automatically trigger transmissions according to prespecified schedules (e.g., every 3 months) represent an improvement. However, the lack of monitoring in interim periods puts patients at risk of intervening asymptomatic events being overlooked. RM involves automatic unscheduled transmission of alert events (e.g., AF, abnormal lead impedance), allowing nearly continuous monitoring. This provides daily self-testing and event notification for out-of-bounds parameters as and when they might occur, which is not possible for wanded telemetry systems.

Clinical Applications

Since 2008, investigators in a large number of randomized controlled trials have compared strategies of traditional in-person evaluations (IPEs) versus remote management for postimplant CIED follow-up. These trials are chronologically summarized in Table 40-2 . In addition, trialists have explored the ability of RM to detect problems early in order to potentially improve patient outcomes. The trials have involved a variety of proprietary technologies in different health care models. Collectively, they have shown the superiority of RM for achieving the follow-up goals of patient adherence to structured follow-up protocols, improvement in device clinic efficiency, and, recently, documented improvement in patient outcomes when directly compared with in-person methods. Central to these results has been the use of automatic wireless RM (and not RI). These results form the basis for fresh recommendations. This changes the paradigm for the use of remote technology from occasional replacement of routine appointments, for patient and clinic convenience, to a system of nearly continuous monitoring with most IPEs initiated in response to alert notifications communicated by RM, to improve the quality and efficiency of patient care.

TABLE 40-2
Impact of RM on Clinical Outcome: Evidence From Randomized Trials and Registries
Study Name or Author Year Study Size Findings
Randomized Trials: Pacemakers
PREFER Trial 2009 897 pts Mean time to first diagnosis of clinically actionable events was shorter in the RM arm (5.7 months) than in the control arm (7.7 months)
COMPAS Trial 2011 538 pts RM was safe (major adverse events 17.3% in RM arm vs. 19.1% in control arm) and reduced in-office visits by 56%
RM allowed earlier detection of clinical and device-related adverse events
Randomized Trials: ICDs
TRUST Trial 2010 1339 pts In-hospital device evaluation was 2.1 per patient-year in the RM arm vs. 3.8 per patient-year in the control arm
Overall adverse event rate was 10.4% in both groups at 12 months
RM advanced by >30 days the detection of arrhythmia onset
CONNECT Trial 2011 1997 pts RM reduced the time to a clinical decision: 4.6 days vs. 22 days (in-office)
RM reduced mean length of stay: 3.2 days vs. 4.3 days (in-office arm)
EVATEL Trial 2011 1501 pts No differences in major cardiovascular events between RM (28.9%) and control group (28.4%)

  • RM reduced Inappropriate Device Therapy: 4.7% vs. 7.5% in the Control Group

ECOST Trial 2012 433 pts Clinical
  • RM was as safe as standard FU (major adverse events 40.3% (RM) vs. 43.3% (control arm)

  • RM reduces appropriate and inappropriate shocks by 71% and increased battery longevity

EVOLVO Trial 2012 Clinical 200 pts
  • RM reduced emergency department or urgent in-office visits: 4.4 vs. 5.7 in the control arm

  • RM reduced health care use and increased efficiency of health care

REFORM Trial (2nd analysis) 2013 155 pts
  • RM safely reduced the ICD FU visits by 58% during 27 months after implantation

  • RM had a favorable impact on quality of life

  • RM had no impact on mortality and hospitalization rate

INTIME Trial 2014 716 pts
  • RM was associated to a reduction of the worsening of clinical status: 18.9% (RM) vs. 27.2% (control)

  • RM reduced 1-year all-cause mortality from 8.7% (control group) to 3.4% (RM)

AWARE 2007 11624 pts
  • RM improved safety and optimized allocation of health resources

ALTITUDE 2010 185778 pts
  • RM was associated to 50% increase of 1-year and 5-year survival both in ICD and CRT-D patients

Home Guide Registry 2013 1650 pts
  • RM was highly effective in detecting and managing clinical events in CIED pts (RM sensitivity 84.3%; PPV 97.4%); RM detected 95% of asymptomatic and 73% of actionable events

MERLIN 2015 269,471 pts RM was associated with improved survival, in recipients of ICDs, CRTDs and also pacemakers; this effect was “dose-dependent relationship” with level of adherence to RM
ICD, Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; pts, patients; RM, remote monitoring.

Outpatient Clinic Workload Reduction and Optimization

CIED evaluation at prescribed intervals (every 6 months for PMs and every 3-6 months for ICDs and CRT-Ds) may be facilitated by RM. Results consistently show that replacement of in-person follow-up visits with RM can reduce IPE volume by about 50% in patients over at least 1 year with all types of CIEDs (see Table 40-2 and Fig. 40-4 ). Safety was not compromised, as demonstrated in the TRUST and ECOST studies. The EVOLVO study showed that the rate of emergency department or urgent in-office visits was 35% less in the RM arm than in the IPE arm. Furthermore, there was a 21% reduction in the rate of total health care visits for HF, arrhythmias, or ICD-related events. The REFORM trial showed that ICD follow-up using adjunct RM can reduce the number of IPEs by 63.2% with no difference in hospitalization rate or mortality. Although most patients in the aforementioned trials had ICDs and CRT-Ds, the PREFER and COMPAS trials demonstrated similar results for early detection and reduction in outpatient clinic load for patients with pacemakers followed with RM. (Though not tested, patients with an ILR with wireless data transfer capability should be enrolled in an RM program, given the daily availability of diagnostic data.) In all these trials, RM also shortened the time to detection of arrhythmic events to a median of 1 day compared with more than 30 days with quarterly conventional care (see Fig. 40-4 ). This interval was defined by time elapsed from event onset to physician evaluation; that is, it was a test not merely of transmission time (a technological feature) but of clinical practice.

Figure 40-4, A, Cumulative hospital-based encounters for implantable cardioverter-defibrillator evaluations. There is progressive divergence of curves. In the Biotronik Home Monitoring (HM) system, the slow rise in the curve reflects unscheduled visits after the first common 3-month device clinic check. B, Safety (a composite adverse event rate comprising death, strokes, and events requiring surgical interventions, e.g., device explants or lead revision) was preserved with remote monitoring. C, Early detection with the HM system (Lumos-T Safely Reduces Routine Office Device Follow-up secondary endpoints). HM secured earlier physician evaluation of arrhythmias (top) and of silent events (bottom). D, Periodic evaluations every 3 months were less likely to fail with HM.

In summary, several large, randomized, prospective trials conducted with different proprietary RM technologies in different countries, inclusive of pacemakers, ICDs, and CRT-Ds, have ensured follow-up continuity of a large patient volume, avoiding unnecessary in-hospital patient evaluation, and shown consistently that replacement of most routine in-person visits with RM permits reduction in health care visits and earlier problem detection, without compromising safety.

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