Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Hysterosalpingography : Contrast injection into endometrial cavity with fluoroscopy/imaging
Selective salpingography : Direct selective catheterization of fallopian tubal ostium
Contrast injection via catheter during imaging
Fallopian tube recanalization : Guidewire/catheter passage through occluded FT to reestablish patency
Fallopian tube occlusion : Placement of mechanical occluding device into fallopian tubes
Selective salpingography indications
Differentiate spasm from true obstruction
Inadequate fallopian tube opacification by HSG
Fallopian tube recanalization indications
Tubal occlusion despite selective salpingography
Fallopian tube occlusion indications
Prophylaxis against unwanted pregnancy
Selective salpingography
Advance 4-5-French catheter over 0.035" guidewire; wedge tip in uterine cornual region
Gently inject contrast medium; obtain images
Fallopian tube recanalization
Advance catheter/guidewire through obstruction
Fallopian tube occlusion
Place device in most challenging side 1st
Engage 5-French catheter working port in tubal ostium
Advance device until 3rd radiopaque marker at tubal ostium; deploy Essure coil
Fallopian tube recanalization
Procedural success: 71-92%
Fallopian tube occlusion
Efficacy rate of Essure preventing pregnancy: 99.8%
Hysterosalpingography (HSG) : Contrast injection via cervical canal into endometrial cavity with fluoroscopic monitoring/imaging
Normally shows filling of uterine cavity
Should also show bilateral fallopian tube (FT) filling
Tubal patency confirmed if contrast spills from tubes into abdominal cavity
Sensitivity and specificity in detecting pathology
Bilateral tubal pathology: 46% and 95%
Any fallopian tube pathology: 53% and 87%
Selective salpingography : Direct selective catheterization of fallopian tubal ostium
Contrast injection via catheter during imaging
Provides direct opacification of fallopian tube
Fallopian tubal anatomy
4 tubal segments
Interstitial (intramural)
Uterotubal junction located at transition of intramural to isthmic segment of fallopian tube
Narrowest portion of fallopian tube
Average tubal diameter: 0.8-2.0 mm
Increases as fallopian tube courses toward ovaries
Average tubal length: 11 cm (range: 7-16 cm)
Fallopian tube recanalization (FTR) :Guidewire &/or catheter passage through occluded fallopian tube to reestablish tubal patency
Fallopian tube disease accounts for up to 35% of infertility cases; various causes
Infection (chlamydia)
Salpingitis isthmica nodosa
Inflammation of isthmic segment; characterized by nodular thickening causing obstruction
Peritubal adhesions
Proximal tubal occlusion often caused by mucus plug/inflammatory debris; also caused by spasm
Involves interstitial segment/uterotubal junction
Responds fairly well to recanalization
Less favorable outcomes with more distal occlusions
More often due to scarring/fibrosis
Fallopian tube occlusion (FTO) : Placement of mechanical occluding device into fallopian tubes
Type of bilateral tubal sterilization
Hysteroscopic transcervical fallopian tube access
Placement of Essure device (Conceptus; Mountain View, CA) into fallopian tubes
Combined outer nitinol/inner stainless steel coil elicits tissue growth; occludes fallopian tubes
During first 3 months device not fully effective
Alternate birth control needed during this time
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