

Divergent misalignment (outward deviation) of the visual axes of the eyes, which may manifest constantly or intermittently. It may be acquired or congenital. Most often its etiology is unknown (primary forms of exotropia), but it may be secondary to underlying neurological pathology, muscle restriction, or poor vision.

Key Feature

  • Outward deviation of one eye (may be alternating).

Associated Features

  • History of closing one eye in bright light (intermittent exotropia).

  • Amblyopia, if present, usually mild unless exotropia constant.

  • Overaction of inferior or superior oblique muscle sometimes present.

  • A, V, or other “alphabet” patterns in some cases.


Exotropia is a manifest divergent misalignment of the visual axes of the eyes. A latent outward deviation is called exophoria .

Intermittent exotropia (IXT; Fig. 11.7.1 , ) is the most frequent cause of exotropia. It is a primary exotropia with an unknown cause. In some patients, IXT can be considered progressive; an exophoria may decompensate to an intermittent exotropia and finally to a constant exotropia. Based on whether diplopia is present during phases of manifest deviation, decompensated exophoria may be distinguished from IXT—in the latter, suppression prevents diplopia. Albeit uncommon, deterioration of IXT does occur, warranting regular observation of children with IXT to avoid loss of binocular functions and amblyopia.

Fig. 11.7.1, Intermittent Exotropia.

Infantile exotropia, another primary exotropia, is very rare. It presents with constant exotropia within the first 6 months of life.

Exotropia also may be secondary to oculomotor palsy, Duane’s retraction syndrome, craniofacial disorders, internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO), and other disorders. Occasionally exotropia develops after surgery for esotropia (consecutive exotropia) , or it may develop spontaneously in patients who had infantile esotropia. The distinction between primary and secondary exotropia is usually straightforward because of characteristic additional findings in cases of secondary exotropia. Sensory exotropia denotes an exotropic eye with typical adult onset as a result of severely reduced vision.

Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of Intermittent Exotropia

IXT makes up about 50% of exotropias in children; its incidence in the United States is 32.1 per 100,000 in persons under 18 years. Varying regionally in incidence, IXT is more common in Asian populations and possibly in women. Children with IXT may more frequently develop mental disorders, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and adjustment disorder, including those who had a successful surgical alignment of the eyes. The distribution of refractive errors in patients with IXT is similar to that in the general population. Although no specific genes have been identified, exotropia seems to be hereditable, and inheritance is probably polygenetic.

Ocular Manifestations of Intermittent Exotropia

By far the most common type of exotropia, IXT typically presents between ages of 2 and 4 years with a gradual onset of exodeviation, more frequently noted when the child fixes on a distant target. Squinting (closing) of the deviating eye and eye rubbing in bright sunlight are noted frequently and may be the presenting complaint. Contracture of lateral recti in long-standing cases of constant exotropia, true overaction of oblique muscles, lateral gaze incomitance, and alphabet patterns may be associated. In many patients with IXT, normal retinal correspondence is present when their eyes are aligned and anomalous retinal correspondence (see Chapter 11.5 ) is present when the eyes deviate; these patients rarely complain of diplopia. When the deviation has been latent for a long time, these sensory adaptations may not develop, and patients experience diplopia when they have exotropia (decompensated exophoria). The angle of the deviation usually is stable until secondary contracture of the lateral recti ensues after long-standing manifest exotropia.

Classification of Intermittent Exotropia According to Distance/Near Angle

In basic-type IXT, the difference between the distance and near angles is 10 prism diopters (PD) or less. In divergence excess type IXT, the distance angle exceeds the near angle by >10 PD; in convergence insufficiency–type IXT, the near angle exceeds the distance angle by >10 PD. Diagnostic monocular occlusion (≥1 hour) may be helpful in identifying these types, particularly in divergence excess–type IXT, which may convert to basic-type IXT. After diagnostic occlusion, if the distance angle still exceeds the near angle by more than 10 PD, the ratio of accommodative convergence to accommodation (AC/A) should be determined using the gradient method. If the exotropia at distance decreases by more than 12 PD when −2 D lenses are placed before both eyes, the AC/A ratio is increased. Patients with divergence excess–type IXT and increased AC/A ratio are at risk for postoperative overcorrection (esotropia) at near and may require bifocal spectacles postoperatively, necessitating preoperative education.

Control of Intermittent Exotropia

Patients with IXT are able to intermittently align their eyes (control of IXT). If control is poor and exotropia manifests frequently, the risk for visual complications increases. Although often subjectively judged by the examiner (“good”—“fair”—“poor”), control can be assessed in standardized ways by using “control scores” ( Tables 11.7.1 and 11.7.2 ). Fusional control may be variable even during one office examination. Longitudinal observation is essential to identify significant changes in the control of IXT.

Table 11.7.1
“Office Control Score” to Assess Control of Intermittent Exotropia
From Mohney BG, Holmes JM. An office-based scale for assessing control in intermittent exotropia. Strabismus . 2006;14:147–150.
5 Constant exotropia
4 Exotropia manifests >50% before dissociation
3 Exotropia manifests <50% before dissociation
2 Exotropia manifests only after dissociation, fusion in >5 seconds
1 Exotropia manifests only after dissociation, fusion in 1–5 seconds
0 Exotropia manifests after dissociation, fusion in <1 seconds (phoria)
Note: The examiner takes the score for distance and near fixation and uses the average. The higher the score, the poorer is the control.

Table 11.7.2
Revised Newcastle Control Score (NCS) for Assessment of Control of Intermittent Exotropia in Children
From Buck D, Clarke MP, Haggerty H, et al. Grading the severity of intermittent distance exotropia: the revised Newcastle Control Score. Br J Ophthalmol . 2008;92:577.
Home control
XT or monocular eye closure seen:
Circle appropriate score
Never 0
<50% of time fixing in distance 1
>50% of time fixing in distance 2
>50% of time fixing in distance + seen at near 3
Clinic control
Circle appropriate score near and distance
Immediate realignment after dissociation 0
Realignment with aid of blink or re-fixation 1
Remains manifest after dissociation/prolonged fixation 2
Manifest spontaneously 3
Immediate realignment after dissociation 0
Realignment with aid of blink or re-fixation 1
Remains manifest after dissociation/prolonged fixation 2
Manifest spontaneously 3
Total NCS: (Home + Near + Distance) =
Scores range from 0 to 9 points. The higher the score, the poorer the control.

Complications of Exotropia

Amblyopia occurs in 3%–4.5% of children with IXT. Loss of binocular function (stereopsis) may complicate IXT, especially in children, particularly if phases of manifest exotropia increase. Generally, the better the control, the lower is the risk for these complications.

Contracture of the lateral recti may occur in patients with long-standing IXT, especially in those with constant exotropia, causing limited adduction. On attempted elevation and depression in adduction, the globe may overelevate or overdepress, and this may be confused with oblique muscle dysfunction. However, both the inferior oblique and superior oblique muscles are rarely truly overactive in patients with IXT. Forced duction testing of the oblique muscles differentiates those with true oblique muscle overaction from those with merely tight lateral recti.

Lateral incomitance (smaller exotropic angle in side gaze than in primary gaze) has not been confirmed as a risk for surgical overcorrection. Some patients have greater deviations in upgaze, downgaze, or both than in the primary position; some have true oblique overaction, which may explain the incomitance. All “alphabet patterns” may be found, from the common A (greatest deviation in downgaze) and V (greatest deviation in upgaze) patterns to the X, Y, and λ patterns discussed in depth in Chapter 11.8 .

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