Evaluation of Diastolic Function by Radionuclide Techniques

Case Study

A 73-year-old man with a history of longstanding hypertension, diabetes mellitus, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, and coronary artery disease (CAD) presents with progressive shortness of breath and exertional fatigue. Physical examination is notable for prominent apical impulse and a blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg. A transthoracic echocardiogram reported normal systolic function and concentric hypertrophy without significant valvular disease or regional wall motion abnormalities. An ischemic workup performed with a single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) stress test revealed ejection fractions of 0.67 at rest and 0.68 at stress without perfusion defects. However, the resting time-activity curve (TAC) showed a profoundly abnormal filling pattern ( Fig. 16.1 A), with a peak filling rate of 1.67 end-diastolic volume per second (EDV/sec) and a delayed time to maximal rate of 305 msec. Upon comparison to a SPECT perfusion study 1 year prior (see Fig. 16.1 B), there is evidence of interval development of diastolic dysfunction with shifting of the diastolic curve to the left from a normal diastolic curve despite preserved systolic function.

Based on age and presence of concentric hypertrophy with interval development of diastolic dysfunction in the absence of ischemia on a radionuclide myocardial perfusion study, amyloid was considered in the differential diagnosis. A technetium ( 99m Tc) pyrophosphate scan was performed with results consistent with transthyretin (TTR) cardiac amyloidosis (see Fig. 16.1 C). Although the evaluation of diastolic function during perfusion studies is seldom conducted in clinical practice, this case illustrates the potential incremental benefit of such evaluation in selected patients undergoing ischemic evaluation with myocardial perfusion studies.


The use of radioactive tracers in nuclear cardiology has been instrumental in the evaluation of patients with known or suspected cardiac disease. The majority of applications have been in the assessment of myocardial perfusion. These tracers can also be used to assess systolic and diastolic ventricular function in the following ways: injected as a bolus and tracked during first pass through the vascular system, attached to red blood cells and measured once in equilibrium within the vascular space, or as myocardial perfusion tracers that define the endocardial borders of the left ventricle.

Historically equilibrium radionuclide angiocardiography (ERNA) and first-pass radionuclide angiography (FPRNA) were commonly used techniques for the evaluation of systolic and diastolic function both at rest and following exercise. The advantages of these modalities included absolute quantitation, high accuracy and reproducibility, and measurements based on true three-dimensional (3-D) measurements that were free of geometric assumptions. However, these techniques were time consuming, technically challenging, and not practical in most clinical settings. Optimal performance was achieved using single-headed, small field-of-view gamma cameras that are not currently widely available. The use of dual-headed, large field-of-view systems does not allow optimal, consistent isolation of the left ventricle. Thus they fell in disfavor and were overshadowed by the practicality and lack of radiation exposure of echocardiography in spite of an increase in interobserver variability and lower accuracy.

Many of the concepts and methods developed for diastolic function analysis with ERNA and FPRNA may be adjunctively applied to electrocardiogram (ECG)–gated radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging studies performed with SPECT or positron emission tomography (PET) tracers in the current era. These may provide incremental and useful clinical data to the assessment of perfusion and systolic function. In some circumstances, diastolic dysfunction may even identify preclinical abnormalities in the absence of alterations of systolic function.

Fig. 16.1, (A) Resting time-activity curve (TAC) obtained on single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) perfusion study revealing a marked reduction in the peak filling rate (PFR) of 1.67 end-diastolic volume (EDV)/sec with a delayed time to maximal rate (TPFR) of 305 msec. (B) Resting TAC from a previous SPECT perfusion study 1 year prior exhibiting normal diastolic filling parameter with PFR of 2.98 EDV/sec and TPFR of 139 msec. (C) Technetium ( 99m Tc) pyrophosphate scan revealing a cardiac silhouette with an elevated tracer retention exhibiting heart to contralateral chest (H/CL) ratio above 1.5 consistent with the diagnosis of transthyretin (TTR) cardiac amyloidosis.

This chapter will describe the concepts and methods of ERNA, FPRNA, and ECG-gated perfusion imaging to obtain diastolic information. It will also describe clinically useful diastolic findings obtained with these techniques resulting from abnormalities of the myocardium and ischemia.

Basic Principles of Radionuclide Assessment of Diastolic Function

The radionuclide assessment of systolic and diastolic left ventricular (LV) function requires the generation of a curve plotting the changes in radioactivity over time, which is proportional to changes in LV volume over time ( Fig. 16.2 ). From this time-activity curve, the first derivative is obtained, which measures the rate of volume change over time expressed in EDV/sec.

Fig. 16.2, The relationship between LV volume over time and the derived systolic and diastolic parameters. ED, End diastole; EDV, end-diastolic volume; ES, end systole; IR, isovolumic relaxation; PER, peak ejection rate; PFR, peak filling rate.

The left side of the TAC prior to end systole (ES in Fig. 16.2 ) provides information on the systolic function of the ventricle, including peak emptying rate and time to peak emptying rate. For ventricles with muscle damage or infiltration, or ischemia, the rate of emptying is decreased with prolongation of the time when the peak emptying rate is achieved. Diastole is represented to the right of end systole in Fig. 16.2 and is a much more complicated process, which consists of four distinct phases: isovolumic relaxation, early diastolic filling, diastasis, and atrial systole.

Isovolumic relaxation starts at end systole, is an energy-dependent process, and has a short duration (usually <50 msec). Early diastolic filling is the next phase. The rate of volume change over time during this phase is used to calculate (1) the most rapid ventricular filling, namely peak filling rate (PFR), and (2) the time elapsed until the occurrence of such PFR, called time to peak filling rate (TPFR) ( Box 16.1 ). The PFR is normalized to EDV/sec and is greater than 2.5 under normal conditions. PFR is a very sensitive marker of diastolic function; however, it has been shown to be rapid in young and healthy hearts but declines in the elderly, even in the absence of pathology. This parameter also varies with gender, heart rate, and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). In contrast, TPFR is a more consistent measure of diastolic function less affected by these factors. In normal ventricles, TPFR is less than 180 msec. In addition, there have also been attempts to look at the percent of EDV accumulated during the rapid filling phase as an indicator of disease. Generally, more than 69% of the EDV should be accumulated during the rapid filling portion; otherwise the presence of diastolic dysfunction is suggested.

Box 16.1
Important Radionuclide Parameters of Diastolic Function and Normal Values

  • 1.

    Peak filling rate (PFR) (>2.5 end-diastolic volume/sec)

  • 2.

    Time to peak filling rate (TPFR) (<180 msec)

  • 3.

    Filling fraction (>69% during rapid filling)

  • 4.

    A/E ratio <1:4

Following the rapid filling phase, diastasis ensues with minimal changes in volume. This phase is well appreciated only at lower heart rates and is followed by a distinct atrial phase. The PFR both during the early filling phase and atrial kick phase has been shown to correspond to the mitral inflow E and A waves of Doppler echocardiography. Thus they can be used to calculate an E/A ratio similar to that obtained by echocardiography. For nuclear techniques, an A/E ratio of less than 1:4 is normal, which increases with age. At faster heart rates, the duration of diastasis decreases and the rapid ventricular filling and atrial systolic portions of the TAC merge, making it difficult to calculate ratios and assess the relative contribution of the two phases.

Fig. 16.3 is a schematic representation of a normal TAC compared to a TAC in the presence of diastolic dysfunction (shown as the dashed line). With decreased relaxation, the rate of filling, expressed as EDV/sec, decreases and the TPFR is delayed and shifted to the left. Definitive abnormal threshold in the American population includes PFR less than 1.7 EDV/sec and TPFR greater than 208 msec. Under such circumstances, the contribution of atrial systole may be increased and the E/A ratio shifted to a greater reliance on atrial filling. It is important to recognize that patient factors such as age, heart rate, systolic function (EF), end-diastolic volume, adrenergic state, and medications as well as the methods of acquisition and processing can alter these parameters even in the absence of pathology. Given the influence of these factors on the derived diastolic values, it is easy to see that single or even multiple variables may not accurately identify the presence or absence of pathology in a given individual.

Fig. 16.3, Schematic of normal and abnormal diastolic function time-activity curves. The blue line shows that PFR has a flatter slope and is shifted to the right, indicating a delay in filling in comparison with the normal curve. ED, End diastole; EDV, end-diastolic volume; ES, end systole; IR, isovolumic relaxation; PER, peak ejection rate; PFR, peak filling rate.

Data Acquisition and Analysis of Diastolic Function by Radionuclide Techniques

Equilibrium Radionuclide Angiocardiography

Important variables for performing diastolic function analysis using ERNA are listed in Box 16.2. 99m Tc pertechnetate is attached to the patient’s own red blood cells using one of three possible labeling methods, which vary in the time to perform labeling, expense, and labeling efficiency. Acquisition is conducted once the radionuclide attached to red blood cells has achieved equilibrium within the vascular space. Planar and SPECT methods of acquisition are available, but nearly all studies were and are being performed using planar techniques. Finally, the diastolic assessment can be conducted at rest and/or following stress with exercise (upright or supine bicycle) or a pharmacologic agent (dobutamine).

Box 16.2
Equilibrium Radionuclide Angiocardiography (ERNA): Methods of Acquisition for Diastolic Function Analysis

  • 1.

    20–30 millicuries 99m Tc labeled red blood cells

  • 2.

    Labeling methods

    • a.

      In vivo: fastest and least expensive but lowest binding efficiency

    • b.

      Modified in vivo/in vitro: compromise with good labeling efficiency

    • c.

      In vitro: longest time and expense but best labeling efficiency

  • 3.

    Planar or single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)

  • 4.

    Positioning: best septal separation, left anterior oblique (LAO)

  • 5.

    Arrhythmia rejection: ±10% of mean R-R interval and drop postpremature beat

  • 6.

    Temporal resolution: <50 msec or 16 to 32 frames/cycle

  • 7.


    • a.

      Frame mode: simplest and least data intensive

    • b.

      List mode: optimal but adds considerable processing time and data storage

    • c.

      Forward-backward with buffered beat: compromise

The patient is positioned in the supine or right lateral position for comfort, and a left anterior oblique (LAO) projection is obtained as the preferred one for diastolic assessment. This allows the best separation of the right and left ventricles for independent and accurate measurement of radioactivity within each chamber as a surrogate of volume. An example of a typical LAO view is shown in Fig. 16.4 . The labeled red blood cells circulate in the vascular space, and the patient’s ECG signal is used to set the timing for acquisition of each heart beat at individual time points, which may vary from 10 to 150 msec depending on heart rate and the preset parameters. Information for each time point for each beat (usually >400 beats are acquired) is summed so that the final TAC is an average rather than information from a single beat or a small number of beats, as is provided by other modalities. For this reason, this technique may be more representative of overall function than are other methods due to the large number of beats averaged.

Fig. 16.4, Left anterior oblique planar equilibrium radionuclide angiocardiogram at end diastole (ED) and end systole (ES) in a patient with normal systolic and diastolic function. The time-activity curves for analysis are obtained from sequential definition of the edges of the left ventricle.

An adequate temporal sampling of the radioactivity within the left ventricle is crucial to capture the minor or subtle alterations in diastolic filling. To achieve a temporal resolution less than 50 msec usually requires 16 to 32 frames per heart cycle. Therefore the use of 32 frames for each R-R interval is favored when analyzing diastolic function, especially at slow heart rates to appropriately sample all phases and phase transitions of diastole. Fig. 16.5 shows a 16-frame study, which can be contrasted to a study with 32 frame intervals shown in Fig. 16.6 . The higher temporal resolution obtained with 32 frame intervals results in the acquisition of even more detail during the diastolic filling period.

Fig. 16.5, A 16-time interval frame mode time-activity curve from the study in Fig. 16.4 . The individual time points and triangles and the fitted curve are shown. All the fine diastolic detail shown in the schematics for Figs. 16.2 and 16.3 can be seen in this curve, even though the 16 time intervals provide less temporal sampling than a 24-frame or 32-frame study.

Fig. 16.6, An equilibrium radionuclide angiocardiogram shown in representative end diastole and end systole for (A) the actual study and with (B) the 32-time frame-derived curve. With 32 frames, finer detail can be seen for all four phases of diastole.

Unlike systolic function analysis, diastolic parameters are markedly affected by changes in heart rate and arrhythmias during acquisition and processing. To avoid filling inconsistencies due to heart rate variability and arrhythmias from such a large number of beats, the R-R interval is sampled prior to acquisition and the parameters set up to reject individual beats that vary by ±10% of the mean R-R. Since the beat following a rejected beat has a longer filling period and will add variability to the measurements due to differences in EDV and EF, it is also rejected.

There are three computer methods used to acquire ERNA studies: frame, list, and buffered beat acquisition. Frame mode is the simplest method. It samples the R-R interval prior to acquisition, determines the number of time frames for each beat, and puts data into the appropriate time frame in real time for each beat using the set parameters until a new ECG gating signal identifies the beginning of a new contraction. Once a beat has been added to the particular time bin it cannot be removed. If there is an early beat, a new ECG trigger resets the acquisition so that the time bins toward the end of the heart cycle will have fewer beats contributing counts. The TAC generated from this method of acquisition suffers from count drop-off in the terminal frame(s) due to heart rate variability. Although these TACs with terminal count drop-offs provide accurate EF measurements, as the TPFR and smallest ventricular volume tend to stay constant regardless of heart rate and contractility state, they cannot be analyzed for diastolic parameters using harmonic analysis. Despite the disadvantages of the frame mode, this method is universally used for assessment of systolic function because of its simplicity and the small storage size of the retained data.

List mode acquisition is considered the most accurate method. It retains the spatial distribution of the radiotracer for every millisecond of acquisition, along with the ECG trigger signal, so the data set can be reformatted after completion of acquisition into any timing interval and use the appropriate arrhythmia rejection during postprocessing. It provides maximal flexibility relative to heart rate variability but unfortunately at the expense of prolonged processing time and massive data storage. This technique was used exclusively for all studies performed by the group at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH).

A hybrid method, the buffered beat approach, is an attempt to provide realistic flexibility for heart rate variability while keeping data size to a manageable limit. It uses a temporary memory buffer to examine each beat and the ECG gating signal with regard to the set baseline parameters and makes an instant decision to keep or reject the beat. An additional feature of this method is a forward-backward curve generation technique to avoid discontinuities or count drop-off in the last several frames, which precludes harmonic analysis of the TAC.

Finally, the processed images are filtered to reduce statistical noise, the edges of the left ventricle are defined using manual or automated edge detection software, and background subtraction is performed. The radioactive counts within these boundaries is proportional to the total volume in the ventricle and are used to produce a TAC. A TAC from a frame mode of 16 time intervals acquired from a clinical study is shown in Fig. 16.5 . All the fine detail shown schematically in Fig. 16.2 is retained in this curve, which does not have any drop-off in counts in the terminal frames that may be seen in the presence of even minor sinus arrhythmias but is much more pronounced in the presence of atrial or ventricular arrhythmias.

First-Pass Radionuclide Angiography

First-pass techniques for assessment of diastolic function require administration of a compact intravenous (IV) bolus of radioactivity and use of a very high temporal resolution and high count rate camera system to follow the radioactivity as it traverses the right and left ventricles rather than after achieving equilibrium in the vascular space as with ERNA. Serial gated images at 25 to 50 msec of temporal resolution are acquired, and the resultant TACs allow systolic and diastolic function analysis of the right and left ventricles at rest or following exercise or pharmacologic stress. This technique often requires multicrystal camera systems to capture enough counts in the limited acquisition time of 8 to 10 beats during first pass. Such systems are no longer commercially produced. Newer cadmium-zinc-telluride (CZT) camera systems provide high sensitivity and spatial resolution and may potentially be used for FPRNA. The basic requirements for performing studies are shown in Box 16.3 and will be discussed in the following section.

Box 16.3
Basics of First Pass Radionuclide Angiography (FPRNA): Methods of Acquisition for Diastolic Function Analysis

  • 1.


    • a.

      10 to 30 millicuries of 99m Tc sulfur colloid, diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid

    • b.

      Bolus injection of 99m Tc sestamibi or tetrofosmin in conjunction with perfusion, given rapidly in small volume

    • c.

      Total dose injected adjusted for count rate capabilities of camera

  • 2.

    Injection site

    • a.

      Antecubital vein or external jugular with minimum of 18-gauge IV cannula

  • 3.

    Camera types

    • a.

      Multicrystal preferred due to high count rates

    • b.

      Single crystal must be capable of 150,000 counts/sec

  • 4.

    Temporal resolution: usually 25 msec

  • 5.

    Acquire images in anterior position

Any 99m Tc radiolabeled compound can be used for bolus administration. When assessment is to be made at rest and following stress on one day, an agent that is cleared by the kidneys ( 99m Tc dimethyl sulfoxide [DMSO] or diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid [DTPA]) can be given first, followed by an agent that is cleared by the liver ( 99m Tc sulfur colloid) or a heart perfusion tracer ( 99m Tc tetrofosmin or sestamibi), so that there is no interference during the second study from the initial dose. The total dose administered can be lower when a multicrystal camera is used, but with a single crystal camera that is not capable of high count rates, 25 to 30 millicuries (mCi) are required. The total dose must be given as a tight IV bolus over 2 or 3 seconds, which requires at least an 18-gauge IV in the antecubital fossa or the external jugular. If such venous access is not available, the study should not be attempted.

Anterior images are acquired with the patient supine or upright with the chest directly on the camera head. Exercise is best performed on a bicycle, which allows the chest to be relatively stationary and the images free of motion artifacts. Studies have been acquired during treadmill exercise, but this requires placement of external radioactive markers that can be used to correct for motion. Since only 8 to 10 beats can be used to analyze right ventricular (RV) or LV function without having bolus overlap in the chambers, heart rate variability or arrhythmias will further limit the number of beats that can be processed and will result in sampling bias or overlap of tracer activity in more than one chamber. These sampling limitations may result in poor study quality and limit the conclusions that can be reached.

ECG-Gated Perfusion Imaging Studies

Current ECG-gated myocardial perfusion techniques (SPECT and PET) offer the ability to adjunctively assess diastolic function using the concepts and methods from ERNA. For the assessment of diastolic function, ECG-gated perfusion studies use perfusion tracers (T1-201, 99m Tc tetrofosmin or sestamibi, Rb-82) rather than Tc-tagged red blood cells utilized in ERNA, but similar methods of processing are utilized with these two radionuclide techniques. Unlike ERNA and FPRNA that identify temporal changes in radioactivity to assess ventricular function, ECG-gated perfusion studies track the ventricular endocardial borders using perfusion tracers, which allows both the evaluation of ventricular volumes and the assessment of systolic and diastolic function. To correctly perform diastolic function analysis from gated perfusion images, there are limitations to overcome. These include the low temporal resolution, failure to perform optimal arrhythmia rejection, and poor edge detection due to the low information density contained in the perfusion data. Despite these limitations there are several groups that have shown the feasibility of such an approach. Diastolic assessment using 32-frame gated SPECT correlated closely to evaluation obtained with ERNA studies. Although these systems are capable of generating values for diastolic function indices, these are not routinely used in clinical practice as the major interest is in perfusion and systolic function.

Unlike ERNA and FPRNA, in which the injected radioactivity remains in the intravascular space, 99m Tc perfusion agents are cleared by the liver and empty into the gastrointestinal tract. Typically 20 mCi of 99m Tc pertechnetate are injected and remain in the vascular space, whereas with the perfusion tracers 15 to 30 mCi are administered with only a small percentage taken up by the myocardium. This means that a smaller percentage of the injected dose is in the myocardium when imaging is performed and that the counts are low, mandating that the time intervals for each beat be relatively long to achieve adequate information density in each frame. Increasing the imaging time will improve total counts but decrease quality, as patients are likely to move. Most studies are acquired for 8 to 16 frames; however, acquisition at 8 frames might lack sufficient temporal resolution to adequately separate out and analyze the various components of diastole with low heart rates (125 msec/frame at a heart rate of 60 bpm). Conversely, an acquisition of 16 frames is optimal as it provides an improved temporal resolution of 63 msec at the cost of half the counts, yet adequate edge definition can still be performed.

The other problem that requires resolution is getting a TAC without terminal frame count dropout. Currently, arrhythmia rejection for ECG-gated perfusion studies uses ±50% of the mean R-R interval to avoid compromising the perfusion study, which would either drop beats and lower total counts or prolong the acquisition time to achieve adequate counts. Some of the newer camera/workstation systems allow multiple acquisition windows so that arrhythmia rejection can be performed on one set of data while a separate window can be used for the perfusion data without arrhythmia rejection. Additional time is not added to the acquisition. If arrhythmias are present or there is a poor ECG signal due to bad skin contact or muscle interference, the ECG-gated data set will still be compromised, and quality control needs to be performed.

The final hurdle is getting appropriate edge definition from the available algorithms to accurately track the endocardial borders of the ventricle. Existing software packages have been shown to handle the lower counts in 16-frame acquisition. Definition of the mitral valve plane at the base of the heart is also difficult, as the transition from the left atrium, which has little uptake, to the myocardium in the area of the valves and membranous septum is difficult to identify. Failure to clearly delineate this separation will result in error in the volume of the cavity and the resultant TAC.

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