General information

The genera in the family of Euphorbiaceae ( Table 1 ) include various spurges, such as poinsettia and croton.

Table 1
Genera of Euphorbiaceae
Acalypha (copperleaf) Croton (croton) Mercurialis (mercurialis)
Adelia (wild lime) Dalechampia (dalechampia) Pedilanthus (pedilanthus)
Alchornea (alchornea) Ditta (ditta) Pera (pera)
Alchorneopsis (alchorneopsis) Drypetes (drypetes) Phyllanthus (leaf flower)
Aleurites (aleurites) Euphorbia (spurge) Reverchonia (reverchonia)
Antidesma (china laurel) Flueggea (bushweed) Ricinus (castor)
Argythamnia (silverbush) Gymnanthes (gymnanthes) Sapium (milk tree)
Bernardia (myrtle croton) Hippomane (hippomane) Savia (savia)
Bischofia (bishopwood) Hura (sandbox tree) Sebastiania (Sebastian bush)
Breynia (breynia) Hyeronima (hyeronima) Stillingia (toothleaf)
Caperonia (false croton) Jatropha (nettle spurge) Tetracoccus (shrubby spurge)
Chamaesyce (sandmat) Leptopus (maidenbush) Tragia (noseburn)
Chrozophora (chrozophora) Macaranga (macaranga) Triadica (tallow tree)
Claoxylon (claoxylon) Mallotus (mallotus) Vernicia (vernicia)
Cnidoscolusohl (cnidoscolus) Manihot (manihot)
Codiaeum (codiaeum) Margaritaria (margaritaria)

Breynia officinalis

Breynia officinalis (Chi R Yun) contains the saponin breynin, and terpenic and phenolic glycosides [ ]. Its Chinese name, Chi R Yun, means dizziness or vertigo for 7 days. It has been used to treat venereal diseases, contusions, heart failure, growth retardation, and conjunctivitis in combination with other traditional Chinese medicines.

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