Epilepsy Surgery: Outcomes and Complications

This chapter includes an accompanying lecture presentation that has been prepared by the authors: .

This chapter includes an accompanying lecture presentation that has been prepared by the authors: .

Key Concepts

  • Resective epilepsy surgery is an effective treatment for drug-resistant focal epilepsy, with demonstrated long-term rates of seizure freedom of at least 50% a decade after surgery.

  • Seizure outcomes at 1 to 2 postoperative years are a good indicator of long-term outcomes.

  • Individual odds of success with epilepsy surgery vary depending on several clinical, imaging, electrophysiologic, and histopathologic criteria. All prognostic factors converge into one central theme: an epileptogenic zone that is well visualized and restricted in its extent (both electrically and semiologically) offers the best chances of cure when completely resected.

  • Emerging efforts to individualize outcome prediction may assist in patient counseling.

  • While completeness of resection of the epileptogenic zone determines short-term seizure freedom, longer term outcomes are likely determined by underlying genetic or other biologic variables.

  • Invasive electroencephalography (EEG) tools such as electrocorticography, subdural electrode recordings, and stereo-EEG should be used to develop a resective strategy in certain patients.

  • Laser interstitial thermal therapy is a potential less morbid treatment option for patients with drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy, albeit lacking so far the long-term known results of open surgery.

  • Palliative options through neuromodulation now include vagus nerve stimulation, responsive neurostimulation, and deep brain stimulation.

Epilepsy surgery has evolved significantly since the 1980s and is now considered the treatment of choice for drug-resistant focal epilepsy. Two randomized clinical trials have demonstrated the therapeutic superiority of resective surgery over medical therapy in adults and focal resections in children , for drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), with multiple large surgical series and meta-analyses replicating similarly high success rates of temporal lobe resections in this context. Correspondingly, a growing experience with surgery for extratemporal epilepsy has increased the practice of this treatment modality with encouraging results: up to 30% to 50% of patients remain seizure free 5 to 10 years after surgery. Furthermore, although resective surgery was traditionally considered a treatment option directed mostly toward patients with clear epileptic lesions, recent data suggest an expansion of the population of surgical candidates to include patients with nonlesional epilepsy. , In fact, patients with normal brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) currently represent the fastest growing patient population being evaluated in comprehensive epilepsy surgery centers for surgical treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy. This has been increasingly driven by the adoption of stereo-electroencephalographic (SEEG) techniques, that were in themselves developed in the pre-MRI era dependent mostly on the electroclinical syndrome. This evolution has two main implications: (1) presurgical evaluations are becoming more complex and favorable surgical outcomes more challenging to reach, and (2) palliative and less invasive treatment options are becoming more necessary.

Our perception of favorable surgical outcomes has progressed over time. Postoperative seizure outcomes represent a dynamic state, with chances of ongoing seizure freedom dropping steadily after surgery. , , , Conversely, up to 20% to 30% of patients who undergo surgery for TLE have intermittent seizures within the few months following resection, only to later regain seizure control. , , Therefore measuring surgical success requires long-term patient follow-up to ensure an adequate picture of postoperative seizure control. In fact, a comprehensive view of a surgical outcome should also include consideration of the neurocognitive, social, psychiatric, and functional implications of surgery, as well as its potential complications, because again, recent data suggest that seizure control is not the only determinant of patients’ quality of life (QOL) after surgery. Finally, recent clinical research on postoperative seizure outcomes is developing from the descriptive stage of measuring postoperative seizure freedom to the mechanistic stage of using this outcome knowledge to advance the understanding and modify the mechanisms of postoperative seizure recurrence. ,

In this chapter, we review some general basic concepts of outcomes assessment in the context of epilepsy surgery; review the available data on seizure freedom, neuropsychiatric, and QOL outcomes following the major types of epilepsy surgery; discuss the main determinants of seizure outcomes after epilepsy surgery; review the main neurosurgical complications associated with different types of resective epilepsy surgery; and discuss the nonresective options of epilepsy surgery and their outcomes.

Basic Principles and Pitfalls of Outcomes Assessment For Epilepsy Surgery

Two main seizure outcome classification systems are currently used:

  • Engel Epilepsy Surgery Outcome Scale. This is the most frequently used outcome classification system ( Box 101.1 ). It reports favorable seizure outcomes as being either excellent, reflecting freedom from disabling seizures (Engel class I), or good, with the additional inclusion of patients having rare seizures (Engel classes I and II). Challenges with this system include the ambiguity surrounding some outcome criteria, such as “worthwhile improvement” for Engel class III, leading to variation in interpretation among different users; and the fact that the “seizure-free” category (Engel class I) includes patients with persistent auras, simple partial seizures, and generalized convulsions on antiepileptic drug (AED) withdrawal (Engel classes IB to ID) in addition to those who are truly completely seizure free since surgery (Engel class IA). Because postoperative outcomes are not typically reported using the Engel classification subcategories, the ability to independently evaluate truly seizure-free patients may be limited with this system.

    BOX 101.1
    Engel Classification of Postoperative Outcome

    Class I: Free of Disabling Seizures a

    Excludes early postoperative seizures (first few weeks).

    • A:

      Completely seizure free since surgery

    • B:

      Nondisabling simple partial seizures only since surgery

    • C:

      Some disabling seizures after surgery, but free of disabling seizures for at least 2 years

    • D:

      Generalized convulsions with antiepileptic drug discontinuation only

    Class II: Rare Disabling Seizures (“Almost Seizure Free”) b

    Determination of “worthwhile improvement” will require quantitative analysis of additional data such as percentage seizure reduction, cognitive function, and quality of life.

    • A:

      Initially free of disabling seizures but has rare seizures now

    • B:

      Rare disabling seizures since surgery

    • C:

      More than rare disabling seizures since surgery, but rare seizures for the last 2 years

    • D:

      Nocturnal seizures only

    Class III: Worthwhile Improvement

    • A:

      Worthwhile seizure reduction

    • B:

      Prolonged seizure-free intervals amounting to greater than half the follow-up period, but not <2 yr

    Class IV: No Worthwhile Improvement

    • A :

      Significant seizure reduction

    • B:

      No appreciable change

    • C:

      Seizures worse

  • International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) outcome classification system. To address the challenges discussed with the Engel classification, the ILAE issued a commission report proposing a new outcome classification scheme ( Table 101.1 ). Completely seizure-free patients are classified separately; seizures are quantified in each category and compared with a well-defined baseline frequency, and results can be easily compared to AED trials that typically report their success as a 50% or more reduction in seizure frequency. Very few studies, however, have actually reported their data using this system , , because it tends to be difficult to remember and challenging to ascertain in the absence of consistently quantified seizure burdens.

    TABLE 101.1
    Proposal for a New Classification of Outcome with Respect to Epileptic Seizures
    Outcome Classification Definition
    1 Completely seizure free a ; no auras
    2 Only auras b ; no other seizures
    3 1–3 seizure days per year; ± auras
    4 4 seizure days c per year to 50% reduction of baseline seizure days d ; ± auras
    5 <50% reduction of baseline seizure days to 100% increase of baseline seizure days; ± auras
    6 >100% increase of baseline seizure days; ± auras

    a “Neighborhood seizures” in the first postoperative month are not counted.

    b Auras are only counted if they are short in duration and are similar or identical to the preoperative ones.

    c A “seizure day” is a 24-hour period with one or more seizures. This may include an episode of status epilepticus.

    d “Baseline seizure days” are calculated by determining the seizure-day frequency during the 12 months before surgery, with correction for the effects of antiepileptic drug reduction during diagnostic evaluation.

Some centers reported their outcomes using internally validated scoring systems. , , Others chose a prespecified period of seizure freedom—usually 12 to 24 months—as reflecting a favorable outcome. , , This wide variation in outcome measures is only one of many pitfalls complicating the interpretation and comparison of results among different surgical series. Other issues include the presence of heterogeneous disease pathologies and even surgeries in the same surgical series, limiting the validity of the results for any one group; the choice of cross-sectional methods of analysis, which were predominantly used until recently but are unable to account for longitudinal dynamic time-dependent outcomes such as postoperative seizure freedom; and the limited number of studies comparing the usefulness of various surgical diagnostic techniques (e.g., invasive subdural versus depth recordings) or treatment techniques (e.g., resective surgery versus radiosurgery versus thermoablation or laser ablation). The final but most important limitation of our current outcomes understanding remains our inability to individually predict the chances of success for potential surgical candidates. Some recent studies have begun to address this issue by developing predictive scores that account for multiple diagnostic modalities and clinical characteristics or by developing nomograms able to provide individualized seizure outcome prediction. The first nomogram for prediction of epilepsy surgery outcomes uses 6 clinical characteristics and can be found at http://riskcalc.org:3838/ FreedomFromSeizureRecurrenceAfterSurgery/ .

Resective or Ablative Surgery

Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Surgery

Intractable epilepsy of temporal lobe origin is the most common syndrome for surgical consideration, although recent data suggest that its share in the proportion of surgical pathologies has been decreasing. It is thus no surprise that most outcome data in the literature have focused on temporal lobe surgery. The syndrome of mesial TLE (MTLE) typically incorporates a history of an early insult in infancy or childhood, hippocampal sclerosis (HS) and atrophy on MRI, temporal hypometabolism on interictal positron emission tomography (PET), , and a characteristic pattern of hyperperfusion and hypoperfusion on ictal single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Electroencephalography (EEG) studies reveal an anteromedial epileptogenic zone, and Wada testing, if performed, reveals appropriate memory deficits, although functional MRI (fMRI) has become the more standard method of determining language—and by inference memory—lateralization. Histopathologic analysis of resected hippocampi reveals loss of principal hippocampal neurons, synaptic reorganization, sprouting of mossy fibers, and enhanced expression of glutamate receptors. , Recent work suggests that the distinct patterns of neuronal loss within the hippocampus in subtypes of HS may reflect different etiologic substrates and have different prognostic implications after resective epilepsy surgery.

A smaller population of patients with cryptogenic TLE have normal MRI findings preoperatively. Patients with lesional TLE have temporal lobe neoplasms, vascular malformations, disorders of cortical development, or traumatic or ischemic insults within the temporal lobe. These lesions may variably involve mesial temporal lobe structures or may be associated with HS (“dual pathology”) , and thus lead to distinct surgical approaches and outcomes.

Rate and Stability of Postoperative Seizure Freedom After Temporal Lobe Surgery

Stability of Seizure Control

A randomized controlled trial showed that only two patients with drug-resistant TLE need to be treated surgically for one patient to become free of disabling seizures. Most TLE surgery series show relatively comparable results, with about two-thirds of the patients becoming seizure free after surgery. a

cReferences 4, 6, 38, 39, 65, 67, 72.

In comparison, about 5% to 8% achieve sustained seizure remission with medical therapy alone, as assessed in cohort studies evaluating patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. More than 50% of patients remain seizure free beyond 10 years after anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL), reflecting a sustained benefit. , , ,

If a patient is seizure free 1 year after surgery, the likelihood of remaining seizure free is 87% to 90% at 2 years, 74% to 82% at 5 years, and 67% to 71% at 10 years. , , , If a patient is seizure free for 2 postoperative years, the chances of seizure freedom increase to 95% at 5 years, 82% at 10 years, and 68% at 15 years. , Therefore freedom from seizures for 2 years might be a better predictor of long-term outcome, although seizure control at both 1 year and 2 years correlates fairly well with subsequent seizure-free status.

Early Versus Late Surgical Failures

More than half of the postoperative seizure recurrences start within 6 postoperative months, and more than 95% recur within 2 to 5 postoperative years. , , There is therefore an initial phase of steep recurrence, followed by a relapse rate of 2% to 5% per year for 5 years, with subsequent more stable seizure freedom. , , Recent data suggest that prognostic factors affecting those two phases of recurrence are distinct, b

dReferences 13, 18, 21, 22, 202, 219–224.

possibly reflecting different mechanisms for early versus late relapses. Early recurrences, occurring within 6 to 12 months of surgery, may be due to incomplete removal of the initial epileptogenic zone or inaccurate localization, whereas later relapses may reflect an underlying diffuse epileptogenicity, genetic predisposition, or progression of an age-dependent etiology, such as mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS), leading to the maturation of a new epileptic focus. c

c References 4, 6, 38, 39, 65, 67, 72.

The main implication of this mechanistic perspective is the idea that improving seizure outcomes necessitates both optimal localization with resection of the epileptic focus and strategies aimed at preventing future epileptogenesis.

Running Down Phenomenon

The running down phenomenon is the late remission of postsurgical seizures. It occurs in 3.2% to 20% of TLE surgery cases. The frequency of seizures during the running down interval may be up to several per month, but a seizure-free state is usually achieved within 2 years. The most accepted explanation for this phenomenon is the undoing of the kindling effect, an opposite process to that of secondary epileptogenesis, whereby the induced synaptic dysfunction gradually declines in the surrounding epileptogenic cortex after pacemaker resection and eventually “runs itself down.” ,

Predictors of Recurrence

Clinical Variables and Seizure Outcome

Age at Onset of Epilepsy

Patients with an earlier age (usually < 5 years) at onset of epilepsy or at time of the initial neurological insult may be up to 3 times more likely to have a favorable postoperative outcome. , However, some investigators proposed that this variable actually predicts HS, which is the true favorable prognostic indicator. , Several findings support this hypothesis: these patients were indeed more likely to have features typical of HS, such as unilateral hippocampal atrophy on MRI or focal ictal EEG with predominantly partial seizures ; and age at onset was of no prognostic value in studies evaluating pure cohorts of HS , or controlling for pathology. , ,

Duration of Epilepsy

A long history of seizures correlated with worse outcome in multiple studies on univariate analysis. , , In some of those same cohorts, this influence disappeared when multivariate analysis was performed, adjusting for other, more solid indicators of outcome. , Furthermore, many more recent studies found no correlation of epilepsy duration with outcome. , , , , Various hypotheses have been proposed to explain these findings, including secondary epileptogenesis occurring with a long seizure history, varying degrees of maturation of different epileptogenic foci, and increased development of generalized seizures with longer epilepsy duration.

Age at Surgery

Most studies found no correlation between age at surgery and seizure outcome, , , , although one longitudinal study in HS patients found that patients who were 24 years or younger at surgery were about 4 times more likely to be seizure free 5 years after surgery compared with the older surgical group (≥36 years).

Absence of Secondarily Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures

The poor prognostic significance of secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizures (SGTCSs) in the context of TLE surgery was confirmed in a prospective multicenter trial. Prior retrospective data leading up to this observation included a 2.2-fold increased chance of seizure freedom 5 years after surgery in patients who had no SGTCSs compared with those who did, and another study in which only 57% of mesial TLE patients with SGTCSs achieved a 1-year remission compared with an 80% remission rate in those who had only partial seizures. This effect may be most significant when generalized tonic-clonic seizures are frequent (more than two per year) and occur within 3 years of surgery.

The occurrence of SGTCSs in TLE correlates with more extensive HS, multifocal irritative areas, and extended PET hypometabolism, suggesting a diffuse potential epileptogenic zone with lower chances of postoperative seizure freedom. This hypothesis is further supported by recent data correlating early seizure spread (<10 seconds after ictal onset) outside of the anteromesial temporal lobe with a higher risk of seizure recurrence.

Low-Baseline Seizure Frequency

A lower seizure burden is correlated with more favorable seizure outcomes after TLE surgery. The cutoff point for good outcomes varies from 20 seizures per month to 30 seizures per month. A critical role for both seizure frequency and history of SGTCS in predicting outcomes after TLE surgery has been resuggested in recent work attempting to provide individualized seizure outcome prediction through a comprehensive scoring measure or a nomogram. ,

Imaging Variables and Seizure Outcome

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

The presence of a unilateral temporal lobe abnormality on MRI has been a consistently identified favorable outcome predictor. , , Patients with MRI evidence of unilateral HS had a 54% chance of seizure freedom 10 years after ATL compared with 18% when MRIs were normal in one longitudinal study. In the prospective multicenter Epilepsy Surgery study, 75% of patients with unilateral hippocampal atrophy and a mesial temporal resection were seizure free as opposed to 55% otherwise. However, recent data suggest that such a favorable prognostic significance is actually conferred by any unilateral temporal MRI lesion, and not necessarily by HS, especially with concordant ictal and interictal EEG findings.

Favorable seizure outcomes are also possible with a normal MRI; recent data have actually shown seizure freedom rates of up to 41% to 48% as long as 8 years after ATL. , Although some data suggest that these patients may actually have MRI-negative or undetected HS, other studies concluded that most patients with normal-appearing hippocampi on high-resolution MRI have neocortical TLE because they have fewer febrile seizures, more delta rhythms at ictal onset, and more extensive lateral neocortical changes on PET with surgical outcomes still comparable to those of MRI-positive HS. , It should be emphasized, however, that surgery was successful in nonlesional patients typically when performed in the context of concordant EEG and PET data. , , “Normal” MRIs correlating with bad outcomes in older studies using lower quality imaging may have included patients with extratemporal or contralateral pathology, findings that would currently exclude viable surgical options. , , Lack of SGTCS and low preoperative seizure frequency correlate with more favorable surgical outcomes in nonlesional TLE, similar to lesional TLE.

Bilateral MRI lesions, including bilateral HS, reflect multiple potentially epileptogenic foci and correlate with a worse surgical outcome: 58% of patients with bilateral lesions are seizure free at 2 years compared with 78% of patients with unilateral lesions or even normal MRI. , Subtle hippocampal asymmetries only detected using volumetric analyses were less predictive of outcome.

Nuclear Imaging

Unilateral temporal hypometabolism on fluorodeoxyglucose–positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) is a good predictor of seizure freedom in patients with mesial TLE, independent of pathologic findings and regardless of whether MRI is normal. , , It has been reported that 86% of patients with unilateral temporal hypometabolism ipsilateral to the side of surgery had a good outcome, as defined by more than 90% reduction in seizure frequency or Engel class I or II, with those chances slightly reduced to 82% if the MRI was normal. This number significantly dropped to 62% when PET was normal and to 50% when it showed bitemporal hypometabolism. With extratemporal hypometabolism, chances of seizure freedom are even worse: complete seizure freedom at last follow-up (mean, 6.1 years) was seen in 45% of patients with extratemporal cortical hypometabolism confined to the ipsilateral hemisphere and in only 22% with contralateral cortical hypometabolism.

Abundant data support the usefulness of ictal SPECT in localizing the epileptogenic zone in TLE, with 70% to 100% of ictal SPECT imaging being correctly localizing and only 0% to 7% incorrectly localizing. However, although the prognostic value of such localized SPECT findings is clear in extratemporal or poorly localized nonlesional temporal epilepsy, , its role in clear lesional TLE cases is less well defined. In a recent analysis of patients with unilateral HS visible on MRI, surgical outcome was not influenced by contralateral increased flow on ictal SPECT imaging. One hypothesis is that, owing to their low temporal resolution, ictal SPECT hyperperfusion patterns often contain both the ictal onset zone and propagation pathways. In that sense, these multilobulated hourglass-appearing patterns are best viewed and interpreted as representing the epileptic network, including both the area of ictal onset and spread, rather than aiming at identifying a single focus of maximal hyperperfusion representing the ictal onset zone. , , Concordance between one or more subtraction ictal SPECT coregistered to MRI (SISCOM) regions of hyperperfusion with intraoperative electrocorticography (ECoG), and at least partial resection of the dominant SISCOM signal in a cohort of patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy, provided additional useful information for predicting long-term postresection outcomes, leading the authors to conclude that such regions are likely critical nodes in more extensive, active, epileptogenic circuits.

Electrophysiologic Variables and Seizure Outcome

Noninvasive Electroencephalography

Focal interictal EEG predicts a favorable outcome when lateralized to the side of surgery or when highly localized to the resected temporal lobe. Patients whose interictal EEGs showed 90% or higher predominance on the operated side had an 80% chance of complete seizure freedom after a mean 5.5 years of follow-up compared with 54% in those with lesser degrees of lateralization. In general, interictal evidence of a diffuse irritative zone predicts a worse outcome: postoperative seizure freedom is worse when interictal spiking is posterior temporal, extratemporal, or bitemporal. Bitemporal interictal spiking on surface EEG does not, however, automatically preclude postoperative seizure freedom. If 90% or more of surface interictal bitemporal spikes arise from one temporal lobe, excellent outcomes are possible (92% seizure free in the second postoperative year versus 50% if <90% lateralization). With a unilateral MRI temporal lesion, and with lateralizing noninvasive functional data, up to 64% of patients with bilateral interictal spikes achieved complete seizure freedom 1 year or later after surgery when seizure onset was strictly unilateral on invasive evaluation. Other findings consistent with unilateral HS, such as a history of febrile seizures or early onset of epilepsy (<3 to 6 years of age), also correlated with favorable outcome in patients with bitemporal interictal spikes, suggesting that contralateral spiking may simply be spread from a surgically treatable hippocampus. However, if the MRI is normal or shows widespread abnormalities, then seizure recurrence is the rule because either an extratemporal focus spreading to both temporal lobes or bitemporal epilepsy becomes more likely.

Similar concepts apply to the prognostic value of ictal EEG. Again, focal or anterior ictal EEG correlates with a more favorable outcome, and patients who had bitemporal ictal onsets on surface EEG still achieved seizure freedom rates of up to 64% at 1 postoperative year when their seizures were exclusively unilateral with depth recordings and when imaging or neuropsychological testing was also consistent with unilateral temporal dysfunction. ,

Invasive Electroencephalography

Depth electrode evaluations have traditionally been used to clarify lateralization of the epileptogenic zone in patients with suspected bitemporal or falsely lateralized TLE, whereas subdural recordings and SEEG are useful in neocortical epilepsy for extraoperative functional mapping and definition of the extent of the epileptogenic zone. Those modalities are therefore reserved for patients with a poorly defined epileptogenic zone, which may explain poorer outcomes seen in cases that required invasive recordings preoperatively compared with those that did not. , , , Outcomes are particularly worse in patients who had prior temporal lobe resections. Yet, specific findings obtained with such invasive evaluations may provide useful prognostic information. More favorable outcomes are seen with exclusively unilateral seizure onset and ictal spiking as opposed to low-voltage fast activity, electrodecrement, or any other rhythmic sustained activity at seizure onset, whereas evolution into distinct contralateral electrographic seizures lowers seizure-free rates from 84% to 47% at 1 year. Short interhemispheric propagation times ranging from <1 second to <8 seconds, a short duration between EEG and clinical seizure onset, and diffuse or posterior temporal onset as opposed to anterior and/or middle basal temporal ictal onset are all predictors of seizure recurrence after surgery. A complex pattern of sharp transients or spikes, preceding multiband fast activity concurrent with suppression of lower frequencies on SEEG may be a “fingerprint” of the epileptogenic zone, highlighting the importance of careful analysis of the intracranial electrophysiology.

Surgical Approaches and Complications of Surgery for Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

With the categorization of surgically remediable temporal lobe epileptic syndromes, the traditional en bloc temporal lobectomy —a 5- to 6-cm lateral resection along with a portion of the amygdala and anterior hippocampus , —has generally been abandoned. For patients with mesial TLE or even cryptogenic TLE, most centers now employ a focused anteromedial resection in which a restricted resection of the middle and inferior temporal gyrus is combined with a thorough hippocampal removal. Transsylvian and transcortical selective amygdalohippocampectomies (SAHs) provide attractive options because they focus on mesial structures that constitute the primary pathologic substrate of mesial TLE. , Awake surgery with intraoperative ECoG and functional brain mapping facilitates a tailored resection of both lateral and medial structures and may be useful in dominant-hemisphere cases without evident MTS on imaging. , ,

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