Seizures and Epilepsy Definitions

Seizures are transient events that include symptoms and/or signs of abnormal excessive hypersynchronous activity in the brain ( ). The traditional definition of epilepsy required the occurrence of two unprovoked seizures. It is known that the risk of seizure recurrence after two unprovoked seizures is greater than 60% ( ), and treatment would normally be initiated with an antiseizure medication (ASM) in that setting. There are situations where the risk of seizure recurrence after a single seizure is equally high, suggesting an enduring predisposition to have recurrence. Treatment would normally be initiated in these situations, and there was a desire to include this in the definition of epilepsy. In 2014, the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) revised the definition of epilepsy as a disease of the brain with (1) at least two unprovoked (or reflex) seizures occurring greater than 24 hours apart, or (2) one unprovoked (or reflex) seizure and a probability of further seizures similar to the general recurrence risk (at least 60%) after two unprovoked seizures, occurring over the next 10 years, or (3) diagnosis of an epilepsy syndrome ( ).

A variety of seizure types exist, and epilepsy is not a single entity but rather a collection of disorders/diseases that have in common the occurrence of seizures. Hence, a need exists for classification of seizures and of epilepsies and epileptic syndromes. The classification is important for communication and diagnostic purposes, but also for evaluating drug specificity and prescribing the most appropriate therapy. The diagnosis of certain seizure types can predict response to therapy and prognosis. The newest classification has three levels, starting with classification of seizure types ( ). The classification of seizures requires a description of signs and symptoms during a seizure.

Ictal Phenomenology

Glossary of Seizure Terminology and Other Definitions

The terms frequently used in the description of seizures follow. Whenever possible, the definition is derived from the glossary of descriptive terminology for ictal semiology, reported by the ILAE task force on classification and terminology ( ). The term ictal semiology means the signs and symptoms associated with seizures.

Motor manifestations refer to involvement of the musculature, usually with an increase in muscle contraction that produces a movement. A motor manifestation can also be negative, associated with a decrease in muscle contraction. The term positive motor can be used to specifically indicate an increase in muscle contraction.

Several qualifiers for motor manifestation exist. Elementary motor refers to the contraction of a muscle or group of muscles that is usually stereotyped and does not include multiple phases. Elementary motor manifestations include tonic , which means a sustained increase in muscle contraction lasting up to minutes. Tonic activity includes epileptic spasms that are a sudden flexion and/or extension which is more sustained than a myoclonic jerk but yet very short in duration, affecting predominantly proximal or truncal muscles. Postural manifestation suggests tonic activity that results in a posture. This will usually involve contraction of more than one muscle. Versive manifestation indicates a sustained or forced deviation of the eyes or the head to one side ( Fig. 100.1 ). This may be associated with a truncal rotation. Dystonic posturing is a sustained contraction that results in an abnormal posture with a rotating or twisting motion ( Fig. 100.2 ). A myoclonic jerk or myoclonus refers to a very brief involuntary contraction usually lasting less than 100 ms. This can affect any distal or proximal body part and may also be generalized. Negative myoclonus refers to an interruption of tonic muscle activity for less than 500 ms without prior positive contraction. Negative myoclonus may produce a jerk-like motion in association with a transitory loss of posture of that body part. Negative myoclonus would not be visible if the affected body part were resting. Clonic activity refers to a regularly repetitive jerking that is prolonged. Clonic activity is further described as being without a march if it remains confined to the same body part from beginning to end. Clonic activity has a Jacksonian march if it spreads through contiguous body parts on the same side, reflecting horizontal spread of seizure activity over the motor strip. Tonic-clonic activity is a sequence of initial tonic posturing that evolves to a clonic phase. Atonic activity refers to a sudden decrease or loss of muscle tone usually lasting more than 1 second. This can affect the head, trunk, or limbs, usually bilaterally. However, focal atonic activity can also occur. Astatic refers to a loss of erect posture; an astatic seizure is synonymous with a drop attack.

Fig. 100.1, Versive eye and head turning in transition to bilateral tonic posturing in a subject with right frontal lobe seizures. Note the associated neck extension.

Fig. 100.2, Dystonic posturing (DP): variable pattern demonstrated in four patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Left to right: top, right arm DP, left arm DP; bottom, right arm DP, right arm DP.

Automatisms are repetitive motor activities that are more or less coordinated and resemble a voluntary movement but are not purposeful. Automatisms usually occur in association with altered sensorium, and the individual is usually amnestic to their occurrence. Automatisms may be an inappropriate continuation of previously ongoing activity. This is referred to as perseverative automatisms . Automatisms that start after seizure onset are called de novo automatisms . Automatisms may be reactive—for example, fumbling with an object that was present or newly placed in the patient’s hand.

Automatisms can be described by the part of the body affected. Some of the most common are oroalimentary automatisms, which include lip smacking, chewing, swallowing, and other mouth movements ( ). Ictal spitting and ictal drinking can be considered forms of oroalimentary automatisms. Automatisms affecting the distal extremities are manual or pedal. Manual or pedal automatisms can be bilateral or unilateral. Gestural automatisms include extremity movements such as those used to enhance speech. More recently, introduced categories for upper extremity automatisms are manipulative and nonmanipulative ( ). Manipulative automatisms involve picking and fumbling motions, typically reflecting interaction with the environment (see ). Nonmanipulative upper extremity automatisms tend to be rhythmic and do not involve interaction with the environment ( ). Distal nonmanipulative upper-extremity automatisms have been described with the acronym RINCH (rhythmic ictal nonclonic hand) movements ( ; ; ). Hyperkinetic automatisms imply an inappropriately rapid sequence of movements that predominantly involve axial and proximal limb muscles. The resulting motion can be thrashing, rocking, pelvic thrusting, kicking, or bicycling motions. Seizures with hyperkinetic automatisms are often referred to as hypermotor ( ). Gelastic refers to abrupt laughter or giggling ( ), while dacrystic refers to abrupt crying, both inappropriate.

Focal impaired awareness seizure of right mesial temporal origin. There are prominent oroalimentary automatisms and manipulative automatisms with picking and fumbling movements.

Right hand rhythmic ictal nonclonic hand motions during a left temporal ictal discharge.

Hyperkinetic automatisms in a hypermotor seizure of frontal lobe origin.

Gelastic seizure in a patient with hypothalamic hamartoma.

Seizures may include a variety of subjective or sensory phenomena. Sensory phenomena are described as elementary if they involve a single primary sensory modality with unformed phenomena. This is applied predominantly to visual or auditory hallucination. Elementary visual phenomena could consist of flickering or flashing lights and other simple patterns such as spots, scotomata, or visual loss. Elementary auditory phenomena include buzzing, ringing, or humming sounds or single tones, but may also be negative, with loss of hearing. Somatosensory phenomena can include tingling and other paresthesias, shock-like sensations, numbness, pain, or a sense of movement or a desire to move a body part. Somatosensory phenomena can remain confined to the same body part or could also have a Jacksonian march, in which case the sensation moves to adjacent body parts on the same side, reflecting spread of the seizure discharge in the sensory cortex. Olfactory hallucinations are most often disagreeable and usually difficult to characterize. A variety of gustatory hallucinations can occur, particularly with a metallic taste. A cephalic sensation is a sensation in the head that can be described variably, including tingling, fullness, pressure, or lightheadedness.

The category of experiential phenomena is wide and includes affective experiences such as fear, sadness, elation; dysmnesic phenomena such as feelings of familiarity (déjà vu) or unfamiliarity (jamais vu); and complex hallucination (such as seeing people or hearing music) and illusions (alterations of perception). Dyscognitive describes events in which the predominant feature is alteration of cognition including perception, attention, memory, or executive function. The most recent classification of seizures reorganized experiential phenomena into cognitive category and emotional or affective category ( ).

Autonomic phenomena are very common in seizures. They may be subjective, including an epigastric sensation, nausea, a feeling of palpitation, or a feeling of flushing, or can be objective, including pupillary dilation, piloerection, pallor or flushing, vomiting, and even flatulence.

Classification of Seizures

Two classifications developed by the ILAE were used widely: the Clinical and Electroencephalographic Classification of Epileptic Seizures published in 1981 (Commission on Classification and Terminology of the International League Against Epilepsy, 1981; Box 100.1 ) and the Classification of Epilepsies and Epileptic Syndromes introduced in 1989 ( ; Box 100.2 ). These classifications were recently revised based on advances made in the last three decades ( ; ). The current chapter uses the newer terminology but offers the corresponding older established terminology.

BOX 100.1
1981 International League Against Epilepsy Classification of Epileptic Seizures
From Commission on Classification and Terminology of the International League Against Epilepsy, 1981. Proposal for revised clinical and electroencephalographic classification of epileptic seizures. Epilepsia 22, 489–501.

  • I.

    Partial (Focal, Local) Seizures

    • A.

      Simple partial seizures (consciousness not impaired)

      • 1.

        With motor symptoms

      • 2.

        With somatosensory or special sensory symptoms

      • 3.

        With autonomic symptoms

      • 4.

        With psychic symptoms

    • B.

      Complex partial seizures (with impairment of consciousness)

      • 1.

        With simple partial onset followed by impairment of consciousness

      • 2.

        With impairment of consciousness at onset

    • C.

      Partial seizures evolving to secondarily generalized seizures

      • 1.

        Simple partial seizures evolving to generalized seizures

      • 2.

        Complex partial seizures evolving to generalized seizures

      • 3.

        Simple partial seizures evolving to complex partial seizures evolving to generalized seizures

  • II.

    Generalized Seizures (Convulsive or Nonconvulsive)

    • A.

      Absence seizures

      • 1.

        Typical absence seizures

      • 2.

        Atypical absence seizures

    • B.

      Myoclonic seizures

    • C.

      Clonic seizures

    • D.

      Tonic seizures

    • E.

      Tonic-clonic seizures

    • F.

      Atonic seizures

  • III.

    Unclassified Epileptic Seizures

BOX 100.2
1989 International League Against Epilepsy Classification of Epilepsies and Epileptic Syndromes
From Commission on Classification and Terminology of the International League Against Epilepsy, 1989. Proposal for revised classification of epilepsies and epileptic syndromes. Epilepsia 30, 389–399.

  • 1.

    Localization-related (focal, local, partial) epilepsies and syndromes

    • 1.1.

      Idiopathic (with age-related onset)

    • 1.2.


    • 1.3.


  • 2.

    Generalized epilepsies and syndromes

    • 2.1.

      Idiopathic (with age-related onset, listed in order of age appearance)

    • 2.2.

      Cryptogenic or symptomatic (in order of age)

    • 2.3.


      • 2.3.1.

        Nonspecific etiology

      • 2.3.2.

        Specific syndromes

  • 3.

    Epilepsies and syndromes undetermined as to whether they are focal or generalized

    • 3.1.

      With both generalized and focal seizures

    • 3.2.

      Without unequivocal generalized or focal features

  • 4.

    Special syndromes

    • 4.1.

      Situation-related seizures (Gelegenheitsanfälle)

      • 4.1.1.

        Febrile convulsions

      • 4.1.2.

        Isolated seizures or isolated status epilepticus

      • 4.1.3.

        Seizures occurring only when there is an acute metabolic or toxic event

The 1981 classification of seizures has a major dichotomy based on whether seizures start in one part of one hemisphere or in both hemispheres simultaneously. Seizures that start in one part of one hemisphere are classified as partial (or partial-onset ) seizures , whereas those that start in both hemispheres simultaneously are classified as generalized (or generalized-onset ) seizures . Partial-onset seizures are subclassified as simple partial if there is no impairment of consciousness, complex partial if there is impairment or loss of consciousness at any point in the seizure, and partial seizures evolving to generalized tonic-clonic (GTC) convulsions . Simple partial seizures can have motor signs, somatosensory or special sensory symptoms, autonomic symptoms and signs, or psychic symptoms. Under the heading of generalized seizures were included generalized absence (typical or atypical), myoclonic , clonic , tonic , tonic-clonic , and atonic seizures . Acknowledging that some seizures cannot be classified into partial or generalized onset, the classification also includes a category of unclassified seizures.

One important criticism of the 1981 classification is that it requires both clinical and electroencephalographic (EEG) information, and assumptions on correlation of clinical and EEG features may be incorrect. A purely semiological classification of epileptic seizures was proposed, based solely on observed clinical features ( ). The semiological seizure classification includes somatotopic modifiers to define the somatotopic distribution of the manifestations and allows demonstration of evolution of ictal manifestations using arrows to link sequential manifestations ( ). Although this classification was not adopted by the ILAE, it is considered an optional seizure classification system that is useful for localization purposes in epilepsy surgery centers.

The latest ILAE revision of the seizure classification ( Figure 100.3 ) has maintained the division of seizures based on generalized or focal onset but has recommended replacing the term partial with focal ( ). The latest revision updated the definition of focal seizures as “originating within networks limited to one hemisphere,” with the possibility of the seizures being discretely localized or more widely distributed, and possibly originating in subcortical structures. Generalized seizures were defined as “originating at some point within, and rapidly engaging, bilaterally distributed networks,” which do not necessarily include the entire cortex ( ). The revised concepts acknowledge that generalized seizures can be asymmetrical ( ). The category of focal-onset seizures underwent major changes. The terms “simple partial” and “complex partial” were abandoned. Level of consciousness during seizures can still be used to classify focal-onset seizures, if it is known, but it is no longer obligatory. The aspect of consciousness chosen for classification is the patient’s awareness during a seizure. Focal seizures are focal aware seizures (FAS) if awareness is totally preserved for the whole duration of the seizure or focal impaired awareness seizures (FIAS) if there is any alteration of awareness during any part of the seizure. Secondarily generalized seizures were renamed focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures (FBTCS) . The term “generalized” was reserved for seizures that are generalized from onset. Another important level of classification for focal seizures is by the first clinical manifestation at onset. Thus, focal seizures can be classified as motor or nonmotor, or if possible with the specific initial sign or symptom under these headings ( Fig. 100.3 ). As an exception, for a seizure to be classified as behavior arrest seizure , behavior arrest has to be the dominant clinical feature for the whole duration of the seizure. The other major change in the classification is that it allows some classification of unknown onset seizures. The new classification allows some seizure types such as tonic or myoclonic to be focal or generalized. Table 100.1 summarizes some of the key terminology changes between the old and the new classifications.

Fig. 100.3, The 2017 ILAE Operational Classification of Seizure Types.

TABLE 100.1
Select Terminology in New Versus Old Seizure and Epilepsy Classifications
1981 Terminology 2017 Terminology
Seizure Classification
Partial seizure Focal seizure
Simple partial seizure Focal aware seizure
Complex partial seizure Focal impaired awareness seizure
Secondarily generalized seizure Focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizure
Epilepsy Classification
Localization related epilepsy Focal epilepsy
Idiopathic generalized epilepsy Idiopathic generalized epilepsy or genetic generalized epilepsy (both terms are acceptable)
Cryptogenic epilepsies Epilepsies of unknown cause
Symptomatic epilepsies Structural/metabolic epilepsies secondary to specific structural or metabolic lesions or conditions, but which do not fit a specific electroclinical pattern.
Benign Self-limited or pharmacoresponsive
Epilepsies undetermined as to whether focal or generalized (1) Combined generalized and focal (if both seizure categories coexist) or(2) Unknown (if the seizure type cannot be determined)

Other Seizure Terminology

Convulsion is an old term typically used to denote a GTC seizure. It may also be used to indicate a seizure with prominent motor activity. Convulsive is an adjective indicating the presence of prominent motor activity such as tonic or clonic or both. Nonconvulsive refers to a seizure or status epilepticus without prominent clonic or tonic motor activity. The term is most commonly used with status epilepticus to indicate that seizure activity is predominantly affecting consciousness or behavior, with minimal or no motor activity. The term grand mal is also an old term that is usually synonymous with GTC seizure. The term is discouraged in scientific writing because it does not specify whether the onset is focal or generalized. Patients may use the term grand mal simply to indicate a big seizure, and the neurologist has to convert this term into official terminology. The term petit mal is an old synonym for childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) but is also used to describe absence seizures. Again, the term is commonly used by patients to indicate a small seizure, which may actually be a focal seizure. A primary generalized seizure or primarily generalized seizure is a synonym for generalized-onset seizure . Primary generalized epilepsy is a synonym for idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE). Secondarily generalized seizure is an old term for a focal seizure that evolves to bilateral tonic-clonic activity. This is to be distinguished from secondary generalized epilepsy , which is a synonym of symptomatic generalized epilepsy , an old term for generalized epilepsy of structural/metabolic etiology, where most seizures are usually of generalized onset. The term secondary generalized epilepsy should be discouraged because of confusion with secondarily generalized seizure.

Seizure Types

Focal Seizures (Partial Seizures)

Focal Aware Seizures (Simple Partial Seizures)

FAS are seizures in which awareness is not altered at any point in the course of the seizure. FAS of purely subjective nature are often referred to as auras or isolated auras . The manifestations of FAS depend on the brain region involved in the ictal discharge. However, it is important to recognize that the seizure activity may originate in silent areas, and the first clinical manifestations may reflect seizure spread to other brain regions. Nevertheless, FAS and auras may have important lateralizing and localizing value. For example, focal clonic or tonic activity is usually contralateral to the hemisphere involved in seizure activity. Somatosensory auras, visual auras, and auditory auras are often useful in suggesting localization and lateralization of the epileptogenic zone. However, some auras are nonspecific and may be seen with a variety of localizations.

Auras are typically short in duration, lasting seconds to minutes. Some patients may experience a prodrome , a difficult-to-describe feeling that a seizure may occur. Prodromes may last hours or even days and have to be distinguished from auras. On the other hand, auras may occasionally be prolonged, in which case they are called aura continua , which is a form of focal nonconvulsive status epilepticus without impairment of consciousness.

Focal Impaired Awareness Seizures (Complex Partial Seizures)

FIAS are characterized by altered awareness during the seizure. Impairment may be very subtle, manifesting with slight confusion, fuzziness, or slowing of responses. A patient may have some recollection of events or total amnesia for the event. FIAS may start with an aura or may start with loss of awareness. It is sometimes difficult to determine if awareness was impaired. The patient may be totally conscious but unable to respond verbally because of aphasia or unable to respond or react because of motor inhibition.

Impaired awareness seizures may arise from any lobe but most commonly arise from the temporal lobe; the frontal lobe is the second most common site of seizure origin. The most common type of motor activity in this seizure type is automatism, described earlier. The different seizure manifestations in seizures arising from different lobes of the brain are discussed in the next section.

Focal to Bilateral Tonic-Clonic Seizures (Partial Seizures Evolving to Generalized Tonic-Clonic Activity)

These seizures may start as focal aware or FIAS. The transition to bilateral tonic-clonic activity usually involves versive head turning in a direction contralateral to the hemisphere of seizure onset (see Fig. 100.1 ), and focal or lateralized tonic or clonic motor activity. The pattern of evolution may be clonic-tonic-clonic in some instances. The bilateral tonic phase may be asymmetrical, with flexion on one side and extension on the other. This has been called figure-of-four posturing ( ; Fig. 100.4 ). Some asymmetry and asynchrony may also occur in the clonic phase, resulting in a slight degree of side-to-side head jerking ( ). The evolution from tonic to clonic activity is gradual and not always simultaneous in all affected body parts. A phase of high-frequency tremor has been referred to as the tremulous or vibratory phase of the seizure ( ). Clonic activity typically decreases in frequency over time, with longer intervals between jerks toward the termination of the seizure. The clonic activity may end on one side of the body first so that clonic activity may then appear lateralized to one side. In addition, there may be a late head turn ipsilateral to the hemisphere of seizure origin ( ). After the motor activity stops, the individual is usually limp and has a loud snoring respiration often referred to as stertorous respiration ( ). During the course of recovery, there may be variable agitation. The speed of recovery is expected to be slower with longer and more severe seizures.

Fig. 100.4, A , Figure-of-four posturing, usually seen in transition from focal to generalized activity. The sign lateralizes seizure activity contralaterally to the extended upper extremity (left hemisphere on the left, right hemisphere on the right).

Focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizure in a patient with left temporal seizure origin.

Focal Seizure Semiology in Relation to Localization

Focal seizures of temporal lobe origin

Temporal lobe seizures most often are of mesial temporal amygdalohippocampal origin, in association with the pathology of hippocampal sclerosis. Patients commonly have isolated auras, and FIAS tend to start with an aura. The most common aura is an epigastric sensation frequently with a rising character ( ). Other auras occur less commonly and include fear, anxiety, and other emotions, déjà vu and jamais vu, nonspecific sensations, and autonomic changes such as palpitation and gooseflesh. Olfactory and gustatory auras are uncommon and are more likely with tumoral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE).

FIAS may start with an aura or with altered consciousness. With nondominant temporal lobe seizures, the patient may remain responsive and verbally interactive. However, recollection of conversations is unusual. Altered consciousness is often associated with an arrest of motion and speech. Speech arrest is not synonymous with aphasia and does not distinguish dominant and nondominant temporal lobe seizures. Automatisms are one of the most prominent manifestations, and oroalimentary automatisms are the most prevalent. Extremity automatisms also occur and are most commonly manipulative, with picking or fumbling (see ). This type of automatism is not of direct lateralizing value. However, the contralateral upper extremity is commonly involved in dystonic posturing ( ) or milder degrees of posturing and immobility ( ; ). This reduces the availability of the contralateral arm for automatisms, so manipulative automatisms tend to be ipsilateral, involving the unaffected upper extremity. Nonmanipulative automatisms typically consist of rhythmic movements either distally or proximally. These tend to be contralateral, often preceding overt dystonic posturing ( ; ; ). Head turning occurs commonly. Early head turning is not usually forceful. It typically occurs at the same time as dystonic posturing and is most often ipsilateral ( ; ). Late head turning most often occurs during evolution to bilateral tonic-clonic activity (see ). This is usually contralateral to the side of seizure origin ( ). Well-formed ictal speech may occur during seizures of nondominant temporal lobe origin ( ). Verbal output may at times be tinged with a fearful tone. FIAS of temporal lobe origin usually last between 30 seconds and 3 minutes. Postictal manifestations may be helpful in lateralizing the seizure onset. Postictal aphasia is commonly seen after dominant temporal lobe seizures ( ). In one study, patients with dominant left temporal seizure origin were unable to read a test sentence correctly in the first minute after seizure termination, but patients with nondominant right temporal lobe origin were able to read the test sentence within 1 minute of seizure termination ( ).

Seizures of lateral temporal origin or neocortical temporal origin are much less common than those of mesial temporal origin. They cannot be reliably distinguished based on their semiology, but certain features suggest lateral temporal origin. Auditory auras are the most common auras referable to the lateral temporal cortex, usually implying involvement of the Heschl gyrus. Other types of auras referable to the lateral temporal cortex are vertigo and complex visual hallucinations (usually posterior temporal). Oroalimentary automatisms are less common, and the pattern of contralateral dystonic posturing and ipsilateral extremity automatisms is also less common ( ). Early contralateral or bilateral facial twitching may be seen as a result of propagation to the frontal operculum ( ). Seizures of lateral temporal origin tend to be shorter in duration and have a greater tendency to evolve to bilateral tonic-clonic activity than seizures of mesial temporal origin. Seizures originating in the temporal lobe may have hypermotor semiology characteristic of frontal lobe origin, due to propagation to the frontal lobe ( ; ). This is commonly seen with seizure origin in the temporal pole ( ).

Focal seizures of frontal lobe origin

Many different seizure types can originate in the frontal lobe, depending on site of seizure origin and propagation. FAS can be motor with focal clonic activity, can originate in the motor cortex, or can be the result of spread to the motor cortex. These seizures may or may not have a Jacksonian march. Asymmetrical tonic seizures or postural seizures are usually related to involvement of the supplementary motor area in the mesial frontal cortex anterior to the motor strip. The best-known posturing pattern is the fencing posture in which the contralateral arm is extended and the ipsilateral arm is flexed. Tonic posturing may involve all four extremities and is occasionally symmetrical. When these seizures originate in the supplementary motor area, consciousness is usually preserved ( ). Supplementary motor seizures are an important exception to the rule that bilateral motor activity during a seizure should be associated with loss of consciousness. Supplementary motor seizures are usually short in duration and frequently arise out of sleep. They tend to occur in clusters and may be preceded by a sensory aura referable to the supplementary sensory cortex. The pattern of posturing described with supplementary motor area seizures can occur as a result of seizure spread to the supplementary motor area from other regions of the brain. In that case, consciousness is frequently impaired. Subjective FAS may also occur with frontal lobe origin, the most common being a nonspecific cephalic aura.

FIAS of frontal lobe origin tend to be very peculiar. They may be preceded by a nonspecific aura (most commonly cephalic) or they may start abruptly, often out of sleep. Their most characteristic features are hyperkinetic automatisms with frenzied behavior and agitation ( ; ). These are often referred to as hypermotor seizures. There may be various vocalizations including expletives. The manifestations can be so bizarre as to suggest a psychiatric origin ( ). The seizure duration is short, often less than 30 seconds, and postictal manifestations are brief or nonexistent, further adding to the risk of misdiagnosis as psychogenic seizures. Frontal lobe FIAS arise predominantly from the orbitofrontal region and from the mesial frontal cingulate region. However, they can arise from other parts of the frontal lobe. It may be difficult to determine the region of origin in the frontal lobe based on the seizure manifestations. It has been suggested that the presence of tonic posturing on one side points to a mesial frontal origin, as does rotation along the body axis, which sometimes leads to turning prone during the seizure ( ; ). Ictal pouting, also known as “chapeau de gendarme,” tends to arise in the anterior cingulate region ( ).

Frontal lobe seizure of right anterior cingulate origin.

Seizures originating in the frontal operculum are associated with profuse salivation, oral facial apraxia, and sometimes facial clonic activity ( ). Seizures originating in the dorsolateral frontal lobe may involve tonic movements of the extremities and versive deviation of the eyes and head. The head deviation preceding evolution to bilateral tonic-clonic activity is contralateral, but earlier head turning can be in either direction ( ). Seizures may begin with forced thinking. Focal seizures of frontal origin may at times resemble absence seizures ( ). It is important to recognize that seizures originating in the frontal lobe can propagate to the temporal lobe and produce manifestations typical of mesial temporal lobe seizures.

Focal seizures originating in the parietal lobe

The best-recognized seizure type that originates in the parietal lobe is focal seizure with somatosensory manifestations. The somatosensory experience can be described as tingling, pins and needles, numbness, burning, or pain. The presence of a sensory march is most suggestive of involvement of the primary sensory cortex. Sensory phenomena arising from the second sensory area and the supplementary sensory area are less likely to have a march. Somatosensory auras tend to be contralateral to the hemisphere of seizure origin, but they may be bilateral or ipsilateral when arising from the second or supplementary sensory regions. Other auras of parietal lobe origin are a sensation of movement in an extremity, a feeling of the body bending forward or swaying or twisting or turning, or even a feeling of an extremity being absent ( ). Some patients may complain of inability to move a limb. Vertigo has been reported, as well as visual illusions of objects going away or coming closer or looking larger ( ). Some patients may have initial auras suggesting spread to the occipital or temporal lobe. Seizures involving the dominant parietal lobe may produce aphasic manifestations. Motor manifestations tend to reflect seizure spread to the frontal lobe. These include tonic posturing of the extremities, focal motor clonic activity, and version of the head and eyes ( ; ; ). Negative motor manifestations may occur, with ictal paralysis ( ). Seizures may spread to the temporal lobe, producing oroalimentary or extremity automatisms ( ). In one study, motor manifestations were more likely with superior parietal epileptogenic foci, and oroalimentary and extremity automatisms more likely with inferior parietal epileptogenic foci ( ). Visual manifestations seemed more likely with posterior parietal lesions.

Focal seizures originating in the occipital lobe

The best-recognized occipital lobe seizure semiology is that of FAS with visual manifestations ( ). The most common are elementary visual hallucinations that are described as flashing colored lights or geometrical figures. These are usually contralateral but may move within the visual field. Complex visual hallucinations with familiar faces or people may also occur. Negative symptoms may be reported, with loss of vision in one hemifield. Ictal blindness may occur, with loss of vision in the whole visual field. Objective seizure manifestations include blinking, nystagmoid eye movements, and versive eye and head deviation contralateral to the seizure focus. This version may occur while the patient is still conscious or could be a component of impaired awareness seizures.

Seizure manifestations that are related to seizure spread to the temporal or frontal lobe are very common. Oroalimentary automatisms are typical of seizures that spread to the temporal lobe, whereas asymmetrical tonic posturing typifies spread to the frontal lobe; both types of spread can be seen in the same patient ( ). Spread to the temporal or frontal lobe is so common with occipital lobe seizures that it is at times reported in most patients ( ). Ictal semiology cannot distinguish seizures originating from the mesial versus lateral occipital region ( ). Evolution of occipital seizures to bilateral tonic-clonic activity is commonly reported.

Focal Seizures Originating in the Insular Cortex

Insular epilepsy is uncommon and frequently unrecognized because of the inability to record directly from the insula with scalp electrodes. Subjective symptoms that should suggest seizure origin in the insula include laryngeal discomfort, possibly preceded or followed by a sensation in the chest or abdomen, shortness of breath, and paresthesias around the mouth or also involving other contralateral body parts ( ). Objective seizure manifestations include dysarthria/dysphonia, sometimes evolving to complete muteness. With seizure progression in some patients, tonic spasm of the face and upper limb, head and eye rotation, and at times generalized dystonia occur ( ). Hypersalivation is also very common and can be impressive. Insular-onset seizures may spread to other brain regions and can be disguised as temporal lobe, parietal lobe, or frontal lobe epilepsy ( ; ; ).

Generalized Seizures

Generalized Absence Seizures

Typical absence seizures are characterized by a sudden blank stare with motor arrest, usually lasting less than 15 seconds ( ). The individual is usually unresponsive and unaware. The seizure ends as abruptly as it starts, and the patient returns immediately to a baseline level of function with no postictal confusion but may have missed conversation and seems confused as a result ( ). If the only manifestation is altered responsiveness and awareness, with no associated motor component, the absence seizure is classified as simple absence . Most often, generalized absence seizures include mild motor components and are classified as complex absence . The most common motor components are automatisms such as licking the lips or playing with an object that was held in the hand before the seizure. Other motor components include clonic, tonic, atonic, and autonomic manifestations. Clonic activity may affect the eyelids or the mouth. An atonic component may manifest with dropping an object or slight head drop or drooping of the shoulders or trunk. Tonic components may manifest with slight increase in tone.

Generalized absence seizure with immediate return of responsiveness postictally.

The EEG hallmark of a typical generalized absence seizure is generalized 2.5- to 4-Hz spike-and-wave activity with a normal interictal background ( Fig. 100.5 ). Atypical absence seizures are diagnosed primarily based on a slower (<2.5 Hz) frequency of the EEG spike-and-wave activity. Less important distinctions are that the onset and termination of an atypical absence seizure may be less abrupt and the motor components a bit more pronounced than seen with typical absence seizures. Atypical absence seizures usually occur in individuals with impaired cognitive function. Affected individuals usually have associated seizure types such as generalized tonic, generalized atonic, and GTC seizures.

Fig. 100.5, Generalized absence seizure displayed with referential montage using linked ear reference. Spike-and-wave discharges are bifrontally predominant.

Additional generalized absence seizure types recently recognized by the ILAE include myoclonic absences . The key manifestation of these seizures is a prominent rhythmic myoclonus predominantly affecting the limbs ( ). Otherwise, myoclonic absences resemble typical absence seizures with respect to impairment of consciousness. Another related seizure type recently recognized is eyelid myoclonia with absence . The eyelid myoclonia consists of pronounced rhythmic jerking of the eyelids, usually associated with an upward deviation of the eyes and retropulsion of the head ( ). There may or may not be associated generalized spike-and-wave activity on EEG. Absence seizures may evolve to GTC activity ( ; ).

Generalized absence seizure evolving to bilateral tonic-clonic seizure.

Generalized Myoclonic Seizures

Myoclonic seizures are muscle contractions lasting a fraction of a second (<250 ms), in association with an ictal EEG discharge ( ). The myoclonic jerk can be generalized, affecting the whole body, or could affect just the upper extremities or (rarely) the head or trunk, or even the diaphragm. The myoclonic jerks may affect one side of the body at one time, but typically the other side is affected at other times. The jerks can be single or could occur in an arrhythmic cluster ( ). It should be noted that myoclonus is not always epileptic ( ). Myoclonus can be generated anywhere along the central nervous system (CNS). Epileptic myoclonus is generated in the cerebral cortex and is usually associated with a single or brief serial spike-and-wave or polyspike-and-wave activity.

Myoclonic seizures in a patient with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.

Negative myoclonic seizures consist of a very brief pause in muscle activity rather than a brief muscle contraction ( ). Just as with positive myoclonus, negative myoclonus can be generalized, bilateral with limited distribution, or even focal, typically with shifting lateralization.

Generalized myoclonic seizures may be immediately followed by a loss of tone. The seizure type is called myoclonicatonic . Historically it was called myoclonicastatic . The seizures are brief (1 second or less) but may be associated with falls and injuries ( ). The EEG shows generalized spike-and-wave or polyspike-and-wave discharge. The slow wave is prolonged and associated with the electromyographic (EMG) silence characteristic of the atonic phase. Myoclonic seizures may precede a more sustained tonic contraction, and the resultant seizures may be referred to as myoclonic-tonic seizures ( ). Generalized myoclonic seizures may cluster just before a GTC seizure occurrence ( ).

Myoclonic atonic seizure.

Cluster of myoclonic seizures leading to tonic-clonic seizure.

Generalized Clonic Seizures

Unlike myoclonic seizures, which are single jerks (but may occur in arrhythmic clusters), each generalized clonic seizure consists of a series of rhythmic jerks. Generalized clonic seizures are uncommon and particularly rare in adults ( ). They are more frequently seen in certain epileptic syndromes of infancy and childhood. For example, clonic seizures are a common seizure type of severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (Dravet syndrome). Clonic seizures are also noted in progressive myoclonic epilepsies.

Generalized Tonic Seizures

Generalized tonic seizures are typically brief seizures, lasting a few seconds to 1 minute ( ). Their onset may be gradual or abrupt. They may be initiated with a myoclonic jerk. They can vary in severity from subtle, with slight increase in neck tone with upward deviation of the eyes, to massive, with involvement of the axial muscles and extremities. Proximal muscles are the most affected. Most commonly there is neck and trunk flexion as well as abduction of the shoulders and flexion of the hips. However, extension may also occur. Tonic seizures may be asymmetrical, which could result in turning to one side. The pattern of muscle involvement may change over time so that there may be a change in the position of the limbs over the course of the seizure. Autonomic changes may occur, with tachycardia, pupil dilation, and flushing. Involvement of respiratory muscles could cause apnea and cyanosis. The tonic contraction may end with one or more pauses that result in a few clonic jerks. A postictal state with confusion may occur, but recovery is usually rapid. However, tonic seizures may be followed by atypical absence, resulting in what appears to be a more prolonged postictal state. This has been referred to as tonic-absence seizure ( ). Generalized tonic seizures occur most often out of sleep and drowsiness.

Brief tonic seizure.

Epileptic Spasms

Epileptic spasms have similarities to generalized tonic seizures but a shorter duration that is intermediate between generalized myoclonic and generalized tonic seizures ( ), with a typical duration of 0.5–2 seconds. The pattern of contraction is “diamond-shaped,” with intensity of contraction maximal in the middle of the spasm and less at the beginning and end. Epileptic spasms were also called infantile spasms and salaam attacks . Because their occurrence is not restricted to infants, the preferred current term is epileptic spasms. The classic epileptic spasm involves neck and trunk flexion and arm abduction with a jackknife pattern, but extension may be seen. Epileptic spasms typically occur in clusters recurring every 5–40 seconds. In a cluster, the initial spasms may be subtle or mild, increase in intensity as the cluster progresses, and decrease in intensity again toward the end of the cluster ( ).

Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures

GTC seizures are dramatic and the best recognized form of seizures. They are commonly referred to as grand mal , but this term is archaic and does not distinguish seizures of focal onset from those with a generalized onset. GTC seizures do not have an aura, but they may be preceded by a prodrome—the vague sense a seizure will occur—lasting up to hours. Seizure onset is abrupt, most often with loss of consciousness and a generalized tonic contraction, but some seizures may be initiated with a series of myoclonic jerks, leading to the term myoclonic-tonic-clonic seizure (see ) . The tonic phase may have asymmetrical movements, and these often change from seizure to seizure. One such commonly encountered asymmetry is versive head turning, which is not evidence of a focal onset ( ; ). The tonic phase includes an upward eye deviation with eyes half open and the mouth open. Involvement of the respiratory muscles usually produces a forced expiration that produces a loud guttural vocalization, often referred to as the epileptic cry. Cyanosis may occur during the tonic phase in association with apnea. The tonic phase gradually evolves to clonic activity. The transition can be with initially high-frequency and low-amplitude motion, often referred to as a vibratory phase . With seizure progression, the frequency of clonic jerks decreases, and the amplitude may initially increase but later decreases just before the seizure stops. In the immediate postictal state the individual is limp and unresponsive. Respiration is loud and snoring in character (stertorous) . The postictal state is often followed by sleep, although the individual may awaken briefly with postictal confusion. Tongue biting commonly occurs and most often affects the side of the tongue. Incontinence of urine is common, and incontinence of stool may also occur. After awakening, patients often have a pronounced headache and generalized muscle soreness. GTC seizures rarely last more than 2 minutes. The severity may vary. The postictal state seems to correlate with severity and duration.

Generalized Atonic Seizures

Generalized atonic seizures are associated with very brief, sudden loss of tone and vary from extremely subtle, manifesting with only a head drop, to generalized loss of tone and falling. Atonic seizures may result in falling if the person is standing, called a drop attack. However, drop attacks may be the result of both generalized atonic and generalized tonic seizures. There is a very brief loss of consciousness and brief postictal confusion. Seizures are usually very brief, lasting 1 second to a few seconds. They may be preceded by a brief myoclonic jerk, in which case the seizure type is called myoclonic-atonic (see ). Very brief myoclonic-atonic seizures are typical of the syndrome of myoclonic-astatic epilepsy (Doose syndrome) ( ). More prolonged atonic seizures can be seen with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome or other symptomatic generalized epilepsies. Despite their brief duration, generalized atonic seizures can result in serious injury and are an important cause of morbidity in epilepsy.

Generalized-Onset Seizures with Focal Evolution

Generalized-onset seizures rarely may evolve to focal seizures ( ; ; ). This seems to occur with either myoclonic or absence seizures. The clinical manifestations most often are behavioral arrest and staring, with minor automatisms. However, focal motor manifestations may also occur. This type of seizure tends to be prolonged and may be associated with postictal confusion ( ; ).

Classification of Epilepsies and Epileptic Syndromes

The classification of seizures addresses single seizure events and not epilepsy as a condition. The 1989 classification of epilepsies and epileptic syndromes tried to organize epilepsies and epilepsy syndromes (commission on classification and terminology of the International League Against Epilepsy, 1989). It defined an epileptic syndrome as “an epileptic disorder characterized by a cluster of signs and symptoms customarily occurring together; these include such items as type of seizure, etiology, anatomy, precipitating factors, age of onset, severity, chronicity, diurnal and circadian cycling, and sometimes prognosis.” A syndrome does not necessarily have a common etiology and prognosis. Two important divisions were used in the classification. The first separated epilepsies with generalized-onset seizures, called generalized epilepsies , from epilepsies with focal-onset seizures, referred to as localization-related , partial , or focal epilepsies . The other division separated epilepsies of known etiology (named symptomatic epilepsies ) from those of unknown etiology. Epilepsies of unknown etiology were named idiopathic if they were pure epilepsy and “not preceded or occasioned by another condition.” These epilepsies were considered to have no underlying cause other than a possible hereditary predisposition. Thus, they were presumed genetic. The idiopathic epilepsies were also defined by an age-related onset and clinical and EEG characteristics. Epilepsies of unknown etiology were called cryptogenic if they were presumed symptomatic, but with an occult etiology. Although the term cryptogenic was widely used in the epilepsy field, confusion existed concerning its exact meaning, which resulted in a recommendation to replace it with the term probably symptomatic ( ). The 1989 classification of epilepsies and epileptic syndromes also subdivided symptomatic partial epilepsies based on lobar anatomical localization of the epileptogenic zone into temporal, frontal, parietal, and occipital lobe epilepsy. Temporal lobe epilepsy was further subdivided into amygdalohippocampal and lateral temporal, and frontal lobe epilepsy into seven subgroups: supplementary motor, cingulate, anterior frontopolar, orbitofrontal, dorsolateral, opercular, and motor cortex. The abbreviated classification is found in Box 100.2 .

The 1989 classification of epilepsies and epileptic syndromes merited updating based on new knowledge. In 2010 the ILAE commission on classification suggested eliminating the division of localization-related and generalized epilepsies ( ), and instead listing epilepsies by age of onset, distinctive constellations, or underlying cause ( Box 100.3 ). The list incorporated newly identified or characterized epileptic conditions. In 2017 the ILAE published an updated classification of epilepsies ( ). The classification had three levels: seizure types (from the classification of epileptic seizures), epilepsy types, and epilepsy syndromes ( Fig. 100.6 ). Although achieving all three levels of classification is desirable, it is not feasible for all patients. In some instances, classification of the seizure type(s) may be the only level achieved, particularly where medical resources are limited. However, at every level of classification physicians are encouraged to consider/investigate the etiology of the epilepsy and address comorbidities. The epilepsy types maintained the two major categories of focal and generalized epilepsies, but also added a category of combined generalized and focal epilepsies to include patients who have both focal-onset and generalized-onset seizures. The list of etiology categories comprises structural, genetic, infectious, metabolic, immune, and unknown etiology, with the possibility that more than one category may apply for some epilepsies.

BOX 100.3
ILAE Classification of Status Epilepticus (SE) ( )
SE, Status epilepticus.

(A) With Prominent Motor Symptoms

  • A.1

    Convulsive SE (CSE, synonym: tonic–clonic SE)

    • A.1.a.

      Generalized convulsive

    • A.1.b.

      Focal onset evolving into bilateral convulsive SE

    • A.1.c.

      Unknown whether focal or generalized

  • A.2

    Myoclonic SE (prominent epileptic myoclonic jerks)

    • A.2.a.

      With coma

    • A.2.b.

      Without coma

  • A.3

    Focal motor

    • A.3.a.

      Repeated focal motor seizures (Jacksonian)

    • A.3.b.

      Epilepsia partialis continua (EPC)

    • A.3.c.

      Adversive status

    • A.3.d.

      Oculoclonic status

    • A.3.e.

      Ictal paresis (i.e., focal inhibitory SE)

  • A.4

    Tonic status

  • A.5

    Hyperkinetic SE

(B) Without Prominent Motor Symptoms (i.e., Nonconvulsive SE, NCSE)

  • B.1

    NCSE with coma (including so-called “subtle” SE)

  • B.2

    NCSE without coma

    • B.2.a.


      • B.2.a.a

        Typical absence status

      • B.2.a.b

        Atypical absence status

      • B.2.a.c

        Myoclonic absence status

    • B.2.b.


      • B.2.b.a

        Without impairment of consciousness (aura continua, with autonomic, sensory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, emotional/psychic/experiential, or auditory symptoms)

      • B.2.b.b

        Aphasic status

      • B.2.b.c

        With impaired consciousness

    • B.2.c

      Unknown whether focal or generalized

      • B.2.c.a

        Autonomic SE

Fig. 100.6, The International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) 2017 Classification of the Epilepsies. ∗ denotes onset of seizure.

Select Epilepsies, Epileptic Syndromes, and Related Disorders

An epileptic syndrome was defined as a complex of signs and symptoms that define a unique epilepsy condition with different etiologies. A syndrome must involve more than just a seizure type ( ). One common important attribute of syndromes is a characteristic age at onset. Below are descriptions of select epileptic syndromes or constellations.

Benign Familial Neonatal Epilepsy

Benign familial neonatal epilepsy was previously referred to as benign familial neonatal convulsions ( ). This rare, dominantly inherited disorder is due to mutations affecting voltage-gated potassium channel genes ( KCNQ2, KCNQ3 ) ( ). Affected infants are usually full term and appear normal at birth. In 80% of instances, seizures start on the second or third day of life, although some infants may develop seizures later in the first month of life. The seizures are typically clonic but often preceded by a tonic component. They are more often unilateral but can also be bilateral. The seizures remit within 2–6 months. There is a slight increase in the risk of later epilepsy (11%–15%).

Early Myoclonic Encephalopathy and Ohtahara Syndrome

Early myoclonic encephalopathy and Ohtahara syndrome have much in common, including age at onset in the neonatal period, severe seizure manifestations, and an EEG pattern of burstsuppression, in which periods of high-voltage EEG activity are separated by periods of generalized attenuation ( ; ; ).

Early myoclonic encephalopathy is characterized by focal myoclonus involving limbs or face that is very frequent, sometime continuous, shifting from one region to another. Generalized massive myoclonus may appear shortly thereafter, as will focal motor seizures. Epileptic spasms typically develop later in the course of the disorder. Neurological status is abnormal, either at birth or with the development of clinical seizures. Most infants are hypotonic. The prognosis is poor. There is increased mortality in the first few years of life, and survivors have considerable developmental delay.

Ohtahara syndrome is characterized by epileptic spasms as the predominant seizure type, but a third of affected infants also have other seizure types, including focal motor seizures, hemiconvulsions, and generalized motor seizures. The epileptic spasms are associated with generalized attenuation on EEG. The prognosis is also poor, with very high mortality in the first few years of life, and severe mental and physical handicap in survivors. The EEG may evolve from the initial suppression-burst pattern to a hypsarrhythmia pattern, typical of West syndrome.

West Syndrome

West syndrome has a later age at onset, with a peak onset between 3 and 7 months of age. It is characterized by a clinical triad of epileptic spasms, arrest or deterioration of psychomotor development, and a characteristic EEG pattern called hypsarrhythmia ( ). The disorder is heterogeneous in its etiology. Epileptic spasms are usually the initial manifestation. They tend to occur in clusters, sometimes multiple times a day. Approximately two-thirds of infants have brain lesions. Psychomotor development may be abnormal prior to onset, but there is a clear deterioration after onset. The spasms may have asymmetries, which are more likely when there is a focal brain lesion. The prognosis is variable, with a small proportion of patients recovering quickly without sequelae. This is more likely to happen in the absence of brain pathology. Otherwise, more than 70% develop intellectual disability and other cognitive disabilities. The treatment of infantile spasms has some important differences from treatment of other seizure types. Steroids such as corticotropin (adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH]) and prednisone are helpful, particularly in the absence of underlying known pathology.

Hypsarrhythmia is characterized by high-voltage disorganized EEG activity with slow waves and multifocal spikes and sharp waves punctuated by periods of generalized attenuation ( Fig. 100.7 ). When a spasm occurs, it is usually during a period of attenuation. The attenuation may have superimposed high-frequency, low-voltage EEG activity. The periods of attenuation are typically very short in duration, lasting 1–2 seconds.

Fig. 100.7, Hypsarrhythmia pattern with disorganized high-voltage slow background activity, multifocal spikes and sharp waves, and a period of attenuation.

Dravet Syndrome

Dravet syndrome, also called severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy , is usually due to a de novo mutation affecting the SCN1A gene encoding the α 1 sodium channel subunit ( ). De novo mutations account for about 95% of cases. It may also be due to a nonsense mutation of the GABRG2 γ-aminobutyric acid A (GABA A ) receptor subunit ( ). Dravet syndrome and related epileptic or developmental encephalopathies may be caused by a number of other genetic mutations ( ). The typical clinical presentation is that a previously normally developing infant has febrile status epilepticus at around 6 months of age, and then recurrent generalized or shifting hemiclonic seizures are seen, often triggered by fever. After 1 year of age, other seizure types appear, including myoclonic seizures, absence seizures, and FIAS as well as atonic seizures at times. The seizures are drug resistant and may be exacerbated by some sodium channel blockers such as carbamazepine and lamotrigine. A delay or arrest in development may occur, and even regression may be seen, typically after episodes of prolonged seizure activity ( ; ). The prognosis is poor; the majority of individuals develop intellectual disability and at times ataxia and spasticity.

Borderline severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy may include variations such as epilepsy with the absence of myoclonic seizures or even other seizure types.

It has now become recognized that Dravet syndrome accounts for a large proportion of individuals previously diagnosed with vaccine encephalopathy ( ). The fever associated with vaccination may cause an earlier age at onset of Dravet syndrome, but it does not affect the eventual course of the condition ( ).

Genetic Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus

Genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+) appears to be autosomal dominant in inheritance, often due to a sodium channel mutation, most often in the SCN1A or SCN1B gene ( ; ). It can also be due to a mutation in the γ 2 subunit of the GABA A receptor ( ). No mutation has been identified in the majority of families. The condition has a heterogeneous phenotype in affected individuals, even within the same kindred ( ; ; Fig. 100.8 ). Some individuals have only the typical febrile seizure phenotype, with febrile seizures disappearing by 6 years of age. Other individuals have febrile seizures plus , which refers to febrile seizures persisting beyond 6 years of age or febrile seizures intermixed with afebrile GTC seizures. Other individuals even have other seizure types such as generalized absence or myoclonic seizures. Less common seizure types are myoclonic-atonic and focal seizures typical of temporal lobe origin ( ; ).

Fig. 100.8, Pedigree of a family with autosomal dominant genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus, demonstrating phenotypic heterogeneity in affected individuals. TLE, Temporal lobe epilepsy.

Panayiotopoulos Syndrome

The onset of seizures in Panayiotopoulos syndrome is typically between 1 and 14 years of age, with a peak at 4–5 years ( ). Seizures include autonomic manifestations, particularly ictal vomiting, altered responsiveness and arrest of activity, and deviation of the eyes to one side. Autonomic manifestations are particularly pronounced ( ). Seizures can be very prolonged, lasting longer than 30 minutes, qualifying for focal nonconvulsive status epilepticus. Seizures predominate during sleep. The EEG shows multifocal spikes but with posterior predominance. Despite the alarming seizure manifestations, prognosis is generally good. Seizures are infrequent, with about a quarter of patients having only one seizure and half having two to five at most. Remission typically occurs within 1–3 years of onset.

Epilepsy with Myoclonic-Atonic Seizures (Myoclonic-Astatic Epilepsy or Doose Syndrome)

This presumed genetic epilepsy is characterized by seizure onset between 18 and 60 months of age ( ). The characteristic seizure types are myoclonic and myoclonic-atonic seizures, present in all affected children. Tonic-clonic seizures are also seen in a majority of children. Atypical absence seizures are also common and frequently associated with reduced muscle tone. Pure atonic seizures may also occur. Generalized tonic seizures are less frequently seen. GTC seizures are most often the seizure type that results in the diagnosis of epilepsy, with smaller seizures noticed thereafter. Seizures can be easily precipitated by inappropriate treatment with carbamazepine. The course of the condition is somewhat unpredictable. In more than half of affected children, the seizures go into remission. More than half of patients also have normal cognitive function, with less than half having mild to severe intellectual disability. A worse prognosis is predicted by GTC seizures in the first 2 years of life and early status epilepticus ( ).

Self-Limited Epilepsy with Centrotemporal Spikes

Self-limited epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes, previously known as benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BECTS) is also referred to as benign rolandic epilepsy . This is the most common form of idiopathic focal epilepsy in children ( ). Seizures begin between 3 and 13 years of age, with a peak between 5 and 8 years. Affected children will have had a normal development and normal cognitive function. Seizures typically start with paresthesias affecting one side of the face, particularly around the mouth, then contraction of that side of the face evolving into clonic activity of the face. Increased salivation and drooling occurs. Consciousness is preserved in the vast majority of children if the seizure does not evolve to bilateral tonic-clonic activity. Seizures are typically nocturnal and generally have a low rate of recurrence, so treatment is not always necessary. The natural history is characterized by spontaneous remission around the time of puberty. Patients with BECTS may have cognitive and behavioral problems while the condition is active, but long-term prognosis is excellent ( ).

BECTS has long been thought to have a genetic basis, but the concordance in identical twins is low, suggesting that other mechanisms may play a role ( ). The diagnosis of BECTS depends on the clinical presentation as well as the EEG. The typical EEG abnormality is high-voltage central-midtemporal blunt sharp waves activated in sleep ( Fig. 100.9 ). These can become bilateral independent in deeper sleep. Atypical fields are common, particularly posterior temporal or parietal. The incidence of generalized spike-and-wave discharges in affected individuals is increased ( ; ).

Fig. 100.9, Characteristic sleep electroencephalographic recording in patient with benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes, demonstrating frequent negative right midtemporal sharp waves (at T8 ) with field extending to right posterior temporal (P8) and right central (C4) regions. Note simultaneous positivity in bifrontal regions.

Autosomal Dominant Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy

Age at seizure onset in autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy is highly variable but is most often younger than age 20, with a mean between 8 and 11 years. Seizures typically arise out of sleep. In their most pronounced expression, they may be hypermotor with vigorous frenetic movements of the extremities such as thrashing, kicking, or bicycling. The seizures may be asymmetrical tonic, sometimes with evolving posturing, or may have a mixture of hypermotor and tonic manifestations. The seizures are usually stereotyped. They are typically short in duration, lasting less than 30 seconds. They can be so short as to simply manifest with paroxysmal arousal ( ). The condition is often misdiagnosed as a sleep disorder or psychogenic seizures ( ).

This disorder is genetically heterogeneous ( ) but typically due to mutations in the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ( ). Carbamazepine appeared particularly effective in this condition. Interestingly, the mutated nicotinic receptors were found to be more sensitive to carbamazepine than to valproate ( ).

Late-Onset Childhood Occipital Epilepsy (Gastaut Type)

The age at onset of seizures in late-onset childhood occipital epilepsy ranges from 3 to 16 years, with a mean age of 8 ( ). The seizures are of occipital lobe onset and manifest with visual symptoms. The ictal phenomena include elementary visual hallucinations, complex visual hallucinations and illusions, visual loss in one field or total blindness, eye deviation, and eye blinking. There may be progression of seizure manifestations with spread beyond the occipital lobe, particularly lateralized or GTC activity. Consciousness is usually preserved if seizure activity does not spread beyond the occipital lobe. Postictal headache is a very common symptom, resulting in confusion with migraine. The interictal EEG is characterized by occipital spikes and sharp waves that can be extremely frequent, and typically activated with eye closure. The discharges can be so frequent as to raise concern for an ictal pattern.

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