Epidemiological, Demographic and Outcome Characteristics of Burns


In 2014, approximately 200,000 deaths occurred in the United States from all injuries, and 31 million sustained nonfatal injuries. In a population of 318,857,056 persons, this represents a per capita death rate from injury of 0.063% (or approximately 6 per 10,000), and a nonfatal injury rate of 9.73% (or approximately 1 in 10). Therefore injury is common but related death is uncommon. For injuries from fire and burns specifically, 3,194 deaths occurred (1/100,000 population), which represented 1.6% of all injury fatalities but only 1.3% of injuries. In all, 408,945 nonfatal burns occurred in the United States in 2014, giving a rate of 0.129% of persons in the United States sustaining a burn, or about 1 per 1000.

We constructed trend lines in addition to the preceding data in the rate of reported injuries and death since 2005. These data were found on the WISQAR database produced by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). We found that total injuries were relatively unchanged in this period from 2005 to 2009, then saw a large spike (a 10% increase) from 2010 to 2012. This spike has since receded ( Fig. 3.1 ). When seen on a per capita basis, a 7.5% increase in the rate of reported injury occurred in the 2010–2012 period; therefore the spike in reported injuries was not from an increase in population; this is an interesting societal trend. Of further interest is the increase in injury fatalities which began at the same time and is mostly associated with an increased injury mortality rate (a 12.3% increase from 0.57% to 0.64%). This continues to rise despite a subsequent decline in total and per capita injuries. Whether this is from an increase in injury severity or age distribution cannot be answered in these data. A potential reason is a perceived increase in the use of palliative withdrawal of care, suggesting that those who might live with known treatments are unnecessarily adding to the mortality rate.

Fig. 3.1, Injury statistics taken from the WISQARS database maintained by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Panel A describes the total number of reported injuries from the period 2005–2014. The y-axis is the total number of injuries. The trendline is the moving average of the adjoining two values. Panel B describes the per capita incidence of reported injuries in %, calculated by dividing the number of injuries by population for that year. Panel C describes the total number of fatalities ascribed to injury for the years 2005–2014. Panel D is the injury fatality rate by year calculated by dividing the number of fatalities by the number of reported injuries. Panel E is the injury fatalities per capita, calculated by dividing the number of fatalities by the population for that year.

The incidence of total burns saw a similar spike in the 2010–2012 period, but this was not reflected in the per capita statistics, likely because of blunting by the relatively low incidence of burns ( Fig. 3.2 ). Interestingly burn fatalities continue to decrease overall with a flattening trajectory in 2013–2014. The per capita numbers also showed a decline that has leveled at 0.001% (1 in 100,000). What is not seen is an increase in burn fatality rate that is evident in the all-injury fatality rate.

Fig. 3.2, Burn injury statistics taken from the WISQARS database maintained by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Panel A describes the total number of injuries from the period 2005–2014. The y-axis is the number of injuries, with the included trendline the moving average of the two adjoining values. Panel B describes the per capita incidence with a trendline similarly calculated. Panel C is the number of fatalities with Panel D as the corresponding fatality rate. Finally, Panel E is the per capita burn fatalities.

Burns occur unequally among the age groups in the WISQAR data, and the interim changes from 2005 to 2014 are interesting. The total number of burns have generally decreased in those aged 0–45, whereas the total number of burns in those older than 45 have increased dramatically, 31% from 2005 to 2014 in those aged 46–65, and 12% in those aged over 65 ( Table 3.1 ).

Table 3.1
Burn Mortality Rates Over Time.
Age Year Nonfatal Fatal Total Mortality (%) Population Per Capita Burn (%) Per Capita Burn (%)
0–4 2005 71935 279 72214 0.4 19917400 0.36 0.0014
2006 64821 250 65071 0.4 19938883 0.33 0.0013
2007 63207 266 63473 0.4 20125962 0.32 0.0013
2008 60571 219 60790 0.4 20271127 0.30 0.0011
2009 58400 208 58608 0.4 20244518 0.29 0.0010
5-yr Avg 63787 244 64031 0.4 20099578 0.32 0.0012
2010 61091 212 61303 0.3 20201362 0.30 0.0010
2011 67225 172 67397 0.3 20125958 0.33 0.0009
2012 68130 141 68271 0.2 19980310 0.34 0.0007
2013 63297 165 63462 0.3 19867849 0.32 0.0008
2014 57117 151 57268 0.3 19876883 0.29 0.0008
5-yr Avg 63372 168 63540 0.3 20010472 0.32 0.0008
10-yr Avg 63579 206 63786 0.3 20055025 0.32 0.0010
5–18 2005 74159 312 74471 0.4 57831395 0.13 0.0005
2006 66652 279 66931 0.4 58119881 0.12 0.0005
2007 61400 300 61700 0.5 58288081 0.11 0.0005
2008 63831 229 64060 0.4 58421598 0.11 0.0004
2009 52910 208 53118 0.4 58424283 0.09 0.0004
5-yr Avg 63790 266 64056 0.4 58217048 0.11 0.0005
2010 60711 198 60909 0.3 58480960 0.10 0.0003
2011 61699 187 61886 0.3 58193935 0.11 0.0003
2012 62847 154 63001 0.2 58091861 0.11 0.0003
2013 58077 197 58274 0.3 58038492 0.10 0.0003
2014 55991 170 56161 0.3 57932325 0.10 0.0003
5-yr Avg 59865 181 60046 0.3 58147515 0.10 0.0003
10-yr Avg 61828 223 62051 0.4 58182281 0.11 0.0004
19–45 2005 208907 929 209836 0.4 112647339 0.19 0.0008
2006 203442 878 204320 0.4 112514315 0.18 0.0008
2007 191442 874 192316 0.5 112442872 0.17 0.0008
2008 182288 694 182982 0.4 112505361 0.16 0.0006
2009 173432 717 174149 0.4 112716130 0.15 0.0006
5-yr Avg 191902 818 192721 0.4 112565203 0.17 0.0007
2010 190820 632 191452 0.3 112814655 0.17 0.0006
2011 194082 627 194709 0.3 113358991 0.17 0.0006
2012 197541 549 198090 0.3 114032337 0.17 0.0005
2013 181735 620 182355 0.3 114758868 0.16 0.0005
2014 178110 628 178738 0.4 115429655 0.15 0.0005
5-yr Avg 188458 611 189069 0.3 114078901 0.17 0.0005
10-yr Avg 190180 715 190895 0.4 113322052 0.17 0.0006
46–65 2005 70827 1028 71855 1.4 70711525 0.10 0.0015
2006 72704 1124 73828 1.5 72928734 0.10 0.0015
2007 74386 1132 75518 1.5 74994337 0.10 0.0015
2008 79990 1110 81100 1.4 76870172 0.11 0.0014
2009 74215 1035 75250 1.4 78416768 0.10 0.0013
5-yr Avg 74424 1086 75510 1.4 74784307 0.10 0.0015
2010 79685 1068 80753 1.3 79661338 0.10 0.0013
2011 84717 1095 85812 1.3 81352090 0.11 0.0013
2012 82370 1044 83414 1.3 82417467 0.10 0.0013
2013 79213 1120 80333 1.4 82497447 0.10 0.0014
2014 92813 1081 93894 1.2 82759431 0.11 0.0013
5-yr Avg 83760 1082 84841 1.3 81737555 0.10 0.0013
10-yr Avg 79092 1084 80176 1.4 78260931 0.10 0.0014
>65 2005 22054 1183 23237 5.1 34408940 0.07 0.0034
2006 22277 1136 23413 4.9 34878099 0.07 0.0033
2007 20393 1196 21589 5.5 35379955 0.06 0.0034
2008 23449 1127 24576 4.6 36025708 0.07 0.0031
2009 22034 1026 23060 4.4 36969830 0.06 0.0028
5-yr Avg 22041 1134 23175 4.9 35532506 0.07 0.0032
2010 19872 1083 20955 5.2 37587223 0.06 0.0029
2011 21465 1087 22552 4.8 38690658 0.06 0.0028
2012 26219 1021 27240 3.7 39590103 0.07 0.0026
2013 25449 1114 26563 4.2 41334875 0.06 0.0027
2014 24914 1164 26078 4.5 42858762 0.06 0.0027
5-yr Avg 23584 1094 24678 4.5 40012324 0.06 0.0027
10-yr Avg 22813 1114 23926 4.7 37772415 0.06 0.0030

The spike seen in total injuries between 2010 and 2012 is parallel with burns in those aged 0–4 but has settled back to a 6% decline in this age group from that in 2005. For those aged 5–18, we see a similar steady decline in the number of burns, and also in those aged 19–45. However the numbers of burns in those aged 46–65 and in those older than 65 years have seen a steady and dramatic increase. When indexed to population, this is almost completely accounted for by the increase in population in these age groups. Therefore no increase in per capita rate has occurred, and the increased numbers are from an increase in the population of those aged over 45 years.

When considering plans in health care utilization to respond to changes in the incidence of burns, strategies should be for the total number of burns likely to be encountered. For regional plans, per capita estimations should be used as specific regions grow and contract. In this light, the past 10 years have seen a significant decrease in the total number of burns in those aged 45 years and younger. Populations in the United States are generally stable for these age groups in the past 10 years, thus the decline in total numbers of burns must be attributed to cultural changes and prevention efforts, both legislative and educational. Therefore future resource utilization for the care of burns in this age group in the United States will likely continue to diminish unless some change occurs in the population. However those older than 45 years continue to increase in many areas, and thus considerations might be made to plan for further growth in burns in older persons.

We then analyzed the epidemiologic data from the National Burn Repository (NBR) available from the American Burn Association for the years 2006–2015. In this, we examined recent trends in burn incidence and qualities in the United States. The NBR contains data from 96 of the128 self-designated burn centers in the United States as well as 7 burn centers in Canada, Sweden, and Switzerland. Of these 96 centers, 65 were verified as a burn center using American Burn Association criteria. The data we include here come only from the reporting US centers.

The distribution of burns among age groups in the NBR data has more granularity than does the WISQAR data. Burn distribution has a major grouping in those younger than 10 years of age. Those aged 11–20 have a smaller incidence, which then increases in those aged 21–60; thereafter the total numbers decline ( Fig. 3.3 ) for a bimodal distribution when grouped in this way. Among these, 67% were in men, which is similar to previous reports of burns by gender. In terms of ethnicity, 58% of burns in the United States were in European-Americans, 21% in African-Americans, 13% in Hispanic-Americans, 5% in other ethnicities, and 3% in Asian-Americans.

Fig. 3.3, Burn-specific injury statistics taken from the WISQARS database. These are the number of recorded injuries in each age group.

Most burns were below 10% total body surface (TBSA), which included 78% of the burned population. Another 14% measured 11–20% TBSA, and the remaining 8% were greater than 20% TBSA. These numbers are all from designated burn centers, and it is likely that many additional burns below 10% TBSA were treated in nonburn centers. With this in mind, it is likely that almost all burns over 10% were treated at burn centers, thus the distribution in the NBR data is likely to be biased to larger burns from the true incidence in the United States.

Most burns were the result of injuries due to fire and flame at 41% of the total. Scalds accounted for another 33%, followed by contact with hot objects at 9%, and then chemical and electrical burns at 3% each. Overall mortality for those with burns was 3.1% during this period, which declined by almost 25% from 4.0% in 2006. Mortality was generally higher in women, except in 2015. Deaths did increase significantly with burn size (as expected), which was almost linear with increasing burned area (regression formula y = x – 13.7, r 2 = 0.97) ( Fig. 3.4 ). This is a change from previous mortality rates, which was mostly a first-order distribution. According to this formula, probability of mortality for a burn (without considering age) can be estimated at %TBSA burned minus 14.

Fig. 3.4, Reported mortality by burn size.

We did a probit analysis on the overall mortality data which revealed an LD50 for a 55% TBSA burn among all age groups. Thus a 55% TBSA burn would be expected to have a mortality rate of 50%; this is an improvement from previous reports. When the Baux score (age plus TBSA burned) was examined for mortality, a 50% mortality was reported at about 105 and a 90% mortality was reported at 130.


Geographic and housing tract location significantly influences the rate of house fires and the subsequent death rates from associated burns. Age of the home, economic status, number of vacant houses, and immigration status affect the house fire rate. House fire death rates are higher in the Eastern part of the United States, particularly the Southeast, compared to the West. Cooking is the leading cause of house fires in the United States: 46% of house fires and 44% of fire-related injuries are by this cause. Another leading cause of house fires is from heating equipment at 16% of instances. Other causes include electrical system fires (9%), intentional fires (8%), and fires from cigarette smoking (5%). Interestingly the cause of fire with the highest mortality is that from cigarette smoking, comprising 22% of residential fire-related deaths ( Table 3.2 ). The ratio of deaths compared to other causes is also much higher in this group, at 4.4.

Table 3.2
Causes of Burn Injuries.
Fires (%) Injuries (%) Deaths (%) Odds Ratio of Death
Cooking Equipment 46 44 19 0.4
Heating Equipment 16 12 19 1.2
Electrical Equipment 9 9 16 1.8
Intentional 8 7 14 1.8
Smoking 5 10 22 4.4

Gratifyingly the number of residential fires has dramatically decreased since 2004, falling 22%; similarly related fire death rates have fallen by the same amount. Injuries, however, have only gone down by 7%, suggesting that in those fires that do occur, more injuries are occurring. Interestingly fire death rates are reduced by 50% with working fire alarms. When the rate of fire deaths is considered by state, we find these are highest in Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and West Virginia. The lowest rates are Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, Texas, and Utah.

The economic consequences of residential fires are also great. The highest fire-related losses in recent history were in 2008, with $16.7 billion in property damage and other direct costs. This has significantly fallen since then, with a reported $11.5 billion in losses in 2013. The healthcare costs of burns are also prodigious. Each year in the United States, 40,000–60,000 people undergo in-hospital care for burns. The average charges for hospital care of a burned patient range from $47,557.00 to $1,203,410.00 (average $92,377), with much higher costs incurred by patients with extensive burns. The length of hospital stay ranges from one day to hundreds of days (mean 9.7), and, for patients 80 years and older is more than twice as long as that for children under 5.

High-Risk Populations


The number of pediatric burn patients admitted to hospitals is influenced by cultural differences, resource availability, and medical practice. Consequently the number of pediatric burn patients admitted to a hospital for treatment varies by geographic area from a low rate of 1.4/100,000 population in North America to a high of 10.8/100,000 population in Africa. It has been estimated that 113,108 children aged 18 and younger were treated for burns in the United States in 2014. Of those injuries, approximately 60% were scald burns in those under 5 years of age; contact burns, 20%; fire/flame, 15%; and 5%, other. For those aged 5–18, scalds accounted for approximately 33% of injuries; fire/flame, 45%; contact, 10%; and other, 12%, demonstrating a shift from scalds to fire and flame with increasing age. In 2013, 334 children died from fires or burns, and 44% of these were 4 years of age and younger.

Scald burns are the most common cause of burns in the particularly young. The occurrence of tap water scalds can be prevented by adjusting the temperature settings on hot water heaters or by installing special faucet valves so that water does not leave the tap at temperatures above 120°F (48.8°C). All code-making bodies at the national and regional levels have established standards for new or reconstructed dwellings requiring antiscald technology and a maximum water temperature of 120°F.

Home exercise treadmills represent a recently identified source of burns in pediatric patients. The injuries are a consequence of contact with a moving treadmill and almost always involve the upper extremity (97%), often the volar surface of the hand. Approximately 50% undergo surgical intervention in the form of skin grafting, and some develop hypertrophic scars.


The elderly represent an increasing population segment, as previously described, and they have an increased prevalence in the burned population due to increased numbers as well as increased risk of being burned. Furthermore mortality from burns increases with age. The WISQAR data demonstrate that about 6% of all burns occur in those older than 65 years, although other reports from single centers approach 16% of all admissions for burns, and mortality in this age group is significantly higher than that of all other ages, at 4.7% of all over 65 years of age who are burned compared to between 0.4% and 1.4% in all other age groups.

Interestingly the rates of burn by gender are almost even in the elderly who are burned, 51% in men and 49% in women. In an older paper, it was noted that 67% of injuries in the elderly are caused by flame or explosion, 20% by scalds, 6% by electricity, 2% by chemicals, and 6% by other causes. Forty-one percent of the injuries occurred in the bedroom and/or living room, 28% out of doors or in the workplace, 18% in the kitchen, 8% in the bathroom, and 5% in the garage or basement. Seventy-seven percent of the patients had one or more preexisting medical conditions. Examination of predictors of mortality revealed that the usual signals such as increasing age, burn size, and inhalation injury continue to remain the most useful in this age group, but each of these had much more impact on mortality than in other age groups, as reflected by the much higher mortality rate. Several authors reported lower mortality rates in the elderly than expected from standard prediction models, such as those from Bull, ASBI, and Ryan, indicating that we are improving in this age group as well.

A recently identified factor in burns in the elderly are those in relation to dementia. Harvey and others identified a 1.6 odds ratio of burns between the aged with and without dementia. In addition, the burns were more likely to be larger, were more likely associated with ignition of clothing or scalds, and hospital length of stay was twice as long.


The disabled are a group of patients considered to be burn-prone and are often injured in the home in incidents associated with scalds. From a report in 1993, the effects of disability and preexisting disease in those patients are evident in the duration of hospital stay (27.6 days on average) and the death rate (22.2%) associated with the modest average extent of burn (10% TBSA). Another report on burns in generally elderly patients with dementia (who were also disabled) emphasized prevention measures to reduce the incidence of burns when such patients are performing the activities of daily living.

Military Personnel

In wartime, military personnel are at high risk for burns both related to combat and nonintentional causes. The incidence of burns is associated with the types of weapons employed and combat units engaged and has ranged from 2.3% to as high as 85% in a number of conflicts over the past 8 decades. The detonation of a nuclear weapon at Hiroshima in 1945 instantaneously generated an estimated 57,700 burned patients and destroyed many treatment facilities, which thereby compromised their care. In the Vietnam conflict, as a consequence of the total air superiority achieved by the U.S. Air Force and the lack of armored fighting vehicle activity, those with burns constituted only 4.6% of all patients admitted to Army medical treatment facilities from 1963 to 1975. Approximately 60% of the 13,047 burned patients were nonbattle injuries. Furthermore in the Panama police action in late 1989, the low incidence of burns (only 6 or 2.3% of the total 259 casualties had burns) has been attributed to the fact that the action involved only infantry and airborne forces using small-arms weaponry.

Burns during conflicts have not always been this low, as exemplified by the Israeli conflicts of 1973 and 1982, and the British Army of the Rhine experience in World War II. Both of these conflicts were dense, with personnel in armored fighting vehicles who had a relatively high incidence of burns. Burns have also been common injuries in war at sea, such as in the Falkland Islands campaign of 1982: 34% of all casualties from the British Navy ships were burns. The increased incidence of burns, 10.5% and 8.6% in the Israeli conflicts of 1973 and 1982, respectively, as compared to the 4.6% incidence in the 1967 Israeli conflict, was considered to reflect what has been termed “battlefield saturation” with tanks and antitank weaponry. Decreasing incidence of burns in armored vehicle combat has been attributed to enforced use of flame-retardant garments and the effectiveness of an automatic fire extinguishing system within tanks. Those factors have also been credited with reducing the extent of the burns that did occur. For example, in the 1973 Israeli conflict 29% of burned patients had injuries of more than 40% TBSA, and only 21% had burns of less than 10% TBSA. After institution of garment and fire-extinguisher policies, in the 1982 Israeli conflict those same categories of burns represented 18% and 51%, respectively, of all burn injuries.

Modern weaponry may have eliminated the differential incidence of burns between armored fighting vehicle personnel and those in other combat elements. One of every seven casualties had burns in the British and Argentinean forces in the 1982 Falkland Islands conflict in which there was little if any involvement of armored fighting vehicles. Conversely only 36 (7.8%) burns were sustained in the total 458 casualties in the U.S. Forces during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm in 1990–1991, in which there was extensive involvement of armored fighting vehicles.

In the most recent armed conflicts, Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom, the U.S. Army Burn Center (U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research [ISR]) in San Antonio, Texas, provided care for all military patients who sustained burns. Trained burn surgeons from the ISR provided care at the Burn Center in San Antonio; at a general hospital in Landstuhl, Germany, while in transit from the theater of operations to the continental United States; as well as at the Level III hospital in-theater (Balad, Iraq). During this conflict, approximately 900 combat casualties were admitted to the burn center, among whom 34 expired (3.9%). Interestingly another 11 expired within 10 years of injury from either a drug overdose (5), another combat injury (3), or a motor vehicle crash (3). Therefore about 10% of deaths occurred from self-induced overdose, which should be investigated further and mitigated. On average, definitive care was administered in the United States within 96 hours of injury, which was accomplished through active use of the Global Patient Movement Regulating Center and the Burn Flight Team. This team consists of Army personnel who work with existing Air Force crews to support and rapidly transport severely burned patients from theater. In this conflict, more than 250 critically ill patients were transported successfully, with only one mortality during the flight.

The U.S. Army Burn Center maintains readiness by caring for civilians in south Texas, and this activity continued during the conflict. When examined, these two populations who were cared for by the same personnel with the same equipment showed no differences in outcomes when those of the same ages were compared. Interestingly the burn size distributions of both groups were the same and were similar to that reported from the general databases at the beginning of this chapter.

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