Ephedra (Ma-Huang)


  • Ephedra is a plant that contains a variety of ephedrine alkaloids, including ephedrine and pseudoephedrine.

  • Dietary supplements containing ephedra were marketed in USA as agents that may aid in wt reduction and energy enhancement. Ephedra may be used in the manufacture of methamphetamine.

  • In 2004, USA banned the sale of ephedra-containing supplements with a subsequent marked decrease in reported poisonings.

  • Although banned in USA, sale of ephedra-containing supplements continues via internet resources.

  • Some supplements have been marketed as “ephedrine-free” or as legal ephedra products, in which ephedra is replaced with other herbal stimulants such as bitter orange.

  • Ephedra-containing substances are also known as ma-huang, Mormon tea, squaw tea, and herbal ecstasy.

Perioperative Risks

  • Risks associated with an increase in the sympathetic nervous system activity and dysrhythmias and Htn

Worry About

  • Lethal cardiac arrhythmias, Htn, myocarditis, MI, angina, increased thermogenesis

  • Hemorrhagic and/or ischemic stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral vasculitis, seizures

  • Bronchial dilation, acute hepatitis

  • Preterm labor

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