Endovascular Repair of Extracranial Cerebrovascular Lesions

Each year in the United States, nearly 800,000 individuals experience a new or recurrent stroke, accounting for direct and indirect costs of more than $40 billion and untold damage to patients and their families. Stroke is responsible for 1 out of every 20 deaths in the United States, making it the fifth leading cause of death. By 2030, it is projected that an additional 3.4 million adults will have had a stroke, a 20.5% increase in prevalence since 2012. Carotid bifurcation stenosis and resultant ischemia producing emboli is a major cause of preventable stroke. Efforts to address this major health issue have focused on risk factor management, including medical therapy, and surgical or endovascular intervention.

Treatment of carotid disease has evolved considerably over the past 60 years with the introduction of the carotid endarterectomy (CEA) in the 1950s and carotid angioplasty in the late 1970s. During the 1990s, several landmark, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in North America and Europe were published, which demonstrated the superiority of CEA plus medical management over medical management alone, affirming CEA as the gold standard for patients with carotid bifurcation stenosis. Carotid stenting was introduced in the mid-1990s and has evolved with advances in technique, equipment, operator experience, and the routine use of cerebral protection devices. Carotid stenting has also been studied in multiple RCTs with long-term results. Carotid angioplasty and stenting (CAS) is a viable minimally invasive alternative to CEA for select patient populations, and is continuing to develop as an option for treating carotid bifurcation stenosis. The purpose of this chapter is to describe the techniques available for CAS, provide an overview of current results, and offer perspective as to the value of this treatment in the management of extracranial cerebrovascular disease.


Patient Selection for Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting

Appropriate patient selection for CAS is paramount to a successful procedure, and in minimizing perioperative complications and stroke risk. Part of the motivation in the development of CAS was to address the needs of patients at high risk for CEA in an attempt to improve results of carotid revascularization. In the United States, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has established criteria for patient eligibility for endovascular carotid interventions on the basis of being high risk for CEA, identifying both physiologic and anatomic factors making the patient a high-risk candidate for an open surgical procedure ( Box 21.1 ). Under the current national coverage determination (NCD) policy, CMS coverage for CAS is provided in symptomatic patients with carotid artery stenosis ≥70% or for high-risk patients with symptomatic stenosis ≥50% and asymptomatic stenosis ≥80% who are enrolled in Category B Investigations Device Exemption (IDE) trials or postapproval registries. The NCD requires the use of US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved CAS systems and embolic protection devices, as well as CMS-approved institutions. The use of CAS for patients at high risk for CEA is now an established practice; however, CMS coverage has a substantial impact on patient selection and may not have equipoise with evolving techniques and approaches to CAS.

Box 21.1
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Criteria: Patients at High Risk for Carotid Endarterectomy

  • Age >80 years

  • Myocardial infarction

  • Left ventricle ejection fraction <30%

  • Contralateral carotid occlusion

  • New York Heart Association class III or IV

  • Unstable angina: Canadian Cardiovascular Society class III or IV

  • Renal failure: end stage renal disease on dialysis

  • Common carotid artery lesions below clavicle

  • Severe pulmonary disease

  • Clinically significant cardiac disease (congestive heart failure, abnormal stress test, or need for open-heart surgery)

  • Previous neck radiation

  • High cervical internal carotid artery lesion

  • Restenosis of prior carotid endarterectomy

  • Tracheostomy

  • Contralateral laryngeal nerve palsy

There are also factors that make patients high risk for CAS, which are primarily anatomic. Examples of poor anatomy for CAS include severe tortuosity of the aortic arch, great vessels, or carotid bifurcation, heavy calcification of these vessels, or unsuitable access. Marked angulation, kinks, and coils of the internal carotid artery (ICA) might not allow adequate room for appropriate deployment of cerebral protection devices (CPDs) with adequate wall apposition. If these areas are straightened by stents, the angulation is usually displaced distally and may be more exaggerated. Difficult arch anatomy or severe calcification of the aortic arch and proximal branch vessels may preclude a safe transfemoral carotid intervention. Carotid bifurcation lesions that are recently symptomatic or are composed of soft plaque should also be avoided, if possible. These lesions also can be treated using proximal protection, so that the cerebral circulation is protected from emboli before crossing the lesion. Carotid bifurcation lesions that are too long to treat with a single stent also tend to add risk to the CAS procedure. Poor early results of CAS in older patients have prompted a high level of caution in octogenarians. A recent retrospective review of 135 octogenarians undergoing CAS reported a peri-interventional complication rate of 8.9%, with a low rate of neurological events over 33 months of follow-up. However, a high total death rate was reported, which may be due to the specific patient cohort and comorbidities and not necessarily procedurally related. Extra evaluation for high-risk anatomy, preexisting brain lesions, evidence of cognitive problems, or other factors that may make repair more risky or limit its long-term value should be performed. In the early phases of CAS, these high-risk factors for performing CAS were not yet established. It is now recognized that CAS in its current form and with existing technology is not a direct replacement product for CEA. Nevertheless, the results of CAS have improved steadily over the past 15 years. One of the reasons for this is improved patient selection based on a better understanding of which patients are at high risk for CAS ( Table 21.1 ).

TABLE 21.1
Summary of Published Results of Observational Studies of Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting
Study Year of Publication No. of Lesions Cerebral Protection (%) 30-DAY OUTCOME
Death (%) Stroke (%)
Wholey et al. 1997 114 0 1.8 3.5
Yadav et al. 1997 126 0 0.8 7.1
Henry et al. 1998 174 18 0 2.9
Mathias et al. 1999 799 NG 2.1
Shawl et al. 2000 192 0 0 2.6
Wholey et al. 2000 5,210 Very low 1.9 3.9
d'Audiffret et al. 2001 83 18 4.4
Reimers et al. 2001 88 100 1.1
Roubin et al. 2001 604 0 1.6 5.8
Al Mubarak et al. 2002 164 100 1.2 1.2
Criado et al. 2002 135 0 0 2.2
Guimaraens et al. 2002 194 100 1.9 1.0
Henry et al. 2002 184 100 0.5 2.2
Koch et al. 2002 167 0 7.5
Macdonald et al. 2002 150 50 1.3 6.0
Whitlow et al. 2002 75 100 0 0
Cremonesi et al. 2003 442 100 2.0
Hobson et al. 2003 114 0 1.8 0.9

CPDs have also evolved over the last decade from distal occlusion balloons to distal filters and, subsequently, the addition of proximal balloon occlusion or clamp occlusion and flow reversal techniques. Distal filters have replaced distal occlusion balloons that were cumbersome to deploy and compromised visualization of the ICA by occluding flow, and risks of ICA dissection. Distal filter protection requires arch manipulation and crossing the lesion prior to filter placement. Furthermore, unprotected balloon dilation may be required to cross the lesion and place the filter. Thus cerebral embolization may occur before cerebral protection is established. Distal filters may not provide complete protection due to pore size, or lack of wall apposition, and they may become filled with debris, increasing the risk of embolization during retrieval. Distal protection systems should not be used in distal ICA tortuosity, which may lead to inadequate vessel wall apposition and retrieval difficulty, or if there is an inadequate landing zone for the device. Proximal protection devices are useful for complex lesions, tortuous anatomy, or a symptomatic or ulcerated plaque that is at higher risk for distal embolization. Proximal occlusion devices stop or reverse flow in the ICA and eliminate crossing the lesion prior to embolic protection. The Medtronic MoMa proximal protection device uses balloon occlusion of the common carotid artery (CCA) and external carotid artery (ECA) to stop flow. The bifurcation is aspirated after stent placement. However, this system requires initial catheterization of the arch and great vessel origins as well as ECA occlusion prior to the establishment of protection, which both pose embolic risks. The direct trancervical approach using the ENROUTE transcarotid neuroprotection system (NPS) is another approach to CAS, which is designed to avoid the risk of embolization during unprotected catheterization of the aortic arch and supra-aortic vessels from a transfemoral approach. In this approach, the CCA is exposed through a short supraclavicular incision and cannulated directly. This requires adequate CCA length (a minimum of 6 cm from clavicle to bifurcation) and minimal atherosclerotic disease in the CCA to permit safe sheath placement and arterial clamping. A reversed-flow circuit is established between the CCA sheath and a femoral vein cannula. The minimal supraclavicular incision required for this approach remains a viable option in patients who are poor candidates for standard CEA due to poor arch anatomy, hostile neck anatomy, or medical unsuitability.

The patient must be neurologically intact and able to follow commands to permit safe carotid stenting. Patients who cannot lie flat on the fluoroscopy table because of shortness of breath from cardiac or pulmonary problems will not tolerate intervention. Morbid obesity makes femoral access more challenging, as well as control of the access site after the procedure. Patients who cannot be treated safely with antiplatelet agents before and after the procedure, or who are at high risk for hemorrhagic complications, should not undergo endovascular carotid interventions.

Preprocedure Evaluation

Thorough evaluation and preparation of the patient before the procedure is essential for safe carotid intervention. The brachiocephalic anatomy is studied before the procedure to assess candidacy for the percutaneous approach. A thorough understanding of the arch, carotid, and cerebral arterial anatomy can be obtained with catheter-based arteriogram, computed tomographic angiogram (CTA), or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). CTA is advantageous for multiple reasons. It is fast, depicts the arch anatomy well with good vessel wall and lumen definition, identifies calcifications, and can be used to measure the distance from the clavicle to the carotid bifurcation, which is important for the transcervical approach. MRA offers anatomical detail without radiation exposure, but it is slow and may be uncomfortable for some patients. Both CTA and MRA provide information on plaque morphology. Several anatomic factors can be considered relative contraindications to CAS, as mentioned previously, and these are well identified using preoperative imaging.

A National Institutes of Health (NIH) stroke scale or other objective evaluation is completed before to CAS. A CT or magnetic resonance image (MRI) of the brain is obtained in symptomatic patients and in those 80 years of age or older to evaluate for preprocedure cerebral pathology. Octogenarians have a higher risk of stroke with CAS; therefore, it should be performed with caution. Antiplatelet therapy is administered: aspirin daily, and clopidogrel (Plavix) 75 mg/day for 5 days before the procedure. In all cases, patients should have received clopidogrel (total dose of 300 mg) before the intervention. Antihypertensive medication is held or decreased on the day of the procedure. If an antihypertensive is required during the procedure, it is best to use a short-acting agent. Postoperative hypotension or bradycardia can occur after CAS as a result of baroreceptor stimulation. Patients with aortic stenosis may have cardiovascular collapse in this setting, and external pacing pads or a temporary internal pacemaker should be placed. In patients with absent femoral pulses owing to aortoiliac occlusion or hostile groin anatomy, a transbrachial or transcervical approach may be considered.

The CAS procedure is performed using local anesthesia with minimal or no sedation to facilitate patient cooperation and continuous neurologic monitoring. Continuous arterial pressure monitoring is required. Techniques, such as squeezing a rubber toy, aid in simple and effective neurologic monitoring during the procedure.

Approved carotid stenting systems are limited to use in patients with symptomatic ≥50% stenosis, or asymptomatic ≥80% stenosis ( Table 21.2 ). CAS in standard risk patients and those at high risk for CEA but who are asymptomatic are not currently approved for reimbursement under Medicare guidelines, unless it is performed as part of an approved clinical research protocol. Reconsideration of the extent of coverage of CAS by the CMS is likely to take place as a result of recent data accumulated through recent RCTs.

TABLE 21.2
High-Risk Prospective Registry Data
Name Company No. of Patients Stent Embolic Device MAE (%) Stroke (%) Year Presented
ARCHER 1 Guidant 158 Acculink None 7.6 4.4 2003
ARCHER 2 Guidant 278 Acculink Accunet 8.6 6.8 2003
ARCHER 3 Guidant 145 Acculink Accunet 8.3 7.6 2003
BEACH BSC 480 Wallstent Filterwire 5.8 4.4 2005
CABERNET BSC 454 Nexstent Filterwire 3.9 3.4 2005
CREATE EV3 160 Acculink SPIDERX 5.6 4.4 2005
SECuRITY Abbott 305 Xactstent Emboshield 7.5 6.2 2003
MAVErIC Medtronic 399 Exponent PercuSurge 5 3 2004
ARCHER, The Acculink for Revascularization of Carotids in High-Risk Patients; BEACH, Boston Scientific EPI: a carotid stenting trial for high-risk surgical patients; CABERNET, Carotid Artery Revascularization Using the Boston Scientific Filterwire EX system and the EndoTex NextStent Carotid Stent; CREATE, Carotid Revascularization with the EV3 Arterial Technology Evolution; SECuRITY, Registry Study to Evaluate the Neuroshield Bare Wire Cerebral protection System and X-act Stent in Patients at High Risk for Carotid Endarterectomy; MAE , major adverse event; MAVErIC, Evaluation of the Medtronic Self-Expanding Carotid Stent with Distal Protection of Carotid Artery Stenosis.

Access for Transfemoral Approach

Femoral artery access is the usual approach when planning to use a distal filter or proximal balloon occlusion for cerebral protection. The majority of CAS cases have been performed through femoral artery access. The right common femoral approach is the most convenient for catheter manipulations by the right-handed surgeon, but the left is acceptable as well if the right side is hostile. A micropuncture set (21-gauge needle) can be used for the initial femoral access; this has significantly reduced the number of femoral access complications. The use of ultrasound during puncture has become routine, and it has enhanced the ability to use closure devices at the conclusion of the procedure. Following guidewire access, an introducer sheath is placed in the common femoral artery, which is the same size as that intended for the carotid stent placement (typically 6 or 7 French) or CPD (8 or 9 French for the MoMa device). If a brachial approach is planned, access to the CCA is usually best obtained from the contralateral brachial artery. Transcervical access will also be discussed later in this chapter.

Arch Evaluation

Arch manipulation carries a risk of neurologic events. In several studies of CAS, up to 1% of patients sustained a stroke in the contralateral hemisphere, suggesting that carotid access is a contributor to morbidity. Systemic heparin should be administered before aortic arch manipulation. An activated clotting time (ACT) of 250 seconds or greater is desired.

Following systemic anticoagulation, an arch aortogram is performed using a multi-sidehole flush catheter (e.g., pigtail catheter) with the image intensifier in a left anterior oblique (LAO) position. The goal is to obtain an en face view of the aortic arch as it traverses posterior and laterally toward the patient's left. An angle of 30 to 45 degrees LAO usually provides an optimal view of the origins of the arch vessels. The pigtail catheter is subsequently withdrawn over a 260-cm angled Glidewire. The guidewire and pigtail catheter should be pulled back together into the descending aorta where the pigtail can then be removed and the guidewire can be advanced into the ascending aorta. As few manipulations as possible are performed in the aortic arch and great vessels to lower the risk of an iatrogenic embolic event.

Hypertension and advanced age are associated with increased tortuosity of the access pathway to the carotid bifurcation. This makes no difference in the performance of CEA, but directly influences the challenges posed for transfemoral CAS. Negotiating the tortuous arch requires more manipulation for catheterization, a more embedded position of the exchange guidewire, and more maneuvers to achieve sheath placement. The tortuosity of the arch can be assessed rapidly by drawing a horizontal line across the apex of the inner curvature of the arch. Vessels that originate below the horizontal line at the apex of the aortic arch (e.g., branches that arise from the ascending aorta) are more difficult to selectively cannulate ( Fig. 21.1 ). The authors caution against transfemoral carotid stenting in the setting of a “difficult arch” until the operator has become expert with selective cannulation of the common carotid arteries in this situation. Even then, the tortuous arch likely poses a slight increase in the overall risk of CAS. Training and credentialing documents suggest varying numbers of carotid arteriograms as a prerequisite to initiating CAS training.

FIG 21.1, Evaluation of the Aortic Arch.

Selective Common Carotid Cannulation

Selective cannulation can be accomplished using one of two preshaped catheters; a simple curve catheter such as a vertebral catheter or a complex curve catheter such as the reversed-angle Vitek catheter (VTK). The image intensifier is maintained in its fixed position (i.e., LAO) and landmarks or roadmapping can be used to guide vessel cannulation. The first-choice catheter in most cases is a simple curve catheter. The simple curve catheter is passed into the ascending aorta. The guidewire is retracted into the shaft of the catheter to permit the catheter tip to function on its own, without the added stiffness of the wire. The catheter is withdrawn slowly into the arch, and its tip is rotated superiorly. When the catheter tip engages the arch branch, the catheter is rocked gently side to side to allow it to “seed” itself into the CCA. These are very slight movements while visualizing the catheter tip to see that it is taking a shape consistent with position in the arch branch. The guidewire is advanced, slowly at first to ensure that it does not catch on the wall and kick the catheter tip out of the artery. Once the guidewire has accessed the CCA, the simple curve catheter is advanced over the guidewire into the mid-CCA for selective angiograms of the carotid artery and its bifurcation. Be careful to avoid inadvertently passing the guidewire into the carotid artery bifurcation. As the cerebral catheter rounds the turn from the arch into the CCA, it tends to straighten the wire out and may prompt the catheter and wire to jump forward. Meticulous adherence to the fundamentals of wire and catheter handling is essential to avoid unintentional movement of devices in the carotid artery or to introduce air bubbles.

Complex curve or reversed-angle catheters such as the VTK are usually required when the aortic arch is tortuous, the common carotid arteries are retroflexed toward the patient's left, or there is a bovine arch configuration ( Fig. 21.2 ). Complex curve catheters are best reformed in the proximal descending aorta and then pushed proximally into the arch. The catheter is advanced into the arch with the tip angled anteriorly and then the tip is angled superiorly as the branch of choice for catheterization is approached. After the tip is engaged into the CCA of choice, the catheter is adjusted slightly, usually with a gentle pull, to allow the elbow of the catheter (located at the second curve of a reversed curve or complex curve catheter) to reach its optimal intended configuration and seed itself in the artery origin. Arteriography can be performed from this position, and the catheter is unlikely to slip out. However, reversed-angle catheters cannot be as easily advanced into the branch vessels after cannulation of the origin. They are used mainly to access the origin of the branch vessels for a selective angiogram of the carotid arteries. Advancing the reverse curve catheter into the ECA requires that as much wire as possible be placed beyond the catheter tip. Because of the reverse angle, a forward push on the catheter shaft when it does not have a reasonably robust rail of wire to pass along will advance the catheter shaft further proximally into the aortic arch and actually drag the tip out of the CCA.

FIG 21.2, Complex-curve or reversed-curve cerebral catheters, such as the Vitek, can be used to catheterize branches arising from a tortuous arch. A severely retroflexed common carotid artery or a bovine arch configuration may also be approached with the Vitek catheter. There is a first bend near the tip of the catheter and a second, more acute bend to approximately 180 degrees (an elbow shape), which allows the tip of the catheter to point in a direction opposite from the direction of the catheter shaft.

After selective cannulation of the CCA, angiograms are usually performed with half-strength contrast. The carotid bifurcation usually is best visualized in the ipsilateral oblique or lateral position. Multiple views may be required to best unfold the carotid bifurcation. This is necessary since the next step usually involves selective cannulation of the ECA. If an arteriogram or CT angiogram was performed before the CAS procedure, optimal angles for viewing the open carotid bifurcation can usually be derived from these studies. If a lateral view of the carotid bifurcation is required to open the carotid bifurcation and cannulate the ECA, after the exchange guidewire is anchored in place, the sheath is best advanced using an LAO view. This permits the operator to best visualize the pathway of the sheath as it crosses from the arch to the CCA. This is the location where the sheath is most likely to encounter an obstacle.

Lateral and craniocaudal anteroposterior intracranial images are obtained if cerebral artery imaging has not already been done before CAS to identify any intracranial pathology and to document the intracranial circulation before CAS. Contrast is administered at 3 to 5 mL/s for 2 seconds with a rate of rise of 0.5 seconds.

Carotid Sheath Access Through Transfemoral Approach

Carotid sheath access requires placement of an adequate length of exchange guidewire into the CCA. When the arch is straightforward and there is no tortuosity and the CCA is of adequate length, this can be accomplished by placing the tip of the exchange guidewire in the distal CCA. However, more often, it is necessary to place a greater length of exchange guidewire than what can be provided by advancing the exchange wire to the distal CCA. This can be accomplished by placing the exchange guidewire into the ECA and using it to anchor the stiff guidewire to create an adequate rail for sheath advancement ( Fig. 21.3 ). Selective external carotid cannulation can be accomplished with a 260-cm angled guidewire and the vertebral catheter. An attempt should be made to reach as distal as possible in the ECA. This allows adequate guidewire length for the subsequent placement of the carotid sheath. The Glidewire is then withdrawn from the vertebral catheter, and a 260-cm Amplatz Super Stiff or other exchange guidewire is passed into the ECA. Passage of the stiff exchange guidewire into the small ECA branches must be done with caution to avoid injury or perforation to these branches. Caution should also be used during wire exchanges. Removing the wire too quickly can create a vacuum, resulting in introduction of air bubbles along the luminal surface of the catheter. It is sometimes helpful to administer contrast into the catheter to confirm external carotid placement. Contrast injections into the carotid system should not be done unless free backflow of blood is present at the hub of the diagnostic catheter. Otherwise there is a risk of pushing microbubbles into the system. In the ECA, back bleeding can at times be diminished by the tight fit of the catheter in the small ECA branches. In this event, the cerebral catheter is slowly withdrawn until adequate backflow is noted.

FIG 21.3, Carotid Sheath Placement.

The vertebral catheter is withdrawn, leaving the Amplatz guidewire in the ECA. The groin access sheath is removed. A 90-cm-long sheath (Destination by Terumo [Somerset, NJ] or Shuttle Sheath by Cook [Bloomington, IN]) is advanced over the Amplatz guidewire into the CCA. Image the tip of the Amplatz guidewire in the ECA and the last turn from the arch into the CCA during sheath passage. If the tip of the advancing sheath hangs at the turn into the CCA or the tip of the guidewire moves back, it indicates that the sheath is not advancing appropriately over the guidewire. Reassess the curvature in the system and ensure that an adequate length of stiff exchange guidewire is present. The dilator tip for the 90-cm carotid sheath is long and not well visualized during fluoroscopy. Identify the optimal length for the dilator to protrude from the sheath and lock the Y-adaptor on the back end of the dilator in this position. After the dilator and sheath are advanced fully into the CCA, and if a position closer to the bifurcation is needed, the dilator is held steady while the sheath is advanced over it. The stiff exchange guidewire and the dilator are withdrawn, and the carotid angiogram is repeated through the carotid sheath with a road map of the carotid bifurcation stenosis in preparation for filter placement.

Cerebral Protection Using Distal Filters

There are no large, randomized trials comparing CAS with and without cerebral protection devices, although their use has become the standard practice after early data suggested a decrease in embolic complications. The CMS also mandates CPD use for endovascular carotid interventions. There are numerous commercially available CPDs ( Box 21.2 ) that are categorized as follows: distal filter, distal occlusion balloon, and proximal occlusion balloon.

Box 21.2
Commercially Available Cerebral Protection Devices by Category

Distal Filter

  • Angioguard XP

  • Emboshield

  • FilterWire EX, EZ

  • AccuNet


  • Fibernet

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