Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography


Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is an invasive test used to visualize the common bile duct (CBD) and pancreatic duct for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in a variety of biliary and pancreatic disorders. The term endoscopic is derived from Greek by combining the prefix “endo” (within) and “scope” (to view). The term cholangiopancreatography is also derived from Greek by combining “chole” (bile), “angio” (vessel), “pancreato” (pancreas), and “graphy” (write). ERCP was developed in 1968 by Drs. McCune, Shorb, and Moscovitz as a diagnostic tool. Until this time, endoscopy had never been used to visualize the pancreatic duct or CBD. ,

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