Endoscopic carpal tunnel release


Indications are similar to those described for open carpal tunnel release ( Chapter 55 ).

Clinical examination

The clinical examination is similar to that described for open carpal tunnel release ( Chapter 55 ).


The wrist is examined for stiffness, specifically with extension, because the wrist must be extended for correct cannula placement ( Fig. 56.1 ).

FIGURE 56.1, Wrist is extended for cannula placement.


Preoperative testing, including electrodiagnostic testing and adjunct imaging tests, are similar to those described for open carpal tunnel release ( Chapter 55 ).

Surgical anatomy

The surgical anatomy is similar to that described for open carpal tunnel release ( Chapter 55 ).


  • Endoscopic carpal tunnel release (ECTR) is performed under tourniquet control with the patient in supine position and the affected extremity on a hand table.

  • ECTR should be performed under local anesthesia.

One-portal technique

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