Echo-Based Approach to the Management of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction

Case Study

A 76-year-old female with a history of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension, and chronic back pain is referred to you from her primary care provider. She was diagnosed with HFpEF approximately 2 years ago and has been hospitalized once in the past year for a presumed HF exacerbation. She reports progressively worse dyspnea on exertion and intermittent lower extremity edema. She denies chest pain, palpitations, or syncope. On physical examination she is afebrile, her pulse is regular at 86 bpm, blood pressure (BP) 158/76 mmHg, respiration rate (RR) 16, and O 2 saturation 97%. Her cardiac examination is significant for jugular venous pressure (JVP) of 14 cm H 2 O, regular rate and rhythm without murmur but with an S 4 gallop. Faint rales are heard at both lung bases. Her abdomen is nontender and obese. She has +2 lower extremity pulses and is normothermic; however, she has +1 lower extremity edema bilaterally. Laboratory tests: Na 134 mg/dL, K 3.7 mg/dL, Cl 103 mg/dL, HCO 3 24 mg/dL, BUN 19 mg/dL, SCR 0.8 mg/dL, BNP 199 pg/mL, HbA1c 8.4%. Her medications include amlodipine 5 mg once daily, hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg once daily, pravastatin 20 mg once daily, metformin 500 mg twice daily, sitagliptin 25 mg once daily, meloxicam 15 mg twice daily as needed, and potassium chloride 20 mEq twice daily. Select echocardiogram images are shown ( Video 35.1 ; Figs. 35.1, 35.2, 35.3, 35.4 ). Left ventricular (LV) EF by modified biplane Simpson rule method was 58%, and no regional wall motion abnormalities or hemodynamically significant valvular disease were appreciated.


Heart failure is a clinical syndrome resulting from structural and functional impairment of ventricular filling or ejection of blood. Patients with HF can be divided into those with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) or preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), and recent literature has also defined an intermediate category of midrange ejection fraction (HFmrEF). Diastolic dysfunction is a central derangement found within all HF patients, regardless of EF. Furthermore, although EF may be preserved, subtle systolic dysfunction is often present in HFpEF as evidenced by deformation imaging. In addition to impairment in LV diastolic properties, those with HFpEF may suffer from a multitude of associated conditions, including right heart dysfunction, pulmonary hypertension (PH), ventricular-arterial uncoupling, left atrial (LA) dysfunction, chronotropic incompetence, atrial tachyarrhythmias, and maladaptive peripheral vascular and skeletal abnormalities. Complementary to the diastolic LV assessment, evaluation of several of these associated conditions makes echocardiography an essential tool in the management of HFpEF.

Heart failure is not a specific disease entity, instead it is a clinical syndrome that develops as a result of several potentially different forms of underlying cardiovascular (CV) disease. Risk factor acquisition and the subsequent response to risk mitigation strategies, combined with intrinsic individual factors, determine whether structural cardiac abnormalities will develop. Antecedent structural changes lead to the eventual development of symptoms and thus the clinical HF syndrome. With this in mind, the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) have developed a HF staging system ( Table 35.1 ). Interventions are aimed at modifying risk factors (stage A), treating structural heart changes (stage B), and reducing morbidity and mortality (stages C and D). Although this conceptual framework has been largely adopted in the HFrEF realm, uptake of this concept into the management and study of HFpEF has been lacking despite widespread agreement that comorbid disease management is imperative in HFpEF treatment.

Contrary to common perception, mean survival for patients suffering from HFpEF is similar to those with HFrEF. Mode of death in both HFpEF and HFrEF is most commonly related to CV causes, although non-CV causes of death likely represent a more sizable contributor in HFpEF than in HFrEF. Comorbid disease states likely contribute to both the development and progression of diastolic dysfunction, as well as predict recurrent hospitalizations and clinical deterioration. Several echo-derived variables have been associated with increased risk of morbidity and mortality in HFpEF ( Box 35.1 ). Worsening of diastolic function on serial echocardiographic studies over time is an independent predictor of increased mortality.

Fig. 35.1, Case study: Pulsed-Wave Doppler LV Filling Pattern.

Fig. 35.2, Case study: Lateral Mitral Annulus Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI).

Optimal management strategies for HFpEF remain to be defined. Several large-scale phase III therapeutic clinical trials in HFpEF have been conducted, and all failed to meet their primary end point. Lack of clear, beneficial evidence-based therapy of HFpEF represents one of the largest unmet needs in CV disease management. Several potential explanations for these neutral results exist, including inconsistent inclusion criteria with respect to the presence and severity of diastolic dysfunction by echocardiography, differing EF and circulating natriuretic peptide cutoff values, high representation of confounding comorbid conditions, and an overall heterogeneity of structural abnormalities within study populations. The latter recognition of heterogeneity within HFpEF pathogenesis and characterization has led to the concept of phenotyping of distinct HFpEF subtypes.

Fig. 35.3, Case study: Medial Mitral Annulus Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI)

Fig. 35.4, Case study: Medial Mitral Annulus Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI)

Box 35.1
Prognostic Echocardiographic Features in HFpEF
Abbreviations: LV, left ventricle; GLS, global longitudinal strain; E/e′, early mitral inflow velocity to mitral annular early diastolic velocity ratio; LA, left atrium; S/D, systole to diastole ratio; TAPSE, Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion; FAC, fractional area change; RV, right ventricle; RVSP, right ventricular systolic pressure; TR, tricuspid regurgitation.

  • Reduced LV GLS

  • Restrictive mitral inflow pattern

  • Elevated E/e′

  • LV hypertrophy

  • LA enlargement

  • Reduced LA strain

  • Abnormal pulmonary vein S/D ratio

  • Reduced TAPSE

  • Reduced FAC

  • Reduced RV free wall strain

  • Reduced TAPSE/RVSP ratio

  • Elevated TR peak velocity

Table 35.1
Progression of HFpEF Through the ACC/AHA Stages
Stage A Stage B Stages C and D
Pathologic Description Risk factors (e.g., HTN, DM, Obesity) DD Without Clinical HF (Preclinical DD) Clinical Syndrome of HFpEF
Diastolic dysfunction n
Deposition (collagen, fibrosis) ↑↑
LV dimensions n n/↓ n/↓
LA dimensions n n/↑
RH dysfunction n n/↑ n/↑
LV GLS n/↓ n/↓
LV GCS n n/↑
LV GRS n n/↓
LA GLS n/↓ n/↓
Primary treatment goal(s) Risk factor modification Comorbid disease management
Treating structural heart disease
Reduce filling pressures
Phenotype-specific therapy
n/ ↑/↓, relates to course/characteristic found in most patients; AHA, American Heart Association; ACC, American College of Cardiology; DD, diastolic dysfunction; DM, diabetes mellitus; GLS, global longitudinal strain; GCS, global circumferential strain; GRS, global radial strain; HFpEF, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; HTN, hypertension; LA, left atrial; LV, left ventricular; RH, right heart.

Although convincing clinical outcomes data are lacking, echocardiographic-derived diastolic function following specific treatment strategies may inform the provider of structural and functional response to therapy. The echocardiographic-based approach to management of HFpEF can broadly be divided into the study of highly load-dependent variables related to real-time volume and pressure status versus relatively load-independent variables related to chronic structural remodeling. Furthermore, LA function, PH, right heart function, and ventricular-arterial coupling can readily be assessed with echocardiography; all are of great importance in HFpEF management.


The field’s understanding of HFpEF pathophysiology has exploded in recent years. Once viewed purely as a LV disease of impaired relaxation and increased elastic stiffness, we now know that a multitude of factors influence this condition. Broadly, the pathophysiology of HFpEF can be divided into central and peripheral mechanisms, several of which are readily assessed with echocardiography. Central mechanisms include impaired LV relaxation and progressive stiffness, subclinical LV systolic dysfunction, LA dysfunction, PH, right heart failure, atrial tachyarrhythmias, chronotropic incompetence, atrial dysfunction, coronary microvascular rarefaction, and endothelial dysfunction. Peripheral mechanisms include systemic hypertension, arterial endothelial dysfunction, renal insufficiency, and poor peripheral oxygen extraction by skeletal muscle. Emerging data support systemic inflammation as a principal driver of multiorgan dysfunction that leads to cardiac remodeling and arterial stiffening.

Cellular Dysfunction

LV cardiac myocytes from HFpEF patients are more calcium sensitive, the sarcomere protein titin undergoes hypophosphorylation and an isoform shift that leads to increased cell stiffness, and maladaptive tinin-actin and actomycin interactions develop. Although myocardial fibrosis was previously thought to be a major pathologic mechanism, both in vivo endomyocardial biopsy and an autopsy study have failed to show impressive fibrosis or collagen volume fraction. However, varying degrees of interstitial fibrosis may be seen, and more extensive hypertrophy and myofibrillar density are common. Emerging echocardiographic techniques, including interactive backscatter analysis, can be used to estimate the degree of myocardial fibrosis but currently is largely restricted to the research arena.

Systolic LV Dysfunction

Ultrastructural changes also lead to concomitant systolic dysfunction in the presence of normal EF. Necessary restoring forces for normal diastolic function are created during systole and may be impaired with even subtle systolic dysfunction. Depressed global longitudinal strain (GLS) is an early marker of systolic dysfunction and is often present in HFpEF. Although GLS may be depressed, global circumferential strain (GCS) and LV twist remain unchanged or even increase, allowing a preserved LV EF. Although LV twist remains preserved, the onset of LV untwist onset is delayed in those with diastolic dysfunction, which compromises the suction function in early diastole. Furthermore, even normal resting LV untwist may become markedly compromised with exercise. A reduced GLS in HFpEF is independently associated with reduced peak O 2 uptake and exercise capacity. Therefore subclinical systolic dysfunction also plays a role in exertional symptoms in HFpEF.

LA Dysfunction

Abnormal diastolic suction function in HFpEF leads to impaired transmitral diastolic flow patterns apparent in traditional indices such as transmitral Doppler profile, as well as more sophisticated methods, including particle imaging velocimetry and vortex formation analysis. Progressive LV diastolic dysfunction leads to impaired LA emptying resulting in LA dysfunction. Chronic LA dysfunction manifests with LA enlargement, thus LA size may be viewed as a potential biomarker of the severity and chronicity of diastolic dysfunction. LA function has been divided into three phases: reservoir, conduit, and active contraction. During reservoir phase the left atrium stores pulmonary venous return during LV contraction and isovolumetric relaxation. With mitral valve opening, the left atrium acts as a conduit transferring blood passively into the left ventricle. Finally, the left atrium actively contracts contributing to late LV filling. Three-dimensional (3-D) echocardiography allows quantification of LV filling volume resulting from each atrial phase, and deformation imaging allows further physiologic assessment of LA function ( Fig. 35.5 ). The degree of decrement in peak LA strain measured during reservoir function has been associated with increasing degrees of diastolic dysfunction. Depressed LA contractile function is associated with increased LV filling pressures, and LA contraction contributes progressively less to LV filling volume with worsening grades of diastolic dysfunction. Impaired LA strain response to exercise is associated with right ventricular (RV)–pulmonary artery (PA) uncoupling and exercise ventilation inefficiency. Chronic LA hypertension and dysfunction lead to elevated pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) and PH.

Fig. 35.5, Left Atrial Myocardial Mechanics.

Pulmonary Hypertension and Right Heart Dysfunction

At least two-thirds of HFpEF patients will exhibit evidence of resting pulmonary hypertension (PH-HFpEF), and pulmonary pressures may increase substantially with exercise, forming the basis of diastolic stress testing. A significant minority (12%) of PH-HFpEF patients will also develop a component of pulmonary vascular remodeling from long-standing pulmonary venous hypertension leading to combined precapillary and postcapillary PH. PH-induced RV afterload, reflected by increased end-systolic elastance, eventually leads to RV dysfunction and RV-PA uncoupling. A reduced ratio (<0.36) of tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion/right ventricular systolic pressure (TAPSE/RVSP) reflects RV-PA uncoupling and is associated with worse prognosis. Right heart dysfunction as measured by traditional echocardiographic indices (RV fractional area change [FAC], TAPSE, tricuspid annular systolic velocity [RV S′]) is present in at least one-fifth and potentially 30% to 50% of patients with HFpEF. Furthermore, normal resting RV function may conditionally deteriorate with exercise and preload augmentation. Concomitant atrial fibrillation (AFib) may also contribute to right heart failure and is independently associated with RV dysfunction. RV dilatation based on echo-derived basal RV linear diameter (>41 mm) is present in almost a third of cases. RV hypertrophy may be present in up to 45% of patients with PH-HFpEF. Pulmonary hypertension and right heart dysfunction may represent important treatment targets that are readily assessed with echocardiography.

Exercise Limitations

Chronotropic incompetence is common in HFpEF. During exercise, HFpEF patients display lower peak oxygen uptake (VO 2 ) coupled with blunted increases in heart rate, stroke volume, and EF, often coupled with a hypertensive exercise response. A stronger relationship exists between exercise capacity and diastolic function than EF. Abnormal global longitudinal LA and LV stain have both been associated with exercise intolerance. Compounding central factors, skeletal muscle structural and biochemical changes ensue favoring decreased peripheral O 2 extraction, further limiting exercise tolerance.

Endothelial Dysfunction

Increased arterial stiffness is common in HFpEF. Endothelial dysfunction related to a decrease in NO bioavailability is present in both the peripheral vasculature and the coronary microvasculature. Coronary microvasculature endothelial dysfunction and rarefaction lead to downstream effects, including myocyte hypertrophy and stiffening, as well as promoting inflammatory cell migration into the interstitial space. Peripheral arterial endothelial dysfunction leads to decreased compliance and an abnormal vasodilator response to exercise. Increased arterial stiffness leads to dramatic changes in BP with relatively small volume changes. Furthermore, reduced central aortic compliance contributes to LV-aortic uncoupling in HFpEF. Carotid to femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV), a measure of aortic stiffness, and pathologic wave reflection, a measure of late systolic wall stress, are emerging Doppler echocardiography tools used to evaluate arterial stiffness in HFpEF.

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