Duplex Ultrasound Evaluation of the Male Genitalia


This chapter has two components: the first reviews the ultrasound assessment of the scrotal contents, and the second describes the role played by ultrasound in the diagnosis of penile abnormalities, including erectile dysfunction and priapism. In both sections, emphasis is given to color Doppler imaging and Doppler spectral analysis.

The Scrotum

Anatomy and normal sonographic features

The anatomy of the scrotum, testicles, and epididymis is illustrated in Figs. 30.1 and 30.2 . As seen with ultrasound, each testicle is homogeneous and medium in echogenicity ( Fig. 30.3 ), with a smooth outer border encapsulated by the thin layer of tunica albuginea. In adults, each testicle measures 3 to 5 cm in long axis and 2 to 3 cm in short axis. The testicles are relatively hypoechoic before the age of puberty and achieve adult echogenicity thereafter. The mediastinum testis is visible as an echogenic band running along one side of the testicle. The epididymis is similar to or slightly less echogenic than the testicle. Its echotexture may be heterogeneous.

FIG. 30.1, Scrotal anatomy. Each testicle and epididymis is suspended in a sac lined by the tunica vaginalis.

FIG. 30.2, Testicular anatomy. (A) The testicle is encapsulated by a tough fibrous layer called the tunica albuginea and is divided into chambers by fibrous septa that are not visible with ultrasound. Myriad seminiferous tubules converge at the head of the epididymis, where they coalesce to form a single, but highly convoluted, tube that ultimately becomes the ductus deferens. For descriptive purposes, the epididymis is divided into the head (located superiorly), the body, and the tail (located inferiorly). (B) The tunica vaginalis is a thin tissue layer that envelops the testicle and epididymis and lines the scrotal sac, forming the mediastinum testis.

FIG. 30.3, Normal sonography of the testicles and epididymis. (A) This longitudinal view of a normal testicle demonstrates homogeneous texture and medium-level echogenicity. (B) On this transverse image, the mediastinum testis is visible as a more echogenic region ( arrow ) on one side of the testicle. (C) Longitudinal view shows the head of the epididymis ( calipers ) capping the superior pole of the testicle.

The arterial and venous anatomy of the testicles is illustrated in Figs. 30.4 and 30.5 . In postpubertal boys and adults, blood vessels are normally visible within and at the periphery of the testicle with color Doppler ( Fig. 30.6 ). The capsular arteries, which course around the periphery, give rise to the centripetal arteries, which penetrate the parenchyma. Thus blood flow in the centripetal arteries is from the capsule inward. Testicular veins follow the same pattern as the arteries and are generally readily visualized and can be differentiated from the arteries with spectral Doppler. In some normal individuals, one or more large artery/vein pair(s) may traverse the testicle obliquely from the mediastinum. These transmediastinal vessels may be visible on gray-scale imaging and should not be mistaken for pathology.

FIG. 30.4, Vascular anatomy of the testicle. The testicular (or spermatic) artery follows the course of the epididymal body through the mediastinum testis and gives off capsular branches that circle the periphery of the testicle, beneath the tunica albuginea. The capsular arteries give off centripetal arteries that course through the testicle toward the mediastinum and then loop back for a short distance as the recurrent rami. The venous drainage (not shown) parallels the arterial distribution. a. Artery.

FIG. 30.5, Arterial supply and venous drainage of the scrotal contents. Each testicular artery arises from the aorta and extends directly to the testicle and epididymis, following the course of the spermatic cord and the body of the epididymis. Structures other than the testicle and epididymis receive arterial flow via the cremasteric and deferential branches, which originate from the inferior epigastric and internal iliac arteries, respectively. Although the testicular arteries provide the principal arterial supply to the testicle and epididymis, anastomotic channels exist among all of the scrotal arteries, permitting collateral flow. The venous drainage of each testicle and epididymis is via a network of tiny veins called the pampiniform plexus. This network gradually coalesces to form two or three veins that follow the spermatic cord and unite as the spermatic (testicular) vein. On the left, the spermatic vein drains into the ipsilateral renal vein, and on the right , the spermatic vein drains into the inferior vena cava. a. Artery; v. vein.

FIG. 30.6, Normal testicular vessels. Longitudinal color Doppler image shows the capsular artery ( arrows ) and intraparenchymal vessels.

Arterial flow to the testicle and epididymis characteristically exhibits a low-resistance pattern on spectral Doppler, including continuous flow during diastole ( Fig. 30.7 ). In contrast, a high-resistance blood flow pattern is seen in extragonadal arteries, which are part of the cremasteric system. These arteries are occasionally visualized along the course of the spermatic cord. It is important not to mistake extragonadal Doppler flow signals for testicular flow. Peak systolic velocity in testicular arteries ranges from 4 to 19 cm/s (mean 9.7 cm/s), and end-diastolic velocity ranges from 1.6 to 6.9 cm/s (mean 3.6 cm/s). These values permit quantitative assessment of arterial flow when a sufficiently long arterial segment is visualized with color Doppler imaging, allowing for angle correction of the Doppler signal. When angle correction is not possible, spectral Doppler features are evaluated qualitatively.

Diagnostic Criteria

  • The normal intratesticular arterial Doppler waveform has a low-resistance pattern.

  • The normal range of testicular artery peak systolic velocities is 4 to 19 cm/s.

  • The normal rage of end-diastolic velocities is 1.6 to 6.9 cm/s.

FIG. 30.7, Low-resistance Doppler waveforms of normal testicular flow. PkcV , Peak systolic velocity.

Sonographic technique

A linear-array transducer with a frequency output of 10 MHz or higher is generally used for examining the testicles. A lower frequency setting may be needed if the scrotum is severely swollen. A towel is draped over the penis for the sake of modesty. The penis is then placed over the lower abdomen to keep it out of the examination field. For best results, another towel is placed between the patient's legs to prop up and support the scrotum.

The first step in scanning the scrotal contents is to get oriented. Long- and short-axis images of each testicle and epididymis are taken. The testicles are measured in their long and short axes. A composite transverse view showing both testicles simultaneously is obtained so that testicular echogenicity can be compared. If both testicles cannot be viewed simultaneously on a transverse view, separate images should be recorded side by side, using identical ultrasound settings. Any pathologic finding should be imaged in whatever plane best documents the abnormality, but additional long- and short-axis views should also be obtained to aid orientation.

Blood flow signals can be evaluated with either color Doppler or power Doppler imaging. In either case, the pulse repetition frequency (color velocity scale) must be set to a low setting to detect very low velocity blood flow signals and the wall filter must also be at a low setting. A relatively high color Doppler gain setting is typically needed, as the testicular vessels are quite small and produce weak Doppler signals. One method to improve the visualization of blood flow signals is to increase the color Doppler gain until artifacts appear in the image and then decrease the gain slightly. It is important to maximize the size of the Doppler waveform display by using an appropriate spectral display scale because this facilitates the assessment of arterial pulsatility patterns, the measurement of blood flow velocities and velocity ratios, and the comparison of testicular blood flow from one side to the other.

Practical Tips

  • The history and physical examination offer important clues for the diagnosis of scrotal pain.

  • Be sure to prepare the patient for scrotal examination by using towels to prop up and support the scrotum.

  • Transverse views including both testicles with both gray-scale and color Doppler imaging are critical for detecting abnormalities related to infection and torsion.

  • Evaluate testicular waveforms for subtle changes that indicate the cause of scrotal pain and swelling. Flow may be present with lesser degrees of torsion.

  • Optimize color and pulsed Doppler imaging in infants and young children because of low-velocity flow. Look for asymmetry with gray-scale and Doppler imaging.

Scrotal masses

Masses and mass-like lesions within the scrotum include cysts, tumors, hematomas, inflammation, infection, abscesses, contusions, and focal infarction. The location of the pathology, the gray-scale appearance, and the Doppler blood flow features will, in many cases, help narrow down the diagnostic possibilities.

Testicular cysts

Testicular cysts are idiopathic and benign. They are fairly common, seen with increasing frequency with increasing age and are present in approximately 8% of adults at sonography. Most intratesticular cysts are located near the mediastinum testicle and are not palpable. They are typically small, measuring less than 1 cm in diameter, and are thought to arise from the rete testis, the convergence of intratesticular tubules at the mediastinum. These cysts may be single or multiple. Sometimes, in the presence or absence of discrete cysts, a region of dilated tubules is seen in the vicinity of the mediastinum, representing a dilated rete testis. Cysts located on the testicular surface are almost always tunical cysts, arising in the tunica albuginea, the fibrous layer that encapsulates the testicle. Tunical cysts may be palpable, prompting ultrasound investigation.

The most important point about testicular cysts and a dilated rete testis is distinguishing these benign lesions from other pathologies, including tumors and abscesses. Testicular cysts ( Fig. 30.8 ) have the following sonographic features: (1) anechoic contents, (2) sharply defined borders and an invisible wall, (3) enhanced through-transmission of ultrasound, and (4) no blood flow within or surrounding the cyst (other than normal testicular vessels). Cysts meeting these criteria are benign and inconsequential and require no follow-up. A dilated rete testis appears as small serpiginous tubular structures clustered in the mediastinum ( Fig. 30.9 ).

FIG. 30.8, Testicular cyst. This transverse image shows a testicular cyst ( arrow ) located immediately adjacent to the echogenic mediastinum testis ( arrowhead ).

FIG. 30.9, Dilated rete testis. Dilated, serpinginous tubular structures representing the dilated rete testis ( arrows ) can be seen in the mediastinum of the testicle.

Testicular neoplasms

Testicular neoplasms are most often primary testicular tumors of germ cell origin ( Table 30.1 ). These neoplasms occur most frequently between the ages of 25 and 35 years and are almost always malignant. The prognosis is generally excellent with an overall 5-year survival of 95%, assuming timely treatment with surgery, radiation therapy, and/or chemotherapy. Less common testicular neoplasms arise from the stromal parenchyma and are either Sertoli or Leydig cell tumors. Rarely, nontesticular malignancies involve the testicle, including leukemia, lymphoma, and metastatic disease. Testicular tumors usually present in one of two ways: as an asymptomatic palpable mass or with sudden onset of pain and swelling caused by hemorrhage. It is not uncommon for the latter presentation to follow minor trauma. Tumors may also present with symptoms of epididymitis. A small number of patients can present with signs and symptoms caused by metastatic testicular cancer, for example back pain from retroperitoneal disease.

TABLE 30.1
Classification of Testicular Malignant Neoplasms.
Testicular Malignancies of Germ Cell Origin (95%)
  • Seminoma

  • Embryonal cell carcinoma

  • Teratocarcinoma

  • Choriocarcinoma

  • Mixed germ cell carcinoma

Other Primary Testicular Malignancies
  • Sertoli cell carcinoma

  • Leydig cell carcinoma

  • Leukemia

  • Lymphoma

  • Genitourinary primaries

  • Other primaries (e.g., lung)

Ultrasound can distinguish intratesticular from extratesticular pathology with extremely high accuracy. Nevertheless, ultrasound generally cannot differentiate between different histologic types of testicular tumors, nor can it generally differentiate between malignant (common) and benign (uncommon) neoplasms. Most testicular tumors are well-defined hypoechoic intratesticular masses, but some may be poorly marginated or grossly infiltrating. a

a References .

They may exhibit some degree of internal heterogeneity because of hemorrhage and/or necrosis, and calcifications are occasionally present. Vascularity is evident within testicular neoplasms on the color Doppler flow examination, helping to distinguish tumors from cysts, hematomas, and abscesses, which do not have internal vascularity. Testicular tumor vascularity ( Fig. 30.10 ) is variable; however, most malignant tumors are hypervascular compared with the surrounding normal testicular parenchyma. b

b References .

The distribution of tumor blood vessels is variable, with some lesions showing an orderly distribution of blood vessels and others, a chaotic distribution. Large avascular areas may be present in a testicular tumor when necrosis or hemorrhage is present. Spectral Doppler generally shows low-resistance blood flow within tumor vessels, a typical finding seen in malignant neoplasms regardless of location. Blood flow velocities may be substantially elevated in markedly hypervascular tumors. In general, the larger the testicular tumor, the more hypervascular it will be.

FIG. 30.10, Seminoma. (A) Color Doppler sonogram of testicular seminoma ( arrows ) demonstrating a few blood vessels at the periphery and within the malignant testicular tumor. The punctate, strong reflections are caused by microlithiasis, which has been associated with increased risk of testicular neoplasia, particularly seminomas. (B) Color Doppler sonogram of another seminoma demonstrating hypervascularity of the tumor ( arrows ) compared with the surrounding testicular parenchyma.

Testicular microlithiasis, scattered small calcifications in the testicular parenchyma as shown in Fig. 30.10A , is associated with an eightfold increased risk of testicular cancer, but the level of risk and follow-up requirements remain controversial. Recent publications recommend urologic referral in patients with concomitant risk factors for testicular cancer. In patients without other risk factors for cancer, monthly self-examination for masses is suggested.

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