The most inclusive term for white blood cells (WBCs), that is, leukocytes, refers to the colorless amoeboid blood cells of the immune system involved in counteracting foreign substances and disease. Among these cells are granulocytes, a term that most accurately denotes the presence of granules in their cytoplasm, that is, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and mast cells. While often used interchangeably with granulocytes, the term phagocyte refers to cells capable of engulfing and digesting microbes, foreign material, and debris such as neutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages. In addition to granulocytes, mononuclear cells, including monocytes and lymphocytes, [i.e., B, T, and natural killer (NK) cells], are key members of the leukocyte family.

Together these cells form the innate and adaptive immune systems to protect children and adults from a variety of external and internal insults, including infections, trauma, and cancer. Knowledge of their normal development and function is essential to understanding how their absence and/or dysfunction results in disease. Many patients with leukocyte disorders present in infancy or early childhood, although diagnosis may be delayed until adulthood with many of the acquired conditions more commonly seen in adolescence or adulthood.


Leukocytosis is defined as a total WBC count that is more than two standard deviations greater than the mean for age. The normal WBC range is 4400–11,000 cells/µL in adults but is age dependent in children, with the highest total WBCs seen within the first 2 weeks of life followed by a gradual decrease to adult normal ranges by early adolescence. Most often, leukocytosis is secondary to an excess of mature neutrophils; however, it may be due to a marked increase in lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and/or basophils. The clinical evaluation of leukocytosis is strongly influenced by which cell type is involved, the duration of the leukocytosis, and any associated findings. Leukemia and lymphomas are of particular concern when the leukocytosis is predominantly from immature cells. Hyperleukocytosis with a WBC>100,000 cells/µL is almost exclusively associated with neoplastic causes and is an oncologic emergency due to the risk of leukostasis (see Chapter 31 : Management of Oncologic Emergencies).

A leukemoid reaction represents an exaggerated nonmalignant leukocytosis with a WBC count >50,000 cells/µL consisting of primarily mature neutrophils accompanied by increased numbers of bands, metamyelocytes, and myelocytes. Leukemoid reactions are more frequently seen in neonates and children and may be associated with severe bacterial infections, certain medications, or other physiologic stressors. Similarly, a leukoerythroblastic reaction caused by myelophthisis secondary to myelofibrosis, granulomatous or neoplastic invasion of the marrow space or osteopetrosis, can also present with leukocytosis accompanied by significant elevations of nucleated red blood cells (RBCs). Of note, a left shift wherein >5% of immature neutrophils, primarily bands, are in the blood indicates significant marrow stress with a depletion of the reserve pool of neutrophils and is often seen in serious bacterial infections, burns, hemorrhage, massive hemolysis, trauma, or major surgery.

Prior to extensive evaluation of leukocytosis, review of the blood smear should be undertaken to exclude spurious elevations in the WBC count. Processes that interfere with the automated enumeration of WBCs are the most likely causes of spurious elevations, including platelet clumping (most often due to insufficient sample anticoagulation and pseudothrombocytopenia from EDTA-dependent agglutinins), a high fraction of nucleated RBCs frequently encountered in newborns and in hemolytic anemias that may be miscounted as leukocytes, or the presence of cryoglobulins.


Leukopenia refers to an abnormally low WBC that results from a decrease in one or more subclasses of leukocytes, typically either neutrophils and/or lymphocytes, in the blood. Leukopenia is frequently transient and secondary to infections, medications, and/or nutritional status. However, persistent leukopenia can herald an underlying malignancy, bone marrow failure syndrome, primary immune deficiency, autoimmune/immune dysregulation disorder, or metabolic syndrome.

Neutrophil disorders

WBCs arise from hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow. Each day roughly 1.6 billion leukocytes per kilogram of body weight are produced by the bone marrow and more than half of those cells are neutrophils. Ninety percent of neutrophils are retained in the bone marrow within reserve pools and 7–8% are located in peripheral tissues, leaving only 2–3% of the total WBC neutrophils to be detected in freely circulating blood. Hence, the total WBC count and absolute neutrophil count (ANC) can be greatly influenced by changes in myelopoiesis, size, and/or rate of release of cells from the marrow reserve pools, alterations in the balance of marginated versus freely circulating cells in the blood and the egress of WBCs into tissues.

Normal neutrophil development and function

Neutrophils have six distinct phases of proliferation and maturation that occur over 12–14 days. The first three phases, myeloblast, promyelocyte, and myelocytes, constitute the proliferative pool, while the latter three phases, metamyelocytes, bands, and polymorphonuclear neutrophils, are postmitotic and account for the majority of the neutrophils in the marrow space. Neutrophil maturation is characterized by the progressive development of granules within the cytoplasm, transitioning from a rich blue cytoplasm to a predominantly pink cytoplasm on hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain upon reaching maturity and increasing nuclear condensation with segmentation until the typical 3–5 lobed nucleus of a polymorphonuclear neutrophil is achieved. Cytoplasmic granules are central to neutrophil function as they contain key degradative enzymes and other components needed for effective microbial killing.

  • Primary granules, the azurophilic granules most notable in promyelocytes, contain elastase and myeloperoxidase.

  • Secondary granules first seen in myelocytes contain plentiful lactoferrin as well as other chemotactic, opsonic, and adhesion protein receptors, for example, CD11b/CD18, and the gp91 phox /p22 phox component of the phagocytic nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase.

  • Tertiary granules first evident in bands and secretory granules also contain adhesion protein receptors and components of the NADPH oxidase. Notably, secretory granules also contain alkaline phosphatase.

Once fully matured and released from the marrow, neutrophils in the vasculature or peripheral tissues survive for only a few hours up to 5 days. Neutrophil cell death is via a combination of apoptosis and macrophage engulfment.

Mature neutrophils have several distinct functions, including the ability to egress from the marrow space into the peripheral vasculature mediated by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and the interaction between CXCL12/SDF-1 and CXCR4, adhesion to and subsequent migration through the vasculature wall through the utilization of integrins (CD11a, CD11b, CD11c, and CD18) and selectins, chemotaxis, phagocytosis, and microbial killing largely reliant on functional granule fusion and NADPH oxidase activity. The most recently appreciated neutrophil function is NETosis, a form of neutrophil cell death characterized by the release of intracellular contents into the extracellular space that serves to physically ensnare microbes and enhance the overall localized immune response.

Disruption in the normal neutrophil maturation leading to either neutrophilia or neutropenia, and/or neutrophil dysfunction results in clinically apparent disease as detailed next.


By definition, neutrophilia is an increase in the ANC that is more than two standard deviations above the mean for age.

ANC = ( percent of segmented neutrophils + bands ) × the total WBC count .

Bands are included in the ANC calculation as they are fully functional phagocytes. In adults the normal WBC range is 4400–11,000 cells/µL, with the typical neutrophil predominance of 60–70% of the total WBC count attained during puberty. Hence, neutrophilia in adults is generally an ANC>7700 cells/µL. The normal ANC ranges for children vary based on age with the highest ANCs seen in the first 24 hours after birth (range 5000–28,000 cells/µL). Neutrophilia may occur either through:

  • enhanced granulopoiesis,

  • accelerated mobilization of neutrophils from the bone marrow to the blood,

  • release of neutrophils from the marginated pool, or

  • impaired neutrophil egress into tissues.


Similarly, neutropenia is a decrease in the absolute number of peripherally circulating segmented neutrophils and bands. Mild neutropenia is defined as an ANC between 1001 and 1500 cells/µL, moderate between 501 and 1000 cells/µL, and severe ≤500 cells/µL. An ANC<200 cells/µL is also referred to as agranulocytosis. The ANC must be considered in the context of both age and ethnicity.

Neonatal ANC values are affected by the surge of neutrophils released from the marrow secondary to the stress of delivery and the subsequent decrease in the marrow proliferative pool postbirth. The lower limit of normal for an ANC during the first 24 hours after birth is 5000 cells/µL, then 1500 cells/µL during the first 2 weeks, followed by 1000 cells/µL between 2 weeks and 1 year. After 1 year the lower limit of normal for the ANC is 1500 cells/µL.

In addition to age, many healthy individuals of African and Middle Eastern descent have a baseline lower ANC as compared to their peers with Western European or Asian heritage. The difference in the ANC is linked to a polymorphism in the Duffy antigen receptor chemokine ( DARC ) gene that encodes the Duffy antigen (FyA/B), a chemokine receptor expressed on the surface of RBCs used by Plasmodium vivax to infect RBCs. Patients with homozygous DARC null polymorphisms are often regarded as having benign ethnic neutropenia (BEN), although Duffy-null status is not required for the diagnosis of BEN. Patients with BEN are not at risk for infection or malignancy. Heterozygous patients have normal mean neutrophil counts.

Neutrophil dysfunction

Neutrophil dysfunction is defined as the partial or complete failure of the neutrophil to execute one or more of the key neutrophil functions. The International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) divides disorders of neutrophil and other phagocyte function into three broad categories:

  • 1.

    defects of motility

  • 2.

    defects of respiratory burst

  • 3.

    other nonlymphoid defects

Additionally, several other primary immunodeficiencies and immune dysregulation disorders have neutrophil dysfunction as a key element of their phenotype despite being classified under alternate IUIS categories.

Support for neutrophil dysfunction can be gleaned from careful review of the blood smear, for example, identification of giant azurophilic granulocyte granules in Chediak–Higashi syndrome (CHS) or the absence of granules and bilobed neutrophils in neutrophil-specific granule deficiency. More specific testing through flow cytometry for members of the beta-2 (β2) integrin family crucial to leukocyte adhesion to and migration through vasculature walls, namely, CD11b and CD18, is readily accessible. Similarly, assessment of the respiratory burst via flow cytometry with dihydrorhodamine (DHR), which has largely replaced the older, qualitative nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) test, is also widely available. DHR relies on the oxidation of the test substrate DHR by hydrogen peroxide to produce rhodamine 123, a florescent compound detectable by flow cytometry, and the NBT relies on reduction by the NADPH oxidase complex to produce a colorimetric change that can be identified by microscopy. Other assays of neutrophil dysfunction, for example, chemotaxis and bactericidal activity, are performed in highly specialized laboratories, but interpretation of these tests is often hindered by the technical difficulty in performing the assay as well as methods of blood drawing, age of the specimen, influences of shipping/travel conditions, and need for normal controls. With the limitations of functional testing of neutrophils, genetic testing for pathogenic variants is being increasingly utilized.

Approach to suspected neutrophil disorders

Signs of neutrophil disorders include:

  • 1.

    recurrent fevers,

  • 2.

    oral ulcers,

  • 3.

    chronic gingival or dental problems,

  • 4.

    poor wound healing,

  • 5.

    recurrent or unusual infections,

  • 6.

    lack of pus, and

  • 7.

    abnormal blood counts.

The increasing recognition of neutropenia as a feature of primary immunodeficiency disorders and autoimmune/immune dysregulatory disorders, such as ADA2 deficiency, reinforces the need for a broad differential in the evaluation of patients with quantitative and qualitative neutrophil defects.

Approach to neutrophilia

By definition, 2.5% of the normal population will have baseline mild–moderate neutrophilia. Neutrophilia is often a physiologically normal response of the hematopoietic system to:

  • stress from acute or chronic infections,

  • underlying inflammatory disease states,

  • medication exposures, and

  • nonhematologic malignancies.

A careful medical history to ascertain symptoms of infection (e.g., fever, cough, diarrhea, and rash), inflammation (e.g., periodic fevers, photosensitive rashes, joint pain, and chronic diarrhea), malignancy (e.g., fevers, weight loss, fatigue, and night sweats), drug exposures (including cigarette smoking), and physiologic stress (e.g., obesity, exercise, and pregnancy) can often determine the underlying etiology of the neutrophilia. Screening questions for sickle cell anemia, chronic hemolytic anemias, trisomy 21, and leukocyte adhesion deficiency are also appropriate, particularly in younger patients. Physical examination for localized infection (e.g., otitis media), joint swelling, rashes, or lymphoproliferation should be undertaken. Both the complete blood count (CBC) with differential and review of the blood smear can offer helpful insights to support infection/inflammation (e.g., toxic granulation, Döhle bodies), hemolysis, or raise concern for dysplastic processes. Additional labs to test for specific microbes, screen for autoimmunity, assess inflammation, and/or tumor lysis may be appropriate but should be guided by the patient-specific presentation. For patients with significant or persistent neutrophilia in the absence of overt infection, inflammation or medication exposure, or with coincident anemia and/or thrombocytopenia, strong consideration should be given to bone marrow aspirate and biopsy with flow cytometry, cytogenetics, and molecular testing to assess for myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), hematologic malignancy, or other infiltrative marrow processes. Additionally, flow cytometry for CD11b/CD18 to screen for leukocyte adhesion deficiency can be considered in patients with a concerning personal or family history.

Approach to neutropenia

The majority of patients presenting with neutropenia will have transient neutropenia secondary to acute infections or medication exposures. Nonetheless, a complete history should be ascertained, focusing on the presence or absence of:

  • recurrent fevers,

  • oral ulcers or gingivitis,

  • frequent or unusual skin or deep-seated infections,

  • failure to thrive or malabsorption,

  • dietary/nutritional deficiencies,

  • prior or family history of malignancy,

  • liver or lung fibrosis,

  • early graying,

  • significant viral infections [e.g., warts, Epstein–Barr virus (EBV)],

  • lymphedema, and

  • evidence of autoimmune disease.

On physical examination the oral cavity should be thoroughly assessed for oral ulcers, gingival inflammation, as well as dental abnormalities. Additional focus should include skeletal anomalies, rashes, warts, and lymphoproliferation. Patient height should also be obtained as many of the bone marrow failure syndromes and primary immunodeficiencies that manifest with neutropenia also have short stature. The blood smear should be reviewed for signs of marrow stress and a CBC with differential should be obtained to assess for other cell lineage involvement as multilineage involvement may prompt further evaluation for autoimmune disease (i.e., Evans syndrome), malignancy, or bone marrow failure. Depending on the patient history, additional testing with pancreatic enzymes (serum isoamylase, fecal elastase) and pancreatic ultrasound for Shwachman–Diamond syndrome (SDS), chromosomal breakage for Fanconi anemia, telomere length for dyskeratosis congenita, or lymphocyte subsets and quantitative immunoglobulins to screen for immunodeficiency may be appropriate. If a satisfactory etiology of the neutropenia is not identified, a bone marrow aspirate and biopsy is warranted. Given the overlap of neutropenia with primary immunodeficiency disorders, genetic sequencing that includes both inborn errors of myelopoiesis and immunity is increasingly being utilized to secure a molecular diagnosis to support biologically rationale therapy selection, provide an informed framework for supportive care and prognosis as well as influence decisions regarding definitive therapy, for example, hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT).

Approach to neutrophil dysfunction

For patients with a normal ANC but with symptoms and signs consistent with neutrophil dysfunction, a thorough history should be ascertained with a focus on:

  • infection history with unusual organisms (e.g., catalase-positive organisms, nontuberculous mycobacteria, salmonella, severe viral infections);

  • oral health (e.g., ulcers, gingivitis, periodontitis);

  • rashes [e.g., pyoderma gangrenosum–like lesions that may raise concern for leukocyte adhesion deficiency type 1 (LAD-1), extensive warts concerning for GATA binding protein 2 (GATA2) haploinsufficiency or eczema consistent with Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome (WAS) or STAT3 LOF];

  • delayed umbilical cord detachment;

  • history of omphalitis; and

  • lack of neutrophilic tissue infiltration and pus formation in the setting of infection.

Similar to neutropenia, the physical examination should focus on the oral cavity for evidence of oral ulcers and chronic gingival inflammation and skeletal anomalies as well as skin findings, lymphedema, and lymphoproliferation. Review of the blood smear along with functional testing with flow cytometry for CD11b/CD18 or DHR testing can be pursued, although the majority of patients will rely on identification of pathogenic genetic variants for diagnosis.

Primary neutrophilia disorders

Hereditary neutrophilia

An extremely rare benign hereditary neutrophilia caused by an activating heterozygous variant in the G-CSF receptor gene, CSF3R , has been described.

Clinical presentation

  • Most patients with hereditary neutrophilia are asymptomatic but may have hepatosplenomegaly.

  • One patient is reported to have had a systemic inflammatory response syndrome and later to have developed myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) with significant dysgranulopoiesis.

  • The median ANC reported is 16,900 cells/µL.


  • Genetic sequencing can confirm a suspected diagnosis of hereditary neutrophilia via identification of pathogenic variants in CSF3R .

  • It is plausible that additional genes not yet recognized may contribute to a similar phenotype as a cohort of healthy 34 patients with ANC ranging from 11,000 to 40,000 cells/µL (genetics unknown) is reported without an identified molecular etiology.

Management and treatment

  • There is no standard approach to management of patients with hereditary neutrophilia.

  • Vigilance for hyperinflammatory syndromes and MDS/malignancy should be maintained.

Primary neutropenia disorders

ELANE–related neutropenia

ELANE is the gene that encodes neutrophil elastase, a protease expressed early in neutrophil development. Disruption in neutrophil elastase structure results in initiation of the unfolded protein response, acceleration of apoptosis of developing myeloid cells, and ineffective myelopoiesis. Pathogenic variants in ELANE clinically result in the spectrum of severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) and cyclic neutropenia (CN). Roughly 45–60% of cases of SCN are due to underlying ELANE pathogenic variants, while 90% of CN patients have pathogenic variants in ELANE identified.

Clinical presentation

  • Patients with the SCN phenotype present in early infancy with fevers, recurrent or deep-seated infections, and a persistently low ANC<500 with a “promyelocyte arrest” on bone marrow evaluation.

  • Patients with the CN phenotype generally present in the first year of life with fevers, mouth ulcers, and infections classically recurring every 21 days.

  • Reciprocal monocytosis is a laboratory hallmark of CN.

  • Clostridial species-related and Gram-negative rod infections were commonly seen in CN patients prior to the advent of G-CSF.

  • SCN patients are at high risk for MDS/acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with a cumulative incidence of 22% at 15 years.

  • Only rare cases of leukemia have been reported in the context of CN.


  • Identification of a pathogenic variant in the ELANE confirms the diagnosis of ELANE-related neutropenia.

  • Both SCN and CN are transmitted in an autosomal dominant fashion.

  • Of note, several other genetic causes of the SCN phenotype associated with promyelocytic arrest (e.g., HAX1 , CLPB , G6PC3 , or GCSF3R ) may also be identified by genetic sequencing.

Management and treatment

  • The mainstay of treatment for ELANE-related neutropenia is G-CSF.

  • Patients with SCN require higher doses (start ~5 µg/kg/day; the majority of patients respond to 3–10 µg/kg/day but the most refractory cases may require upward of 100 µg/kg/day) than those with CN (start ~2.5 µg/kg/day) to achieve a low normal ANC.

  • Treatment with G-CSF in CN patients does not abolish the neutrophil nadir but instead hastens the cycle and reduces the period of profound neutropenia from 7–10 to 1–3 days.

  • Vigilance for the development of MDS/AML is of particular importance in SCN with most patients undergoing annual bone marrow evaluations and quarterly blood counts.

  • Supportive care with regular dental care, oral rinses, aggressive antibiotic use for documented infections, and monitoring for osteopenia/osteoporosis is recommended.

  • HSCT remains the only definitive therapy but is often reserved for patients with minimal response to G-CSF and/or malignant transformation.

  • Oral elastase inhibitors and gene editing techniques are also under investigation as potential therapies for ELANE-mediated neutropenia.

Shwachman–Diamond syndrome (SDS)

SDS is an autosomal recessive disorder most commonly due to pathogenic variants in the SBDS gene that encodes a protein important for ribosome biogenesis and RNA processing.

Clinical presentation

  • Neutropenia typically presents in the first year of life, although may be detected until adulthood and the degree of neutropenia may fluctuate and/or progress to bone marrow failure.

  • Anemia and thrombocytopenia may also be present.

  • Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and skeletal abnormalities are common but may be subtle and are not required for diagnosis.

  • Pancreatic ultrasound will often show pancreatic lipomatosis.

  • Infections are frequently seen as patients with SDS secondary to neutropenia and/or neutrophil chemotactic defects, low numbers of B cells, and/or abnormal T-cell proliferation.

  • Leukemic transformation with MDS/AML is common in SDS with an overall incidence of 8.1% at 10 years.


  • Patients may be diagnosed with SDS either by identification of biallelic pathogenic variants in SBDS or via clinical manifestations based on consensus guidelines.

  • Roughly 90% of patients with SDS have an SDBS pathogenic variant identified.

  • Additional genes associated with ribosome assembly or protein translation, for example, DNAJC21 , ELF1 , and SRP54 , also demonstrate an SDS-like phenotype.

Management and treatment

  • Hematopoietic stem cell transplant is the only curative option for the hematologic abnormalities in patients with SDS but it is often reserved for patients refractory to G-CSF, severe and intractable cytopenias, or with malignant transformation.

  • Supportive care with G-CSF, antibiotics, and pancreatic enzyme replacement is common.

Primary disorders of neutrophil dysfunction

Warts, hypogammaglobulinemia, infections, and myelokathexis syndrome (WHIM)

While not formally classified by the IUIS under disorders of phagocytes or phagocyte function, the syndrome of warts, hypogammaglobulinemia, infections, and myelokathexis, that is, WHIM syndrome, does include phagocyte deficits. WHIM is rare with an estimated incidence of 0.23 cases per million live births. In most patients the disorder is due to an autosomal dominant gain of function pathogenic variant in CXCR4 that results in dysfunction of the CXCR4 chemokine receptor, a G protein–coupled receptor expressed on progenitor cells of the hematopoietic, cardiovascular, nervous, and reproductive systems, that binds the ligand CXCL12/SDF-1. In WHIM syndrome, ligation of CXCL12 to mutated CXCR4 leads to prolonged intracellular signaling secondary to failed downregulation/internalization of CXCR4. The persistent signaling downstream of CXCL12–CXCR4 results in retention of neutrophils in the bone marrow and subsequent myelokathexis. CXCL12–CXCR4 signaling is also critical for migration and maturation of lymphocytes. Patients with WHIM syndrome also have adaptive immune defects leading to poor immunoglobulin production and persistent and severe human papillomavirus (HPV) infections in some patients.

Clinical presentation

  • Recurrent bacterial infections affecting the ear, skin, oral cavity, and sinopulmonary tract are common.

  • Bronchiectasis can develop from repeated infectious insults.

  • HPV skin infections are common (but not universal) and are frequently extensive and/or refractory to therapy, often leading to disfiguration and functional limitations.

  • HPV-driven dysplasia and squamous cell cancers are also seen.

  • Severe neutropenia, with an ANC<500 cells/µL, monocytopenia, severe lymphopenia, and hypogammaglobulinemia are common.

  • Bone marrow evaluation classically shows hypercellularity with retention of numerous bands and polysegmented neutrophils. The myeloid:erythroid ratio is increased.

  • Neutrophils within the bone marrow also have a distinct morphologic appearance with apoptotic features of vacuolization and a hypersegmented pyknotic nucleus; very long filaments connecting the nuclear lobes are characteristic of WHIM.

  • Tetralogy of Fallot is associated with 10% of WHIM patients.


  • WHIM syndrome is most readily diagnosed in patients with the appropriate clinical phenotype who are identified to have a pathogenic heterozygous variant in CXCR4 .

  • Patients without a documented pathogenic variant in CXCR4 but with the full WHIM syndrome clinical phenotype have been described.

Management and treatment

  • Ensure early HPV vaccination to help minimize the risk of HPV-driven dysplasia/malignancies.

  • Intravenous immunoglobulin is a mainstay of therapy to reduce the risk of recurrent infections and thereby minimize the risk of bronchiectasis.

  • Many patients also receive prophylactic clotrimazole or azithromycin (or equivalent) to help protect against frequent skin and lung infections.

  • Pulmonary function tests and imaging are used at diagnosis to assess lung function and to monitor for complications.

  • G-CSF can be useful for patients who fail to mobilize neutrophils from the bone marrow during periods of acute infection (although many patients do so independent of exogenous G-CSF) and presurgical settings to reduce the risk of poor wound healing and postoperative infections.

  • CXCR4 receptor antagonists are being increasingly utilized to increase neutrophil and lymphocyte counts.

Leukocyte adhesion defect, type 1

LAD-1 is a rare autosomal recessive immunodeficiency estimated to occur in 1:1 million live births that is characterized by integrins containing defective CD18. Leukocytes have defective immune cell adhesion to and migration through the vascular endothelium. Chemotaxis, phagocytosis, degranulation, and respiratory burst activity are also abnormal. Of note, deficient expression of CD18 also leads to impaired T-cell function. The degree of disease severity correlates with the degree of CD18 deficiency.

Clinical presentation

  • Newborns may present with omphalitis and/or delayed umbilical cord detachment.

  • Significant gingivitis and periodontal disease are seen with most patients experiencing complete loss of adult teeth by late adolescence secondary to IL-17/IL-23 axis dysfunction.

  • Nonhealing ulcers or pyoderma gangrenosum–like lesions, poor wound healing with “cigarette paper” scars, periodontitis, HPV infection, and inflammatory bowel disease are also commonly encountered.

  • Basal neutrophilia with the absence of pus at sites of infection are hallmarks of the disease.

  • Profound leukocytosis >100,000 cells/µL can be seen with infections.


  • Flow cytometry to assess for CD11b/dysfunctional CD18 expression on the surface of leukocytes can confirm a diagnosis of LAD-1.

  • Sequencing for the identification of biallelic pathogenic mutations in ITGB2 , the gene encoding the β2 integrin CD18, that lead to impairment in β2 integrin expression or heterodimer formation is recommended.

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