Disorders of Upper and Lower Motor Neurons

It is important for the practicing clinician to make the distinction between the term motor neuron disease (MND) and motor neuron diseases (MNDs). The intention of the first term, coined by Brain in 1969, is to refer to a specific disorder of both upper and lower motor neurons, otherwise known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The second term refers to the broader family of disorders that may affect the upper and/or lower motor neuron system as well as nonmotor systems. Within this heterogeneous family are included familial and sporadic disorders, inflammatory and immune disorders, and others of undetermined cause. Many are distinct entities, but some (e.g., primary lateral sclerosis [PLS], progressive muscular atrophy [PMA]) may be variations of a single multisystem disorder that predominantly involves motor neurons. This chapter reviews the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of the motor neuron diseases according to whether the disorder affects upper motor neurons (UMNs), lower motor neurons (LMNs), or both UMNs and LMNs.

Disorders of Upper Motor Neurons

Neuroanatomy of Upper Motor Neurons

The UMN is a motor neuron, the cell body of which lies within the motor cortex of the cerebrum, and the axon of which forms the corticobulbar and corticospinal tracts. The LMNs, lying in the brainstem motor nuclei and the anterior horns of the spinal cord, directly innervate skeletal muscles. The UMNs are rostral to the LMNs and exert direct or indirect supranuclear control over the LMNs ( Box 97.1 ).

BOX 97.1
Upper Motor Neurons and Their Descending Tracts

  • The motor areas

  • The primary motor neurons (Betz giant pyramidal cells and surrounding motor neurons)

  • The premotor areas (the supplementary motor area and premotor cortex)

  • Corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts

  • Lateral pyramidal tracts

  • Ventral (uncrossed) pyramidal tracts

  • Brainstem control

  • Vestibulospinal tracts

  • Reticulospinal tracts

  • Tectospinal tracts

  • Limbic motor control

Motor Cortex

In the cerebral cortex, UMNs are located in the primary motor cortex (Brodmann area 4) and the premotor areas (Brodmann area 6), which are subdivided into the supplementary motor area (sometimes called the secondary motor cortex ) and the premotor cortex, respectively. Betz cells (giant pyramidal neurons) are a distinct group of large motor neurons in layer 5 of the primary motor cortex and represent only a small portion of all primary motor neurons with axons in the corticospinal tracts. Individual motor neurons in the primary motor cortex initiate and control the contraction of small groups of skeletal muscles subserving individual movements. The entire motor area of the cerebral cortex controls the highest levels of voluntary muscle movement, including motor planning and programming of muscle movement.

Corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts

Axons from the motor areas form the corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts. Axons arising from neurons in the primary motor cortex constitute only one-third of all the corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts. Among these, Betz cell axons make up 3%–5% of the tract, and the remaining fibers from the primary motor cortex arise from other neurons in layer 5 of the primary motor cortex. Another one-third of the axons in these tracts derive from Brodmann area 6, which includes the supplementary motor and the lateral premotor cortex. The remaining third derives from the somatic sensory cortex (areas 1, 2, and 3) and the adjacent temporal lobe region. The corticobulbar tract projects bilaterally to the motor neurons of cranial nerves V, VII, IX, X, and XII. Most corticospinal fibers (75%–90%) decussate in the lower medulla (pyramidal decussation) and form the lateral corticospinal tract in the spinal cord (the pyramidal tracts). The remaining fibers descend in the ipsilateral ventral corticospinal tract. The lateral corticospinal tract projects to ipsilateral spinal motor neurons and their interneurons that control extremity muscle contraction, whereas the anterior corticospinal tract ends bilaterally on ventromedial motor neurons and interneurons that control the axial and postural muscles. These corticospinal axons provide direct glutamatergic excitatory input to alpha motoneurons.

Brainstem control

Several brainstem nuclei exert supranuclear influence on the LMN population in the spinal cord through highly complex projections. The fibers originating in the medial and inferior vestibular nuclei in the medulla descend in the medial vestibulospinal tract and terminate both on medial cervical and thoracic motor neurons and on interneurons. They excite ipsilateral motor neurons but inhibit contralateral neurons. The lateral vestibulospinal tracts originating in the lateral vestibular nucleus (Deiters nucleus) activate the extensor motor neurons and inhibit the flexor motor neurons in all limbs.

The brainstem reticular formation also strongly influences the spinal motor neurons, exerting widespread polysynaptic inhibitory input on extensor motor neurons and excitatory input on flexor motor neurons. The reticulospinal tracts modulate various reflex actions during ongoing movements. The brainstem reticular formation receives supranuclear control from the motor cortex via the cortical reticulospinal pathway to act as a major inhibitor of spinal reflexes and activity. Therefore, a lesion of the corticoreticular pathway can disinhibit reticulospinal control of the LMNs. The tectospinal tract originates in the superior colliculus and controls eye and head movement. Variations in the balance between inhibitory input (mediated by the dorsal reticulospinal tract) and facilitatory input (mediated by the medial reticulospinal tract) alter muscle tone. To some extent, the vestibulospinal tract alters tone by input to muscle stretch receptors.

Limbic motor control

The limbic system is involved in emotional experience and expression and associated with a variety of autonomic, visceral, and endocrine functions. It strongly influences the somatic motor neurons. The emotional status and experience of an individual determines overall spinal cord activity, and the limbic motor system also influences respiration, vomiting, swallowing, chewing, and licking (at least in animal studies). Furthermore, the generation of signs of pseudobulbar hyperemotionality (pseudobulbar affect, emotional incontinence) in ALS is closely related to an abnormal limbic motor control, particularly in the periaqueductal gray and nucleus retroambiguus. The latter nuclei project to the somatic motor neurons that innervate pharyngeal, soft palatal, intercostal, diaphragmatic, abdominal, and probably laryngeal muscles. Pseudobulbar hyperemotionality symptoms may appear when UMN control over these motor nuclei is impaired, and thus limbic motor control is disinhibited. There appears to be some degree of emotional regulation by the cerebellum. The “cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome” can arise when stroke, tumor, or infection interrupts connections between the cerebellum and cerebral association and paralimbic regions ( ).

Signs and Symptoms of Upper Motor Neuron Involvement

Loss of Dexterity

Loss of dexterity is one of the most characteristic signs of UMN impairment. Voluntary skillful movements require the integrated activation of many interneuron circuits in the spinal cord; such integration is ultimately controlled by the corticospinal tract and thus by UMNs. Loss of dexterity may express itself as stiffness, slowness, and clumsiness in performing any skillful motor actions. Asking the patient to perform rapid repetitive motions such as foot or finger tapping assesses loss of dexterity at the bedside. It is useful to assess both sides of the body, as many motor neuron disorders are asymmetrical ( Box 97.2 ).

BOX 97.2
Signs and Symptoms of Upper Motor Neuron Involvement

  • Loss of dexterity

  • Loss of muscle strength (mild weakness)

  • Spasticity

  • Pathological hyperreflexia

  • Pathological reflexes (Babinski, Hoffmann sign, loss of abdominal reflexes)

  • Increased reflexes in an atrophic limb ( probable upper motor neuron sign)

  • Pseudobulbar (spastic bulbar) palsy (emotional lability, brisk jaw jerk, hyperactive gag, forced yawning, snout reflex, suck reflex, slow tongue movements, spastic dysarthria)

Loss of Muscle Strength (Weakness)

The degree of muscle weakness resulting from UMN dysfunction is generally mild. Extensor muscles of the upper extremities and flexor muscles of lower extremities may become weaker than their antagonist muscles because the UMN lesion disinhibits brainstem control of the vestibulospinal and reticulospinal tracts.


Spasticity is the hallmark of UMN disease, but its pathophysiology is complex and controversial. It seems to reflect altered firing of alpha motoneurons and interneurons within the spinal cord, together with increased activity of group II nerve fibers derived from muscle spindles. An excess level of excitatory input to gamma motoneurons exists via excess synaptic levels of excitatory neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and glutamate. In addition, there is reduced inhibitory glycinergic and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic neurotransmission. The result is a state of sustained increase in muscle tension when the muscle lengthens. Clinically, muscles exhibit a sudden resistive “catch” midway during passive movement of the limb. However, when a sustained passive stretch is continued, spastic muscles quickly release the tension and relax, an event often described as the “clasp-knife phenomenon.” In muscles that are severely spastic, passive movement becomes more difficult and even impossible. Sustained increases in muscle tone lead to a slowing in motor activities.

Pathological Hyperreflexia and Pathological Reflexes

Pathological hyperreflexia is another crucial manifestation of UMN disease. The Babinski sign (extensor plantar response) is perhaps the most important sign in the clinical neurological examination and is characterized by extension of the great toe (often, but not universally, accompanied by fanning of the other toes) in response to stroking the outer edge of the ipsilateral sole upward from the heel with a blunt object. This sign may only evolve at a later stage of disease and may be absent in the setting of marked atrophy of the toe extensor muscles.

Pseudobulbar (Spastic Bulbar) Palsy

Pseudobulbar palsy (or spastic bulbar palsy) develops when there is disease involvement of the corticobulbar tracts that exert supranuclear control over those motor nuclei that control speech, mastication, and deglutition. The prefix pseudo distinguishes this condition from true bulbar palsy that results from pure LMN involvement in brainstem motor nuclei. Articulation, mastication, and deglutition are impaired in both pseudobulbar and bulbar palsies, but the degree of impairment in pseudobulbar palsy is generally milder. Spontaneous or unmotivated crying and laughter uniquely characterize pseudobulbar palsy. This is also termed emotional lability , hyperemotionality , labile affect , or emotional incontinence and is often a source of great embarrassment to the patient.

Laboratory Evidence of Upper Motor Neuron Involvement

Several promising imaging and electrophysiological techniques are under investigation as potential markers of UMN involvement in neurological disease. However, a thorough bedside examination is the easiest and most effective means to detect UMN disease.


The use of brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in ALS is largely to exclude other conditions but sometimes shows abnormal signal intensity in the corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts as they descend from the motor strip via the internal capsules to the cerebral peduncles. In ALS, signal changes, best appreciated on proton density images of the internal capsules, probably represent Wallerian degeneration; similar changes also appear on conventional T2-weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences. However, these changes do not appear to be sufficiently sensitive, and efforts continue to evaluate other potential MRI techniques such as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and high-field volumetric MRI, which may serve as markers of UMN disease ( ).

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Imaging

Proton density magnetic resonance spectroscopy ( 1 H-MRS) is a noninvasive nuclear magnetic resonance technique that combines the advantages of MRI with in vivo biochemical information. A significant reduction of N -acetylaspartate, a neuronal marker, relative to creatine or choline (used as internal standards) exists in the sensorimotor cortices of patients with ALS who have UMN signs. Alterations in the measured levels of these metabolites using 1 H-MRS are useful in the detection of UMN dysfunction early in the evolution of ALS and are useful for monitoring progression over time. MRS still requires further technological improvements before it comes into widespread use.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an electrophysiological technique that has detected cortical hyperexcitability/impaired inhibition as well as cortical motor neuron and long-tract degeneration in ALS. The stimulus is a brief, high-intensity electromagnetic pulse generated from a series of capacitors and discharged through wire coils applied at the scalp over the motor cortex and the evoked response measured at skeletal muscle. Several different techniques are under investigation, including single-pulse TMS, cortical silent period measurement, paired pulse TMS, and repetitive TMS ( ). Overall, this promising, noninvasive tool requires further evaluation as a marker of UMN dysfunction. Recent evidence suggests that it may be useful in combination with other tools such as DTI.

Primary Lateral Sclerosis

PLS, first described by Erb in 1875, is a rare UMN disease variant that accounts for 2%–4% of all cases of ALS and is traditionally distinguished by a lack of LMN involvement. In fact, the latter feature would lead some to argue that PLS is an entity that is distinct from ALS ( ). The Pringle criteria for PLS stipulated that disease be restricted to the UMN system for at least 3 years from the time of clinical onset ( ), but a figure of 4 years is now proposed during which there is neither clinical nor neurophysiological evidence of LMN involvement. In a recent study comparing the evolution of disease in PLS versus UMN-predominant ALS and typical ALS, the median time to development of electromyographic (EMG). LMN features after onset in those with an evolving ALS was 3.17 years; in those patients, clinical signs of LMN disease occurred on average about 6 months later. Nonetheless, later development of LMN signs may occur and require reclassification as ALS in some cases, which therefore necessitates constant longitudinal review of each case ( ). Indeed, it is possible to divide PLS patients into subgroups based on clinical and molecular characteristics. A recent study identified two broad clinical groups presenting with PLS; those with bulbar/dysphagia and those with urinary urgency. Furthermore, there were PLS-like presentations due to mutations in C9Orf72 but also in PARK2, SPG7, and DCTN1 ( ).

PLS typically presents in patients in their early 50s (about a decade younger than typical MND/ALS patients) as a very slowly evolving spastic paraparesis that spreads to the upper limbs and eventually causes pseudobulbar palsy. In rare instances, onset is in the bulbar system or follows a slowly ascending or descending hemiplegic pattern (Mills hemiplegic variant), but a bulbar-onset presentation should make the clinician wary of later LMN signs elsewhere. Other features include cramps and fasciculations, but such complaints are neither prominent nor universal. Bladder dysfunction is rare and, if it occurs at all, tends to be a late feature. Although muscle weakness is present, the main deficits are due to spasticity in dexterity and gait. The rate of progression can be exceedingly slow, often progressing over many years to the point where the patient manifests a robotic gait, debilitating generalized spasticity, and prominent pseudobulbar palsy. Muscle atrophy, if it occurs at all, is a very late feature. No clinically detectable sensory changes occur. Neuropsychological test batteries may define subtle cognitive deficits due to frontal cortical involvement, but dementia is not a prominent feature. A few patients may exhibit abnormal saccadic voluntary eye movements. Corticobasal syndrome can develop rarely in patients who initially present with a pure upper motor neuron syndrome ( ). Breathing is usually unimpaired in PLS, and as a consequence, forced vital capacity (FVC) is not affected ( ).

The prognosis is significantly better than for MND/ALS: one series had a median disease duration of 19 years and another series exhibited a range of survival from 72 to 491 months ( ). The underlying pathogenesis of PLS remains undefined. Pathological changes include a striking loss of Betz cells in layer 5 of the frontal and prefrontal motor cortex (and other smaller pyramidal cells) together with laminar gliosis of layers 3 and 5 and degeneration of the corticospinal tracts. Spinal anterior horn cells are characteristically unaffected.


The diagnosis of PLS is essentially one of exclusion ( Table 97.1 ). Rare reports of UMN-onset ALS exist where the interval between onset of UMN signs and subsequent LMN signs has been up to 27 years. As such, it is vital to reassess patients diagnosed with PLS, as late signs of LMN involvement may occur that would reclassify their disorder as UMN-onset ALS.

TABLE 97.1
Disorders of Upper Motor Neurons and Their Key Characteristics
Disorders Key Characteristics
Primary lateral sclerosis A diagnosis of exclusion
Hereditary spastic paraplegia Heredity, usually autosomal dominant, spastin gene mutation, other mutations (see text), “sporadic”
HTLV-1-associated myelopathy Slowly progressive myelopathy, endemic, and positive HTLV-1
HTLV-2-associated myelopathy Amerindian, IV drug abuser, concomitant HIV
Adrenomyeloneuropathy X-linked recessive inheritance, adrenal dysfunction, myelopathy, very long-chain fatty acid assay
Lathyrism History of consumption of chickling peas
Konzo Eastern African, cassava root consumption
HIV , Human immunodeficiency virus; HTLV , human T-lymphotropic virus; IV , intravenous.

Appropriate testing must exclude all definable causes for generalized UMN involvement. These include structural abnormalities (Chiari malformation and intrinsic and extrinsic spinal cord lesions) and myelopathies such as multiple sclerosis (MS) spondylotic cervical myelopathy, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) myelopathy, human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) myelopathy, Lyme disease, syphilis, or adrenomyeloneuropathy. Spondylotic cervical myelopathy and MS are probably the most common causes among these disorders. The family history must be negative to rule out hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP)/familial spastic paraparesis, spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA), hexosaminidase-A (Hex-A) deficiency, familial ALS (FALS), or adrenomyeloneuropathy. It is now apparent that some forms of HSP, including spastin and paraplegin mutation-associated HSP, may lack a family history; it is worthwhile to carry out genetic testing for HSP in patients presenting with symptoms and signs that are restricted to the lower extremities ( ). Paraneoplastic syndromes (especially in association with breast cancer) and Sjögren syndrome may clinically resemble PLS. Thus, it is important to consider paraneoplastic diseases, particularly in an older woman presenting with a pure upper motor syndrome and other genetic mimics.


No specific pharmacotherapy is available, and treatment therefore focuses on symptom control and supportive care. However, antispasticity drugs such as the GABA-B agonist baclofen and the central α 2 -agonist tizanidine may be tried for symptomatic treatment. Severe spasticity sometimes requires the insertion of an intrathecal baclofen pump. Tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or dextromethorphan/quinidine may control pseudobulbar affect lability ( ).

Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia

HSP (or familial spastic paraparesis) is a genetically and clinically heterogeneous group of disorders rather than a single entity. The clinical feature common to all cases is progressively worsening spasticity of the lower extremities, often with variable degrees of weakness. The characteristic pathology is retrograde degeneration of the longest nerve fibers in the corticospinal tracts and posterior columns due to mutations affecting vesicular trafficking, axonal transport, lipid metabolism, mitochondrial dynamics, and myelination. Its estimated prevalence is 3–10 per 100,000, but its worldwide prevalence may actually be underestimated because of the benign nature of the disease in many families ( ). It may be inherited in an autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or X-linked fashion, but it should be borne in mind that a number of cases will lack a family history, as stated below ( , ).

Although most cases present in the second to fourth decades, onset is from infancy into the eighth decade. The clinical syndrome is broadly divisible into the pure form and the complicated form. In the pure form, patients develop only lower-extremity spasticity, but some of these cases eventually become complicated. However, the complicated form may also include optic neuropathy, pigmentary retinopathy, deafness, ataxia, ichthyosis, amyotrophy, peripheral neuropathy, dementia, autoimmune hemolytic anemia/thrombocytopenia (Evans syndrome), extrapyramidal dysfunction, cerebellar dysfunction, ptosis, ophthalmoparesis, intellectual disability, and bladder dysfunction ( ).

Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis.This 73-year-old man presented with a slowly progressive history of spastic ataxia and dysarthria. His brother has been diagnosed with atypical multiple sclerosis and his sister has a similar presentation. His examination reveals an ataxic gait (0:00–0:21), but hyperreflexia (0:21–0:31) and positive Babinski signs are present bilaterally. He is dysarthric (0:31-0:43) and he also has restricted horizontal eye movements (not shown). In this case, there is a mutation of SPG7 gene on chromosome 16.

There is an ever-expanding list of genes and genetic loci in the HSP family. Over 70 genetic subtypes have been described ( ; Table 97.2 ). Novel techniques such as exome sequencing are valuable in discovering new genes. Inheritance of most pure HSP is autosomal dominant, whereas complicated forms are more often autosomal recessive. For example, approximately 40% of autosomal dominant pure HSP worldwide is due to mutations of the SPAST gene on chromosome 2p22–21, which encodes spastin, a 616-amino acid protein. Mutations of various types (missense, nonsense, frameshift, splice site) may affect this gene ( ). Spastin is a highly conserved member of the AAA family of proteins (adenosine triphosphatase [ATPase] associated with various cellular activities). The exact role of mutant spastin in the pathogenesis of HSP is not known, although a disturbance in maintenance of the microtubule cytoskeleton may exist, thus disrupting axonal transport. More than half of all cases do not manifest symptoms and signs until after age 30 years. Although this is normally a pure HSP, complicated forms occur, and some cases can develop a late-onset cognitive decline. Pathologically, degeneration of the longest corticospinal tracts and, to a lesser degree, the posterior columns of the spinal cord is seen.

TABLE 97.2
Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia Known Phenotype-Genotype Disorders
Phenotype (OMIM Reference) Gene Location Proposed Mechanism Mode of Inheritance Key Clinical/Radiographic Features Gene OMIM Reference
Spastic paraplegia 1/MASA syndrome/CRASH syndrome (#303350) L1CAM Xq28 Neuronal migration, myelination production X-linked Mental retardation, aphasia, shuffling gait, short stature, and adducted thumbs, corpus callosum hypoplasia, hydrocephalus ∗308840
Spastic paraplegia 2 (#312920) PLP1 Xq22.2 Myelin production X-linked Onset in childhood, highly variable phenotype including cerebellar signs/optic atrophy/contractures/mental retardation ∗300401
Spastic paraplegia 3A (#182600) ATL1 14q22.1 Membrane trafficking AD Early-onset (often before age 5–10), slowly progressive, pes cavus, sphincter disturbance. ∗606439
Spastic paraplegia 4 (#182601) SPAST 2p22.3 Microtubule dynamics AD Variable age at onset, symptom severity and rate of symptom progression. Pes cavus, sphincter disturbance, mild dysarthria ∗604277
Spastic paraplegia 5A (#270800) CYP7B1 8q12.3 Lipid metabolism AR Variable age at onset, mostly pure but variable cerebellar involvement, optic atrophy, reduced vibration/proprioception ∗603711
Spastic paraplegia 6/Familial spastic paraparesis (#600363) NIPA1 (SPG6) 15q11.2 Membrane transport/lysosomal degradation AD Insidious onset in 2nd–3rd decade, variable severity, seizures, tremor ∗608145
Spastic paraplegia 7 (#607259) SPG7, (PGN CMAR, CAR) 16q24.3 Mitochondrial dysfunction AR, some heterozygous mutations Onset in 3rd–5th decade, variable cerebellar signs/optic atrophy/eye movement abnormalities/attention deficits, cortical/cerebellar atrophy ∗602783
Spastic paraplegia 8 (#603563) KIAA0196 8q24.13 Protein aggregation AD Onset 18–60 years, upper limb spasticity, amyotrophy, severe phenotype ∗610657
Spastic paraplegia 9A (#601162) ALDH18A1 10q24.1 Amino acid metabolism AD Juvenile or adult, ALS-like, short stature, cataracts, pes cavus. ∗138250
Spastic paraplegia 10 (#604187) KIF5A 12q13.3 Membrane transport AD Onset 3rd–4th decade, with or without axonal sensorimotor neuropathy.
Can be associated with amyotrophy, parkinsonism, cerebellar ataxia
Spastic paraplegia 11 (#604360) SPG11 15q21.1 Unknown, presumed membrane transport AR Onset in adolescence, mental impairment, cerebellar ataxia, parkinsonism, amyotrophy, thin corpus callosum, “ears-of-the-lynx sign” ∗610844
Spastic paraplegia 12 (#604805) RTN2 19q13.32 Tubular endoplasmic reticulum network dysfunction AD Onset 1st–2nd decade, pure phenotype, rapidly progressive ∗603183
Spastic paraplegia 13 (#605280) HSPD1 (SPG13, HSP60, HLD4) 2q33.1 Mitochondrial protein instability AD Variable age at onset, pure phenotype, severe spasticity ∗118190
Spastic paraplegia 15/Spastic paraplegia and retinal degeneration/Kjellin syndrome (#270700) ZFYVE26 14q24.1 Unknown, presumed membrane transport AR Onset in 1st–2nd decade, variable intellectual disability/dysarthria/retinal degeneration, distal amyotrophy, parkinsonism, seizures, axonal neuropathy, thin corpus callosum, cerebral atrophy, white matter hyperintensities ∗612012
Spastic paraplegia 17/Silver spastic paraplegia (#270685) BSCL2 11q12.3 Tubular endoplasmic reticulum network dysfunction AD Variable age at onset, distal amyotrophy ∗606158
Spastic paraplegia 18 (#611225) ERLIN2 8p11.23 Endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation pathway AR Onset in infancy, severe psychomotor retardation, joint contractures, global muscle weakness and atrophy, high arched palate, kyphosis/scoliosis, speech absent or limited, occasional seizures ∗611605
Spastic paraplegia 20/Troyer syndrome (#275900) SPG20 13q13.3 Microtubule dynamics AR Onset in early childhood, distal amyotrophy and contractures, short stature, hypertelorism, maxillary overgrowth, tongue dyspraxia ∗607111
Spastic paraplegia 21/Mast syndrome (#248900) SPG21 15q22.31 Dysregulation of CD4 activity AR Onset 2nd–3rd decade, presenile dementia, parkinsonism, cerebellar signs, thin corpus callosum and white matter abnormalities ∗608181
Spastic paraplegia 23 DSTYK 1q32.1 Unknown AR Vitiligo, hyperpigmentation, lentigines, facial features, mental retardation, mild neuropathy ∗612666
Spastic paraplegia 26 (#609195) B4GALNT1 12q13.3 Sphingolipid metabolism AR Onset in 1st -2nd decades of life, slowly progressive, distal amyotrophy, intellectual disability, axonal sensorimotor neuropathy, dysarthria, variable cerebellar signs, extrapyramidal signs, cortical atrophy, and white matter hyperintensities ∗601873
Spastic paraplegia 28 (#609340) DDHD1 14q22.1 Lipid metabolism AR Onset in childhood or adolescence, slowly progressive pure phenotype ∗614603
Spastic paraplegia 30 (#610357) KIF1A 2q37.3 Microtubule dynamics AR Onset 1st–2nd decade, variable cerebellar involvement/peripheral neuropathy ∗601255
Spastic paraplegia 31 (#610250) REEP1 2p11.2 Tubular endoplasmic reticulum network dysfunction AD Bimodal age of onset (usually 1st–2nd decade), variable severity, mostly pure HSP, occasionally complicated (e.g., bulbar dysfunction, distal amyotrophy) ∗609139
Spastic paraplegia 33 (#610244) ZFYVE27 10q24.2 Dysfunction of membrane trafficking AD Adult onset, pure phenotype ∗610243
Spastic paraplegia 35/Fatty acid hydroxylase-associated neurodegeneration (#612319) FA2H 16q23.1 Lipid metabolism AR Onset in 1st decade, dysarthria, mild cognitive decline, variable dystonia/optic atrophy/seizures, leukodystrophy and occasional evidence of neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation, atrophy of cerebellum/brainstem/corpus callosum ∗611026
Spastic paraplegia 39/NTE-related motor neuron disorder (#612020) PNPLA6 19p13.2 Unknown, presumed lipid/myelination related AR Childhood onset, distal upper and lower extremity wasting, cerebellar signs, spinal cord atrophy ∗603197
Spastic paraplegia 42 (#612539) SLC33A1 3q25.31 Glycoprotein and ganglioside metabolism in Golgi apparatus AD Variable age at onset, pure phenotype ∗603690
Spastic paraplegia 43 (#615043) C19orf12 19q12 Mitochondrial transmembrane protein, function unknown AR Onset in 1st decade, decreased vibration, distal muscle atrophy, reduced reflexes, contractures ∗614297
Spastic paraplegia 44 (#613206) GJC2 1q42.13 Disruption of oligodendrocyte homeostasis AR Onset of mild symptoms in 1st–2nd decade with progression in adulthood, cerebellar signs, hearing loss, seizures, hypomyelinating leukodystrophy and thin corpus callosum ∗608803
Spastic paraplegia 45 (#613162) NT5C2 10q24.32-q24.33 (10q24.3-q25.1) Purine/pyrimidine nucleotides metabolism AR Onset before age 2, intellectual disability, contractures, optic atrophy, dysplastic corpus callosum ∗600417
Spastic paraplegia 46 (#614409) GBA2 9p13.3 Sphingolipid metabolism AR Onset in childhood cerebellar involvement, variable cognitive impairment/cataracts/kyphoscoliosis/testicular atrophy, variable cerebral, cerebellar, and corpus callosum atrophy ∗609471
Spastic paraplegia 47 (#614066) AP4B1 1p13.2 Membrane transport AR Onset at birth, severe mental retardation with poor or absent speech development, stereotyped laughing, spastic tongue protrusion, variable dysmorphic features ∗607245
Spastic paraplegia 48 (#613647) AP5Z1 7p22.1 Membrane transport/DNA repair AR Adult onset, pure phenotype, mild cervical spine hyperintensities ∗613653
Spastic paraplegia 49 (#615031) TECPR2 14q32.31 Interruption of intracellular autophagy pathway AR Onset in the first 2 years of life, moderate to severe intellectual disability, dysmorphic features, episodes of central apnea, thin corpus callosum, cerebral and cerebellar atrophy ∗615000
Spastic paraplegia 50 (#612936) AP4M1 7q22.1 Membrane transport AR Neonatal hypotonia, severe mental retardation, dysmorphism, speech absent or limited, pseudobulbar signs, ventriculomegaly, white-matter abnormalities, and variable cerebellar atrophy ∗602296
Spastic paraplegia 51 (#613744) AP4E1 15q21.2 Membrane transport AR Presents with neonatal hypotonia, severe intellectual disability, speech absent or limited, dysmorphic features, seizures, stereotypic laughing, contractures, ventriculomegaly, cerebral/cerebellar atrophy, and leukodystrophy ∗607244
Spastic paraplegia 52 (#614067) AP4S1 14q12 Membrane transport AR Presents at birth with neonatal hypotonia, severe intellectual disability, speech absent or limited, talipes equinovarus, decreased shank muscle mass, short stature, dysmorphic features and microcephaly, stereotypic laughing ∗607243
Spastic paraplegia 53 (#614898) VPS37A 8p22 Endosomal sorting AR Onset in infancy, mild-moderate cognitive impairment, dystonia, pectus carinatum, marked kyphosis ∗609927
Spastic paraplegia 54 (#615033) DDHD2 8p11.23 Lipid metabolism AR Onset of spasticity by age 2 years, intellectual disability, short stature, foot contractures, dysarthria, dysphagia, variable optic hypoplasia, strabismus, telecanthus, thin corpus callosum and periventricular white-matter lesions,
MR spectroscopy shows an abnormal lipid peak
Spastic paraplegia 55 (#615035) C12orf65 12q24.31 Mitochondrial dysfunction AR Onset in 1st decade, axonal peripheral neuropathy, optic atrophy, strabismus, mental retardation, arthrogryposis of small joints, thin corpus callosum ∗613541
Spastic paraplegia 56 (#615030) CYP2U1 4q25 Unknown, gene may play a role in immune functions AR Onset birth to 8 years, upper limb involvement, dystonia, thin corpus callosum, basal ganglia calcification ∗610670
Spastic paraplegia 57 (#615658) TFG 3q12.2 Endoplasmic reticulum and microtubule function AR Early onset, optic atrophy, wasting of hand and leg muscles and contractures, axonal demyelinating sensorimotor neuropathy ∗602498
Spastic paraplegia 61 (#615685) ARL6IP1 16p12.3 Protein transport AR Present in first 2 years of life, sensorimotor neuropathy, severe mutilating acropathy ∗607669
Spastic paraplegia 62 (#615685) ERLIN1 10q24.31 Endoplasmic reticulum function AR Cerebellar ataxia, distal amyotrophy ∗611604
Spastic paraplegia 63 (#615686) AMPD2 1p13.3 Purine nucleotide metabolism AR Present in first 2 years of life, short stature, white-matter changes, thin corpus callosum ∗102771
Spastic paraplegia 64 (#615683) ENTPD1 10q24.1 Purine nucleotide metabolism AR Onset in childhood, intellectual disability, microcephaly, delayed puberty, dysarthria ∗601752
Spastic paraplegia 72 (#615625) REEP2 (SGC32445, C5orf19) 5q31.2 Shaping of endoplasmic reticulum, membrane interactions AD or AR Onset in early childhood, slowly progressive, postural tremor ∗609347
Spastic paraplegia 73 (#616282) CPT1C 19q13.33 Altered lipid metabolism AD Onset in early adulthood, slowly progressive, mild amyotrophy ∗608846
Spastic paraplegia 74 (#616451) IBA57 1q42.13 Mitochondrial dynamics AR Onset in first decade, slowly progressive, optic atrophy, distal amyotrophy ∗615316
AD , Autosomal dominant; AR , autosomal recessive.

Mutations in the SPG3A gene on 14q11–q21 encoding the novel protein, atlastin, give rise to another autosomal dominant, often early-onset (<10 years of age) pure HSP, which accounts for about 10% of autosomal dominant cases. This protein shares structural homology with guanylate-binding protein 1, which is a member of the dynamin family. Dynamins are important in intracellular trafficking of various kinds of vesicles. Mutations in KIF5A ( SPG10 , Chr 12q), a kinesin motor domain that is critical in intracellular transport, can cause both early- and late-onset spastic paraparesis with distal amyotrophy ( ). Spastic paraplegia 11 ( SPG11 ) is an autosomal recessive complicated HSP (thin corpus callosum, neuropathy, cognitive impairment) due to mutations in the spatacsin gene on chromosome 15q. This protein is of unknown function and does not appear to interact with the Golgi apparatus or microtubules. The cause of autosomal dominant pure HSP, linked to 2q24–34, is a mutation in the SPG13 gene, which encodes a mitochondrial heat shock protein. Recessively inherited complicated HSP links to chromosome 16q and is caused by a mutation in a gene encoding a mitochondrial protein known as paraplegin ; this disorder can be either pure or complicated (cerebellar signs, pale optic discs, and peripheral neuropathy). The genes for two different X-linked complicated HSP have been identified. In the first, mutant L1 (neural) cell adhesion molecule (L1CAM) may disrupt neuronal migration or differentiation; in the second mutant proteolipid protein (PLP1) is found in association with changes in white matter (duplication mutations in this same gene can also cause Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease). Spastic paraplegia 17 ( SPG17 ) is caused by mutations in the seipin gene on chromosome 11q12–q14. Also known as Silver syndrome , this disorder is an autosomal dominant complicated form of HSP with distal hand and foot amyotrophy beginning in the late teens to early 30s. Mutations in this gene are also the cause of a form of distal hereditary neuropathy (Charcot-Marie-Tooth [CMT] disease type 5).

Using novel techniques such as exome sequencing, it is evident that there are multiple genes, some likely yet to be discovered, mutations of which can lead to a HSP phenotype. The terms “the HSPome” and “the HSP interactome” have been coined to highlight the ways in which known and candidate genes are connected. For example, known mutations are associated with various pathogenic mechanisms which affect cellular transport or the metabolism and development of axons and synapses ( ) (see and Table 97.2 ).


The basis for diagnosis of HSP is evidence of a family history in the setting of progressive gait disturbance, evidence of lower-extremity spasticity, and sparing of craniobulbar function. However, difficulties arise when there is no clear family history in recessive or X-linked disease and in cases of apparently sporadic HSP. Furthermore, considerable variation in disease expression exists between and within HSP families. In the absence of a family history or a demonstration of a known mutation, it is important to consider alternative causes for the clinical presentation, including structural disease (e.g., cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, myelopathy), degenerative/infiltrative/inflammatory disease (e.g., MS, ALS, SCA, leukodystrophy), infections (syphilis, HIV, HTLV), levodopa-responsive dystonia, metabolic/toxic damage (vitamin B 12 deficiency [subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord (SCDC)], vitamin E deficiency, copper deficiency, lathyrism), and paraneoplastic disorders. MRI may reveal that cervical and thoracic spinal cord diameters are significantly smaller in both pure and complicated HSP than in controls ( ). Perhaps the most important differential diagnosis is that between apparently sporadic pure HSP and PLS, especially as the later may present with a slowly evolving spastic paraparesis for many years prior to the development of upper limb or bulbar features. The only reliable way to distinguish such disorders is through genetic testing; age at onset, urgency of micturition, and signs of dorsal column involvement (clinical or abnormal somatosensory evoked potentials [SSEPs]) are not accurate indicators of HSP versus PLS ( ).


At present, treatment of spastic paraplegia is limited to symptomatic interventions, supportive care to reduce spasticity, and appliances and orthotics such as canes, walkers, and wheelchairs. Antispasticity drugs such as baclofen, tizanidine, diazepam, and dantrolene are often suboptimal, and patients with very disabling spasticity may require intrathecal baclofen administered through an implanted pump.

Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type 1-Associated Myelopathy, or Tropical Spastic Paraparesis

HTLV-1 causes a chronic progressive myelopathy that is referred to as tropical spastic paraparesis (TSP) in the Caribbean or HTLV-1–associated myelopathy (HAM) in Japan. This retrovirus is endemic in the Caribbean area, southwestern Japan, equatorial Africa, South Africa, parts of Asia, Central America, and South America, where it infects between 10 and 20 million people. The true incidence and prevalence figures are likely an underestimate ( ). While between 2% and 3% of those infected can develop adult-onset T-cell leukemia, an estimated 2.5%–3.8% can develop a chronic inflammatory myelopathy, with up to 20/100,000 affected in the Caribbean population and 3/100,000 in Japan. Recent evidence implicates high levels of activated HTLV-1–specific helper T cells and cytotoxic T cells in the pathogenesis of this syndrome; these immune cells appear to activate in response to interactions with retroviral env and tax proteins with greatest activity within the thoracic cord. Increased susceptibility for neurological disease appears to depend on both viral and host factors, with differences in certain HTLV-1 subgroups, proviral load, and HLA background being important. This may also explain differences in susceptibility between ethnic populations ( ; ). Mode of transmission is through contaminated blood, sexual activity, breastfeeding, and very rarely in utero.

HAM/TSP is a chronic, insidiously progressive myelopathy that typically begins after age 30 years (but can occur as early as the first decade). In addition to slowly progressive spastic paraparesis, patients complain of lower-extremity paresthesias, a painful sensory neuropathy, and bladder dysfunction, and some patients may also develop optic neuropathy. Examination reveals UMN signs in the legs (weakness, spasticity, pathological reflexes, hyperreflexia), although reflexes may also be brisk in the arms. Overall, evidence of LMN involvement may be scant, and objective sensory findings may be difficult to detect. MRI may reveal increased signal on T2-weighted sequences in periventricular white matter and atrophy of the thoracic cord, but these findings may not be specific to HTLV-1. The definitive diagnosis of HAM/TSP requires HTLV-1–positive serology in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). To be sensitive and specific, CSF should reveal a combination of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of HTLV-1 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), together with evidence of an increased HTLV-1–specific antibody index and oligoclonal bands ( ). At present, no antiviral agents effectively treat HAM/TSP, but a case report showed partial benefit of plasmapheresis ( ). As more is learned about the molecular etiology of HAM/TSP, future therapies will likely target the pathogenic effect of HTLV-1–reactive T cells.

Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type 2-Associated Myelopathy

Though phylogenetically similar in many respects, HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 are still antigenically distinct. Nonetheless, using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blot techniques, many laboratories worldwide often report the presence of sero-indeterminate HTLV-1/2. It has long been thought that myelopathy in such sero-indeterminate cases is due to HTLV-1 rather than HTLV-2, but rare cases are now being described of a syndrome characterized by spastic paraparesis, diffuse hyperreflexia, spastic bladder, and periventricular white-matter changes on MRI in patients infected with HTLV-2 but not HTLV-1. This retrovirus is endemic in some Native American tribes and is now often encountered worldwide among intravenous (IV) drug abusers. It is worthwhile to test CSF and serum for the presence of this virus in known IV drug abusers who present with a spastic paraparesis ( ). However, coinfection with HIV-1 is a confounding factor in many cases of presumed HTLV-2–associated neurological disease. It has been suggested that such coinfection, rather than infection with HTLV-2 alone, increases the likelihood of neurological manifestations ( ; ).


Adrenomyeloneuropathy is a variant of adrenoleukodystrophy, an X-linked recessive disorder caused by mutations in the ABCD1 gene on chromosome Xq28 that encodes a ubiquitously expressed integral membrane peroxisomal ATPase-binding cassette transporter protein. Mutations in this gene lead to abnormal peroxisomal β-oxidation, which results in the harmful accumulation of very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) in affected cells. Excessive levels of VLCFAs may interfere with the membrane components of both neurons and axons. The most common phenotype, adrenoleukodystrophy, is an inflammatory disorder of brain and spinal cord that affects young boys 4–8 years of age, who develop severe adrenal insufficiency, progressive cognitive deterioration, seizures, blindness, deafness, and spastic quadriparesis. Adrenomyeloneuropathy is a noninflammatory axonopathy of the spinal cord that involves descending corticospinal tracts in the thoracic and lumbosacral regions and the ascending posterior columns in the cervical region. The characteristic clinical picture is a slowly progressive spastic paraparesis and mild polyneuropathy in adult men (in their late 20s), with or without sensory symptoms and sphincter disturbances. Adrenal insufficiency may be present and may predate onset of neurological symptoms by several years. Adult female carriers may present with an age-related slowly progressive spastic paraparesis ( ). Approximately 20% of men with adrenomyeloneuropathy also develop cerebral changes on MRI that may accompany cognitive/language/behavioral deterioration. Rare cases may present as a spinocerebellar degeneration. Considerable phenotypic variation exists even within individual families. Female carriers may manifest more subtle symptoms such as cramps, back pain, or arthralgias. The diagnosis should be suspected in male cases with progressive sensorimotor deficits in the legs and a family history of a myelopathy (including supposed MS). Progressive sensorimotor deficits in the lower extremities with a history of memory loss or “attention deficit disorder” should also prompt testing for adrenomyeloneuropathy, as should a history of idiopathic childhood epilepsy or primary adrenal failure ( ). Sural nerve biopsies show loss of both myelinated and unmyelinated axons, with some degree of onion bulb formation. Ultrastructural examination may show characteristic inclusions (empty lipid clefts) in Schwann cell cytoplasm. Nerve conduction studies and needle electrode examination may reveal a predominantly axon-loss type of sensorimotor polyneuropathy with a lesser component of demyelination, and SSEPs may show reduced or absent responses. There may be signal abnormalities seen in the corticospinal tracts and parieto-occipital white matter on MRI ( ). The diagnostic test of choice is to demonstrate increased VLCFA levels in plasma, red blood cells, or cultured skin fibroblasts. No specific therapy exists for adult-onset adrenomyeloneuropathy.

Plant Excitotoxins


Lathyrism is a chronic toxic nutritional neurological disease caused by long-term (or subacute) ingestion of flour made from the drought-resistant chickling pea ( Lathyrus sativus ). It is an important example of a disease in which a natural excitotoxin causes selective UMN impairment. The responsible neurotoxin is β- N -oxalylamino-l-alanine (BOAA), an α-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) glutamate receptor agonist. Ingestion of this neurotoxin results in increased intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species and subsequent impairment of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation chain. Degeneration is most prominent in those Betz cells of the motor cortex (and the longest corresponding pyramidal tracts) that subserve lower-extremity function. Lathyrism occurs in the indigenous populations of Bangladesh, China, Ethiopia, India, Romania, and Spain. It also occurred in regional concentration camps during World War II. The condition may occur in epidemic form when malnourished populations increase consumption of flour made from L. sativus chickling peas during times of food shortage due to droughts. An analysis of an epidemic of neurolathyrism in Ethiopia showed a higher incidence in boys aged 10–14 years. The increased risk was associated with cooking grass pea foods in traditional clay pots ( ). The onset of clinical toxicity is either acute or chronic, manifesting as muscle spasms, cramps, and leg weakness. In addition to spastic paraparesis, sensory (including leg formications) and bladder dysfunction may occur. Occasionally there is a coarse tremor of the upper extremities. Although irreversible, the disorder is not progressive (unless there is continuing intoxication), and lifespan is not affected.


Konzo (“tied legs”) is another toxic nutritional disorder of cortical motor neurons caused by chronic dietary ingestion of a neurotoxin derived from flour made from cassava roots that have not been soaked for a sufficient time. The disorder is endemic in protein-deficient communities in Tanzania, Zaire, and Eastern Africa and in times of famine can occur in epidemic form. The neurotoxic effect of chronic cassava root ingestion likely is derived from the liberation of cyanohydrins (cyanoglucoside linamarin) from the flour, which may be further metabolized to thiocyanate. The latter in turn may excessively stimulate the AMPA glutamate receptor subtype, causing excitotoxic neuronal injury. As with lathyrism, there appears to be a selective effect on Betz cells of the cerebral cortex and the longest corresponding corticospinal tracts. Patients typically present with spastic paraparesis (although some may exhibit only lower-extremity hyperreflexia). Occasionally one may detect weakness of the upper extremities, but not to the same degree as that of the lower extremities.

Disorders of Lower Motor Neurons

Neuroanatomy of Lower Motor Neurons


The interneurons constitute most of the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord and determine the final output of the LMNs. The interneuron system receives supranuclear excitatory and inhibitory motor control from the brainstem descending tracts, corticospinal tracts, and limbic system; this system also receives afferent information, directly and indirectly, from the afferent peripheral nerves. The interneuron system forms intricate neuronal circuits involving automatic and stereotyped spinal reflexes to coordinate and integrate the activation of synergist muscles while inhibiting antagonist muscles, contralateral muscles, and sometimes even a distant motor pool. The same interneuron network that mediates such automatic and stereotyped reflex behavior also acts as the basic functional unit involved in highly skillful voluntary movements. Ultimately, all of the interneuronal paths converge on the LMNs that innervate skeletal muscles, which Sherrington called the final common path .

Lower Motor Neurons

LMNs are located in the brainstem and spinal cord and send out motor axons that directly innervate skeletal muscle fibers. Spinal cord LMNs, also known as anterior horn cells , cluster in nuclei forming longitudinal columns; those innervating the distal muscles of the extremities are located in the dorsal anterior horn, whereas those innervating proximal muscles of the extremities are in the ventral anterior horn. Those LMNs that innervate the axial and truncal muscles are the most medially located. The normal cervical and lumbar enlargements of the spinal cord are the result of markedly enlarged lateral anterior horns containing the LMNs for the upper and lower limb muscles.

Large spinal cord LMNs called alpha motoneurons are the principal motor neurons innervating muscle fibers. Medium-sized motor neurons ( beta motoneurons ) innervate both extrafusal and intrafusal (muscle spindle) fibers, and intermediate and small motor neurons ( gamma motoneurons or fusimotor neurons ) innervate only spindle muscle fibers. The rest of the small anterior horn cells are interneurons.

Alpha motoneurons are among the largest neurons of the nervous system. Each has a single axon that branches to its target muscles and a number of large dendrites that provide an extensive receptive field. The motor unit is the smallest unit of the motor system and consists of one alpha motoneuron, its axon, and all of its target muscle fibers.

Clinical Features of Lower Motor Neuron Involvement

Loss of Muscle Strength (Weakness)

The loss of an LMN results in denervation of its motor unit, whereas an impaired LMN may lead to abnormal or impaired activation of its motor unit. In either case, the number of fully functional motor units decreases, which reduces overall muscle twitch tension.

In a disease causing chronic motor unit depletion, neighboring axons belonging to healthy motor neurons may reinnervate denervated muscle fibers belonging to a diseased motor unit by collateral sprouting. In this way, existing motor units continually modify in the face of persistent losses of motor axons to maintain muscle strength. For example, in patients who have recovered from acute poliomyelitis, depletion of more than 50% of LMNs occurs before residual muscle weakness is clinically detectable. Healthy individuals have sufficient motor units available to offset an unexpected loss of motor neurons ( Box 97.3 ).

BOX 97.3
Signs and Symptoms of Lower Motor Neuron Involvement

  • Loss of muscle strength (moderate to severe weakness)

  • Muscle atrophy

  • Hyporeflexia

  • Muscle hypotonicity or flaccidity

  • Fasciculations

  • Muscle cramps

Muscle atrophy and hyporeflexia

Muscle fiber denervation causes muscle fiber atrophy, and progressive LMN involvement results in reduced overall muscle bulk. Hyporeflexia occurs with LMN involvement because the loss of active motor units reduces the overall muscle twitch tension; thus, muscle stretch reflexes elicit less tension (diminished reflexes) or no visible twitch (absent reflexes).

Muscle hypotonicity or flaccidity

Hypotonicity , or flaccidity , refers to the decrease or complete loss of normal muscle resistance to passive manipulation. In contrast to spasticity, the muscle tone is flaccid.


Fasciculations are spontaneous contractions of muscle fibers belonging to a single (or part of a) motor unit ( ). Clinically, fasciculations appear on the muscle surface as fine, rapid, flickering, and sometimes vermicular contractions that occur irregularly in time and location. The impulse for the fasciculation appears to arise from hyperexcitable motor axons anywhere in their course. Fasciculations can occur both in healthy individuals and in patients with LMN involvement, so fasciculations themselves do not indicate LMN disease.


In general, larger muscles have larger motor units and therefore larger fasciculations. In tongue muscles, fasciculations produce small vermicular movements on the tongue surface. Fasciculations usually do not cause any joint displacement but when they occur in muscles moving the fingers, joint movements can occur (mini-polymyoclonus) (see ). Large fasciculations may occur in muscles undergoing extensive chronic reinnervation, such as chronic spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), Kennedy disease, and the postpoliomyelitis syndrome.

Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps are common in the general population and are a common symptom of LMN involvement and many chronic neuromuscular diseases. The pathogenesis of cramps in all these diseases, as in normal individuals, is poorly understood. Cramps and fasciculations are likely to share a common pathogenic mechanism such as hyperexcitability of the motor neurons. Muscle cramps are an abrupt, involuntary, and painful shortening of the muscle, accompanied by visible or palpable knotting, often with abnormal posture of the affected joint. Relief of cramps is by stretching or massaging.

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