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The spinal nerve roots serve as the transition from the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system (CNS). Each spinal nerve is derived from anterior (ventral) and posterior (dorsal) nerve roots; the anterior roots carrying efferent motor information from anterior horn cells of the spinal cord, and the posterior nerve roots carrying afferent sensory information as the central axons of the pseudo-unipolar dorsal root ganglia cells. Both anterior and posterior nerve roots are susceptible to diseases specific to their location and to many of the disorders that affect peripheral nerves in general. Although surrounded by a rigid bony canal, they are delicate structures subject to compression and stretching. Bathed by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), they may be exposed to infectious, inflammatory, and neoplastic processes that involve the leptomeninges. Separated from the blood by an incomplete blood–nerve barrier, the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons may be injured by circulating neurotoxins.
In the clinical sphere, it is usually not difficult to recognize symptoms or signs attributable to lesions of a single nerve root. Radicular pain and paresthesias are accompanied by sensory loss in the dermatome (the area of skin innervated by a nerve root), weakness in the myotome (defined as muscles innervated by a spinal cord segment and its nerve root), and diminished deep tendon reflex activity subserved by the nerve root in question. However, when multiple roots are involved by a disease process (polyradiculopathy) the clinical picture may resemble a disorder of the peripheral nerves, as in a polyneuropathy, or of the anterior horn cells, as in the progressive muscular atrophy form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In these complicated clinical settings, clinicians may often turn to serological, radiological, and electrodiagnostic studies to aid in diagnosis.
A disorder of the nerve roots is favored by abnormalities of the CSF (raised protein concentration and pleocytosis), paraspinal muscle needle electromyographic (EMG) examination (presence of positive sharp waves and fibrillation potentials), and spinal cord magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (compromise or contrast enhancement of the nerve roots per se).
The sections that follow cover some anatomical features relevant to an understanding of the pathological conditions that affect the nerve roots, as well as specific nerve root disorders.
Each nerve root is attached to the spinal cord by four to eight rootlets that are splayed out in a longitudinal direction ( ). The dorsal rootlets are attached to the spinal cord at a well-defined posterolateral sulcus, whereas the ventral rootlets are more widely separated and emerge over a greater area of the anterior surface of the spinal cord. For each spinal cord segment, a pair of dorsal and ventral roots unite just beyond the DRG to form a short mixed spinal nerve that divides into a thin dorsal ramus and a thicker ventral ramus ( Fig. 105.1 ). The dorsal ramus innervates the deep posterior muscles of the neck and trunk (the paraspinal muscles) and the skin overlying these areas. The ventral ramus, depending on its spinal segment, contributes to an intercostal nerve, or to the cervical, brachial, or lumbosacral plexi and thereby supplies the trunk or limb muscles.
Directly adjacent to the spinal cord, the nerve roots lie freely in the subarachnoid space, covered by a thin root sheath, composed of a layer of flattened cells, that is continuous with the pial and arachnoidal coverings of the spinal cord. Compared with spinal nerves, the roots have fewer connective tissue cells in the endoneurium and considerably less collagen. Moreover, they lack an epineurium, as this dense connective tissue layer is contiguous with the dura mater. A capillary network derived from the radicular arteries provides the blood supply to the spinal nerve roots ( ).
Where the nerve roots form the mixed spinal nerve, the pial covering of the root becomes continuous with spinal nerve perineurium, and the nerve takes the dural nerve root sheath through the intervertebral foramen to become continuous with the epineurium of the mixed nerve. At the intervertebral foramen, the root–DRG–spinal nerve complex is securely attached by a fibrous sheath to the transverse process of the vertebral body. At cervical and thoracic levels, the DRG is located in a protected position within the intervertebral foramina, but at the lumbar and sacral levels, the DRG may reside proximal to the neural foramina in an intraspinal location ( ) and therefore may be vulnerable to direct compression as a result of disk herniation or from bony changes induced by osteoarthritis and lumbosacral spondylosis.
Nerve fibers, together with their meningeal coverings, occupy 35%–50% of the cross-sectional area of an intervertebral foramen. The remaining space is occupied by loose areolar connective tissue, adipose tissue (fat), and blood vessels. On computed tomographic (CT) and MRI scans, the fat acts as an excellent natural contrast agent that defines the thecal sac and nerve roots, allowing the detection of nerve root compression.
The dorsal roots contain sensory fibers that are central processes of the DRG. On reaching the spinal cord, these fibers either synapse with other neurons in the posterior horn or pass directly into the posterior columns. In the ventral root, most fibers are essentially direct extensions of anterior horn motor neurons or of neurons in the intermediolateral horn (preganglionic sympathetic neurons found in lower cervical and thoracic segments). In addition, ventral roots contain a population of unmyelinated and thinly myelinated axons that come from sensory and sympathetic ganglia ( ).
There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves that run through the intervertebral foramina of the vertebral column: 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 1 coccygeal ( Fig. 105.2 ). Each cervical nerve root exits above its corresponding vertebral segment, with the sole exception being the C8 nerve root, which exits below C7 and above T1. At thoracic, lumbar, and sacral levels, each root exits below its corresponding vertebral level. An additional feature of clinical relevance is the pattern formed by the lumbar and sacral roots as they leave the spinal cord and make their way to their respective DRG to form spinal nerves. In the adult, the spinal cord is shorter than the spinal column, ending usually between L1 and L2. Therefore, the lumbar and sacral roots descend caudally from the spinal cord to reach the individual intervertebral foramina, forming the cauda equina. The concentration of so many nerve roots in a confined area makes this structure vulnerable to a range of pathological processes.
As noted earlier, each spinal root is composed of lesser amounts of collagen and is not supported by a dense epineural sheath compared to the mixed spinal nerves they form. This lack of reinforcement results in the spinal roots having approximately one-tenth the tensile strength of their corresponding peripheral nerves. Thus, the nerve root is the weakest link in the nerve root–spinal nerve–plexus complex, leading to root avulsion in the setting of traumatic traction injuries. Ventral roots are more vulnerable to avulsion than dorsal roots, a consequence of the dorsal roots having the interposed DRG and a thicker dural sheath. In most cases, root avulsion occurs in the cervical region. Lumbosacral nerve root avulsions are rare, and when they occur are generally associated with fractures of the sacroiliac joint with diastasis of the symphysis pubis or fractures of the pubic rami ( ).
Avulsion at the level of the cervical roots can be total or may result in two clinical syndromes of partial avulsion. One is Erb-Duchenne palsy , in which the arm hangs at the side, internally rotated, and extended at the elbow because of paralysis of C5- and C6-innervated muscles (the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, deltoid, and biceps). The second is Dejerine-Klumpke palsy , in which there is weakness and wasting of the intrinsic hand muscles, with a characteristic claw-hand deformity due to paralysis of C8- and T1-innervated muscles. Injuries responsible for Erb-Duchenne palsy are those that cause a sudden and severe increase in the angle between the neck and shoulder, generating stresses that are readily transmitted in the direct line along the upper portion of the brachial plexus to the C5 and C6 roots. Today, motorcycle accidents are the most common cause of this injury, but the classic paradigm is C5 and C6 root avulsions occurring in newborns during obstetrical procedures. Brachial plexus injuries in the newborn are discussed in Chapter 112 . Dejerine-Klumpke palsy occurs when the limb is elevated beyond 90 degrees and tension falls directly on the lower trunk of the plexus, C8, and T1 roots. Such an injury may occur in a fall from a height in which the outstretched arm grasps an object to arrest the fall, or during obstetrical traction on the extended arm when a newborn is delivered arm first.
At the onset of root avulsion, flaccid paralysis and complete anesthesia develop in the myotomes and dermatomes served by the affected ventral and dorsal roots, respectively. Clinical features supplemented by electrophysiological and radiological studies help determine whether the cause of severe weakness and sensory loss is root avulsion or an extraspinal lesion of plexus or nerve.
For example: in the setting of a suspected C5 nerve root avulsion, one would predict marked weakness of the rhomboids and spinati muscles (innervated primarily by C5) and a lesser degree of weakness of those muscles of the upper trunk of the brachial plexus (deltoid, biceps, brachioradialis) which receive additional innervation from C6.
A clinical sign of T1 root avulsion is an ipsilateral Horner syndrome caused by damage to preganglionic sympathetic fibers as they traverse the ventral root to their destination in the superior cervical ganglion.
Electrophysiological tests that are valuable in differentiating a root avulsion from traumatic plexus or nerve injury include the measurement of a sensory nerve action potential (SNAP) and needle EMG examination of the cervical paraspinal muscles. In the setting of a dorsal root avulsion, the patient may experience complete anesthesia in the dermatome, yet the SNAP is preserved as the DRG cell bodies and the peripheral portions of their axons remain intact. Needle EMG of the cervical paraspinal muscles permits separation of damage of the plexus and of ventral root fibers because the posterior primary ramus, which arises just beyond the DRG and proximal to the plexus as the first branch of the spinal nerve, innervates these muscles (see Fig. 105.1 ). Thus, cervical paraspinal fibrillation potentials support the diagnosis of root avulsion.
In most cases, these tests are helpful in ascertaining whether root avulsion has occurred, but clinical assessment may be challenging, and testing results may be ambiguous. The physical examination may be limited because of severe pain. An absent SNAP indicates sensory axon loss distal to the DRG but does not exclude coexisting root avulsion. Even when this test of sensory function points to avulsion of the dorsal component of the root, the status of the ventral root may remain uncertain if paraspinal fibrillation potentials are not found. Paraspinal fibrillation potentials may be absent for two reasons. First, they do not appear for 7–10 days after the onset of axonotmesis; and second, even if the timing of the needle EMG is right, they may not be seen because of the innervation of paraspinal muscles from multiple segmental levels.
Paraspinal muscles have also been evaluated radiologically in the setting of root avulsion. Contrast-enhanced MRI studies of the cervical paraspinal muscles showing severe atrophy were accurate in indicating root avulsion injuries, and abnormal enhancement in the multifidus muscle was the most accurate among paraspinal muscle findings ( ). Intraspinal neuroimaging using postmyelographic CT or MRI usually demonstrates an outpouching of the dura filled with contrast or CSF at the level of the avulsed root ( ). This posttraumatic meningocele results from tears in the dura and arachnoid sustained during root avulsion.
Root avulsion produces a severe neurological deficit that was once considered untreatable. In recent decades, microsurgical techniques and intraoperative electrophysiological studies have improved prospects for recovery for many patients with severe injury to peripheral nerves. The procedures of neurolysis (freeing intact nerve from scar tissue), nerve grafting (bridging ruptured nerves), and neurotization , or nerve transfer (attaching a donor nerve to a ruptured distal stump), have all been employed in the management of root avulsion injuries ( ). After C5 and C6 root avulsion injuries, for example, the plegic elbow flexors may be restored by several procedures that provide for neurotization of the musculocutaneous nerve, including reinnervating the biceps with nerve fascicles from an unaffected donor nerve ( ). and pioneered another approach—nerve root repair and reimplantation. They reported on a patient who had an avulsion injury involving C6–T1 in whom they were able to successfully implant two ventral roots (C6 directly and C7 via sural nerve grafts) into the spinal cord through slits in the pia mater. The successful reimplantation of avulsed ventral roots is time dependent, with better outcomes in motor strength seen if repair is attempted within 4 weeks of injury ( ). The surgical treatment of patients with avulsion injuries is an area of active ongoing investigation with the promise that if continuity between spinal cord and nerve roots can be restored, subsequent recovery of function may be possible. For example, measurement of power in upper extremity muscles years after cervical root reimplantation is associated with a proximal to distal gradient of successful recovery with shoulder girdle muscles (serratus anterior, pectoralis major and minor, and supraspinatus) potentially achieving Medical Research Council (MRC) grade 4 or 5 strength, proximal upper extremity muscles (deltoid, biceps) achieving grade 3 or 4 strength and forearm and hand muscles demonstrating little meaningful recovery ( ). While functional motor recovery varies, the oft intractable pain of cervical root avulsion injuries is more responsive to surgical intervention in most patients ( ).
Beginning in the third or fourth decade of life, cervical and lumbar intervertebral disks are liable to herniate into the spinal canal or intervertebral foramina and impinge on the spinal cord (in the case of cervical disk herniations), nerve roots (in both cervical and lumbosacral regions), or both (at the cervical level where on occasion large central and paracentral disk herniations may produce a myeloradiculopathy) (see Chapter 104 ).
Two factors contribute to this alteration in the intervertebral disks: degenerative change and trauma. An intervertebral disk is composed of a central, gelatinous, nucleus pulposus, and, surrounding, fibrocartilaginous, annulus fibrosus. With age, the fibers of the annulus fibrosus lengthen, weaken, and fray, thereby allowing the disk to bulge posteriorly. In the setting of such changes, relatively minor trauma leads to further tearing of annular fibers and ultimately to herniation of the nucleus pulposus. This “soft-disk” herniation occurs mainly during the third and fourth decades of life when the nucleus is still gelatinous. In fact, although disk herniations may be preceded by unaccustomed strain or direct injury, in many instances there is no history of clinically significant trauma preceding the onset of radiculopathy.
Reinforcing the annulus fibrosus posteriorly is the posterior longitudinal ligament, which in the lumbar region is dense and strong centrally, and less well developed in its lateral portion. Because of this anatomical feature, the direction of lumbar disk herniations tends to be posterolateral, compressing the nerve roots in the lateral recess of the spinal canal. Less commonly, more lateral (foraminal) herniations compress the nerve root against the vertebral pedicle in the intervertebral foramen ( Fig. 105.3 ). On occasion, the degenerative process may be particularly severe. This leads to large rents in the annulus and posterior longitudinal ligament, thereby permitting disk material to herniate into the spinal canal as a free fragment with the potentially damaging capacity to migrate superiorly or inferiorly and compress two or more nerve roots. Most cervical disk herniations are posterolateral or foraminal.
In the cervical and lumbar regions, alteration in the integrity of the disk space is a component of a degenerative condition termed spondylosis , characterized by osteoarthritic changes in the joints of the spine, the disk per se (desiccation and shrinkage of the normally semisolid, gelatinous nucleus pulposus), and the facet joints. Because it spawns osteophyte formation, spondylosis leads to compromise of the spinal cord in the spinal canal and the nerve roots in the intervertebral foramina. Restriction in the dimensions of these bony canals may be exacerbated by thickening and hypertrophy of the ligamentum flavum, which is especially detrimental in patients with congenital cervical or lumbar canal stenosis.
In the cervical region, nerve root compression in patients older than 50 years is often due to disk herniation superimposed on chronic spondylotic changes. Isolated “soft” cervical disk herniation tends to occur in younger people in the setting of neck trauma. In the lumbosacral region, isolated acute disk herniation is a common cause of radiculopathy in the younger patient (<40 years), whereas bony root entrapment with or without superimposed disk herniation is the more typical cause of lumbosacral radiculopathy in the patient older than 50.
Root compression from disk herniation gives rise to a distinctive clinical syndrome comprising radicular pain, dermatomal sensory loss, weakness in the myotome, and reduction or loss of the deep tendon reflex subserved by the affected root ( and ). Nerve root pain is variably described as knife-like or aching and is widely distributed, projecting to the sclerotome (defined as deep structures such as muscles and bones innervated by the root). Typically, root pain is aggravated by coughing, sneezing, and straining at stool (actions that require a Valsalva maneuver and raise intraspinal pressure). Accompanying the pain are paresthesias referred to the specific dermatome, especially to the distal regions of the dermatomes; indeed, these sensations strongly suggest that the pain has its origins in compressed nerve roots rather than spondylotic facet joints. Sensory loss caused by the compromise of a single root may be difficult to ascertain because of the overlapping territories of adjacent roots, although loss of pain is usually more easily demonstrated than loss of light touch sensation ( Fig. 105.4 ).
Most radiculopathies occur in the lumbosacral region; compressive root lesions in this area account for 62%–90% of all radiculopathies. Cervical radiculopathies are less common, comprising 5%–36% of all radiculopathies encountered.
In the lumbosacral region, 95% of disk herniations occur at the L4–L5 or L5–S1 levels; L3–L4 and higher lumbar disk herniations are uncommon ( and ). In perhaps only 10% of cases of the disk herniating far laterally into the foramen is there compression of the exiting nerve root. More commonly, the posterolateral disk herniation compresses the nerve root passing through the foramen below that disk, so L4–L5 and L5–S1 herniations usually produce L5 and S1 radiculopathies, respectively (see Fig. 105.3 ).
In an S1 radiculopathy, pain radiates to the buttock and down the back of the leg (classic sciatica ), often extending below the knee; paresthesias are generally felt in the lateral ankle and foot. The ankle jerk is generally diminished or lost, and weakness may be detected in the plantar flexors, knee flexors, and hip extensors.
In an L5 radiculopathy, the distribution of pain is similar, but paresthesias are felt on the dorsum of the foot and the outer portion of the calf. The ankle reflex is typically normal, but there may be reduction of the medial hamstring reflex. Weakness may be found in L5-innervated muscles served by the peroneal nerve (including the extensor hallucis longus, tibialis anterior and peronei), tibial nerve (tibialis posterior), and the superior gluteal nerve (including gluteus medius). Weakness may be restricted to the extensor hallucis longus, or be more extensive and involve the tibialis anterior, resulting in foot drop.
A positive straight leg–raising test result is a sensitive indicator of L5 or S1 nerve root irritation. The test is deemed positive when the patient complains of pain radiating from the back into the buttock and thigh with leg elevation to less than 60 degrees. The test result is positive in up to 83% of patients with a proven disk herniation at surgery. A less sensitive but highly specific test is the crossed straight leg–raising test when the patient complains of radiating pain on the affected side with elevation of the contralateral leg.
The less common L4 radiculopathy is characterized by pain and paresthesias along the medial aspect of the knee and lower leg. The patellar reflex is diminished, and weakness may be noted in the quadriceps and hip adductors (innervated by the femoral and obturator nerves, respectively). When large herniations occur in the midline at either the L4–L5 or the L5–S1 level, many of the nerve roots running past that level to exit through intervertebral foramina below that level may be compressed, producing the cauda equina syndrome of bilateral radicular pain, paresthesias, weakness, attenuated reflexes below the disk level, and urinary retention. This is a surgical emergency requiring urgent decompression.
In the cervical region, it is likely that the greater mobility at levels C5–C6 and C6–C7 promotes the development of cervical disk degeneration with annulus fraying and subsequent disk protrusion. As previously noted, cervical nerve roots emerge above the vertebra that share their same numerical designation. Therefore, C7 exits between C6 and C7, and spondylotic changes with or without additional acute disk herniation would be expected to compress the C7 nerve root. Similarly, disk protrusion at C5–C6 and C7–T1 would compress the C6 and C8 roots, respectively. In the classic study of and , clinical and radiological evidence of radiculopathy was found to occur most often at C7 (70%), less frequently at C6 (19%–25%), and uncommonly at C8 (4%–10%) and C5 (2%). Radiculopathy involving the T1 root is a clinical rarity ( ).
Involvement of C6 is associated with pain at the tip of the shoulder radiating into the upper part of the arm, lateral side of the forearm, and thumb. Paresthesias are felt in the thumb and index finger. The brachioradialis and biceps reflexes are attenuated or lost. Weakness may occur in the muscles of the C6 myotome supplied by several different nerves, including the biceps (musculocutaneous nerve), deltoid (axillary nerve), and pronator teres (median nerve). The clinical features of C5 radiculopathies are similar, except that the rhomboids and spinati muscles are more likely to be weak.
When the C7 root is compressed, pain radiates in a wide distribution to include the shoulder, chest, forearm, and hand. Paresthesias involve the dorsal surface of the middle finger. The triceps reflex is usually reduced or absent. A varying degree of weakness usually involves one or more muscles of the C7 myotome, especially the triceps the flexor carpi radialis and the pronator teres.
Less common C8 root involvement presents a similar clinical picture with regard to pain. Paresthesias, however, are experienced in the fourth and fifth digits, and weakness may affect the intrinsic muscles of the hand, including finger abductor and adductor muscles (ulnar nerve), thumb abductor and opponens muscles (median nerve), finger extensor muscles (posterior interosseous branch of the radial nerve), and flexor pollicis longus (anterior interosseous branch of the median nerve).
Variations in cervical root innervation to the brachial plexus can complicate the interpretation of symptoms and signs of suspected cervical radiculopathy. A well-appreciated anatomical variant is the “pre-fixed” brachial plexus, whereby cervical root innervation is caudally displaced by one spinal segment, such that the C4 nerve root offers a greater contribution to the brachial plexus, and the T1 nerve root has less representation. A pre-fixed variant is believed to be present in 22%–40% of dissected plexi and should be considered when there is poor correlation between clinical signs and radiographic findings. For example, in one retrospective study of 31 patients with clinical and electrophysiological evidence supporting a C8 radiculopathy, 16% were attributable to compression of the C7 nerve root at the C6–C7 spinal level ( ).
Diagnosis is aided by a variety of imaging techniques (e.g., plain radiography, CT myelography, MRI) and EMG testing ( and ) (see Chapter 104 ). Both diagnostic modalities—the imaging approach that reveals anatomical details and the EMG techniques that disclose neurophysiological function—agree in the majority of patients (60%) with a clinical history compatible with cervical or lumbosacral radiculopathy, although only the results of one study will be positive in a significant minority of patients (40%) ( ). Although plain radiography is unhelpful in the identification of a herniated disk per se, in both the cervical and the lumbar area, it reveals spondylotic changes when present. It also may be useful for identifying less common disorders that produce radicular symptoms and signs: bony metastases, infection, fracture, and spondylolisthesis, for example.
In the cervical region, the best methods for assessing the relationship between neural structures (spinal cord and nerve root) and their fibro-osseous surroundings (disk, spinal canal, and foramen) are post-myelography CT (unenhanced CT reveals little more than the presence of bony changes) and MRI. MRI is equivalent in diagnostic capacity to post-myelography CT and therefore is preferred. In the lumbosacral region, CT is an effective method for evaluating disk disease, but when available, MRI is considered the superior imaging study. Its excellent resolution, multiplanar imaging, the ability to see the entire lumbar spine including the conus, and the absence of ionizing radiation make it highly sensitive in detecting structural radicular disorders ( ).
A variety of neurophysiological tests are used to assess patients with disk herniation: motor and sensory nerve conduction studies, late responses, somatosensory evoked potentials, nerve root stimulation, and needle electrode examination. Sensory conduction studies are useful in the evaluation of a patient suspected of radiculopathy because SNAPs are typically normal (because the lesion is proximal to the DRG in the intervertebral foramina) even in the face of clinical sensory loss, in contrast to the situation in plexopathy and peripheral nerve trunk lesions, where SNAPs are attenuated or absent. However, in the specific instance of L5 radiculopathy, because the L5 DRG may reside proximal to the neural foramen, if intraspinal pathology is severe enough, compression of the L5 DRG may lead to attenuation or loss of the superficial peroneal nerve SNAP ( ).
Needle EMG is the most useful electrodiagnostic procedure in the diagnosis of suspected radiculopathy ( and ). A study is considered positive if abnormalities—especially acute changes of denervation including fibrillation potentials and positive sharp waves—are present in two or more muscles that receive innervation from the same root, preferably via different peripheral nerves. No abnormalities should be detected in muscles innervated by the affected root’s rostral and caudal neighbors. Reduced motor unit potential (MUP) recruitment (manifested by decreased numbers of MUPs firing at an increased rate) and MUP abnormalities of reinnervation (high-amplitude, increased duration, polyphasic MUPs) are also sought by the needle electrode but are not as reliable as fibrillation potentials in establishing a definitive diagnosis of radiculopathy. However, the absence of fibrillation potentials does not exclude the diagnosis of radiculopathy. Two main reasons for this exist. First, examination in the first 1–3 weeks after onset of nerve root compromise may be negative because it takes approximately 2 weeks for these potentials to appear. At the early stages in the process of nerve root compression, the only needle electrode examination manifestation of radiculopathy might be reduced MUP recruitment resulting from axon loss, focal demyelination with conduction block, or both. Second, fibrillation potentials disappear as denervated fibers are reinnervated by axons of the same or an adjacent myotome beginning 2–3 months after nerve root compression ( Fig. 105.5 ). Thus, in the later phases of nerve root compression, the only needle EMG changes indicative of radiculopathy might be chronic neurogenic changes of reduced recruitment and MUP remodeling. The distribution of fibrillation potentials is relatively stereotyped for C5, C7, and C8 radiculopathies, whereas C6 radiculopathy has the most variable presentation. In about half of patients, the findings are similar to C5 radiculopathy, whereas in the other half, findings are identical to C7 radiculopathy ( ).
For cervical disk protrusion and spondylotic radiculopathy, the mainstay of treatment is conservative management—a combination of a period of reduced physical activity with use of a soft cervical collar, physiotherapy, and antiinflammatory and analgesic agents. Most patients improve, even those with mild to moderate motor deficits. Indeed, in some cases, herniated cervical disks have been observed to regress on MRI images, a circumstance that appears more likely to occur if disk material has extruded and becomes exposed to the epidural space ( ). Although there appears to be a short-term benefit to surgical decompression of an affected nerve root with regard to pain, weakness, or sensory loss, at 1 year there is no significant difference between the outcomes of surgical or conservative management (physical therapy or hard cervical collar immobilization) ( ). However, a surgical approach may be warranted in selected cases: (1) if there is unremitting pain despite an adequate trial of conservative management; (2) if there is progressive weakness in the territory of the compromised nerve root; or (3) if there are clinical and radiological signs of an accompanying new onset of myelopathy, although in a group of patients with mild or moderate myelopathy, those managed surgically had the same outcome (degree of functional disability) as those allocated to conservative treatment ( ).
In the lumbosacral region, disk herniation and spondylotic changes respond to conservative management in more than 90% of patients. Bed rest had been recommended as the centerpiece of patient care, but controlled trials have demonstrated that back-strengthening exercises under the direction of a physical therapist, performed within the limits of the patient’s pain, result in more rapid resolution of pain and return to normal function ( ). Follow-up MRI studies in conservatively managed patients indicate reduction in size or disappearance of herniated nucleus pulposus corresponding to improvement in clinical findings ( ). Epidural corticosteroid injection may help relieve pain but does not improve neurological function or reduce the need for surgery ( ). Relief of radicular pain due to paracentric lumbosacral disk herniations may best be predicted by the severity of root compression on MRI ( and ). In a study of 71 patients receiving epidural steroid injections, those with low-grade herniations, characterized as either root effacement without displacement or root displacement with preservation of the periradicular CSF demonstrated a significantly higher incidence of subjective pain relief (74%) as compared to patients with more severe root displacement with obliteration of the periradicular CSF or morphological distortion of the nerve root (26%) ( and ). Lumbosacral level, duration of pain, and the presence of sensory changes, motor weakness, or lost reflexes did not predict a response to epidural steroid injections. A single intravenous (IV) bolus of methylprednisolone (500 mg) given to patients with acute discogenic sciatica of less than 6 weeks’ duration provided short-term improvement in leg pain, but the effect was relatively small, with no effect on functional disability, and was quite transitory (3 days) ( ). When a patient population with sciatica due to a herniated lumbar disk is followed at regular intervals for more than 10 years, surgically treated patients report more complete relief of leg pain and improved function and satisfaction compared with the nonsurgically treated group. However, improvement in the patient’s predominant symptom and work or disability outcomes were similar in the two groups ( ). Three situations occur in which surgical referral is indicated: (1) in patients presenting with cauda equina syndrome for whom surgery may be required urgently, (2) if the neurological deficit is severe or progressing, or (3) if severe radicular pain continues after 4–6 weeks of conservative management.
Diabetic neuropathies can be classified anatomically into two major groups: symmetrical polyneuropathies and asymmetrical focal or multifocal disorders. Examples of the latter include the cranial mononeuropathies and the conditions covered in this section: cervical, thoracoabdominal, and lumbosacral polyradiculoneuropathies. Though treated separately in the following paragraphs, they often coexist in an individual patient.
Diabetic polyradiculoneuropathy tends to affect patients in the sixth or seventh decade of life who have noninsulin-dependent diabetes of several years’ duration. The syndrome of painful polyradiculoneuropathy, whether referable to cervical, thoracic or lumbosacral roots, may be the presenting manifestation of diabetes. In 30%–50% of patients, the disorder is preceded by substantial weight loss of 30–40 pounds.
When there is predominant involvement of the thoracic roots, the presenting symptoms are generally pain and paresthesias of rapid onset in the abdominal and chest wall. The trunk pain may be severe, described variably as burning, sharp, aching, and throbbing. It may mimic the pain of acute cardiac or intraabdominal medical emergencies and may simulate disk disease, but the rarity of thoracic disk protrusions and the usual development of a myelopathy help exclude this diagnosis. Findings of diabetic thoracoabdominal polyradiculoneuropathy include heightened sensitivity to light touch over affected regions; patches of sensory loss on the anterior, lateral, or posterior aspects of the trunk; and unilateral abdominal swelling due to localized weakness of the abdominal wall muscles ( ).
Diabetic lumbosacral polyradiculoneuropathy involves the legs, especially the anterior thighs, with pain, dysesthesia, and weakness, reflecting the major involvement of upper lumbar roots. A variety of names have been used to describe it, including diabetic amyotrophy , proximal diabetic neuropathy , diabetic lumbosacral plexopathy , diabetic femoral neuropathy , and Bruns–Garland syndrome . Because it is likely that the brunt of nerve pathology falls on the nerve roots, it can be designated as diabetic polyradiculoneuropathy . Motor, sensory, and autonomic fibers are all affected by the disease process ( ).
In most patients, onset is fairly abrupt, with symptoms developing over days to a couple of weeks. Early in the course of the condition, the clinical findings are usually unilateral and include weakness of muscles supplied by L2–L4 roots (iliopsoas, quadriceps, and hip adductors), reduced or absent patellar reflex, and mild impairment of sensation over the anterior thigh. As time passes, there may be territorial spread , a term used by and to describe proximal, distal, or contralateral involvement as the polyradiculoneuropathy evolves. Worsening may occur in a steady or a stepwise fashion, and it may take several weeks to progress from onset to peak of the disease. At its peak, weakness varies in severity and extent from a mildly affected patient with slight unilateral thigh weakness to a profound degree of bilateral leg weakness in the territory of the L2–S2 nerve roots. Rarely, the process of territorial spread is so extensive that it involves a multiplicity of nerve roots along the entire spinal cord and leads to profound generalized weakness, a condition designated diabetic cachexia .
Diabetic cervical polyradiculoneuropathy has also been described ( ), and may occur independently or in temporal association with lumbosacral polyradiculoneuropathy. Similar to the lumbosacral form, it is characterized as an acute or subacute onset of unilateral limb pain, followed by focal hand and forearm weakness that may then progress to involve multiple myotomes or focal nerve territories in the affected limb. Though less common than the polyradiculoneuropathy of lumbosacral onset, progression to the contralateral upper extremity is seen in up to 35% of patients, and involvement of cranial, thoracic, and lumbosacral regions may also occur.
Laboratory studies disclose elevated fasting blood glucose in the vast majority of patients; when values are normal, they are found in treated diabetics. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is usually normal. The typical electrodiagnostic findings comprise features of a sensorimotor axon-loss polyneuropathy (diminished sensory and motor action potentials, normal or slightly prolonged distal latencies, and normal or mildly slowed conduction velocities) with additional needle electrode examination findings of active and chronic denervation changes in paraspinal, pelvic girdle, and limb muscles. Taken together, the findings reflect multifocal axonal damage to the nerve roots and brachial or lumbosacral plexus ( and ). Although clinical findings may point to unilateral involvement, the electrodiagnostic examination generally discloses bilateral signs. Imaging studies are almost always necessary to exclude a structural abnormality of the nerve roots that may simulate diabetic polyradiculopathy. Both CT and myelography studies are typically normal. MRI of the brachial plexus in diabetic cervical polyradiculoneuropathy is typically abnormal with an increase in T2 signaling at the root, trunk, cord, or individual nerve level being the most common finding, often in a more extensive distribution than the clinical presentation would suggest ( ). Nerve hypertrophy and increased T2 signal in muscle (suggestive of edema) were also observed. The CSF protein level is usually increased to an average of 120 mg/dL, but in some patients, values exceed 350 mg/dL; pleocytosis is not a feature of this condition. Biopsy of proximal nerve sensory branches reveals axon loss and demyelination; in more severely affected patients, inflammatory cell infiltration and vasculitis is found ( ). Further studies of nerve biopsy specimens indicate that a microscopic vasculitis (involvement of small arterioles, venules, and capillaries) leads to ischemic injury, which in turn causes axonal degeneration and secondary segmental demyelination ( ). The presence of a small-vessel vasculitis with distinctive pathological features including transmural polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration of postcapillary venules and endothelial deposits of immunoglobulin (Ig)M and activated complement supports an immune-mediated inflammatory pathogenesis for this disorder ( ).
The natural history of diabetic polyradiculoneuropathy is for improvement to occur in most patients, although the recovery phase is lengthy, ranging between 1 and 18 months with a mean of 6 months. Pain and dysesthesias improve or disappear entirely in 85% of patients; numbness improves or recovers in 50%; and strength is partially or completely restored in 70%. In some patients, episodes recur.
Therapy is usually directed toward ameliorating the severe pain of this condition. The tricyclic antidepressants (e.g., amitriptyline and nortriptyline), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (e.g., sertraline, nefazodone hydrochloride), selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (e.g., duloxetine, venlafaxine), anticonvulsants (e.g., gabapentin, pregabalin, carbamazepine), and topical capsaicin may have a role separately or in combination. Histopathological findings indicative of an immune-mediated pathogenesis has led to treatment of selected patients with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) or other immunosuppressive treatments. A comprehensive and critical review of the literature on the role of immunotherapy of diabetic polyradiculopathy concludes that treatment remains controversial because the natural history is for spontaneous improvement, the side effects of immunotherapy may be significant, and information on efficacy is lacking from controlled clinical trials ( and ). Prospective studies have suggested a role for immunotherapy in the treatment plan of diabetic polyradiculoneuropathy where electrophysiological findings are those of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) ( and ), although the degree of improvement has been shown not to be as robust as in the immunotherapy of idiopathic CIDP ( ).
The major differential diagnostic considerations are polyradiculoneuropathies related to degenerative disk disease, infection, inflammatory or autoimmune mediated disease, and neoplastic processes. These can usually be excluded by history, examination, and routine laboratory investigations including CSF analysis. However, in our experience, the clinical presentation provoking the most anxiety is the frail elderly patient not known to be diabetic who has weight loss and abrupt onset of lower-extremity pain and weakness that progresses over months. In such a patient, the specter of neoplasia looms large, and thorough imaging studies of the nerve roots and plexuses are mandatory.
A wide variety of neoplasms are known to spread to the leptomeninges. These include solid tumors (carcinoma of the breast and lung, gastrointestinal tract, and melanoma), non-Hodgkin lymphomas, leukemias, and intravascular lymphomatosis ( ). Although neoplastic polyradiculoneuropathy usually occurs in patients known to have an underlying neoplasm, meningeal symptoms may be the first manifestation of malignancy. Neoplastic meningitis occurs in approximately 5% of all patients with cancer ( ). The clinical features of neoplastic polyradiculoneuropathy include radicular pain, dermatomal sensory loss, areflexia, weakness of a lower motor neuron type, and bowel/bladder dysfunction ( and ). Often the distribution of the sensory and motor deficits is widespread and simulates a severe sensorimotor polyneuropathy. Associated clinical manifestations (e.g., nuchal rigidity, confusion, cranial polyneuropathies) result from infiltration of the meninges.
At postmortem examination, the cauda equina shows discrete nodules or focal granularity ( Fig. 105.6 ). Microscopy discloses spinal roots encased by tumor cells, which appear to infiltrate the root. Malignant cells have the capacity to penetrate the pial membrane and invade the spinal nerves ( and ). It is presumed that disturbed nerve root function results from several mechanisms including nerve fiber compression and ischemia.
The most revealing diagnostic procedure is lumbar puncture, which is usually abnormal, disclosing one or more or the following: mononuclear pleocytosis, reduced CSF glucose, elevated protein, and neoplastic cells ( ). By contrast, spinal fluid cytological analysis may be initially negative in more than one-third of patients who have compelling evidence of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis. Sensitivity of CSF cytology can be improved with repeated sampling, analysis of larger CSF volumes (>10 cc), and when spinal fluid is sampled near the main focus of metastatic involvement ( ). A sensitive, albeit nonspecific, electrophysiological indicator of nerve root involvement is an abnormal F wave. In the symptomatic patient with cancer, prolonged F-wave latencies or absent F responses should raise suspicion of leptomeningeal metastases. Post-myelography CT adds strong evidence in support of the diagnosis if it demonstrates multiple nodular defects on the nerve roots, but spinal MRI, especially with gadolinium enhancement, is the initial test of choice in the cancer patient in whom leptomeningeal involvement of the spine is suspected ( and ). Approximately 50% of patients with neoplastic meningitis and spinal symptoms have abnormalities on these studies. Gadolinium-enhanced MRI of the brain discloses abnormalities, including contrast enhancement of the basilar cisterns or cortical convexities and hydrocephalus.
Standard therapy for neoplastic meningitis is essentially palliative; it does, however, afford stabilization and protection from further neurological deterioration ( ). A multidisciplinary approach is recommended, with input from medical oncology, neuro-oncology, radiation oncology, and neurosurgery ( and ). With treatment that includes radiotherapy to sites of symptomatic disease, intrathecal or intraventricular chemotherapy (methotrexate, thiotepa, and cytosine arabinoside), and optimal management of the underlying malignancy, median survivals of 2–5 months may be achieved ( ). On occasion, longer-term survival is observed in patients with neoplastic meningitis accompanying breast cancer (13% survival rate at 1 year and 6% at 2 years), melanoma, and lymphoma ( ).
Sarcoidosis is a systemic, multiorgan, inflammatory granulomatous disease. Neurological involvement of any kind is rare, observed in approximately 5% of patients, and characterized by granulomatous infiltration of CNS parenchyma, meninges, peripheral nerves and their roots. Predominant involvement of motor and sensory roots has been described ( ), manifesting in the lower extremities with subacute onset of proximal more than distal weakness, sensory loss, and pain in the back or legs. Deep tendon reflexes are often attenuated in keeping with a pure radiculopathy, although concomitant intraparenchymal involvement may occur, leading to upper motor neurons signs with hyperreflexia and extensor plantar responses. More acute onset presentations mimicking the Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) also have been described ( ).
Sarcoidosis characteristically presents in late adolescence through middle age, with a higher incidence in African Americans in North America. Establishing the diagnosis of neurosarcoidosis may be challenging. The gold standard of diagnosis is pathological evidence of noncaseating granulomas in involved nervous tissue. When this level of certainty cannot be achieved, clinicians turn to serum, CSF, and radiological testing to help support the diagnosis. Serum angiotensin- converting enzyme (ACE) levels are of limited utility, and do not correlate well with CSF ACE levels ( ). Elevated serum ACE levels should spur further diagnostic investigation, whereas a negative test result should not dissuade the clinician from a potential diagnosis of neurosarcoidosis. CSF analysis typically discloses elevated total protein, hypoglycorrhachia, and a lymphocytic pleocytosis, although not all patients will have all three abnormalities. The most common CSF abnormality is a high protein concentration. MRI may be most helpful in demonstrating increased T2 signal or post-gadolinium enhancement of involved nerve roots, meninges, or brain and spinal cord parenchyma. When neurosarcoidosis is suspected as the initial manifesting symptom of sarcoidosis, a diagnostic work-up to assess for systemic disease should also be pursued. This should include a plain chest x-ray or high-resolution CT to look for hilar lymph node or pulmonary involvement. Consideration should also be given to fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) evaluating for pulmonary or extrapulmonary involvement that would subsequently allow for targeted biopsy of a more accessible involved organ ( ).
Formal evaluation of drug therapy in neurosarcoidosis is nonexistent, though convention favors initial treatment with oral or IV corticosteroids. Many patients improve with corticosteroid therapy, though long-term immunosuppression with corticosteroid-sparing agents such as azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil, and methotrexate may be required. In the spinal column, where granulomatous infiltration may be associated with significant mass effect, decompressive laminectomy may be required.
Tabes dorsalis, the most common form of late neurosyphilis, begins as a spirochetal (Treponema pallidum) meningitis (see Chapter 78 ). After 10–20 years of persistent infection, damage to the dorsal roots is severe and extensive, producing a set of characteristic symptoms and signs. Symptoms are lightning pains, ataxia, and bladder disturbance; signs include Argyll Robertson pupils, areflexia, loss of proprioceptive sense, Charcot joints, and trophic ulcers. Lancinating or lightning pains are brief, sharp, or stabbing in quality and are more apt to occur in the legs than elsewhere. Sensory disturbances such as coldness, numbness, and tingling also occur and are associated with impairment of light touch, pain, and thermal sensation. Episodes of visceral crisis, characterized by the abrupt onset of epigastric pain that spreads around the body or up over the chest, occur in some 20% of patients.
Most of the features of tabes dorsalis can be explained by lesions of the dorsal roots, dorsal root ganglia, and posterior columns ( ). Ataxia is due to the destruction of proprioceptive fibers, insensitivity to pain follows partial loss of small myelinated and unmyelinated fibers, and bladder hypotonia with overflow incontinence, constipation, and impotence is the result of sacral root damage. Pathological studies disclose thinning and grayness of the posterior roots, especially in the lumbosacral region, and the spinal cord shows degeneration of the posterior columns. A mild reduction of neurons in the DRG occurs, and there is little change in the peripheral nerves. Inflammation may occur all along the posterior root.
The CSF may be normal in tabes dorsalis or may show a mild lymphocytic pleocytosis (10–50 cells/μL) and elevated protein concentration (45–75 mg/dL). While up to 25% of patients are found to have nonreactive CSF-Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL), the serum treponemal tests fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS), Treponema pallidum particle agglutination assay (TPPA), and syphilis enzyme immunoassay (EIA)), remain reactive for life in virtually all patients regardless of previous treatment ( ). The preferred treatment is aqueous penicillin G, 2–4 million units IV every 4 hours for 10–14 days, with careful CSF follow-up. CSF examination 6 months after treatment should demonstrate a normal cell count and decreasing protein content. If not, a second course of therapy is indicated. The CSF examination should be repeated every 6 months for 2 years or until the fluid is normal.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) polyradiculoneuropathy is a rapidly progressive opportunistic infection that usually occurs late in the course of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection when the CD4 count is very low (<50 cells/mL) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)-defining infections are present. Uncommonly, it is the initial manifestation of AIDS ( and ). Patients often have evidence of systemic CMV infection (retinitis, gastroenteritis). The presentation is marked by rapid onset of pain and paresthesias in the legs and perineal region, associated with urinary retention and progressive ascending weakness of the lower extremities ( and ). Examination discloses a severe cauda equina syndrome, the combination of flaccid paraparesis, absent lower-limb deep tendon reflexes, reduced or absent sphincter tone, and variable loss of light touch, vibration, and joint position sense. The upper extremities and cranial nerves may be involved in advanced cases ( and ).
A gadolinium-enhanced MRI of the lumbosacral spine is necessary to exclude a compressive lesion of the cauda equina and is generally the first study performed ( and ). The MRI in CMV polyradiculoneuropathy is usually normal, but adhesive arachnoiditis has been described. The CSF has an elevated protein level, depressed glucose level, polymorphonuclear pleocytosis, and a positive CMV polymerase chain reaction (PCR) ( and ). CMV may be isolated from CSF cultures. The needle EMG discloses widespread fibrillation potentials in lower-extremity muscles, and sensory conduction studies may reveal an associated distal sensory neuropathy that is common in the late stages of HIV infection. The pathological features are marked inflammation and extensive necrosis of dorsal and ventral roots. Cytomegalic inclusions may be found in the nucleus and cytoplasm of endothelial and Schwann cells ( Fig. 105.7 ).
Untreated CMV polyradiculoneuropathy is rapidly fatal within approximately 6 weeks of onset. The antiviral nucleoside analog ganciclovir may benefit some patients if treatment is instituted early; improvement occurs over weeks to months. Viral resistance to ganciclovir is suggested by persistent pleocytosis and depressed CSF glucose ( ) and should prompt consideration of alternate, or combination therapy with an antiviral agent such as foscarnet, which, unlike ganciclovir, does not require intracellular phosphorylation for its effect.
Other causes of rapidly progressive lumbosacral polyradiculoneuropathy in the HIV-infected patient are meningeal lymphomatosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis , and axonal polyradiculoneuritis associated with HIV infection per se ( ). Additionally, one must consider acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, syphilitic polyradiculoneuropathy (which often has an accelerated course in the patient with AIDS), herpes simplex virus type 2 and varicella-zoster virus infections. Toxoplasma gondii may also cause myelitis, presenting as a subacute conus medullaris syndrome that simulates the clinical features produced by CMV polyradiculoneuropathy. In the case of T. gondii , MRI may reveal abscess formation.
Lyme disease is caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi , transmitted by the deer tick Ixodes dammini , and is most prevalent in the American northeast and upper Midwest, where risk of infection is greatest during the spring and summer months. A European form, caused by the spirochetes B. afzelii and B. garinii , is also well recognized in temperate climates of central Europe and Asia. Lyme is a multisystem disease affecting the skin, peripheral nervous system, CNS (referred to as neuroborreliosis ), musculoskeletal system, and heart. To help bring order to the understanding of this illness, it may be divided into three clinical stages ( ). Stage 1 follows within 1 month of the tick bite and is marked by a characteristic rash in 60%–80% of patients, designated erythema chronica migrans (oval or annular shape with a clear center in the area of the bite), and influenza-like symptoms of fatigue, fever, headache, stiff neck, myalgias, and arthralgias. Stage 2, the stage of dissemination of the spirochete from the initial lesion, may occur within weeks of the rash, and may result in peripheral nerve, joint, and cardiac abnormalities. Stage 3, caused by late or persistent infection, may occur up to 2 years after the tick bite and is characterized by chronic neurological syndromes, among them neuropathy, myelopathy, psychiatric disturbances, and migratory oligoarthritis.
Nerve root and peripheral nerve abnormalities that characterize stage 2 develop in about 4%–5% of untreated patients ( ). Possible manifestations occurring within weeks after the onset of erythema chronica migrans most commonly include headache with lymphocytic (aseptic) meningitis, cranial neuropathy (especially facial mononeuropathies, bilateral in 25% of cases), and a multifocal radiculoneuropathy or mononeuritis multiplex. With nerve root involvement there may be an associated myelitis at adjacent spinal cord levels, with accompanying long tract signs on examination ( ). The clinical features of nerve root involvement include burning radicular pain with sensory loss, weakness, and hyporeflexia in the territory of the involved roots. Nerve conduction studies provide evidence for an associated primarily axon-loss polyneuropathy. The rare patient with chronic neuroborreliosis , seen in stage 3, may develop a stocking-glove patterned axon-loss polyneuropathy, that may in fact represent confluence of multiple mononeuropathies ( ). In a nonhuman primate model of neuroborreliosis, the spread of B. burgdorferi within the nervous system—leptomeninges, motor and sensory roots, DRG, but not the brain parenchyma—has been demonstrated. In peripheral nerves from such animals, spirochetes were seen in the perineurium ( ).
The diagnosis of Lyme disease can be made on the grounds of history and clinical presentation alone especially when there is evidence of erythema migrans. Serological testing for antibodies against B. burgdorferi (and confirmatory Western blot in those with borderline or positive results) can be beneficial, though neurological manifestations can be seen prior to the appearance of IgM antibodies in the blood as part of the early humeral response. Thus, antibody testing in a patient with suspected exposure within 3–6 weeks of presentation may be negative ( ). CSF analysis may be reserved for those with suspected CNS involvement, and will typically be abnormal with a lymphocytic pleocytosis, elevated protein, and normal glucose.
Treatment of Lyme radiculoneuropathy with IV ceftriaxone (cefotaxime and penicillin G are acceptable alternates) for 2–4 weeks is associated with resolution of symptoms and signs in most patients. Oral doxycycline (100 mg twice daily), has been shown to be equally efficacious in the treatment of European forms of neuroborreliosis, including radiculopathy ( ), while studies comparing IV versus oral antibiotics for the treatment of North American Lyme disease are lacking. After successful treatment, serum antibodies will often remain positive and their presence or absence offers no clinical utility in determining efficacy of treatment.
Herpes zoster, also known as shingles , is a common painful vesicular eruption occurring in a segmental or radicular (dermatomal) distribution and due to reactivation of latent varicella-zoster virus in DRG (see Chapter 77 ). Primary infection presents as varicella (chickenpox) earlier in life ( ), usually in epidemics among susceptible children. Involvement may occur at any level of the neuraxis but is most commonly seen in the thoracic dermatomes, followed by the face. Zoster, when involving the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve (herpes zoster ophthalmicus), may be accompanied by keratitis, a potential cause of blindness requiring immediate treatment. When isolated to the seventh nerve, it is associated with a facial palsy and ipsilateral external ear or hard palate vesicles known as Ramsay Hunt syndrome ( ). Rarely, the viral episode can present as dermatomal pain without a rash, known as herpes sine herpete .
Zoster occurs during the lifetime of 10%–20% of all people, with an incidence in the general population of approximately 3–5 per 1000 per year. The incidence is low in young people and increases with age—among persons older than 75 years it exceeds 10 cases per 1000 person-years—and when immunocompetence is compromised. For example, the incidence among HIV-positive individuals was reported as 15-fold greater than that of a control group ( and ).
During primary infection, the virus colonizes the DRG and remains latent for many decades until it is reactivated, either spontaneously or when virus-specific cell-mediated immunity declines secondary to specific conditions (e.g., lymphoproliferative disorders, treatment with immunosuppressive drugs, organ transplant recipients, seropositivity for HIV) or normal aging, and travels down sensory nerves. Pathological changes, which are characterized by lymphocytic infiltration and variable hemorrhage, are found in the skin, DRG, and spinal roots. Involvement of the ventral roots and, on occasion, the spinal cord, explains the development of motor signs in some patients (see later discussion).
Herpes zoster is characterized by sharp or burning radicular pain associated with itching, numbness, dysesthesias (altered sensation), and/or allodynia (a painful response to normally non-noxious stimulation) typically in a single dermatome ( ). The cutaneous eruption, unilateral and respecting the midline, begins as an erythematous maculopapular rash and progresses to grouped clear vesicles that continue to form for 3–5 days ( ). These become pustules by 3–4 days and form crusts by 10 days. In the normal immunocompetent host, lesions resolve in 2–4 weeks, often leaving a region of reduced sensation, scarring, and pigmentation. Pain usually disappears as vesicles fade, but 10%–50% of patients experience persistent severe pain, that when present for more than 30 days after rash onset or following cutaneous healing is termed postherpetic neuralgia (PHN; ). This complication is more likely to develop in the elderly, occurring in 50% of patients over 60 years of age. In half of patients affected with PHN, the pain resolves within 2 months, and 70%–80% of patients are pain free by 1 year. Rarely, pain persists for years.
In the immunologically normal host, dissemination of the virus is rare, occurring in fewer than 2% of patients. In the immunocompromised patient, however, dissemination occurs in 13%–50% of patients. Most often, spread is to distant cutaneous sites, but involvement of the viscera (lung, gastrointestinal tract, and heart) and CNS may occur. A serious complication of herpes zoster ophthalmicus is delayed contralateral hemiparesis caused by cerebral angiitis. The syndrome usually develops 1 week to 6 months after the onset of zoster and occurs in patients of all ages, 50% of whom are immunologically impaired. The mortality rate from cerebrovascular complications is 25%, and only approximately 30% of survivors recover fully.
A complication of cutaneous herpes zoster is segmental motor weakness, which occurs in up to 30% of patients with zoster reactivation ( ). Segmental zoster paresis is about equally divided between the arms and legs, with predominantly proximal muscle weakness reflecting weakness in cervical and lumbar—C5, C6, and C7 or L2, L3, and L4—myotomes, respectively. The diaphragm and abdominal muscles may be affected, and bladder and bowel dysfunction may occur in the setting of lumbosacral zoster ( ). The interval between skin eruption and paralysis is approximately 2 weeks, with a range of 1 day to 5 weeks and a rare instance reported of delayed (4.5 months) onset of diaphragmatic paralysis. Weakness peaks within hours or days and generally follows the dermatomal distribution of zoster eruptions ( ); spread to muscles served by unaffected segments is very uncommon (<3% of cases). The prognosis for recovery is good, with nearly complete return of function in two-thirds of patients over the course of 1–2 years, 55% showing full recovery, and another 30% showing significant improvement. One in five patients is left with severe and permanent residua.
Prognosis for recovery in patients with diaphragmatic paralysis is not as good as it is with segmental paresis involving the limb muscles, probably owing to the challenge of axonal regeneration along the long course of the phrenic nerve ( ). The histopathological correlate of herpes zoster is inflammation and neuronal loss in the DRG that correspond to the affected segmental levels. In the case of segmental zoster paresis, there is lymphocytic inflammation and vasculitis involving adjacent motor roots and the spinal cord gray matter, with resulting motor fiber degeneration ( ). A low-grade viral ganglionitis may contribute to PHN ( ).
The major goals of treatment are to relieve local discomfort, prevent dissemination, and reduce the severity of PHN ( ). Acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famciclovir are indicated for the immunocompetent patient older than 50 years with herpes zoster and should be started within 48 hours of the viral episode to receive the most benefit from therapy. These drugs reduce the duration of viral shedding, limit the duration of new lesion formation, and accelerate healing and pain resolution. They are all safe and well tolerated, but because of superior pharmacokinetic profiles and simpler dosing regimen, the latter two are preferred to acyclovir ( ). IV acyclovir is the treatment of choice in immunocompromised patients, having been shown to halt disease progression, prevent dissemination, and speed recovery in immunocompromised patients ( and ). In 2017, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a non-live recombinant glycoprotein E vaccine for use in the United States to reduce the risk for herpes zoster in older adults (≥60 years). The vaccine requires two intramuscular injections, separated by 2–6 months, and is effective in preventing herpes zoster and reducing risk of post-herpetic neuralgia ( ).
The pain of PHN—described variably as continuous deep aching, burning, sharp, stabbing, and shooting, and triggered by light touch over the affected dermatomes—is often debilitating and difficult to treat ( and ). Singly or in combination, tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (sertraline or nefazodone hydrochloride), anticonvulsants (carbamazepine and gabapentin), oral opioids (oxycodone), and topical capsaicin cream or lidocaine patches are helpful for about 50% of patients. IV acyclovir followed by oral valacyclovir was found to reduce the pain of PHN in more than 50% of treated patients ( ).
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