Discontinuing Cardiopulmonary Bypass

Key Points

  • 1.

    The key to successful weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is proper preparation.

  • 2.

    After rewarming the patient, correcting any abnormal blood gases, and inflating the lungs, make sure to turn on the ventilator.

  • 3.

    To prepare the heart for discontinuing CPB, optimize the cardiac rate, rhythm, preload, myocardial contractility, and afterload.

  • 4.

    The worse the heart's condition, the more gradually CPB should be weaned. If hemodynamic values are not adequate, immediately return to CPB. Assess the problem, and choose an appropriate pharmacologic, surgical, or mechanical intervention before trying to terminate CPB again.

  • 5.

    Perioperative ventricular dysfunction usually is caused by myocardial stunning and is a temporary state of contractile dysfunction that should respond to positive inotropic drugs.

  • 6.

    In addition to left ventricular dysfunction, right ventricular failure is a possible source of morbidity and mortality after cardiac surgical procedures.

  • 7.

    The presence of diastolic dysfunction during the postbypass period may contribute to impaired chamber relaxation and poor compliance, resulting in reduced ventricular filling during separation.

  • 8.

    Epinephrine is frequently chosen as an inotropic drug when terminating CPB because of its mixed α- and β-adrenergic stimulation.

  • 9.

    Milrinone is an excellent inodilator drug that can be used alone or combined with other drugs such as epinephrine for discontinuing CPB in patients with poor ventricular function and diastolic dysfunction.

  • 10.

    In patients with high preload and/or elevated systemic vascular resistance, vasodilators such as nitroglycerin, nicardipine, clevidipine, or nitroprusside may improve ventricular function.

  • 11.

    Intraaortic balloon pump counterpulsation increases coronary blood flow during diastole and unloads the left ventricle during systole. These effects can help in weaning patients with poor left ventricular function and severe myocardial ischemia.

Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) has been used since the 1950s to facilitate surgical procedures of the heart and great vessels, and is a critical part of most cardiac operations. Managing patients undergoing CPB remains one of the defining characteristics of cardiac surgery and cardiac anesthesiology. Discontinuing CPB is a necessary part of every operation involving extracorporeal circulation. Through this process, the support of the circulation by the bypass pump and oxygenator is transferred back to the patient's heart and lungs. This chapter reviews important considerations for discontinuing CPB and presents an approach to managing this critical component of a cardiac operation, which may be routine and easy or extremely complex and difficult. The key to success in discontinuing CPB is proper preparation. The period during and immediately after weaning from CPB usually is busy for the anesthesiologist, and having to do tasks that could have been accomplished earlier in the operation is not helpful. The preparations for removing a patient from CPB may be organized into several parts: general preparations, preparing the lungs, preparing the heart, and final preparations.

General Preparations


Because at least moderate hypothermia is used during CPB in most cardiac surgical cases, it is important that the patient is sufficiently rewarmed before attempts are made to wean the patient from CPB ( Table 28.1 ). Initiation of rewarming is a good time to consider whether additional drugs must be given to keep the patient anesthetized and to prevent shivering. Monitoring the temperature of a highly perfused tissue such as the nasopharynx is useful to help prevent overheating of the brain during rewarming. Cerebral hyperthermia may lead to neurologic injury and postoperative cognitive dysfunction. The central nervous system receives a greater proportion of warm blood, thus resulting in a more rapid increase in temperature compared with other sites such as the bladder, rectum, or axilla. This situation may lead to inadequate rewarming and temperature dropoff after CPB as the heat continues to distribute throughout the body. Different institutions have various protocols for rewarming, but the important point is to warm gradually, avoiding hyperthermia of the central nervous system while providing enough heat to the patient to prevent significant dropoff after CPB. After CPB, the tendency is for the patient to lose heat, and measures to keep the patient warm (eg, fluid warmers, a circuit heater-humidifier, and forced-air warmers) should be set up and turned on before weaning from CPB is begun. The temperature of the operating room may need to be increased as well; this is probably an effective measure to keep a patient warm after CPB, but it may make the scrubbed and gowned personnel uncomfortable.

Table 28.1
General Preparations for Discontinuing Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Temperature Laboratory Results
Adequately rewarm before weaning from CPB Correct metabolic acidosis
Avoid overheating the brain Optimize hematocrit
Start measures to keep patient warm after CPB Normalize potassium
Use fluid warmer, forced-air warmer Consider giving magnesium or checking magnesium level
Warm operating room Check calcium level and correct deficiencies
CPB, Cardiopulmonary bypass.

Laboratory Results

Arterial blood gases should be measured before the patient is weaned from CPB, and any abnormalities should be corrected. Severe metabolic acidosis depresses the myocardium and necessitates correction before separation from bypass. The optimal hematocrit for weaning from CPB is controversial and probably varies from patient to patient. It makes sense that sicker patients with lower cardiovascular reserve may benefit from a higher hematocrit (optimal is considered to be 30%), but the risks and adverse consequences of transfusion must be considered as well. The hematocrit should be measured and optimized before the patient is weaned from CPB. The serum potassium (K + ) level should be measured before weaning from CPB and may be high because of cardioplegia or low, especially in patients receiving loop diuretics. Hyperkalemia may make establishing an effective cardiac rhythm difficult and can be treated with sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO 3 ), calcium chloride (CaCl 2 ), or insulin, but the levels usually decrease quickly after cardioplegia has been stopped. Low serum K + levels should be corrected before CPB is discontinued, especially if arrhythmias are present. Administration of magnesium (Mg 2+ ) to patients on CPB decreases postoperative arrhythmias and may improve cardiac function, and many centers routinely give all CPB-treated patients magnesium sulfate. Theoretic disadvantages include aggravation of vasodilation and inhibition of platelet function. If Mg 2+ is not given routinely, the level should be checked before weaning from CPB, and deficiencies should be corrected. The ionized calcium (Ca 2+ ) level should be measured, and significant deficiencies should be corrected before discontinuing CPB. Many centers give all patients a bolus of CaCl 2 just before coming off CPB because it transiently increases contractility and systemic vascular resistance (SVR). However, investigators have argued that this practice is to be avoided because Ca 2+ may interfere with catecholamine action and aggravate reperfusion injury.

Preparing the Lungs

As the patient is weaned from CPB and the heart starts to support the circulation, the lungs again become the site of gas exchange, by delivering oxygen and eliminating carbon dioxide. Before weaning from CPB, the patient's lung function must be restored ( Box 28.1 ). The lungs are reinflated by hand gently and gradually, with sighs using up to 30 cm H 2 O pressure, and then mechanically ventilated with 100% oxygen. Care should be taken not to allow the lungs to injure an in situ internal mammary artery graft as they are reinflated. The compliance of the lungs can be judged by their feel with hand ventilation; stiff lungs suggest more difficulty with oxygenation or ventilation after CPB. If visible, both lungs should be inspected for residual atelectasis, and they should be rising and falling with each breath. Ventilation alarms and monitors should be activated. If prolonged expiration or wheezing is detected, bronchodilators should be given. The surgeon should inspect both pleural spaces for pneumothorax, which should be treated by opening the pleural space. Examining the lung fields by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) may assist in the detection of pleural effusions. Any fluid present in the pleural spaces should be removed before attempting to wean the patient from CPB.

Box 28.1
Preparing the Lungs for Discontinuing Cardiopulmonary Bypass

  • Suction trachea and endotracheal tube

  • Inflate lungs gently by hand

  • Ventilate with 100% oxygen

  • Treat bronchospasm with bronchodilators

  • Check for pneumothorax and pleural fluid

  • Consider the need for positive end-expiratory pressure, intensive care unit ventilator, and nitric oxide

The apneic period during CPB has been suggested to contribute to ventilator-associated pneumonia and postoperative pulmonary dysfunction through a variety of mechanisms. Continuing mechanical ventilation during CPB has been proposed as another option to attenuate the post-CPB impairment of lung function. Results of several small trials that used continued ventilation during CPB were mixed, with some trials showing benefit and others showing no outcome difference. At present, the evidence for intraoperative lung protection strategies such as continued ventilation is lacking and awaits larger randomized trials.

Preparing the Heart

Management of Intracardiac Air

During the bypass period, the heart is empty, cooled, and usually electrically silent to minimize consumption of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Air is often introduced into the heart during the operation and can eventually cause deleterious effects during separation from CPB and in the postoperative period. TEE can be helpful in identifying and locating air in the heart and assisting in de-airing before CPB is discontinued. On TEE, air is often seen as echo-dense or bright foci floating to the highest point within the chamber.

The time to begin looking with TEE for intracardiac air on CPB is usually after all the chambers and the aorta are closed and the aortic cross-clamp is removed. It is essential to identify macroscopic accumulations of air within the left side of the heart to minimize systemic emboli. With the patient in the supine position, air often is visualized in the left atrium along the interatrial septum, left atrial (LA) appendage, and near the entry points of the pulmonary veins. In the left ventricle and aortic root, air often accumulates along the apical portion of the interventricular septum and right coronary sinus of Valsalva. As the heart ejects, close inspection of the left ventricular (LV) outflow tract (LVOT) and aortic root at this image plane may facilitate visualization of air emboli, mandating aggressive aspiration of the aortic root vent.

Although a correlation with the amount of intracardiac air seen with TEE and neurologic outcome has not been shown, one of the major concerns with systemic air emboli after CPB is the potential for cerebral injury. It is reasonable to proceed with the assumption that the less air pumped into the systemic circulation during and after CPB, the better. Another adverse consequence is the passage of air into the coronary circulation that leads to myocardial ischemia. In the supine patient, the right coronary artery takes off from the highest point of the aortic root, and intracoronary air is most commonly manifested by dramatic inferior ST-segment elevation and acute right-sided heart dysfunction. Saphenous vein grafts typically are anastomosed to the anterior aspect of the ascending aorta and are susceptible to air emboli as well. If this occurs while the patient is still on CPB or before decannulation, it is a simple matter to go back on CPB and wait a few minutes until the air clears from the coronary circulation, the ST segments normalize, and ventricular function improves before trying to wean the patient from CPB again. If, however, coronary air embolization occurs after decannulation, the hemodynamic status can quickly deteriorate to cardiac arrest. Smaller air emboli can be moved through the coronary vessels by acutely increasing the blood pressure with a vasopressor while dilating the coronary arteries with nitroglycerin (NTG). Perhaps the worst-case scenario is when a macroscopic air bubble in the left side of the heart is shaken loose while moving the patient from the operating table at the end of the case; acute right-sided heart failure (HF) and circulatory collapse may occur either then or while the patient is being transported to the intensive care unit.

Numerous maneuvers may be used to de-air the chambers. They may include shaking the vented heart on partial CPB to jar loose any pockets of air, elevating and aspirating LV air directly from the apex, applying positive pressure to the lungs to squeeze air out of the pulmonary veins, and tipping the table from side to side to help the passage of bubbles through the heart to the ascending aorta where they are released through a vent. Additional air may appear in the left side of the heart during weaning from CPB as increasing flow through the pulmonary veins flushes air out from the lungs into the left atrium. Passage of air from the left atrium to the left ventricle may be facilitated with the head and right-side-down position, as well as from the left ventricle to the ascending aorta with the head and right-side up. It may be impossible to evacuate every last trace of air from the left side of the heart before discontinuing CPB, especially tiny bubbles trapped in the trabeculae of the left ventricle; it therefore becomes a matter of judgment and experience to know when enough is enough. The persistence of a macroscopic air-fluid level in the left side of the heart visible with TEE, however, suggests that more de-airing probably is needed before closing the vent in the ascending aorta and weaning from CPB. After adequate de-airing, preparing the heart to resume its function of pumping blood involves optimizing the determinants of cardiac output (CO). The five hemodynamic parameters that can be controlled are rate, rhythm, preload, contractility, and afterload ( Table 28.2 ).

Table 28.2
Preparing the Heart for Discontinuing Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Hemodynamic Parameters Preparation
Heart rate
  • Rate should be between 75 and 95 beats/min in most cases

  • Treat slow rates with electrical pacing

  • Treat underlying causes of fast heart rates

  • Heart rate may decrease as the heart fills

  • Control fast supraventricular rates with drugs, and then pace as needed

  • Always have pacing immediately available during heart operations

  • Normal sinus rhythm is ideal

  • Defibrillate if necessary when temperature >30°C

  • Consider antiarrhythmic drugs if ventricular fibrillation persists more than a few minutes

  • Try synchronized cardioversion for atrial fibrillation or flutter

  • Look at the heart to diagnose atrial rhythm

  • Try atrial pacing if atrioventricular conduction exists

  • Try atrioventricular pacing for heart block

  • End-diastolic volume is the best measure of preload and can be seen with TEE

  • Filling pressures provide a less direct measure of preload

  • Consider baseline filling pressures

  • Assess RV volume with direct inspection

  • Assess LV volume with TEE

  • Cardiac distension may cause MR and TR

  • Carefully examine heart for air and employ de-airing maneuvers

  • Assess and quantify RV function with direct inspection and TEE

  • Assess and quantify LV function with TEE

  • Inspect for new regional wall motion abnormalities

  • Inspect for new or worsening valvular abnormalities

  • Quantify cardiac output by TEE or PAC

  • Assess need for inotropic agent

  • Systemic vascular resistance is a major component of afterload

  • Keep MAP between 60 and 80 mm Hg at full CPB flow

  • Consider a vasoconstrictor if the MAP is low and a vasodilator if the MAP is high

CPB, Cardiopulmonary bypass; LV, left ventricular; MAP, mean arterial pressure; MR, mitral regurgitation; PAC, pulmonary artery catheter; RV, right ventricular; TEE, transesophageal echocardiography; TR, tricuspid regurgitation.

Heart Rate

Establishing an effective heart rate (HR) is a critical prerequisite and major determinant of CO. In most situations for adult patients, the HR should be between 75 and 95 beats/minute for weaning from CPB. It may be prudent to establish electrical pacing early in the weaning process to ensure a means to control the HR precisely. Lower rates theoretically may be desirable for hearts with residual ischemia or incomplete revascularization. Higher HRs may be needed for hearts with limited stroke volume (SV) such as after ventricular aneurysmectomy. Slow HRs are best treated with electrical pacing, but β-agonist or vagolytic drugs also may be used to increase the HR. Tachycardia before weaning from CPB is more worrisome and difficult to manage, and treatable causes such as inadequate anesthesia, hypercarbia, and ischemia should be identified and corrected. The HR often decreases as the heart is filled in the weaning process, and electrical pacing always should be immediately available during cardiac operations to treat sudden bradycardias. Supraventricular tachycardias should be electrically cardioverted if possible, but drugs such as β-antagonists or Ca 2+ channel antagonists may be needed to control the ventricular rate if these arrhythmias persist, most typically in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation. If drug therapy decreases the HR too much, pacing may be used.


The patient must have an organized, effective, and stable cardiac rhythm before attempts are made to wean the patient from CPB. This rhythm can occur spontaneously after removal of the aortic cross-clamp, but the heart may resume electrical activity with ventricular fibrillation. If the blood temperature is greater than 30°C, the heart may be defibrillated with internal paddles applied directly to the heart by using 10 to 20 J. Defibrillation at lower temperatures may be unsuccessful because extreme hypothermia can cause ventricular fibrillation. If ventricular fibrillation persists or recurs repeatedly, antiarrhythmic drugs such as lidocaine, amiodarone, or Mg 2+ may be administered to help achieve a stable rhythm. It is not unusual for the rhythm to remain unstable for several minutes immediately after cross-clamp removal, but persistent or recurrent ventricular fibrillation should prompt concern about impaired coronary blood flow. Because it provides an atrial contribution to ventricular filling and a normal, synchronized contraction of the ventricles, normal sinus rhythm is the ideal cardiac rhythm for weaning from CPB. Atrial flutter or fibrillation, even if present before CPB, often can be converted to normal sinus rhythm with synchronized cardioversion, especially if antiarrhythmic drugs are administered. It often is helpful to look directly at the heart when any question exists about the cardiac rhythm. Atrial contraction, flutter, and fibrillation are easily seen on CPB when the heart is visible. Ventricular arrhythmias should be treated by correcting underlying causes such as K + or Mg 2+ deficits and, if necessary, by administering antiarrhythmic drugs such as amiodarone. If asystole or complete heart block occurs after cross-clamp removal, electrical pacing with temporary epicardial pacing wires may be needed to achieve an effective rhythm before weaning from CPB. If atrioventricular conduction is present, atrial pacing should be attempted because, as with normal sinus rhythm, it provides atrial augmentation to filling and synchronized ventricular contraction. Atrioventricular sequential pacing is used in patients with heart block, which may be temporarily present for 30 to 60 minutes as the myocardium recovers after cardioplegia and cross-clamp removal. Ventricular pacing remains the only option if no organized atrial rhythm is present, but this sacrifices the atrial “kick” to ventricular filling and the more efficient synchronized ventricular contraction of the normal conduction system (see Table 28.2 ).


Once control of the rate and rhythm is established, priming the heart with volume or preload is the next step. Preload is the amount of stretch on the myocardial muscle fibers just before contraction. In the intact heart, the best measure of preload is end-diastolic volume. Less direct clinical measures of preload include LA pressure (LAP), pulmonary artery occlusion pressure, and pulmonary artery diastolic pressure, but the relationship between end-diastolic pressure and volume during cardiac surgical procedures may be poor. TEE is a useful tool for weaning from CPB because it provides direct visualization of the end-diastolic volume and contractility of the left ventricle. TEE may also provide a means to calculate serial CO measurements during volume loading of the heart. In addition, diastolic filling indices (transmitral and pulmonary venous inflow) may assist in assessing fluid responsiveness and elevations in LA and LV filling pressures. The process of weaning a patient from CPB involves increasing the preload (ie, filling the heart from its empty state on CPB) until an appropriate end-diastolic volume is achieved. When preparing to discontinue CPB, some thought should be given to the appropriate range of preload for the individual patient. The filling pressures before CPB may indicate what they need to be after CPB; a heart with high filling pressures before CPB may require high filling pressures after CPB to achieve an adequate preload.

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