Diffuse Lung Diseases


There are innumerable causes of chronic diffuse lung disease. This chapter reviews the common causes of diffuse lung disease, including the idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (IIPs), connective tissue disease (CTD), hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), sarcoidosis, cystic lung disease, eosinophilic lung disease, collagen vascular diseases, and drug reaction.

Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias

The IIPs are a group of diffuse lung diseases that present similarly. The classification system of IIPs is grounded on underlying histology-specific idiopathic conditions. However, many known nonidiopathic conditions may lead to histologic patterns identical to those in the IIPs. Other common conditions to consider include collagen vascular diseases, HP, and drug-related lung disease. The IIPs are subcategorized into the chronic fibrotic conditions, the subacute and acute conditions, the smoking-related conditions, and the rare conditions.

Chronic Fibrosing Interstitial Pneumonias

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is the most common type of pulmonary fibrosis and is also the most common of the IIPs. As implied by its name, the cause of IPF is unknown. The imaging and histopathologic pattern of IPF is usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP). All cases of IPF are UIP, and most cases of UIP are IPF; a minority of UIP cases are caused by collagen vascular disease (usually rheumatoid arthritis [RA]), chronic HP, drug-related pulmonary fibrosis, or occupational lung disease. IPF usually affects older male patients in the sixth and seventh decades of life; two thirds are current or former smokers.

Timely diagnosis requires a high level of clinical suspicion in all adult patients presenting with chronic exertional dyspnea or dry cough with inspiratory crackles. Inspiratory crackles and digital clubbing are often present on physical examination. Hiatal hernias are common; gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may worsen pulmonary fibrosis and is associated with worse patient survival. Restrictive physiology and reduced diffusion capacity are typical on pulmonary function testing. IPF has a poor prognosis with a median survival time of approximately 3 years.

The histopathologic findings of UIP are characterized by spatially and temporally heterogeneous fibrosis with adjacent spared areas of normal lung. The subpleural lung is most severely affected. Fibroblast foci are a key finding in UIP and are associated with worse survival.

The low-contrast resolution of chest radiography limits its utility in the assessment of pulmonary fibrosis. UIP most commonly presents with reduced lung volumes and reticular and linear opacities in the basilar portions of the lungs ( Fig. 18.1, A ). In severe cases, traction bronchiectasis and honeycombing may be evident even on radiography. Full characterization of lung disease is best performed on thin-section chest computed tomography (CT).

FIGURE 18.1, Usual interstitial pneumonitis on radiography (A) and computed tomography (B) . Posteroanterior chest radiograph (A) demonstrates low lung volumes and basilar-preponderant lung reticulation in this patient with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Coronal image from noncontrast chest CT (B) from another patient demonstrates basilar and peripheral preponderant pulmonary fibrosis characterized by reticulation, traction bronchiectasis and bronchiolectasis, and exuberant honeycombing consistent with usual interstitial pneumonitis.

Chest CT plays a central role in the clinical workup of patients with suspected pulmonary fibrosis. A UIP pattern on chest CT is highly accurate for UIP on pathology, obviating lung biopsy. However, only half of cases of IPF have a UIP pattern on chest CT. A UIP pattern on chest CT is defined as reticulation in the peripheral and basilar aspects of the lungs with associated subpleural honeycombing without other features that are “inconsistent with UIP” ( Fig. 18.1, B ). Traction bronchiectasis or bronchiolectasis often coexists with other findings of pulmonary fibrosis. Fibrosis in UIP may be asymmetric as opposed to the distribution in nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP), which is almost always symmetric. A “possible UIP” pattern on chest CT has all the characteristics of a UIP pattern except there is no honeycombing ( Fig. 18.2 ). An inconsistent-with-UIP pattern on chest CT should be considered if there are any of the specific CT findings listed in Box 18.1 suggestive of an alternative diagnosis. In cases of possible UIP and inconsistent with UIP, biopsy should be considered for diagnosis ( Fig. 18.3 ).

FIGURE 18.2, Possible usual interstitial pneumonitis pattern on chest computed tomography (CT). Axial (A) and coronal (B ) images from noncontrast chest CT demonstrate basilar- and peripheral-preponderant pulmonary fibrosis characterized by reticulation and traction bronchiectasis as well as traction bronchiolectasis without honeycombing consistent with a possible usual interstitial pneumonitis pattern.

Box 18.1
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis


  • Clinical features

  • 40–60 years old

  • Dyspnea, dry cough

  • Histologic feature: temporal heterogeneity

Radiographic Findings

  • Reticulation

  • Lower zones

  • Honeycombing

  • Small lungs

Chest Computed Tomography Findings

  • Reticulation

  • Honeycombing

  • Traction bronchiolectasis

  • Traction bronchiectasis

  • Peripheral and subpleural distribution

Chest Computed Tomography Findings Inconsistent With Usual Interstitial Pneumonitis

  • Upper, mid, or peribronchovascular distribution

  • Extensive ground-glass opacity

  • Consolidation

  • Discrete cysts

  • Diffuse mosaic attenuation or air trapping

  • Profuse micronodules

FIGURE 18.3, Inconsistent with usual interstitial pneumonitis pattern on chest computed tomography (CT). Axial (A) and coronal (B) images from noncontrast chest CT demonstrate mid and central-lung–predominant pulmonary fibrosis characterized by reticulation, ground-glass opacity, and traction bronchiectasis inconsistent with usual interstitial pneumonitis. The patient was shown to have sarcoidosis.

Honeycombing is a finding of localized end-stage pulmonary fibrosis. Honeycombing on CT is an important finding because it is the single most specific finding of UIP and has poor prognostic ramifications. In certain cases, differentiating paraseptal emphysema from honeycombing on CT can be challenging because smoking is associated with both entities. Honeycombing usually manifests as rows or stacks of thin-walled subcentimeter lung cysts and adjacent reticulation, often in the mid and lower lung zones; paraseptal emphysema presents as longer and often larger cystic regions often in the upper lung zone and often contain subtle internal septations, which would be highly unusual for honeycombing ( Fig. 18.4 ). Unfortunately, differentiation of these two entities may be impossible in a minority of cases.

FIGURE 18.4, Combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema on chest computed tomography (CT). Axial ( A and B ) and coronal (C) images from noncontrast chest CT demonstrate upper lung centrilobular, paraseptal, and confluent emphysema with associated basilar-preponderant pulmonary fibrosis consistent with usual interstitial pneumonitis. There is also a mass within the left upper lobe, highly suggestive of primary lung cancer. Patients with combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema are at increased risk for development of lung malignancy.

Combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE) is a distinct clinical entity and is separate from the IIP classification system. Approximately one third of IPF patients have concomitant emphysema. On pulmonary function tests, lung volumes are typically normal or near-normal because of the offsetting effects of fibrosis (restriction) and emphysema (obstruction). However, diffusion capacity is typically markedly reduced. Emphysema is usually upper lung preponderant, and fibrosis is usually basilar in distribution and often has a UIP-like configuration, although other fibrotic patterns may also predominate (see Fig. 18.4 ). The majority of patients have some degree of diffuse ground-glass opacity likely reflecting superimposed smoking-related respiratory bronchiolitis (RB) or desquamative interstitial pneumonitis (DIP). Patients with CPFE are at increased risk of pulmonary hypertension and lung cancer.

Nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonia

Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia is most often secondary to an underlying condition, most often collagen vascular diseases (particularly scleroderma, myositis, and mixed connective tissue disease [MCTD]), drug-induced pneumonitis, and HP. Idiopathic NSIP is a distinct clinical entity with a good prognosis and typically responds well to steroid treatment.

The histologic features consist of various amounts of interstitial inflammation and fibrosis with a uniform appearance. There are two distinct types: cellular NSIP, with mild to moderate inflammation and little fibrosis, and fibrosing NSIP, with interstitial thickening by uniform fibrosis and preservation of alveolar architecture. The fibrosis is of the same age, unlike the temporal heterogeneity seen in UIP.

Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia is more common in women and is diagnosed at a younger age (average age of 50 years at diagnosis) than UIP and IPF. There is no strong association with smoking. The clinical presentation is nonspecific and includes dyspnea, cough, and weight loss.

The plain radiographic features consist of reticular opacities in the lower lungs without honeycombing ( Box 18.2 ). Chest CT findings are more specific. Typical findings include basilar-predominant ground-glass opacity, reticulation, and traction bronchiectasis—at times quite exuberant and above expected for the severity of adjacent lung disease ( Fig. 18.5 ). The distribution of disease is invariably symmetric in contrast to the often asymmetric distribution of UIP. The axial distribution may be central or peripheral but with subpleural sparing (see Fig. 18.5 ). Subpleural sparing is highly suggestive of NSIP and essentially excludes UIP as the predominant pattern of lung injury. Honeycombing is uncommon in NSIP and, if present, should be mild.

Box 18.2
Nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonitis


  • Clinical features

  • Average age, 50 years

  • More women than men affected

  • Dyspnea, dry cough

  • Histologic feature: temporal homogeneity

Radiographic Findings

  • Reticulation

  • Lower zones

  • Absent or rare honeycombing

  • Small lungs

Chest Computed Tomography Findings

  • Reticulation

  • Traction bronchiectasis

  • Ground-glass opacity

  • Almost always basilar

  • Axial central or subpleural sparing highly suggestive; often peripheral

FIGURE 18.5, Nonspecific interstitial pneumonitis pattern on chest computed tomography (CT). Axial (A) and coronal (B) images from noncontrast chest CT demonstrate basilar- and central-preponderant pulmonary fibrosis characterized by ground-glass opacity, reticulation, and traction bronchiectasis without honeycombing highly suggestive of nonspecific interstitial pneumonitis in this patient with underlying connective tissue disease.

Acute and Subacute Fibrosing Interstitial Pneumonia

Organizing Pneumonia

Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (COP), formerly known as bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (OP), is the idiopathic form of OP. Slightly more than half of cases of OP are idiopathic. The more common secondary causes of OP include collagen vascular disease, radiation therapy, medication, aspiration, pneumonia, and solid organ as well as stem cell transplantation. OP typically has a good prognosis and usually responds very well to corticosteroid therapy, although relapses are common. Histologically, OP is characterized by organizing cellular infiltrate and collections of young myxoid colagen with fibroblasts in the distal alveoli, which extend into the distal airways.

The imaging findings of OP are somewhat heterogeneous and diverse. Consolidation with a variable degree of ground-glass opacity is the most common finding. The changes are usually in a peripheral or peribronchovascular distribution and may be migratory. Airways within areas of lung opacity may transiently dilate. The borders of lung opacity are often “wispy” on CT, which is suggestive of the diagnosis ( Fig. 18.6 ). A reasonably specific finding for OP on imaging is a “perilobular pattern” consisting of irregular opacity with or without septal thickening that surrounds the secondary pulmonary lobule, often in the lower lung zones ( Fig. 18.7 ). Another frequent finding of OP is the atoll or reversed halo sign: a central region of ground-glass opacity with a circumferential border of consolidation ( Fig. 18.8 ). The presence of a substantial degree of reticulation in OP suggests a worse prognosis.

FIGURE 18.6, Organizing pneumonia on chest computed tomography (CT). Axial image from noncontrast chest CT demonstrates peribronchovascular consolidation and ground-glass opacity with “wispy” margins, consistent with organizing pneumonia as a manifestation of drug reaction from chemotherapy.

FIGURE 18.7, Organizing pneumonia on chest computed tomography (CT). Axial (A) and coronal (B) images from noncontrast chest CT demonstrate right lung–predominant, perilobular consolidation and mild ground-glass opacity highly suggestive of organizing pneumonia related to stem cell transplantation and chronic graft-versus-host disease.

FIGURE 18.8, Organizing pneumonia on chest computed tomography (CT). Axial image from noncontrast chest CT demonstrates right lower lobe focus of ground-glass opacity and reticulation with a near complete circumferential ring of consolidation (reverse halo sign). This sign is not pathognomonic for organizing pneumonia but is highly suggestive of the diagnosis.

Acute Interstitial Pneumonia

Acute interstitial pneumonia (AIP) is essentially idiopathic acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and is most often characterized by a diffuse alveolar damage pattern. Affected patients often present with a viral-like prodrome followed by rapid respiratory decompensation. The diagnosis of AIP is that of exclusion, and secondary causes of ARDS such as pneumonia, trauma, transplant rejection, and blood transfusion must be excluded.

As in ARDS, there are typical stages of AIP. First, during the exudative phase, histology will demonstrate edema, hyaline membranes, acute lung inflammation, and alveolar hemorrhage. The organizing phase can develop within a few days with type II pneumocyte hyperplasia and organizing fibrosis. If patients survive their acute illness, some patients may progress to a chronic phase of pulmonary fibrosis.

Imaging findings mirror the histologic stages. On radiography, patchy bilateral consolidation is present during the early exudative phase. On CT, there are diffuse or dependent ground-glass opacities and consolidation ( Fig. 18.9 ). Usually the zonal distribution of disease is diffuse, although there may be a slight basilar preponderance. In the organizing stage, consolidation usually improves both on radiography and CT. A peribronchovascular distribution and bronchial dilation may be evident on CT. In patients who survive and develop fibrosis, the anterior and upper aspects of the lungs are usually more severely affected.

FIGURE 18.9, On computed tomography, there are diffuse or dependent ground-glass opacities and consolidation.

Smoking-Related Interstitial Pneumonias

Respiratory Bronchiolitis–Interstitial Lung Disease

Interstitial pneumonias associated with smoking represent a spectrum of lung disease ranging from the asymptomatic RB to symptomatic respiratory bronchiolitis–interstitial lung disease (RB-ILD) to DIP. RB is very common in smokers and is found on pathology in the vast majority of patients with significant smoking history. Histologically, RB is characterized by collections of pigmented macrophages primarily within a bronchiolar distribution. In patients with RB, RB-ILD is diagnosed if patients have associated symptoms or functional impairment. Radiologic and histologic findings in RB and RB-ILD are essentially identical.

Respiratory bronchiolitis is usually not apparent on radiography, although more severe cases of may manifest as diffuse increased interstitial opacities sometimes referred to as “dirty lungs” or “dirty chest.” CT findings of RB typically include upper lung or diffuse centrilobular ground-glass nodules ( Fig. 18.10 ), similar to findings in subacute HP. A history of smoking is highly suggestive of RB as opposed to HP. The mild immunosuppressant effects of cigarette smoke protect from HP, but smoking is the causative agent in RB. Although most patients improve clinically and on imaging with smoking cessation, a substantial minority of patients will not respond or even worsen over time.

FIGURE 18.10, Respiratory bronchiolitis on chest computed tomography (CT). Axial image from noncontrast chest CT demonstrates diffuse centrilobular ground-glass nodules consistent with respiratory bronchiolitis in this long-time smoker. The imaging appearance is identical to subacute hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP). History of smoking is protective for HP and is causative for respiratory bronchiolitis. Additionally, supportive respiratory exposure history (usually to birds or molds) is also suggestive of HP.

Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonia

Desquamative interstitial pneumonitis is much less common than RB, and up to 40% of patients with DIP have no history of smoking. Other less common causes of DIP include autoimmune disease, hepatitis C infection, and drug toxicity. The histologic finding in DIP is characterized by a diffuse alveolar infiltration of pigmented macrophages.

A chest radiograph may appear normal or demonstrate a subtle diffuse or basilar-predominant increased opacity in the lungs. On CT, DIP usually manifests as confluent areas of ground-glass opacity primarily in the lung periphery and at the lung bases ( Fig. 18.11, A ). In most cases, small clustered cystic lesions are superimposed on ground-glass opacity; these cysts may represent mild emphysema or very early traction bronchiolectasis caused by pulmonary fibrosis ( Fig. 18.11, B ). Indeed, a minority of cases of DIP progress to frank pulmonary fibrosis, although progression to a classic UIP pattern is not common. Given the relatively nonspecific imaging appearance of DIP, surgical lung biopsy may be necessary to achieve an accurate diagnosis.

FIGURE 18.11, Desquamative interstitial pneumonitis on chest computed tomography (CT). Coronal minimum intensity projection image (A) demonstrates basilar-preponderant ground-glass opacity consistent with desquamative interstitial pneumonitis. Emphysema is noted primarily within the upper lobes in centrilobular, confluent, and paraseptal distributions, indicating a smoking history. Axial image from noncontrast chest CT image (B) from another patient demonstrates diffuse ground-glass opacity with superimposed microcystic abnormality highly suggestive of desquamative of interstitial pneumonitis in this long-time smoker.

Rare Entities

Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonitis

Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis (LIP) is one of the rare interstitial pneumonias and is almost always secondary to an underlying condition. Most cases of LIP in adults occur in association with Sjögren syndrome. Other causes include human immunodeficiency virus (usually in children) and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The histologic pattern is marked by polymorphic lymphocyte infiltration in the pulmonary interstitium and lymphatics. Imaging findings on radiography are nonspecific, with most cases being normal. On chest CT, a variable degree of patchy ground-glass opacity and nodules may be present, often in the lung periphery and along the bronchovascular tree. In chronic cases, LIP manifests most commonly as a diffuse cystic lung disease, which is basilar and peribronchovascular predominant ( Fig. 18.12 ).

FIGURE 18.12, Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis on chest computed tomography (CT). Axial image from noncontrast chest CT demonstrates multiple cysts within the lower lobes in a peribronchovascular distribution as indicated by the eccentric pulmonary artery branches (arrows) . This patient had an underlying diagnosis of Sjögren syndrome, which is a common cause of lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis in adults.

Idiopathic Pleuroparenchymal Fibroelastosis

Idiopathic pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis (IPPFE) is a recent addition to the IIP classification but is poorly understood. Although it is an idiopathic condition, an association with chronic infection and stem cell transplantation has been described. On histology, there is exuberant biapical subpleural fibrosis. CT mirrors the histology; dense pleural and subpleural lung fibrosis affects the lung apices symmetrically and often extends along the superior margins of the upper lobes ( Fig. 18.13 ). A similar imaging appearance occurs in the setting of chronic lung transplant rejection, known as restrictive allograft syndrome (RAS).

FIGURE 18.13, Idiopathic pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis on chest computed tomography (CT). Coronal image from noncontrast chest CT demonstrates exuberant by apical pleural parenchymal scarring in this patient with idiopathic pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis.

Connective Tissue Diseases

Thoracic involvement in CTD is quite common. Each CTD is associated with a particular autoantibody or collection of antibodies; indeed, often serology is the main means by which diagnosis is achieved ( Table 18.1 ). Thoracic involvement from CTD may be pulmonary, airway, pleural, gastrointestinal, or vascular. The pulmonary manifestations of CTD usually mirror the patterns described in the IIPs ( Fig. 18.14 and Table 18.2 ). In approximately 15% of cases, lung disease may be the initial manifestation of CTD and can precede overt clinical presentation by 5 years. Other common manifestations of CTD in the thorax that aid in achieving accurate diagnosis are the presence of pleural or pericardial effusion, esophageal dilation, pulmonary arterial enlargement (from pulmonary hypertension), soft tissue calcification (more common in scleroderma or dermatomyositis), and shoulder or acromioclavicular joint erosive arthritis in RA.

TABLE 18.1
Common Autoantibodies in Connective Tissue Diseases
Adapted from Lynch DA. Lung disease related to collagen vascular disease. J Thorac Imaging. 2009;24(4):299-309.
Disease Autoantibodies
RA RF, anti-CCP
Scleroderma Anti-centromere antibody, anti–SCL-70
DM, PM, AS Anti–Jo-1, anti–aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases
SLE Anti-ds DNA, anti-Smith, antiphospholipid
AS, Antisynthetase syndrome; DM, dermatomyositis; MCTD , mixed connective tissue disease; PM, polymyositis; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; SLE , systemic lupus erythematosus.

FIGURE 18.14, Connective tissue diseases (CTDs) on chest CT. A, Usual interstitial pneumonitis (UIP) pattern in rheumatoid arthritis presenting with a typical peripheral and basilar distribution of fibrosis. Note the large degree of macrocystic honeycombing, which is more common in UIP seen in CTD than in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. B, Nonspecific interstitial pneumonitis (NSIP) pattern in scleroderma characterized by ground-glass opacity, reticulation, and traction bronchiectasis. The esophagus is severely dilated with an internal gas–fluid level consistent with esophageal dysmotility, a common finding in scleroderma. C, Combined organizing pneumonia and NSIP in antisynthetase syndrome presenting with basilar-predominant consolidation and ground-glass opacity. D, Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis pattern in Sjögren syndrome presenting as a diffuse cystic lung disease.

TABLE 18.2
Common Thoracic Manifestations of Connective Tissue Diseases
Adapted from Lynch DA. Lung disease related to collagen vascular disease. J Thorac Imaging 2009;24(4):299-309.
Imaging Pattern RA SLE MCTD Scleroderma PM, DM, AS Sjögren
UIP ++ + + ++ + +
NSIP + + ++ ++++ ++ +
OP ++ + + + ++
LIP ++
PH + + + ++ +
Bronchiectasis ++ ++
OB ++ +
AS, Antisynthetase syndrome; DM , dermatomyositis; LIP, lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis; MCTD, mixed connective tissue disease; NSIP, nonspecific interstitial pneumonitis; OB, obliterative bronchiolitis; OP, organizing pneumonia; PH, pulmonary hypertension; PM, polymyositis; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; UIP, usual interstitial pneumonitis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

The most common ILD pattern to affect patients with RA is a UIP pattern. Often, the imaging manifestation of UIP in RA is indistinguishable from that in IPF. However, there are some CT findings that are more suggestive of RA than IPF: substantial fibrosis in the anterior upper lobes (in addition to basilar fibrosis), exuberant honeycombing that affects the vast majority of fibrotic lung, and isolation of fibrosis to the lung bases without substantial extension along the lateral margins of the lungs on coronal images. NSIP and OP may also occur in RA but are less common patterns.

Patients with RA may also be affected by obliterative bronchiolitis (OB). Although it may be difficult to differentiate OB from severe asthma on CT because both conditions present with severe air trapping, a history of RA and nonreversibility are suggestive of OB rather than asthma. Follicular bronchiolitis is a rare condition that manifests as centrilobular or tree-in-bud nodularity on imaging and can affect patients with RA but should only be considered after more common causes of tree-in-bud opacity (aspiration or pneumonia) have been thoroughly excluded.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Interstitial lung disease is rare in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), although patients with SLE are predisposed to development of pulmonary hemorrhage and pulmonary infections. SLE more often presents with pleural or pericardial effusions or thickening. Pleural thickening may result in restrictive thoracic physiology that mimics pulmonary fibrosis on pulmonary function testing and can lead to substantial patient morbidity. Some patients develop diaphragmatic weakness, which leads to chronically low lung volumes—the so-called shrinking lung syndrome that may mimic mild ILD on radiography caused by vascular crowding and atelectasis.

Mixed Connective Tissue Disease

Mixed connective tissue disease is a distinct clinical entity defined by the presence of the antiribonucleoprotein (RNP) antibody. ILD in MCTD is common and occurs in up to 60% of patients with MCTD; NSIP is the most common ILD pattern in MCTD. It differs from interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features (IPAF), which is a heterogeneous group of conditions that present with ILD and suspected autoimmune disease not meeting criteria for a well-defined CTD.


Patients with scleroderma are especially susceptible to the development of ILD, with some series showing that the majority of patients develop ILD. The most common CT pattern is NSIP followed by UIP. Given the high prevalence of esophageal dysmotility and pulmonary hypertension in scleroderma, findings of dysmotility (esophageal dilation, gas–fluid level, open esophageal sphincter) and pulmonary hypertension (pulmonary artery size and cardiac chamber enlargement) should be specifically addressed.


Inflammatory myositis (dermatomyositis, polymyositis, and antisynthetase syndrome) commonly cause ILD, occurring in 50% to 75% of cases. The Jo-1 antibody is associated with ILD in the setting of myositis and can predict the development of ILD in the future as well as response to therapy. Most patients with ILD present initially with NSIP and OP—CT shows basilar ground-glass opacity, mild reticulation, mild traction bronchiectasis, and superimposed bronchovascular or peripheral lung consolidation. With corticosteroid therapy, consolidation (OP) often resolves, leaving residual ground-glass opacity and reticulation (NSIP). This disease course is typical and highly suggestive of myositis-related ILD.

Sjögren Syndrome

Sjögren syndrome is a relatively rare disease; the most common ILD to develop in this setting is LIP as described previously. Mild bronchiectasis is also common in this condition.

Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis ( Box 18.3 ), also known as extrinsic allergic alveolitis, describes a spectrum of granulomatous and interstitial pulmonary disorders associated with intense and often prolonged exposure to a wide range of inhaled organic or inorganic dusts, gases, or organisms. The site of inflammatory host response in these disorders is located primarily in the alveolar air exchange portion of the lung and not in the large conducting airways that are involved in asthmatic diseases.

Box 18.3
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis


  • Causes

  • Inhaled organic dust

  • Occupational antigens

  • Animal proteins

  • Saprophytic fungi

  • Dairy and grain products

  • Water vaporizers

  • Stages

  • Acute (4–6 hours)

  • Subacute: after resolution of acute stage, between episodes

  • Chronic: fibrosis, occurring months or years after exposure

  • Diagnosis

  • History related to exposure

  • Precipitating antibodies

  • Positive inhalational challenge

Radiographic Features

  • Acute

  • Airspace consolidation (diffuse)

  • Rapid clearing

  • Subacute

  • Nodular or reticular nodular opacities

  • Upper zones

  • Centrilobular nodules on computed tomography

  • Ground-glass opacity on computed tomography

  • Chronic

  • Medium to coarse linear opacities

  • Honeycombing

  • Upper zones

An innumerable number of antigens may cause HP. However, the most common antigens to cause HP are avian and mold related. These antigens, usually disseminated as aerosol dust, can be derived from animal dander and proteins; saprophytic fungi (i.e., spores) in contaminated vegetables, wood, bark, or water reservoir vaporizers; and dairy and grain products. The exposure is often occupational. The organic antigen may be a microbial organism, and the most commonly incriminated microbe is thermophilic Actinomyces, a ubiquitous bacterium that has the morphologic features of a fungus. This is the offending antigen in one of the most common types of HP, farmer's lung.

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is often categorized into acute, subacute, and chronic stages. However, there is often substantial overlap in the presentation of patients. Acute HP is caused by intermittent high-intensity antigenic exposure, with symptoms occurring hours after antigen exposure and with resolution within 1 day to 2 weeks of antigen withdrawal. Subacute HP is caused by continuous low-intensity antigen exposure; repeated exposure; or, rarely, the manifestation of long-standing undiagnosed acute HP. Chronic HP may occur as progression of known acute or subacute HP but may also arise from chronic low-level exposures to an antigen without any acute or subacute events.

The first clue to the diagnosis of HP is a good clinical history that suggests the temporal relationship between the patient's symptoms and certain activities, including hobbies and occupation. The acute form of the disease is characterized by cough, dyspnea, and fever, which usually begin 4 to 6 hours after exposure to large quantities of the causative agent. There is often a leukocytosis, and pulmonary function studies reveal restrictive dysfunction. Usually characterized by dyspnea and chronic cough, subacute and chronic disease associated with low-grade exposure to the offending antigen may be confused with other forms of ILD. Laboratory studies consistent with the diagnosis include precipitating antibodies reactive to the offending dust antigen and a positive inhalational challenge that can reproduce the symptoms.

The imaging features of HP vary with the stage of the disease. A minority of patients with acute or subacute HP have a normal or near-normal CT scan.

In the acute stage , consolidation may be observed, especially in the lower lung zones. This reflects pathologic findings of alveolar filling by polymorphonuclear leukocytes, eosinophils, lymphocytes, and large mononuclear cells. Consolidation may be quite extensive, simulating pulmonary edema, but it is transitory and usually clears within hours or days. It is uncommon to image patients during the acute stage of disease.

The subacute stage is characterized by a fine nodular or reticulonodular pattern, although the radiographic appearance is largely nonspecific and usually not helpful in achieving a specific diagnosis. This nodular appearance corresponds pathologically with alveolitis, interstitial infiltration, small granulomas, and some degree of bronchiolitis. Histologic abnormalities are usually most severe in a peribronchiolar distribution. CT is very helpful in the diagnosis of the subacute HP. Characteristic findings include ground-glass opacity, often in a centrilobular distribution (see Fig. 18.10 ), with superimposed mosaic attenuation and air trapping. The “head cheese” sign manifests as three distinct densities demarcated by the margins of secondary pulmonary lobules on expiratory chest CT and is nearly pathognomonic for HP in the subacute to chronic setting ( Fig. 18.15 ).

FIGURE 18.15, Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) on expiratory chest computed tomography (CT). Axial image from expiratory phase chest CT demonstrates three distinct different densities demarcated by the margins of secondary pulmonary lobule, consistent with the head cheese sign, which is highly suggestive of HP. The most hypodense areas represent areas of air trapping, the intermediate-density regions represent normal lung, and the most hyperdense areas represent localized areas of lymphocytic inflammation.

In the chronic stage of HP, continued exposure to the antigen results in changes characteristic of pulmonary fibrosis: reticulation, traction bronchiectasis, traction bronchiolectasis, volume loss, and honeycombing. Although upper lung preponderance is a helpful finding in differentiating HP from UIP and NSIP, HP is only upper lung preponderant in a minority of cases ( Fig. 18.16 ). In many cases, the distribution of chronic HP is basilar preponderant, mimicking UIP or NSIP. However, residual imaging findings of subacute HP (centrilobular ground-glass opacity or air trapping) may be present and suggest the correct diagnosis in these cases. In a minority of chronic HP cases, emphysema may develop even in the absence of smoking history, particularly in farmer's lung.

FIGURE 18.16, Fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) on chest computed tomography (CT). Coronal image from noncontrast chest CT demonstrates asymmetric right greater than left, upper lung–predominant pulmonary fibrosis characterized by reticulation, traction bronchiectasis and bronchiolectasis, and early subpleural honeycombing. Mosaic attenuation within the lower lobes is consistent with air trapping in this patient with HP. Arrows indicate areas of air trapping.

If the environmental source of the inhaled antigen is identified, simple avoidance is usually sufficient treatment; however, in up to 50% of cases, the antigen is never definitively identified. The acute form of the disease abates without specific therapy. With chronic forms of disease, a trial of corticosteroids can be given. A small proportion of cases may progress despite antigen avoidance and corticosteroids.

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