Dialysis Solutions and Replacement Fluids


This chapter will:

  • 1.

    Define the role of dialysis solutions and replacement fluids in the prescription of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT).

  • 2.

    Provide updated information on the composition of commercially available CRRT solutions, focusing on the possibility to tailor CRRT prescription to individual patient needs.

  • 3.

    Discuss the potential electrolyte and acid-base derangements related to the use of CRRT solutions.

  • 4.

    Discuss the selection of appropriate dialysate and/or replacement fluid formulations in specific CRRT settings such as regional citrate anticoagulation.

  • 5.

    Discuss advances in CRRT fluids formulations, aimed at minimizing CRRT-related electrolyte imbalances.

In acute renal replacement therapy (RRT) modalities, a variety of fluids with different electrolytes and buffer compositions, possibly tailored to individual patient needs, represent the vehicle for blood purification throughout diffusive and/or convective solutes transport across a semipermeable membrane. In diffusive RRT modalities, such as hemodialysis (HD), blood solutes diffuse along their concentration gradients from blood to dialysate or from dialysate to blood. Therefore the composition of the dialysis fluid should approximate the desired plasma concentration for the different solutes. In the case of hemofiltration (HF), the fluid, referred to as the substitution or replacement solution, is infused directly into the blood, and solutes removal is achieved via convective transport as a consequence of a pressure gradient. Diffusive and convective solute transport mechanisms are used in mixed RRT modalities such as hemodiafiltration (HDF). Because replacement fluid for HF or HDF is infused directly into the patient's circulation, it must be sterile and nonpyrogenic. Although in diffusive RRT modalities dialysate does not come into direct contact with blood, bacteriologic sterility is an important concern, given that back-filtration may occur readily, particularly with the use of high-permeability membranes.

The 2012 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guidelines on acute kidney injury (AKI) recommend that patients with AKI dialysate and replacement fluids should at a minimum comply with American Association of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) standards regarding contamination with bacteria and endotoxins. In addition, the same guidelines suggest that when local standards exceed AAMI standards, local standards should be followed.

Currently only sterile solutions are used in the intensive care unit (ICU) for the treatment of AKI patients with continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) modalities. The majority of sterile solutions used for CRRT are prepared industrially according to good manufacturing practice and are available in plastic bags. A potential step forward in acute RRT, reducing the costs and the need for storage of fluids, could be the online production of replacement fluids, which is achieved by passing water through two or three ultrafilters before being infused. This option, although widely used in chronic HD centers of many countries, is at this time not available in most of the ICUs and is still limited by regulatory issues.

A variety of commercially solutions are now available as dialysate or replacement fluid for CRRT with a wide range of electrolytes and buffers compositions ( Table 143.1 ). They are available from multiple manufacturers, generally in 5-L sterile bags. The standard components of CRRT solutions are sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, magnesium, lactate, or bicarbonate as buffer, and glucose. In recent years, low-concentration citrate solutions have been introduced and used as predilution replacement fluids acting as anticoagulant and buffer source. Even more recently, phosphate-containing solutions have been introduced to prevent CRRT-related hypophosphatemia. The selection of appropriate solutions in different clinical settings is important to avoid potential CRRT-related electrolyte and acid-base derangements ( Table 143.2 ).

TABLE 143.1
Composition of More Widely Available Conventional Solutions for Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
MultiBic K-free (Fresenius) 140 0 1.5 0.5 109 35 0 1
MultiBic K-2 (Fresenius) 140 2 1.5 0.5 111 35 0 1
MultiBic K-3 (Fresenius) 140 3 1.5 0.5 112 35 0 1
MultiBic K-4 (Fresenius) 140 4 1.5 0.5 113 35 0 1
Prismasol K0/1.25 (Baxter) 140 0 1.25 0.75 109 32 3 1
Prismasol K2/1.75 (Baxter) 140 2 1.75 0.5 111.5 32 3 1
Prismasol K2/0 (Baxter) 140 2 0 0.5 108 32 3 1
Prismasol K4/1.25 (Baxter) 140 4 1.25 0.75 113 32 3 1
Prismasol K4/1.75 (Baxter) 140 4 1.75 0.5 113.5 32 3 1
Prismasol K4/0/1.2 (Baxter) 140 4 0 0.6 110.2 32 3 1
Prismasol K0/0/1.2 (Baxter) 140 0 0 0.6 106.2 32 3 0
Duosol Bicarbonate 32 Dialysate K2/Ca0 (B. Braun) 136 2 0 0.75 107.5 32 0 0
Duosol Bicarbonate 35 Dialysate K0/Ca3 (B. Braun) 140 0 1.5 0.5 109 35 0 1
Duosol Bicarbonate 35 Dialysate K2/Ca3 (B. Braun) 140 2 1.5 0.5 111 35 0 1
Duosol Bicarbonate 35 Dialysate K4/Ca3 (B. Braun) 140 4 1.5 0.5 113 35 0 1
The table contains a partial list of CRRT solutions. Availability and trade name of each solution may vary according to different countries. Lactate-buffered solutions have been replaced mostly by bicarbonate-buffered solutions and are not included in the table.

TABLE 143.2
Electrolyte and Acid-Base Complications Potentially Related to the Use of Different Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Solutions
Hypokalemia Excessive potassium removal with inadequate replacement Use dialysate/replacement fluids with a higher potassium concentration or consider protocol-guided separate infusion of potassium chloride
Hypophosphatemia Phosphate removal with inadequate replacement Use phosphate-containing dialysate/replacement fluids and/or parenteral phosphorus supplementation
Hypernatremia During RCA, use of high concentration trisodium citrate solutions without adequate lowering of sodium concentration in the dialysate/replacement fluid Use a low-sodium dialysate/replacement fluid in RCA protocols based on hypertonic citrate solutions
Hyponatremia During RCA, accidental omission of hypertonic citrate solution in protocols adopting hypotonic dialysate/replacement fluid (rarely observed) Verify the correct matching of RCA solutions
Metabolic alkalosis During RCA, excessive buffer load related to high citrate delivery to the patient.
During RCA, inadequate matching of RCA solutions
Decrease citrate infusion rate and/or increase citrate and bicarbonate losses by increasing dialysate/replacement fluid flow rate
Use customized low-bicarbonate concentration dialysate/replacement fluid
Metabolic acidosis In CRRT settings characterized by the use of lactate-buffered or citrate-buffered solutions, inadequate bicarbonate production, due to impaired metabolism (i.e., severe liver failure, septic or cardiogenic shock with tissue hypoperfusion), may result in a negative buffer balance Reduce or stop citrate/lactate infusion and/or increase or switch to a standard bicarbonate dialysate/replacement fluid and/or start bicarbonate supplementation by systemic infusion
Systemic ionized hypercalcemia During RCA, excessive calcium replacement Reduce calcium infusion rate
Systemic ionized hypocalcemia During RCA, inadequate calcium replacement or inadequate citrate metabolism preventing calcium release from calcium-citrate complexes Increase calcium infusion rate. In the presence of signs of citrate accumulation increase calcium infusion rate and consider the measures suggested for citrate accumulation
Hypomagnesemia Inadequate magnesium replacement (mainly observed in the setting of RCA) Increase magnesium replacement
RCA, Regional citrate anticoagulation.

Sodium and Potassium

As opposed to intermittent HD or prolonged intermittent renal replacement therapy (PIRRT), in which modulation of dialysate sodium concentration may be required to avoid too rapid modifications of serum sodium concentration, CRRT solutions are generally available at a standard sodium concentration around 140 mmol/L. An exception is represented by the dialysate/replacement fluids used in combination with hypertonic in sodium, high-concentration citrate solutions for regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA); in this case, low-sodium concentration CRRT solutions are required to avoid the occurrence of hypernatremia (see Table 143.2 ).

On the other hand, although the rapidity of electrolyte derangements correction during CRRT could be handled by the modulation of CRRT dose and exchanged volumes, the sodium content in dialysate/replacement solutions is not easily adjustable in the case of patients with severe hypernatremia and AKI requiring CRRT. To minimize the potential risk for a rapid decline in serum sodium levels, a sodium kinetic equation recently has been proposed to guide sodium concentration adjustments aimed at customizing CRRT solutions according to baseline serum sodium concentration; the kinetic model was also able to estimate the expected serum sodium levels throughout continuous venovenous hemofiltration (CVVH) days in relation to different sodium concentrations in the replacement fluid. However, to prevent errors and/or sterility breach, the same authors underlined the need of particular caution during solutions customization.

For CRRT use, dialysate/replacement fluids with a potassium concentration between 0 to 4 mmol/L are appropriate and commercially available (see Table 143.1 ). Using the more commonly adopted CRRT dose of 25 to 35 mL/kg/hr, most cases of hyperkalemia can be managed with potassium concentrations of 2 mmol/L. Lower potassium concentration solutions should be managed carefully to prevent hypokalemia and its related complications. In case of hypokalemia, the addition of potassium in dialysate/replacement fluids should be discouraged for safety reasons; if needed, protocol-guided separate infusion of potassium chloride appears to be safer and effective (see Table 143.2 ).


Because the goal of RRT is the normalization of blood solutes concentration, the composition of RRT solutions should be targeted to obtain the more appropriate concentration gradient for the main solutes and to correct and/or prevent electrolyte and acid-base derangements in patients with renal failure. Metabolic acidosis represents a frequent acid-base derangement in patients with AKI, and severe metabolic acidosis is included among the indications for starting RRT. Therefore the buffer component of CRRT fluids requires special attention. The dialysis fluid should contain sufficient alkali to buffer metabolic acid production. Theoretical options for correction of metabolic acidosis in patients with AKI include acetate, lactate, bicarbonate, and citrate.

However, the use of acetate, largely abandoned also in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients in view of the associated hemodynamic instability, was never introduced in AKI patients undergoing CRRT. Original CRRT solutions contained lactate as the main buffer. Under normal conditions, lactate is metabolized rapidly, thereby generating an equimolar amount of bicarbonate and resulting in adequate correction of acidosis in most patients. However, in critically ill patients, lactate metabolism may be impaired and endogenous lactate production increased as a result of hypoxia, sepsis, or liver dysfunction. Thus, in patients with inadequate lactate metabolism, insufficient lactate conversion results in worsening acidosis, especially because bicarbonate losses are ongoing in the extracorporeal circuit (see Table 143.2 ). The risk of “lactate intolerance” is highest in patients with liver failure (impaired lactate clearance) or circulatory shock (increased endogenous lactate production). Therefore, in recent years, bicarbonate has gained popularity because of concerns that lactate may not be metabolized rapidly in the setting of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), a frequent condition in ICU patients with AKI. Few adequately designed trials, along with several observational studies, have compared different buffers during RRT in AKI patients; most of them have been performed during CRRT and showed that the use of bicarbonate, compared with lactate, generally is associated to a better correction of acidosis, lower lactate levels, and improved hemodynamic tolerance, especially in AKI patients with circulatory shock.

On the basis of these findings, the 2012 KDIGO Guidelines on AKI suggest using bicarbonate, rather than lactate, as a buffer in dialysate and replacement fluid for RRT in patients with AKI, especially if associated with liver failure and/or lactic acidosis. The same guidelines recommend using bicarbonate rather than lactate as a buffer in dialysate and replacement fluid for RRT in patients with AKI and circulatory shock. Homemade bicarbonate solutions for CRRT largely have been abandoned for the higher risk of bacterial contamination and because of their instability when stored for prolonged periods. Indeed, bicarbonate solutions may form insoluble precipitates when combined with magnesium and calcium. In the last decade, this issue has been overcome by the worldwide introduction of commercially manufactured CRRT solution bags characterized by two separate chambers (bicarbonate and electrolytes) to be mixed bedside at the time of treatment start. When bicarbonate-containing dialysis fluid is used, the bicarbonate concentration should be sufficiently high to correct preexisting acidosis and to compensate for ongoing acid generation without inducing metabolic alkalosis. These goals generally can be achieved at a bicarbonate concentration of 32 to 35 mmol/L (see Table 143.1 ).

The use of citrate-buffered replacement solutions is discussed below.

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