Design of Stroke-Related Clinical Trials

Key Points

  • A trial can be conducted only when there is equipoise.

  • Phase 2 trials can reduce the number of ineffective treatments taken to phase 3 in stroke research.

  • Common outcome measures are the National Institutes of Health stroke scale and modified Rankin scale.

  • Properly planned adaptive designs can allow midcourse modifications to the study design while maintaining validity and integrity of study data.

  • No single approach to data analysis and sample size estimation fits all trials. Choices depend on the hypothesized distribution of outcomes and questions of interest.

  • Four examples of hypothesized benefits that may require differing power calculations and analytic plans are (i) a neuroprotective effect—mild benefit experienced across all ranges of stroke severity, (ii) an early recanalization effect—a substantial benefit experienced across all ranges of stroke severity, (iii) a late recanalization effect—a benefit experienced across all ranges of stroke severity but with limited ability to attain fully normal outcome, and (iv) benefits clustered at unexpected health state transitions.

  • When aggregating data from multiple clinical trials, meta-analysis of pooled, individual participant-level data is preferred over study-level data.

  • Regulations, guidelines, and ethical considerations for the conduct of stroke clinical trials are multinational.

  • Exception from informed consent may be useful in emergent stroke research.

Drawing from the general literature on the conduct of clinical trials, this chapter addresses the design, analytical, data management, ethical, and regulatory issues relevant to stroke prevention and therapeutic clinical trials. A clinical trial is defined as “an experiment in which a group of individuals is given an intervention and subsequent outcome measures are taken. Results of the intervention are compared to individuals not given the intervention.”

When Can a Stroke-Related Trial be Conducted?

Ethical conduct of a randomized clinical trial requires equipoise, a point in time when the treatment is acceptable to administer to humans but uncertainty remains about treatment outcome. If there is a consensus of potential participants or clinicians that a treatment or procedure is beneficial (or harmful), randomization becomes impractical and possibly unethical. For example, after completion of the initial positive trials, alteplase could no longer be withheld from eligible patients known to be good responders in the first 4.5 hours after ischemic stroke onset. , Therefore, this precludes use of an untreated, placebo group in eligible patients. Ethical considerations also preclude a trial requiring exposure of individuals to a stroke-related risk factor, for example, cigarette smoking, where non-smoking participants are randomly assigned to smoking or non-smoking as an intervention.

Types of Prevention Trials

Primary prevention trials evaluate interventions in participants who have never had a stroke. Pure primary prevention trials are currently rare as eligible participants must be somehow symptomatic. Primary prevention trials evaluating medical therapy of vascular risk factors, such as hypertension or hyperlipidemia, often include stroke in a composite endpoint, along with myocardial infarction, and/or death due to vascular causes. Prevention trials may also have mixed primary and secondary prevention cohorts. For example, the Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy Versus Stenting Trial (CREST) is a landmark stroke prevention trial, which compared stenting versus carotid endarterectomy for carotid disease, and included two cohorts of participants: one with previous stroke and another with symptoms.

Secondary prevention trials evaluate interventions only in participants who have previously had a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or stroke, and are directed at preventing recurrent stroke along with other recurrent vascular events. For example, the inclusion criteria of the Platelet-Oriented Inhibition in New TIA and Minor Ischemic Stroke (POINT) trial of clopidogrel and aspirin were patients with TIA or minor ischemic stroke. , Another secondary prevention trial had, as inclusion criteria, patients with recent ischemic stroke that was presumed to be from cerebral embolism but without arterial stenosis, lacune, or an identified cardioembolic source. A multinational, secondary prevention trial in 33 countries used as inclusion criteria those patients with non-severe ischemic stroke or high-risk TIA who had not received intravenous or intra-arterial thrombolysis, and were not considered to have had a cardioembolic stroke.

Therapeutic Trials

Therapeutic stroke trials assess therapies designed to improve outcome from a stroke that has occurred, rather than prevent a first or recurrent stroke. They may broadly be divided into (1) acute stroke trials that evaluate therapies started soon after stroke onset, to avert stroke progression or complications, and reduce post-stroke–related disability or mortality; and (2) stroke recovery trials that evaluate therapies in the subacute to chronic post-stroke phase, to enhance neuro-repair or compensatory function, and improve post-stroke–related functional capacity. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) studies of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) and the European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study III (ECASS III) were designed to reduce post-stroke disability, with mortality classified as the most severe disability. Three trials of patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage (INTERACT 2, ATACH-2, DEFUSE 3) used death or major disability, defined by the modified Rankin scale, as the primary outcome. A cluster randomized controlled trial of a structured training program for caregivers of inpatients after stroke (TRACS) was designed to reduce post-stroke disability as measured by the ability to do activities of daily living and to reduce caregiver burden and cost. ,

The Phases of Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are broadly categorized into different phases that reflect the different goals and analytic requirements of early exploratory studies and final definitive studies. For drug trials, although the nomenclature and definition of the phases are, in general, not standardized, there are three commonly recognized phases in agent development: phase 1—pharmacokinetics, toxicity, and feasibility; phase 2—determination of futility, extended feasibility, and preliminary safety; and phase 3—determination of efficacy. For device trials, designs are more variable but can broadly be grouped in two phases: (1) pilot and (2) pivotal. , Single trials can be designed to seamlessly bridge these phases. In addition, after an agent receives approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or international regulatory agencies for marketing, post-marketing surveillance studies may be conducted (known as phase 4 trials for drugs), particularly if such a study is a condition of regulatory approval. Phase 4 studies assess the long-term effects of the new treatment, assess the ability to achieve in broad practice the effects observed in phase 3 trials, monitor for uncommon adverse reactions, and can be used for cost-effectiveness assessment.

Phase 1

Phase 1 studies establish doses in humans that do not have high toxicity, establish a route of administration, and determine the clinical pharmacology. The general bound for dose exploration is determined by the severity of the condition being treated. In studies of cancer chemotherapy, where the underlying disease is almost universally fatal, relatively high levels of sub-lethal side effects may be acceptable in therapeutic agents. In that setting, the intent of a phase 1 trial is to discover the maximum tolerated dose (MTD). The occurrence of toxicity that is unacceptable is termed dose-limiting toxicity (DLT); hence, the MTD is determined by the absence of a DLT, with the MTD being one dose level below a DLT.

For most stroke indications, the cerebrovascular disease produces a range of morbidity and mortality, rather than a uniformly fatal outcome, making drug doses with substantial toxicity less acceptable. Accordingly, there is no consensus regarding the need to escalate the dose to the MTD. The choice of the dose range to be explored for toxicity in initial phase 1 trials is, instead, often based either on doses found to show efficacy for stroke in animal experiments or efficacy for other diseases in humans. The upper bound of escalation chosen for a phase 1 study would be treatment specific and may depend on such factors as whether the agent is to be used for long-term prevention among mild stroke patients (in which case the occurrence of even infrequent toxicity events might be unacceptable), or whether the agent is to be used short term to prevent major disability or death amongst severe stroke patients (in which case a higher toxicity rate could be acceptable). Also less well defined in phase 1 studies for stroke are standard definitions for varying levels of toxicity below DLT. A phase 1 study funded by NINDS aimed to establish the MTD of human serum albumin as a neuroprotective agent for participants with recent ischemic stroke. A Safety Evaluation Committee of neurologists and cardiologists evaluated participants’ records at each dose level according to pre-specified guidelines to determine whether severe and serious adverse events occurred during the 72 hours after ictus. The existence of DLT was determined by a consensus after each member of the committee reviewed the charts of all the participants at each dose level.

The selection of initial, lowest dose to be tested in phase 1 dose-escalation trials varies. In cancer trials, a common approach starts from one-tenth of the dose that causes 10% mortality in rodents (LD 10 ). In stroke, when toxicities are less acceptable, a starting dose might be one-tenth of the dose that causes maximal efficacy in animals. The dose is increased by a smaller percentage each time. A classic escalation sequence is a “3+ 3” modified Fibonacci scheme, in which 3 patients are treated at each dose, escalating to the next dose if no toxicities are observed or testing an additional 3 patients if a toxicity is observed. Continual reassessment methods (CRMs) are an alternative design for a phase 1 study and use information from all prior-tested patients to choose the most informative dose to test on the next patient, via either frequentist or Bayesian methods. Simulation studies show that the MTD may be reached sooner with some CRM methods than with the Fibonacci method, putting fewer participants at risk from higher doses. For example, the trial evaluating the iron chelator, deferoxamine mesylate (DFO) treatment was a phase 1 dose-finding trial using an algorithm for continual reassessment every third patient.

Phase 2

Phase 2 studies are important bridges between early pharmokinetic and overt toxicity studies in phase 1 and large, pivotal efficacy trials in phase 3. Phase 2 studies do not seek to draw definitive conclusions about treatment efficacy but do often seek evidence to justify proceeding to an expensive and time-consuming phase 3 study. Phase 2 studies primarily rule out clearly ineffective treatments; they assess futility, side effects, toxicity, logistics of treatment administration, and project trial costs. Palesch et al. explained the futility design aspects in therapeutic stroke trials. In phase 2 stroke-prevention trials, a physiologic or surrogate outcome, such as a risk factor reduction, may be used as the primary outcome, when the lead outcome for a future phase 3 study, new stroke or death, would take years to ascertain. In phase 2 therapeutic trials, biomarker surrogate or auxiliary outcomes, such as reduction of infarct growth or hemorrhage growth on brain imaging, , may be used as the primary outcome, when it is judged that the biomarker has less random variability and will allow a smaller sample size than more variable clinical endpoints. If no such biomarker exists for a particular agent’s mechanism of action, therapeutic phase 2 stroke trials will use the same clinical outcome measures as planned for phase 3 trials. Phase 2 trials are informally categorized further as phase 2A and phase 2B, with phase 2A trials very preliminarily and phase 2B trials more powerfully determining readiness of particular doses and approaches to move on to definitive phase 3 testing.

Using a one-sided test and inflated type-I-error level enables phase 2 studies to proceed with smaller sample sizes, less time, and fewer resources than phase 3 studies. Single-arm phase 2 studies using historical data as a reference have the advantage of requiring even smaller sample sizes than a study with randomized, internal controls, with the same error and effect size parameters. A critical assumption of a single-arm design is that the concomitant clinical care and outcomes of the disease have not changed over time, so that historical controls are an accurate representation of current patients. Another critical requirement is that the same outcome measure is collected in the same way in the new trial as in the historical comparator. For example, in the two NINDS rt-PA Study trials, a common source of historical control data, the modified Rankin Scale, was scored assessing disability from all diseases present in the patient, not just those inferred by the examiner to be due to stroke, and the National Institutes of Health stroke scale (NIHSS) was collected under the instructions “score what you see,” rather than encouraging repetition of the exam if the examiner had expected a different response based on disease knowledge. Some newer trials changed the instructions for the Rankin and/or the NIHSS to make the measures more specific to the current stroke or pathophysiologic expectations, rendering the scores not directly comparable to the prior trial. If there is uncertainty about the validity of historical controls, a concurrent comparison group must be included in the trial, but the single-sided hypothesis and an inflated type-I-error level would still lead to a reduction in sample size over a phase 3 design. , A completed phase 2 stroke treatment trial of combined intravenous and intra-arterial tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) with historical controls was determined to be worthwhile and moved forward to phase 3. ,

Phase 2 studies may also be used to choose a dose from a set of tolerable doses or to select the “best” among a set of treatments. In a study of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), investigators combined a dose-selection study with a phase 2 futility study, a design that may be applicable to dose-finding studies in stroke. Bayesian dose-finding studies may also be applicable and have been used in several phase 2 trials, including the Acute Stroke Therapy by Inhibition of Neutrophils (ASTIN) trial and the Argatroban with Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Acute Stroke (ARTSS-2) trial. Bayesian dose-finding trials require (i) consensus agreement regarding the level of prior knowledge or, more frequently, the use of neutral priors, (ii) confirmation as to whether outcomes can be assessed rapidly, and (ii) evaluation of the investigators’ ability to reduce bias. ,

A phase 2 design is especially attractive when the availability of participants is limited in relation to the rate of the development of new treatments. A successful phase 2 study does not guarantee a successful phase 3 trial. , Nevertheless, using a phase 2 design can reduce the number of futile phase 3 studies and can provide an overall reduction in the long-term cost of trials. , ,

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