Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson Disease

This chapter includes an accompanying lecture presentation that has been prepared by the authors: Video 111.1.

Key Concepts

  • Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is the dominant surgical intervention for Parkinson disease (PD) because of its reversibility, adjustability, and applicability for bilateral intervention.

  • DBS is thought to work by reducing abnormally elevated neuronal synchronization in the basal ganglia-thalamocortical motor loop.

  • DBS can improve bradykinesia, rigidity, and tremor, and can do so with less fluctuation in motor signs than antiparkinsonian medications.

  • The subthalamic nucleus (STN) and the pallidum DBS targets have equivalent efficacy; however, targeting the STN allows reduction of levodopa more than does targeting its counterpart. On the other hand, placement in the STN is contraindicated in patients with significant underlying psychiatric illness.

  • DBS achieved with implantation by means of the microelectrode recording guided or “awake” paradigm has shown equivalency in patient outcomes when compared with the interventional MRI or “asleep” paradigm.

Parkinson disease (PD), a progressive synucleinopathy of unknown origin, is the second most common neurodegenerative condition behind only Alzheimer disease, affecting 1% of the population older than 65 years. , With the prevalence doubling per decade of life, the number of patients is predicted to increase as the world population ages.

The goal of this chapter is to provide an overview of the treatment of the motor abnormalities of PD using deep brain stimulation (DBS) with emphasis on two targets: the subthalamic nucleus (STN) and the globus pallidus interna (GPi). Two surgical methods preferred at our institution are highlighted: surgery guided by microelectrode recordings (MERs) and test stimulation in the awake state, and surgery guided by interventional MRI (iMRI) under general anesthesia, without physiologic testing.

Brief Historical Overview

Descriptions of PD symptoms and treatment with the dopaminergic extract “cowage,” from the Mucuna pruriens seed, appear in the Ayurveda, an ancient medical text of the Indian subcontinent from 1000 bce . , The Nei Jing, a 2500-year-old medical text from China, echoes similar ideas, yet the first western description of the disorder emerged only two centuries ago when a Londoner, James Parkinson, described six patients with “paralysis agitans.” Sixty years later, Jean-Martin Charcot refined the earlier description and coined the term “maladie de Parkinson.” Anticholinergic treatment was used as early as the mid-19th century. Arvid Carlsson and George Cotzias introduced oral levodopa/carbidopa as the “gold standard” of medical therapy in 1968.

Surgical treatment of PD began in the 1940s with resection of premotor and motor cortices in hopes of alleviating parkinsonian tremor. The resultant improvement had to be weighed against significant iatrogenic motor deficits, while no effect was seen on either rigidity or bradykinesia. The move toward basal ganglia and thalamic targets addressed these shortcomings. Interruption of the pallidofugal fibers exiting the GPi by Spiegel and Wycis , and by Meyers improved both tremor and rigidity. In 1952, Irving Cooper’s fortuitous sacrifice of the anterior choroidal artery in a 39-year-old man incapacitated by tremor and bradykinesia alleviated the patient’s symptoms without motor or sensory deficits.

Lesioning work on the basal ganglia and thalamus largely ceased in the 1970s because of the dramatic immediate effects of oral levodopa/carbidopa and the significant risks of surgery. By the 1990s, however, recognition of the long-term side effects of the medication—dyskinesias and motor fluctuations—brought about a renewed interest in surgical solutions. ,

At the same time, the integration of modern imaging techniques such as CT in the late 1970s and MRI with frame-based stereotaxy in the 1980s improved the safety and accuracy of surgery at deep brain targets. Attempts to use DBS in thalamic, basal ganglia, and cerebellar regions for movement disorders were made in the early 1980s. ,

In 1987, Benabid and colleagues showed that high-frequency stimulation could mimic a lesion in a controllable, reversible manner. Yet stimulation of the ventralis intermedius thalamic nucleus target again aided only the tremor symptomatology, leaving rigidity and bradykinesia untreated. Series of safe and effective pallidotomies from the early 1990s resurrected the concept of GPi lesioning for those symptoms, yet were technically difficult procedures limited to one hemisphere. GPi-DBS was introduced in 1994 as a safer reversible alternative with an ability to implant and modulate both hemispheres for bilateral and axial symptomatology.

In 1990, Bergman and associates showed in a nonhuman primate model of PD that the induction of parkinsonism is associated with excessive and abnormally patterned discharge in the STN, and that ablation of the nucleus alleviated all parkinsonian motor signs. Based on this work, Limousin and coworkers implanted the first chronic subthalamic stimulator for PD in the early 1990s and subsequently documented alleviation of all cardinal motor signs of PD in a case series in 1998.

Anatomy and Physiology of Targets

Both the STN and GPi are components of the basal ganglia, a collection of subcortical nuclei involved in scaling and focusing of movement, as well as motor learning. The basal ganglia also include the striatum (caudate and putamen), globus pallidus externa (GPe), and substantia nigra, subdivided into the substantia nigra pars reticularis and substantia nigra pars compacta. DBS for treatment of PD motor symptomatology is based on the “segregated circuit hypothesis.” The numerous functions of the basal ganglia within the cortex–basal ganglia–thalamus loop (motor, oculomotor, associative, and limbic) run in parallel and occupy anatomically distinct areas of the nuclei. It is therefore in principle possible to target the motor areas without compromising nonmotor functions.

The STN, shaped like a small, thick biconvex lens, is located medial to the internal capsule, lateral to the red nucleus, superior to the substantia nigra, and inferior to the thalamus. The GPi is located medial and inferior to the medial medullary lamina and GPe. The GPi overlies the choroidal fissure and the optic tract. Medially, it is limited by the genu and the lateral aspect of the posterior limb of the internal capsule.

In the basal ganglia–thalamocortical circuit ( Fig. 111.1 ), the major input structures to the basal ganglia are the striatum and STN, and the GPi serves as the main output. The input and the output nuclei are connected by a direct massive GABAergic striatopallidal pathway, and by an indirect route via the GPe and STN before arriving at the output nucleus, the GPi. The balance between the activating direct and the inhibitory indirect pathways controls movement. In the “rate model” developed originally by Albin, Young, and DeLong, the parkinsonian state is modeled as a hyperexcitation of the STN causing an imbalance in favor of the indirect pathway and excessive GPi excitation. , Targeting the STN or GPi with lesioning or stimulation was thought to correct excessive and abnormally patterned basal ganglia output. Some elements of the rate model have been confirmed experimentally. Elevated GPi and STN discharge rates in PD, compared with nonparkinsonian conditions, were seen by Starr and colleagues, Schrock and associates, and Steigerwald and colleagues. Optogenetic confirmation in rodents of the prokinetic and antikinetic functions of the direct and indirect pathways, respectively, was shown by Kravitz and coworkers in 2010. The model does not, however, explain the benefit of pallidal stimulation in hyperkinetic disorders. Its initial assumption that STN-DBS suppressed downstream basal ganglia activity has also been called into question. , The rate model remains important because of its heuristic value, as newer theories aim to rectify its shortcomings.

Figure 111.1, The classic rate model of the basal ganglia–thalamocortical circuit.

The most influential contemporary model of brain network dysfunction in PD is the “oscillatory synchrony model,” which posits that akinesia and bradykinesia in PD are due to excessive neuronal synchronization in specific frequency bands, especially the beta band. The beta band (13–35 Hz) is present in primary motor (M1) and sensory cortices during postural maintenance but is superseded by the high-frequency band (76–100 Hz) with planning and execution of movement. The basal ganglia show an increase in neuronal synchronization in the beta activity in PD, in the form of abnormally long “bursts” of beta activity. DBS at both the STN and GPi may exert its therapeutic effect by desynchronization of neuronal activity at specific frequencies.

Patient Selection

The most important part of DBS for PD is patient selection ( Table 111.1 ). The key to proper patient selection is a combined approach that includes evaluation by specialists in movement disorders, neurology, neurosurgery, and neuropsychology. An interdisciplinary clinic in which these specialties provide integrated care streamlines the process of patient selection and work-up.

TABLE 111.1
Response of Parkinson Disease (PD) Symptoms to Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
DBS Improves DBS Unlikely to Benefit
Motor fluctuations
Bradykinesia and “off”-period gait freezing
Classic idiopathic PD
Autonomic function (constipation, poor temperature regulation, orthostatic hypotension)
Postural instability and “on”-period gait freezing
Mood depression or anxiety
Atypical parkinsonisms (PSP, MSA)
MSA, Multiple system atrophy; PSP, progressive supranuclear palsy.


A clear diagnosis of idiopathic PD by a movement disorder neurologist is paramount because many forms of atypical parkinsonism, such as progressive supranuclear palsy and multiple system atrophy, may resemble PD but do not respond to surgical treatment. The patient’s examination off medication and subsequent improvement with a supratherapeutic oral levodopa dose, called “on-off” testing, is a strong predictor of the quantitative improvement in scores on Part III (motor subscale) of the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS III) that can be expected from bilateral DBS. The two indications for surgery are motor complications from long-term medical therapy and/or medically intractable tremor. The most common motor complications are dyskinesias and motor fluctuations (rapid, unpredictable cycling between effectively medicated and inadequately medicated states). Postoperative reduction in the severity, duration, and frequency of “off” periods, as well as reduction of medication-induced complications, improves quality of life. DBS for early motor complications of PD is now being investigated. ,


Although most patients with PD have at least some cognitive impairment that can be detected with neuropsychological testing, severe cognitive impairment is a contraindication for DBS because dementia may worsen as a result of surgical intervention, and severe cognitive impairment can supersede motor impairment as the primary driver of disability. A marked cognitive dysfunction documented on the Mini Mental State Examination or a low score on the Mattis Dementia Rating Scale diminishes the DBS quality-of-life benefit and serves as a relative contraindication to DBS in PD. , Improved motor function in a severely demented patient can be dangerous because increased mobility may lead to falls. The danger may be exacerbated by a potentially increased impulsivity caused by STN-DBS. ,

Age remains an independent prognostic factor in a majority of surgical fields. As a disease affecting 1% of patients older than 65 years, PD carries with it the comorbidities of advancing age. Hypertension, diabetes, and need for anticoagulation all increase surgical risk. Age and hypertension increase intraoperative hemorrhage rates in DBS. , Although each candidate must be reviewed on an individual basis, the quality-of-life improvement seen in younger patients undergoing DBS for PD diminishes in the group older than 65 years.

Patients with poor axial scores on the UPDRS III combined with severe postural instability tend to not benefit from DBS. Hypophonia, another levodopa-nonresponsive symptom, is unlikely to improve with stimulation. Patients and families should be warned of potential worsening in voice strength postoperatively.

Target Selection Factors

Patient Symptomatology

Several large randomized studies that have compared STN and GPi as targets showed no significant difference in improvement of motor symptoms after DBS. Mood and cognition seem to be at slightly higher risk for decline following STN-DBS , ( Table 111.2 ). Patients with borderline cognitive function seem to maintain their function better, and their quality of life improves more with GPi-DBS. Decision making under stress can be altered by STN-DBS, increasing impulsive behavior and errors in judgment. This argues in favor of using GPi-DBS for cognitively compromised patients whose cognitive deficit is not so severe as to preclude surgical intervention.

TABLE 111.2
Target Selection Based on Treatment Goals
Subthalamic Nucleus Globus Pallidus Interna
Greater decrease in levodopa requirements
Easier surgical targeting
Weight gain
Possibly longer battery life
Lower chance of cognitive decline
Easier postoperative programming
Maintenance of letter verbal fluency
Mood stability

Swallowing function deteriorates with PD and can lead to aspiration pneumonia and death. A recent retrospective review suggests that, unlike GPi-DBS, STN stimulation can worsen swallowing. Weight gain is seen with STN-DBS, whereas results are inconclusive with GPi stimulation. Long-term benefits in favor of STN-DBS include possibly increased battery life (because of lower voltage settings) and greater reduction of dopaminergic medication. Only one of four randomized studies of GPi-DBS versus STN-DBS has shown better motor function in the “off” state following STN-DBS compared with GPi-DBS.

Surgeon’s Experience

The experience of the surgeon remains of vital importance. , As with any procedure, a learning curve exists for both targets. Benabid and associates reported an improvement in complication-free surgical rate from 37.3% in their first 150 bilateral procedures to 72.7% in the next 150. Seijo and coworkers reported that the rate of significant adverse events in their series dropped from 14.6% in the first 7 years to 8.8% in the last 7 years. If true equipoise as to target selection exists after an exhaustive work-up, the surgeon will likely choose the procedure with which he or she is most experienced. With deference to personal experience, GPi is viewed by many to be the more challenging target because of its greater anatomic variability and a relative lack of consensus on the subregion of this relatively large structure that is optimal for DBS therapy.

Alternative Target: Ventralis Intermedius Nucleus

The first target used historically for PD, the ventralis intermedius nucleus of the thalamus, results in only reduction of tremor, but remains of some value in tremor-predominant PD. Because the STN and GPi alleviate tremor together with other motor symptoms, most practitioners favor those targets over the ventralis intermedius nucleus.

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