Critical Care of the Patient With Acute Stroke

Key Points

  • Mechanical ventilation and sedation.

  • Brain edema and increased intracranial pressure.

  • Blood pressure and blood glucose management.

  • Neuromonitoring.

  • Targeted temperature management.

  • Large middle cerebral artery stroke.

  • Basilar artery occlusion.

  • Large cerebellar infarction.

  • Intracerebral hemorrhage.

  • Cerebral venous thrombosis.

We are indebted to the authors of a previous version of this chapter, Silvia Schönenberger and Marek Sykora, for having provided the grounds for this current version.

General Principles in The Care of The Critically Ill Stroke Patient

The patient with severe acute stroke, that is, the occlusion of a large brain vessel or a vessel rupture, is at once threatened by substantial disability or even death, hence is a critical care patient. Critical care of the acute stroke patient will mainly occur in the neurocritical care unit (NCCU) or some other type of intensive care unit (ICU), but it may also have to be performed in the field, the emergency department (ED), or other settings such as the angiography suite.

Initial Assessment of Patients With Stroke

Initial clinical assessment of patients with severe stroke should focus on the following issues:

  • 1.

    Vital functions (airway, pulmonary function, heart rate, blood pressure [BP])

  • 2.

    Neurologic symptoms, severity of neurologic deficit based on validated stroke scales

  • 3.

    Time of symptom onset, potential eligibility for specific treatment options

  • 4.

    Blood sampling for electrolytes, full blood count, and coagulation studies

Many emergency measures depend on the type of stroke (ischemic versus hemorrhagic). Thus, appropriate neuroimaging studies must not be unnecessarily delayed. Additionally, measures should be avoided that have the potential to interfere with further treatment options (for example, insertion of a central venous line in a patient eligible for thrombolysis).

Ancillary Tests and In-House Transportation

Diagnostic studies and their indication in stroke patients are discussed in detail elsewhere in this book. As a general rule, the need for further diagnostics has to be weighted carefully against the potential risk that in-house transportations bear for the critically ill. These procedures usually require disconnection from the ventilator to a transportable ventilator or those suitable for the use in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners, which may not be tolerated easily by patients with severe pulmonary dysfunction. Moreover, monitoring is not as good as in the ICU, and the options for intervention during critical situations may be limited. Before transportation of a critically ill patient, one should always question the therapeutic consequences that are likely to be drawn from the results. If there are no consequences, one should resign from the procedure. Diagnostic procedures that do not require transportation of the patient should be preferred. Optimal neuromonitoring as will be described later in the chapter may help to reduce the need for imaging scans.

If a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure requiring transportation of the patient cannot be avoided, careful preparation is obligatory. The physician has to decide about the medications that may be discontinued and the adequate monitoring that has to be brought along; catheters need to be fixed properly, and extraventricular drains should be closed during transportation to avoid overdrainage. Emergency medication should be brought along, and unnecessary delays should be avoided. Deeper sedation frequently becomes necessary for transportation and to allow for acquisition of diagnostic studies of acceptable quality. However, since clinical evaluation of the patient may be markedly limited thereafter, short-acting sedatives should be preferred in these situations. All patients with severe stroke have to be accompanied by a physician or trained physician-extender during all diagnostic procedures.

Clinical Examinations

Neurointensive care patients should have a complete clinical examination at least three times per day and even more frequently (i.e., every 5 minutes to 1 hour) in the hyperacute phase of the disease or under particular circumstances. Level of arousal is the key focus of the exam; however, due to analgesics and sedation, the neurologic exam may frequently be restricted to evaluation of pupillary and brainstem reflexes, motor reaction upon painful stimuli, reflex status, and pathologic reflexes. Otherwise, care should be taken to assess a patient’s alertness, responsiveness to verbal stimulation, ability to track and regard, as well as comprehension in following simple commands. An acute worsening of mental status may be the first sign of neurologic deterioration. Other signs of raised intracranial pressure (ICP) and transtentorial herniation such as sequential loss of brainstem reflexes have to be recognized immediately. New motor deficits or pathologic reflexes may indicate enlargement of infarction. Changes in ventilator settings such as the need to switch from assisted ventilation to fully controlled mechanical ventilation under stable levels of sedation may indicate loss of brainstem function. Auscultation of heart and lung, palpation and auscultation of the abdomen, and careful inspection of the patient (edema, signs of dehydration, skin lesions, wounds) complete the clinical exam. Additionally, ventilator settings, blood gas analyses, laboratory parameters, temperature, urine excretion, and central venous pressure have to be reviewed regularly by the attending physicians.

Pulmonary Function and Mechanical Ventilation

Maintenance of adequate oxygenation is essential in patients with acute stroke as hypoxia could be deleterious for the ischemic penumbra. Avoidance of hypo- and hypercapnia is of equal importance, as the first may cause cerebral vasoconstriction and secondary ischemia and the latter to vasodilation in the cerebral arterioles supplying healthy brain tissue, possibly raising ICP and stealing blood from the lesion site, where cerebral vessels are already maximally dilated under resting conditions. The need to secure the airway and mechanically ventilate a patient with severe stroke may be one of the main reasons, if not the main one, to transfer a patient to the NCCU. Several publications in the 1990s suggested that cerebrovascular patients requiring mechanical ventilation have a very bad prognosis and questioned its usefulness while other studies indicated that a considerable part of these patients, even those on long-term ventilation, can have a good outcome. , Of note, mechanical ventilation in these studies was almost invariably just an indicator of illness severity, and neither described in its details nor seen as a potent management tool. More recent studies have explored the utility of endotracheal intubation in the setting of mechanical thrombectomy, , as will be discussed later, as well as early tracheostomy in ventilated stroke patients. Today, with evidence from several studies that treatment on specialized NCCUs improves outcome, with more treatment options for cerebrovascular patients, as well as advances in ventilation techniques, the only justifications to withhold these life-saving procedures from neurocritical stroke patients are obvious futility or the patient’s explicit will. Since the further course and eventual outcome are often unclear in the acute phase of the disease, the physician in charge should initiate airway management and ventilation without delay when indicated. Although standard, basic principles of airway and ventilation management from the general ICU can mostly be applied to the NCCU patient as well, the NCCU stroke patient merits some more specific considerations.

There are distinct neurologic disease–related causes of respiratory failure. All sorts of severe cerebrovascular compromise of the central nervous system, such as supra- and infratentorial acute ischemic (AIS) or hemorrhagic stroke (HS), subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH, covered elsewhere in this book), or cerebral venous and sinus thrombosis (CVST) and their sequelae, such as hydrocephalus and/or increased ICP, can cause respiratory failure. The complex connections between the central respiratory centers, that is, the cortex and the autonomic centers in pons and medulla, as well as their connections to the phrenic nerve and the upper motor neurons, can be affected on every level. This does not necessarily (only) result in loss of respiratory drive or respiratory rhythm but may also cause loss of protective airway reflexes and airway patency, and thus impair ventilation. Major reasons for intubation and ventilation in stroke patients are decline in level of consciousness (LOC), loss in glossopharyngeal muscle tone, or loss of protective reflexes and dysphagia with risk of aspiration ( Box 56.1 ). Specific patterns of pathologic breathing (e.g., Cheyne-Stokes, Cluster, Biot) have beensuggested for topographic diagnosis of lesion levels. However, that correlation seems to be less consistent in clinical reality.

BOX 56.1
Mechanisms of Central Respiratory Failure
ICP , Intracranial pressure.

Impaired Respiratory Drive

  • Lesions to pons or medulla

  • Brainstem compression by raised intracranial ICP/herniation

  • Neurotransmitter imbalance/diffuse brain dysfunction

  • Sympathetic overdrive

Impaired Airway and Ventilatory Control

  • Lesions to brainstem swallowing centers, dysphagia, loss of glossopharyngeal muscle tone

  • Lesions to reticular formation/bilateral thalami/large hemispheric lesions/hydrocephalus with subsequent coma and loss of protective airway reflexes

  • Vomiting, dysphagia, aspiration

  • Neurogenic pulmonary edema

Impaired ventilation mechanics

  • High (above C3–C5) spinal ischemia, reducing ventilatory force to accessory neck muscles

During the course of the disease, however, respiratory function can be further compromised by the development of various pathologic conditions, including hypoventilation-associated atelectasis or pneumonia due to immobilization, decline in LOC, epileptic seizures, critical illness polyneuropathy, and stroke-related immunosuppression. About 10% of unselected patients with stroke have to undergo mechanical ventilation. Differences in the rate of mechanical ventilation have been related to different causes of stroke; Mayer and associates reported that 5% of patients with AIS, 26% of patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), and 47% of patients with SAH underwent mechanical ventilation, whereas Gujjar and colleagues found rates of 6% for AIS and 30% for ICH. In 54 out of 218 patients with AIS who needed mechanical ventilation, Berrouschot et al. found that 90% had to be ventilated for neurologic deterioration and 10% for cardiopulmonary compromise. Clinical signs of impending respiratory failure are tachypnea exceeding 35 breaths/min, dyspnea with use of accessory muscles, sweating, and paradoxical breathing. Transcutaneous pulse oximetry for assessing arterial saturation of oxygen (SpO 2 ) constitutes the minimal requirement for monitoring of pulmonary function. Enhanced intermittent arterial blood sampling for blood gas analysis is recommended in suspected respiratory compromise. Intubation should be undertaken as soon as clinical signs of pulmonary dysfunction or aspiration risk are present or SpO 2 drops below 90% despite O 2 application, PaO 2 values drop below 60 mm Hg, PaCO 2 values exceed 60 mm Hg, or both ( Box 56.2 ). A prospective observational study in patients with large hemispheric infarction (LHI) suggested Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) less than 10 or respiratory failure as indications for intubation with a history of hypertension and infarct size greater than two-thirds middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory as additional predictors of need for mechanical ventilation. The principles of noninvasive airway support by head positioning, airway clearing, and application of nasal prongs or an oronasal mask for O 2 insufflation, and possibly the insertion of oro/nasopharyngeal airways, apply to almost all stroke patients with respiratory deterioration in the beginning and might be followed by intubation later. For patients with less severe stroke these noninvasive measures might suffice and be followed by noninvasive ventilation (i.e., BiPAP). It has to be confirmed regularly, however, whether those patients are still awake, cooperative, and have not lost their airway protective reflexes or developed other indications for intubation. Otherwise rapid initiation of the latter is warranted.

BOX 56.2
Indications for Mechanical Ventilation

  • P o 2 <70 mm Hg despite O 2 administration via nasal probe or facial mask

  • P co 2 >60 mm Hg (except for patients with chronic obstructive airway disease and chronically elevated CO 2 )

  • Vital capacity <500–600 mL

  • Clinical signs of respiratory failure (tachypnea, use of accessory muscles)

  • Severe respiratory acidosis

  • Airway protection (gag and swallowing reflexes absent, level of consciousness decreased)

Orotracheal intubation, although the approach of first choice, almost always involves an episode of hypotension or at least variance in BP. This can be detrimental in cerebrovascular disease in case of impaired cerebral autoregulation and subsequently decreased cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP). Hypotension during pharmacologic induction for intubation is more common in patients with more severe underlying disease, a baseline mean arterial pressure (MAP) less than 70 mm Hg, age greater than 50 years, and with use of propofol or increasing doses of fentanyl as induction drugs. Therefore, the less vascular-active etomidate might be more appropriate for induction in cerebrovascular patients; it can be accompanied by fasciculations that should not be taken for seizures. Ketamine as an alternative induction agent was suggested to be associated with increases in ICP, but this was not confirmed in several more recent studies. Contrary to other sedatives, ketamine does not have depressing circulatory effects; instead, it has activating ones. It can thus cause tachycardia and hypertension and should not be used in patients already in the upper ranges of these parameters. The concept of rapid sequence induction (RSI) commonly used in non-fasting patients involves the rapidly acting muscular blocker succinylcholine for excellent intubation conditions (i.e., glottis wide open). The depolarizing succinylcholine has been reported to induce small, but at times (e.g., in traumatic brain injury [TBI]) relevant ICP increases and can cause rhabdomyolysis and hyperkalemia in patients with seizures, or post-immobilization. As the non-depolarizing muscular blocker rocuronium has been found very comparable to succinylcholine in a Cochrane analysis of almost 50 good-quality studies on the subject, rocuronium may be preferred for RSI in neurocritically ill stroke patients; or muscular blockers may be avoided. Any drugs used for intubation should be short-acting. Continuous infusion of sedatives and analgesics is warranted for the duration of mechanical ventilation. Further details on sedation and analgesia are given in the next section of this chapter.

Optimal ventilation management in stroke patients has not been clarified. Ventilation modes and parameter settings should be chosen according to general ICU principles. The following table ( Box 56.3 ) contains suggestions for initial ventilator settings that have to be adapted to the clinical state and blood gas analysis results in the further course.

BOX 56.3
Initial Ventilator Settings
I:E, Inspiration:expiration; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; RR, respiratory rate.

  • FiO 2 0.6

  • Vt 6 mL/kg of ideal (=predicted) body weight (IBW):

  • IBW male = 50 + (2.3 × [height in inches − 60])

  • IBW female = 45.5 + (2.3 × [height in inches − 60])

  • RR 35/min

  • PEEP 5–7 cm H 2 O

  • P plat 30 cm H 2 O

  • I:E 1:2

Oxygenation is the main goal of mechanical ventilation to provide this essential brain nutrient. However, it is important to aim for tissue oxygenation, and not for arbitrary levels of oxygen in the blood. Toxic levels of oxygen in patients that are not hypoxemic should be avoided. There is ample evidence that hyperoxia is associated with tissue damage resulting from free oxygen radical formation, lipid peroxidation, and other mechanisms. Additionally, hyperoxia may disrupt brain perfusion by an incompletely understood process called hyperoxia-related cerebral vasoconstriction that may theoretically lead to secondary ischemia. , It thus seems reasonable to aim for normoxemia but not more. Improving oxygenation is not limited to increasing FiO 2 or the degree of ventilation; it can also be achieved by reducing cerebral oxygen demand by reducing work of breathing, treating infections and fever, controlling agitation, delirium, and shivering, using anticonvulsants in seizures, and/or employing certain sedatives that reduce the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO 2 ). Normocarbia may be an even more important aim to strive for in the NCCU patient, as PaCO 2 plays such a prominent role in influencing cerebral blood flow (CBF) via pH changes in both directions as long as cerebral autoregulation is intact (which is often not the case in brain-lesioned patients, but this is difficult to determine). Both hypercarbia, with subsequent fall in pH, cerebral vasodilation, increase in CBF, and rise in ICP, and hypocarbia, with subsequent rise in pH, cerebral vasoconstriction, and decrease in CBF, increase the risk of secondary ischemia. PaCO 2 fluctuations may be detrimental, depending on the extent and duration of the derangement, the specific neurologic disease, and the stage of injury (acute vs subacute). The concept of lung-protective ventilation with permissive hypercarbia as part of treating acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) may be problematic in brain-injured patients, and neuromonitoring should be installed if this is performed. Hyperventilation may be used transiently to induce hypocarbia and high pH to manage raised ICP rapidly. However, if applied chronically or prophylactically, it may be associated with higher morbidity and mortality in TBI patients, , or with cerebral ischemia in SAH and ICH patients. The application of increased positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) might theoretically cause raised intrathoracic pressure with subsequently reduced venous return from the brain and thus increased ICP. Alternatively, or additionally, reduced cardiac output and reduced MAP (see above, in itself potentially detrimental via reduced CPP) can lead to raised ICP indirectly via reductions in CBF and brain oxygenation. However, the individual patient’s ICP reaction to raised PEEP seems to vary greatly, possibly according to their lung and ventricular compliance—those with normal or poor pulmonary compliance do not demonstrate relevant ICP crises (TBI and SAH ). In patients with NCCU-dependent stroke, raised PEEP did not transduce into significant ICP changes (but did result in reductions in MAP and thus CPP). Also, PEEP can be absolutely necessary to achieve adequate oxygenation, which is the primary prerequisite for brain integrity and should not be subordinated to potential changes in ICP. Furthermore, no increase in mortality has been linked to the use of PEEP in brain-injured patients so far. In essence, higher PEEP should not be withheld from NCCU stroke patients that are in need of improved oxygenation. However, neuromonitoring should be installed in these patients to detect changes in ICP and thus CPP and be able to take measures to achieve a reasonable compromise, such as by raising MAP.

Changing the I:E ratio to 1:1 or even higher to improve oxygenation has also been thought to reduce venous return from the brain and raise ICP. Studies in ventilated patients with ischemic stroke, ICH, and TBI have not confirmed this hypothesis. , Pre-existing pulmonary disorders such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, or the development of ARDS may require more invasive ventilator settings. Lung-protective strategies comprise the application of low tidal volume, low inspiratory pressure, and sufficiently high PEEP levels and should be applied in stroke patients as well, although data suggest that this is neglected when compared to other ventilated NCCU patients.

Theoretically, higher PEEP levels result in higher intrathoracic pressure and reduced venous return and thereby may promote an increased ICP. Moreover, the PEEP could affect CPP by lowering MAP. In a recent study in SAH patients, stepwise elevation of PEEP to 20 cm H 2 O (14.7 mm Hg) resulted in an increase in central venous pressure and a significant decrease of MAP and regional CBF. However, reduction of CBF depended on MAP changes as a result of disturbed cerebrovascular autoregulation, and normalization of MAP restored regional CBF to baseline values. Likewise, PEEP levels up to 12 mm Hg did not increase ICP in patients with acute stroke. In summary, PEEP application seems to be safe, provided that MAP is maintained. However, monitoring of MAP, ICP, and CPP is desirable.

Weaning from the ventilator should not be delayed in NCCU stroke patients, even if they are still comatose. The best method of weaning—continuous versus discontinuous—is unclear (as in general ICU patients). Discontinuous weaning methods, however, involve successive spontaneous breathing trials and thus wake-up trials. These have been found to be associated with a release of stress hormones and rises in ICP in brain-injured patients, particularly those with a higher ICP from the outset. In a small randomized pilot study, treating ventilated patients with severe stroke by a gradual weaning method employing the adaptive support ventilation mode had a shorter duration of ventilation.

Extubation can only be considered in patients that are on minimal ventilator settings and are cardiocirculatorily stable. A central problem, however, is that classical extubation criteria involve having an awake and cooperative patient, something rarely encountered in the NCCU, where patients might present with aphasia, anarthria, apraxia, agitation, delirium, or reduced LOC, depending on their brain lesion. Classical extubation criteria (see above) have failed to predict extubation failure in NCCU patients, which occurs far more often than in non-neurologic ICU patients, at a rate of 15%–35% in cerebrovascular patients. However, to delay extubation in NCCU patients for not meeting classical extubation criteria, especially the one regarding consciousness, leads to complications, such as more ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and prolonged ICU length of stay (LOS), while earlier or later extubated patents do not seem to differ with regard to the re-intubation rate. Coma should not be the only reason to withhold weaning or extubation from these patients. Rather, particular attention should be paid to presence of dysphagia, which is very frequent in the NCCU population. Endoscopic swallowing tests that do not necessarily demand much cooperation from the patient have been successfully applied in stroke patients and help to guide the extubation decision.

While 10%–15% of ICU patients receive a tracheostomy during their stay, this rate is about 35% in NCCU patients. This may reflect the fact that neurologic ICU patients often are not compromised with regard to their pulmonary function, but rather to their capacity to protect the airway and handle secretions. The question of the optimal time to tracheostomize patients with severe stroke has hardly been studied. A retrospective study suggested that among ICU patients, the neurologic/neurosurgical ones were those fastest to be weaned from the ventilator. Two retrospective studies investigated predictors of tracheostomy need in ICH and found ganglionic location, hematoma volume, hydrocephalus, midline-shift, GCS, and presence of COPD as predictors. , The optimal time point for tracheostomy was retrospectively investigated in cerebrovascular patients, , the studies suggesting that duration of ventilation and ICU-LOS were reduced in patients receiving earlier tracheostomy. This could not be confirmed in the only prospective randomized trial on early tracheostomy (up to day 3 vs. days 7–14 from intubation) in ventilated NCCU stroke patients. However, that pilot study SETPOINT showed that early tracheostomy is safe, feasible, and reduces sedative demand. Whether benefits in functional outcome can be achieved by early tracheostomy in ventilated stroke patients is currently being investigated in the multicenter, randomized trial SETPOINT2.

Until the potential benefits of early tracheostomy in NCCU patients are clarified, it is probably reasonable to proceed to tracheostomy as part of a weaning protocol if extubation trials failed or were deemed not feasible, i.e., the patient appears to require mechanical ventilation for more than 1 week.

Sedation and Analgesia

All patients treated in the ICU are exposed to various stress factors, including anxiety, unfamiliar auditory and visual stimuli, awareness of severe illness, and sleep disturbances, and stroke patients are no exception. Medical conditions such as pain, respiratory insufficiency, cardiovascular impairment, and sepsis constitute further stress factors. Furthermore, mechanical ventilation via an orotracheal tube, invasive therapeutic, or diagnostic procedures can be equally stressful and are often not feasible without proper analgesia and sedation. Inadequate sedation and analgesia can cause agitation and combativeness, which results in greater metabolic rate and oxygen consumption, potentially supporting secondary brain damage. General goals of analgesia and sedation are freedom from pain, anxiety, and agitation. In stroke patients requiring NCCU treatment, some more specific goals have to be added: these comprise preservation of CPP, reduction of ICP, compensation of disturbed autoregulation, avoidance of seizures, the option of neurologic examination, and the prevention of prolonged coma and delirium, the latter of which brain-injured NCCU patients are particularly prone to. Risks of sedation and analgesia are circulatory compromise, immunosuppression, gastrointestinal tract (GIT)-disorders, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and pulmonary embolism, critical illness neuropathy and myopathy, prolonged coma, and delirium. Therefore, the daily goal must be to reduce or even discontinue sedation, if the cerebral situation allows this. It is important not to use sedatives to treat conditions that have to be treated more specifically in other ways, such as pain, seizures, fever, infections, or psychologic disorders. The quite controversial issue of how to sedate the patient during stroke thrombectomy is covered further below in a special section.

Sedation in the general ICU has undergone considerable changes during the last two decades. These include the overall reduction of sedative dosing, and with that, sedation depth, the emphasis on analgesia, the employment of protocols and sedation scores, and the implementation of “drug holidays” and daily “wake-up trials.” These measures have hardly been studied in NCCU patients, but still deserve to be considered. A patient-directed, protocol-based sedation has led to benefits such as reduced ICU-LOS, reduced duration of ventilation, and even reduced mortality in general ICU patients. The implementation of analgesia-based sedation protocols (only using sedatives as add-on if necessary) as part of this individualized form of treatment has been studied in two trials with 215 NCCU patients and 162 NCCU patients, both of which included many patients who had suffered SAH. These studies revealed reduced sedative need and increased pain-free days as well as equal feasibility and better neurologic judgability, respectively. Modern analgesia and sedation involve scores that have, again, hardly been validated in NCCU patients. The previously widespread RAMSAY score has shown weaknesses in several more recent studies and has largely been substituted by the well-validated Richmond Agitation Sedation Score (RASS) and the Sedation-Agitation Scale (SAS). RASS and SAS were found useful at least in a few small studies in NCCU patients. , Analgesia has been assessed by the nociception coma scale (NCS) to differentiate between minimal vegetative state and minimal cognitive state in comatose post-NCCU patients. Although overall supported by a very weak base of evidence, we think that RASS, SAS, and NCS are feasible and probably useful to guide sedation and analgesia in NCCU stroke patients as well. Finally, daily wake-up trials are a matter of controversy in this setting. Studies on this question in NCCU patients have reported increases in ICP and the release of stress hormones and other safety concerns, such as regional cerebral hypoxia. Also, a recent study in 413 general ICU patients has not confirmed the benefits that were suggested by previous studies. In essence, we recommend that a wake-up trial be carried out in sedated stroke patients after the acute management is completed and if the brain lesion allows this, but to refrain from further such trials if there is physiologic derangement and rather choose a gradual reduction of sedation over time or early tracheostomy.


Benzodiazepines are the most frequently administered drugs for long-term sedation in the ICU setting worldwide. Their mechanism is facilitating the action at the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-receptor. They vary in their potency, onset of duration and action, and distribution and metabolism, including presence or absence of active metabolites. Advantages are good titratability, weak circulatory side effects, anxiolysis, anticonvulsant effect, and the option to antagonize. Patient-specific factors, such as age, prior alcohol abuse, and concomitant drug therapy, affect the intensity and duration of benzodiazepine activity. Especially older patients exhibit a slower clearance of benzodiazepines. Accumulation of benzodiazepines and their active metabolites, especially under continuous infusion, may produce prolonged oversedation, tolerance, withdrawal syndrome, and delirium, all of which are particularly detrimental in NCCU patients. Midazolam is a benzodiazepine with a rapid onset and short duration with single doses (elimination half time 1.5–2.5 hours). However, accumulation and prolonged sedative effects commonly are observed after long-term sedation with midazolam, especially in the elderly, in obese patients, and those with low albumin levels or renal insufficiency. Further, the use of the benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil is problematic after prolonged therapy because of the risk of inducing withdrawal syndromes and seizures. Benzodiazepines, while useful in certain situations, should be avoided in long-term sedation in the NCCU setting or reduced in dose by combination with other sedatives.


Propofol is an intravenous, general anesthetic agent with rapid onset and short duration of sedation, even after longer infusion. Its mechanism of action is largely unclear. Advantages are the very good titratability, short action, and ICP-reducing and anticonvulsive potential. Common adverse effects include severe hypotension and bradycardia, which can be particularly problematic in cerebrovascular NCCU patients. Prolonged administration of high doses of propofol has been associated with lactic acidosis and hypertriglyceridemia, since the agent comes in a phospholipid emulsion (1.1 kcal/mL). There have been reported incidents of the life-threatening rhabdomyolytic propofol-infusion syndrome (PRIS), mostly in children, that is probably not a major problem in the adult NCCU if recommendations on dosing and duration are being followed.

Studies comparing the effects of propofol and midazolam have reported a reliable, safe, and controllable sedation for both agents. The main observed differences were (1) a higher incidence of arterial hypotension in patients receiving propofol and (2) a faster recovery in patients treated with propofol, also resulting in faster weaning. The use of midazolam infusion for treatment of refractory status epilepticus is well established; case reports suggest that propofol also possesses therapeutic potential for patients with this condition. Additionally, initial comparisons have described no differences in antiepileptic properties between the two agents.


Ketamine has strong analgesic effects and induces a dissociative anesthesia, besides being an N-methyl-D-aspartate-receptor agonist. Due to its psychomimetic effect, potentially leading to nightmares and hallucinations, it should preferably be combined with other sedative agents, although the enantiomer S-ketamine does seem to be associated with “bad trips” less often. Ketamine possesses sympathomimetic properties leading to higher cardiac output and bronchodilation, which is in contrast to all other sedatives, and which makes it particularly interesting for stroke patients depending on circulatory stability. The use of ketamine has been debated, and its long-term use has been controversial in NCCU patients because of its allegedly increasing effect on ICP. However, recent studies suggest that it can be administered safely in patients with elevated ICP, if the patient is under concomitant sedation (propofol or midazolam) and PaCO 2 is maintained by controlled mechanical ventilation. , Experimental evidence suggests that ketamine reduces cortical spreading depolarizations thought to be central in secondary brain injury after stroke.

α-2-Agonists and Other Sedatives

There are several substances that do not have the sedative potency on their own to sufficiently address the needs of cerebrovascular NCCU patients in the acute phase of their disease but can be used very well as an add-on or in the later de-escalating phase. Among these are α-2-agonists that “shield” the patient from stress rather than deeply sedate them. In the US and many other countries, dexmedetomidine is in fairly widespread use in the ICU and the NCCU. It is also approved in Europe but unfortunately contraindicated in acute cerebrovascular disease for (questionable) fear of interference with cerebral autoregulation. This very specific α-2-agonist has an analgesic component and has been shown to cause less delirium and shorter ventilation times compared to conventional sedatives used in the general ICU population. The DahLIA (Dexmedetomidine to Lessen ICU Agitation) study found that dexmedetomidine increased ventilator-free hours at 7 days when compared to placebo in 74 patients (median difference 17 hours, P =.01) and also revealed statistically significant benefits in secondary outcomes such as time to extubation ( P < .001) and accelerated resolution of delirium ( P = .01). Moreover, a systematic review and meta-analysis of 28 articles found that the use of dexmedetomidine was associated with a significantly lower overall incidence of delirium when compared to placebo, standard sedatives, and opioids (confience interval [CI] 95% for each). There was, notably, a significant increase in the risk of bradycardia and hypotension in those treated with dexmedetomidine. Of note, the randomized controlled trials included in the meta-analysis largely included surgical patients (specified cardiac or non-cardiac) with no indication of exact diagnosis. Of the 74 patients included in the DahLIA study, only 6 (4 in the dexmedetomidine group and 2 in control) were characterized as “nonoperative neurologic” patients by APACHE II diagnostic criteria, and whether they suffered from AIS is unspecified. The use of dexmedetomidine specifically in NCCU patients has only been investigated in one small study, which reported no severe side effects but a lack of sedative power. Thus, further study exploring the role of dexmedetomidine in AIS and NCCU patients is required.

Clonidine is another central α-agonist that is less specific and potent than dexmedetomidine, but can be recommended for light sedation, as add-on therapy to reduce dose requirements of sedatives, and to treat drug-withdrawal syndromes in the ICU, although it is only approved as an antihypertensive. Side effects of both agents include bradycardia and hypotension. Other drugs to be used as add-ons or for very specific situations are barbiturates for (transient!) reduction of ICP and treating super-refractory status epilepticus, neuroleptics for hallucinations, or morphine (histaminergic sedative component) for palliative or stressful tachypneic situations. A special group of sedatives are the volatile (inhalative) anesthetics isoflurane and sevoflurane. These can now be used outside the operating room (OR) for long-term sedation in the ICU via a miniature vaporizer (Anesthetic Conserving Device, AnaConDaTM, Sedana Medical, Sweden, not available in the US) that can be connected to any respirator. Potential advantages of these substances are very good titratability, little accumulation, anticonvulsant and analgesic components, and potential neuro-/cardio-/pulmoprotective effects. , Disadvantages are side effects, such as hypotension and bradycardia, direct effects on pupillomotorics, and a potentially ICP-raising effect via direct cerebral vasodilation. Volatile anesthetics have just started to be investigated in stroke NCCU patients. Two small prospective observational studies in mixed cerebrovascular and SAH patients have been partially encouraging, but further research is necessary to show whether volatile sedation constitutes more benefit than risk for the stroke NCCU patient.


It must be stressed that sedation is never a substitute for adequate analgesia. Almost every patient in an ICU experiences pain at some point; the treatment of choice depends on the cause and severity of the pain. Non-opioids (paracetamol [acetaminophen], salicylate, or nonsteroidal agents [indomethacin, ibuprofen, diclofenac]) may be adequate in some cases. Still, most patients require opioids for satisfactory pain control.

Three substances from this group frequently applied are fentanyl, sufentanil, and the ultra-short-acting remifentanil. Fentanyl possesses an approximately 150 times higher analgesic potency than morphine. The maximal effect is already reached 5 minutes after intravenous infusion. However, fentanyl accumulates in fatty tissue and has an elimination half-time of up to 4 hours. Its redistribution can cause significant rebound effects after its discontinuation, and even respiratory depression. Fentanyl is applied as a continuous intravenous infusion, at doses ranging between 0.7–10 μg/kg/h or by intermittent dosing at 0.35–1.5 μg/kg every 0.5–1 hour, usually combined with midazolam or propofol.

Sufentanil has the highest analgesic potency at approximately 1000 times higher than morphine. Its context-sensitive half-life is significantly shorter than that of fentanyl during continuous infusion (elimination half-time about 1 hour), making it the agent of choice in many neurologic ICUs. Sufentanil has an additional sedative effect, which reduces the required dose of sedatives. It is applied as continuous intravenous infusion at rates of 0.15–0.75 μg/kg/h.

Remifentanil is an ultra-short-acting opioid, increasingly used today in neuroanesthesia and neurointensive care. It is more than 500 times more potent than morphine, has the shortest elimination half-time, the smallest volume of distribution, and the highest clearance rate of all opioids. Its context-sensitive half-life remains stable even after long-term continuous infusion (elimination half-time 6–14 minutes). These characteristics make remifentanil attractive for neurologic ICU patients where regular clinical evaluation of the neurologic status is desirable. Analgesia-based sedation with remifentanil permitted significantly faster and more predictable awakening for neurologic assessment. ,

A frequent complication in long-term treatment with opioids is gastrointestinal hypomotility potentially leading to sub-ileus. Prophylactic application of laxative agents may be considered. Although good cardiovascular properties were reported under fentanyl and sufentanil, hypotension and bradycardia may occur, especially when large doses are rapidly administered intravenously. Studies on the effects of remifentanil on ICP have suggested that infusion of the drug usually decreases ICP with minimal changes in CPP. However, the exact effect of sufentanil, fentanyl, and remifentanil on cerebral hemodynamics remains uncertain. ,

Fluid and Electrolyte Balance

Fluid and electrolyte disturbances are common findings in ICU patients. They may be due to (1) sympathetic responses to ischemic or hemorrhagic neuronal injury, (2) unbalanced fluid and electrolyte substitution, (3) unbalanced nutritional regimen, or (4) administration of diuretics and other drugs (particularly osmotherapeutics). Sympathetic nervous system stimulation reduces renal blood flow, thus activating the renin-angiotensin system and increasing the secretion of aldosterone, an effect that in turn causes sodium retention and kaliuresis. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion may also be affected by central nervous system lesions, resulting in sodium and water retention and decreased urine output (syndrome of inadequate antidiuretic hormone secretion [SIADH]) or in diabetes insipidus. Finally, release of brain-derived natriuretic peptide (BNP) has been associated with cerebral salt waste syndrome (CSWS, see below).

Fluid disturbances can be assessed by (preferably a combination of) (1) clinical observation, (2) evaluation of fluid intake and output, (3) measurement of CVP via a central venous line or pulse contour continuous cardiac output analysis (PiCCO), and (4) measurements of serum osmolarity, urine osmolarity, and serum sodium concentration. Sodium, the main electrolyte of the extracellular fluid, accounts for more than 90% of its osmolarity. There is a close relationship between sodium and water shifts. Sodium concentrations and the hydration state of the patient provide the required information for diagnosis and the treatment of fluid imbalances. Isotonic volume depletion is the most common abnormality encountered. The treatment of choice is enteral or IV administration of isotonic fluids. Careful fluid balancing and monitoring of the CVP are warranted to allow determination of the amount of fluids needed. In patients with concomitant left ventricular failure, chest radiograph, echocardiography, PiCCO analysis should be used to avoid potentially deleterious fluid overload.

For hypernatremic or hyponatremic states, the therapeutic regimen depends on the hydration state of the patient. Hyponatremia is the most common electrolyte disturbance in the NCCU. Rapidly developing and severe hyponatremia less than 110 mmol/L may lead to generalized seizures, coma, and brain edema. The differential diagnosis includes the SIADH (release) versus CSWS. The correct and early diagnosis is important, because the recommended fluid management is different in the two conditions. While SIADH is caused by excessive secretion of ADH leading to water retention, hypervolemia, and secondary diuresis and natriuresis, CSWS is associated with the release of brain natriuretic factor, resulting in diuresis, natriuresis, and concomitant hypovolemia. Therefore, treatment of SIADH is based on water restriction while in contrast treatment of CSWS requires fluid and sodium administration. Differential diagnosis between both syndromes requires correct estimation of hydration state, measurement of urine volume, serum and urine osmolality and the ratio of both, and urine sodium concentration. Aggressive fluid restriction may not be feasible or safe in all NCCU patients, such as those with SAH where euvolemia is paramount. Furthermore, it still remains controversial whether both syndromes are separate entities or rather different manifestations of a common pathophysiologic origin. Some investigators entirely doubt the concept of CSWS. ,

In the setting of a central diabetes insipidus, SC or IM administration of 5–10 units of aqueous vasopressin repeated 2 or 3 times daily as needed or 2–4 μg in 2 divided doses of its analogue, desmopressin (DDAVP), effectively reduces water diuresis. Further details concerning fluid management are provided in textbooks of general intensive care.


Malnutrition in AIS patients is under-recognized and undertreated with an estimated prevalence ranging between 6.1% and 62% with the wide range likely due to differences in nutrition assessment methods. , Malnutrition before and after AIS is responsible for extended hospital stay, poorer functional outcome, and increased mortality rates at 3–6 months after stroke. , The presence of dysphagia, a common complication of stroke, is notably correlated with malnutrition. As such, an evaluation of swallowing by means of a 3-ounce challenge (drinking 3-ounces uninterrupted without stopping or signs of coughing/choking) or formal fiberoptic evaluation when warranted should be completed as soon as possible. In patients with dysphagia, enteral nutrition through nasogastric tube (NGT) or percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy/jejunostomy (PEG/J) must be considered. A fairly recent observational study found that more than half (53%) of AIS patients who required PEG ( n = 34,623) received their surgical feeding tube within 7 days. Moreover, age was the greatest determinant of early PEG tube placement. PEG tube recipients 85 years of age or older (the oldest subgroup) had 1.7× the adjusted odds of receiving an early PEG compared to the youngest subgroup (18–54 years of age). Current recommendations from the American Heart Association (AHA) specify that enteral feeding should be initiated within 7 days of admission. It should be preferred over parenteral nutrition. Moreover, NGT feeding can be used for 2–3 weeks after stroke onset before placement of PEG/J should be considered. Additional considerations regarding nutritional support of neurocritical care patients can be found in a Neurocritical Care Society review on the subject.

Blood Pressure Control

When and how to manage BP in stroke is covered elsewhere in this book and in the parts on specific types of NCCU stroke below.

Lowering High Blood Pressure

A variety of drugs can be used for treatment of acute arterial hypertension, see Table 56.1 . Modes of action and potential influence on ICP and CBF of the intravenous antihypertensive agents most commonly used in intensive care are described in this section. Use of short-acting parenteral agents with minimal cardiac and ICP effects is desired, and, as such, labetalol, esmolol, and nicardipine tend to be preferred agents.

TABLE 56.1
Antihypertensives Commonly Used in Patients Treated in Neurocritical Care Units.
Adapted from Steiner T, Kaste M, Forsting M, et al. Recommendations for the management of intracranial haemorrhage–part I: spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage. The European Stroke Initiative Writing Committee and the Writing Committee for the EUSI Executive Committee. Cerebrovasc Dis . 2006;22(4):294–316.
Drug Dose Onset of Action Duration of Action Comments
Adrenergic Inhibitors
Labetalol 20–80 mg bolus every 10 min, up to 300 mg; 0.5–2.0 mg/min infusion 5–10 min 3–6 h Indicated in ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke; contraindicated in acute heart failure
Esmolol 250–500 μg/kg/min bolus then 50–100 μg/kg/min infusion 1–2 min 10–30 min Indicated in stroke and aortic dissection; contraindicated in bradycardia, atrioventricular block, heart failure, and bronchospasm
Nicardipine 5–15 mg/h infusion 5–10 min 0.5–4 h Indicated in stroke; contraindicated in acute heart failure, coronary ischemia, and aortic stenosis
Enalapril 1.25–5 mg every 6 h 15–30 min 6–12 h Indicated in acute left ventricular failure; avoid in acute myocardial infarction and hypotension
Hydralazine 10–20 mg bolus 10–20 min 1–4 h Indicated in eclampsia; avoid in tachycardia and coronary ischemia
Fenoldopam 0.1–0.3 μg/kg/min infusion <5 min 30 min Indicated in most hypertensive emergencies, including stroke; avoid in glaucoma, tachycardia, and portal hypertension
Furosemide 20–40 mg bolus 2–5 min 2–3 h Avoid in hypokalemia, eclampsia, and pheochromocytoma

Peripheral Vasodilators

Vasodilators cause relaxation of arterial and venous smooth muscle cells. This effect is often accompanied by baroreceptor-mediated tachycardia. These agents are also active in the cerebral vasculature, potentially increasing CBF and ICP. In patients with acute stroke, cerebral vessels supplying the affected brain region are already maximally dilated. Thus, use of vasodilators can result in vasodilation of the vessels supplying unaffected brain regions, causing a redistribution of CBF (steal phenomenon) and potentially aggravating ischemic injury. Although this pathophysiologic concept has not been demonstrated in clinical studies, most institutions initially try to avoid vasodilators in patients with acute stroke.

The most commonly used vasodilator in the NCCU setting is hydralazine. Hydralazine has a slower onset of action compared to vasodilators such as nitroprusside and nitroglycerin, which require continuous infusion, although its effect after intravenous bolus administration lasts for approximately 4 hours. The effect of hydralazine in patients with acute stroke has hardly been studied.

Anti-Adrenergic Agents

Clonidine stimulates α-2-adrenergic inhibitory neurons in the medulla, thus reducing sympathetic nervous system outflow. This reduction leads to decreases in arterial BP, heart rate, and cardiac output. Clonidine also has sedative and analgesic properties. , It can be administered orally, subcutaneously, and as an intravenous infusion. Acute withdrawal results in rebound hypertension. The effects of clonidine on CBF remain uncertain. Ter Minassian et al. observed significant decreases in MAP and CPP after intravenous administration of clonidine. In that study, clonidine also resulted in a transient increase in ICP in three subjects. The effect of clonidine on the cerebrovascular CO 2 response is also a matter of debate, with two studies reporting a reduced response and another an increased response.

Labetalol is a mixed α- and β-antagonist. It can lower MAP by reducing systemic vascular resistance while preventing reflex tachycardia through the additional β-blockade. Labetalol can be administered as a continuous intravenous infusion, a feature that augments its applicability in ICU. This agent appears to have no effect on ICP and as such is preferred alongside esmolol (a cardioselective β 1 -antagonist) for use in the NCCU. ,

Calcium Channel Blockers

Calcium channel blockers cause vasodilation (more pronounced in arteries than in veins) and a decrease in heart rate, myocardial contractility, and conduction at the atrioventricular node. These effects can lead to myocardial depression, atrioventricular block, bradycardia, heart failure, and even cardiac arrest. Nifedipine and nicardipine are most commonly used. Previous stroke guidelines did not recommend the sublingual administration of nifedipine because of a prolonged effect and the potential for a precipitous decline in BP.

Nicardipine is a potent vasodilator that also affects cerebral blood vessels. Its effect on CBF remains uncertain, although it appears to have a safe cardiovascular and ICP profile. , Akopov et al. could demonstrate no consistent pattern in regional (r) global CBF changes in 75 hypertensive patients with symptoms of chronic ischemic cerebrovascular disorders. Abe and coworkers, however, reported a moderate increase in local CBF after administration of nicardipine. Halpern and colleagues compared the efficacy and safety of intravenous nicardipine versus sodium nitroprusside in the treatment of postoperative hypertension. In that study including 137 patients, intravenous nicardipine controlled hypertension more rapidly than sodium nitroprusside (14 minutes ± 1 vs. 30 minutes ± 3.5) and the total number of dose changes required was lower with nicardipine. Other studies came to similar results. , Of note, use of sodium nitroprusside as above is not recommended in NCCU patients given its tendency to raise ICP and cause toxicity with prolonged infusion. Nicardipine remains a preferred agent for BP control in the NCCU ; it has been particularly studied in ICH (see below).

Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors

Various angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors have been developed. Of those, enalapril is the only agent currently available for intravenous administration and therefore also the one relevant for use in NCCUs. Enalapril apparently has no effect on CBF in patients without intracranial disease or in patients with a unilateral stenosis of the internal carotid artery (ICA) greater than 70%. These findings, together with its insignificant side effects, suggest that enalapril is an attractive alternative for treatment of arterial hypertension in patients with acute stroke. An important contraindication is stenosis of the renal artery. One and one-quarter milligrams are administered intravenously over 5 minutes. Continuous application is possible, but a dose of 10 mg/day should not be exceeded.

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