Contrast Agents for Ultrasound

Summary of Key Points

  • After more than 20 years of development and a somewhat hesitant start, microbubbles have finally come of age as a contrast agent for ultrasound.

  • The principal requirements for an ultrasound contrast agent are that it should be easily introducible into the vascular system, be stable for the duration of the diagnostic examination, have low toxicity, and modify one or more acoustic properties of tissues that can be detected by ultrasound imaging.

  • Microbubble contrast agents for ultrasound are safe, effective, and well tolerated by patients.

  • Contrast-specific modes with microbubbles show real-time perfusion in organ and tumor parenchyma. The mechanical index (MI) of the transmitted pulse is the major determinant of the response of contrast bubbles to ultrasound; continuous perfusion imaging is possible only with use of low MI, which does not disrupt the bubbles.

  • Future developments offer the intriguing prospects of molecular and cellular imaging, potentiated therapy, and drug and gene delivery, all with ultrasound and microbubbles.

After more than 20 years of development and a somewhat hesitant start, microbubbles have finally come of age as a contrast agent for ultrasound. In 2016 the United States was finally added to the more than 50 countries worldwide that have approved them for radiologic indications, with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announcing approval for their use for liver diagnosis in adults and children. Their exploitation has already opened many new areas for diagnostic ultrasound imaging and is becoming a central area for technologic advances of the modality. The bubbles themselves comprise small spheres of a gas with low solubility in blood—such as a perfluorocarbon—stabilized by a thin shell layer of a flexible, biocompatible material which is typically a lipid, although proteins and polymers are also used. The diameter of the resulting encapsulated bubble is about 3 to 5 µm, slightly smaller than a red blood cell ( Fig. 3.1 ). Because of this size, bubbles provide a pure intravascular contrast agent ( Fig. 3.2 ). A suspension of bubbles in water is injected into a peripheral vein in the arm or hand; a typical whole-body human dose ranges from 0.2 to 2 mL in volume and contains on the order of 10 million bubbles, roughly comparable to the number of red blood cells in a single milliliter of blood. The effect of a bolus injection is to increase the echo from blood by a factor of 500 to 1000. After about 5 minutes the gas from the bubbles has diffused into the blood and the very small mass of shell material is metabolized. By infusing the bubbles through a saline drip, a steady enhancement lasting up to 20 minutes can also be obtained. Microbubble contrast agents make possible for the first time ultrasound imaging of organ and lesion perfusion in real time. This chapter aims to provide both a tutorial and a reference for the practical use of contrast agents for these indications.

FIG. 3.1
Contrast Agents for Ultrasound.
(A) Perfluoropropane bubbles with a protein shell (Optison, GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI), shown here against a background of red blood cells. (B) Lipid-coated microbubbles of perfluoropropane gas (Definity, Lantheus Medical Imaging, North Billerica, MA) are shown under a dark-field microscope.

FIG. 3.2
Bubbles Are Relatively Large as Contrast Agents and Remain Within the Blood Pool.
Intravital microscopy of fluorescently labelled perfluoropropane bubbles (Definity, Lantheus Medical Imaging, North Billerica, MA) shows them in capillaries, being transported much as red blood cells nearby (arrows).

(Courtesy of J. Lindner, Oregon Health Sciences Center.)

Requirements and Types

The principal requirements for an ultrasound contrast agent are that it should be easily introducible into the vascular system, be stable for the duration of the diagnostic examination, have low toxicity, and modify one or more acoustic properties of tissues that can be detected by ultrasound imaging. Although it is conceivable that applications will be found for ultrasound contrast agents that will justify their injection into arteries, the clinical context for contrast ultrasonography requires that these agents be capable of intravenous administration and intact passage through the heart and lungs. These are demanding specifications that have been met only in the past decade. The technology universally adopted is that of encapsulated bubbles of gas that are smaller than red blood cells and therefore capable of circulating freely in the pulmonary and systemic vasculature.

Contrast agents act by their presence in the vascular system, from where they are ultimately metabolized (“blood pool” agents), or by their selective uptake in tissue after a vascular phase. Of the properties of tissue that influence the ultrasound image, the most important are linear and nonlinear backscatter coefficient, attenuation, and acoustic propagation velocity. Most agents enhance the echo by increasing as much as possible the backscatter of the tissue that bears them, while increasing the attenuation in the tissue as little as possible, thus enhancing the echo from blood. More important, they change the nature of the echo from blood in a way that allows them to be imaged selectively in real time.

Blood Pool Agents

Free Gas Bubbles

Gramiak and Shah first used bubbles to enhance the blood echo in 1968. They injected agitated saline into the left ventricle during an echocardiographic examination and saw strong echoes within the lumen of the aorta. It was subsequently shown that these echoes originated from free bubbles of air that came out of solution either during agitation or at the catheter tip during injection. Agitated solutions of compounds such as indocyanine green and Renografin—already approved for intraarterial injection—were also used. The application of free gas as a contrast agent was confined to the heart, including evaluation of valvular insufficiency, intracardiac shunts, and cavity dimensions. The fundamental limitation of bubbles produced in this way is that they are large, so they are effectively filtered by the lungs, and unstable, so they go back into solution on the order of a second. Apart from occasional use in the echocardiography laboratory to identify shunts, free bubbles are rarely used as a contrast agent today.

Encapsulated Air Bubbles

To overcome the natural instability of free gas bubbles, various shell coatings were developed to create a more stable particle ( Table 3.1 ). In 1980 Carroll and colleagues encapsulated nitrogen bubbles in gelatin and injected them into the femoral artery of rabbits with VX2 tumors in the thigh. Although echo enhancement of the tumor rim was identified, the large diameter of the coated bubbles (80 µm) precluded administration by an intravenous route. The challenge to produce a stable encapsulated microbubble of a comparable size to that of a red blood cell and that could survive passage through the heart and the pulmonary capillary network was first met by Feinstein and colleagues in 1984, who produced microbubbles by sonication of a solution of human serum albumin and showed that it could be detected in the left side of the heart after a peripheral venous injection. This agent was subsequently developed commercially as Albunex (Mallinckrodt Medical, Inc., St. Louis, MO).

Regulatory and Marketing Status of Some Current Ultrasound Contrast Agents as of 2016
Name Company/Developer Composition (Shell/Gas) REGULATORY/MARKETING STATUS
Cardiology Indications Radiology Indications
Definity Lantheus Medical Imaging Lipid/perfluoropropane Approved in United States, Canada Approved in Canada, China, Australasia, Americas
Bracco Phospholipid/sulfur hexafluoride Approved in European Union, Canada Approved in 40 countries, including European Union, Canada, China, United States
Optison GE Healthcare Sonicated albumin/octafluoropropane Approved in European Union, United States, Canada Suspended development
Sonazoid GE Healthcare and Daiichi Sankyo Lipid perfluorobutane Clinical development Approved in Japan, Korea, Norway
Clinical development in European Union, United States
biSphere Point Biomedical Polymer bilayer/air Suspended development Suspended development
Imagify Acusphere Polymer/perfluorobutane Clinical development Suspended development
PESDA Porter Sonicated albumin/perfluorocarbon Not commercially developed Not commercially developed
BR55 Bracco Lipopeptide VEGFR-2–targeted/perfluorocarbon Clinical development
VEGFR, Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor.

Another approach to stabilizing an air bubble is to add a lipid shell upon dissolution of a dry powder. Levovist (Schering AG, Berlin, Germany), is a dry mixture comprising 99.9% microcrystalline galactose microparticles and 0.1% palmitic acid. On dissolving in sterile water, the galactose disaggregates into microparticles, which provide an irregular surface for the adherence of microbubbles 3 to 4 µm in size. Stabilization of the microbubbles takes place as they become coated with palmitic acid, which separates the gas/liquid interface and slows their dissolution. The resulting microbubbles have a median bubble diameter of about 3 µm with the 97th percentile at approximately 6 µm and are sufficiently stable for transit through the pulmonary circuit. The agent is chemically related to its predecessor Echovist (Schering), a galactose agent that forms larger bubbles and that has been used principally for visualization of nonvascular ductal structures such as the fallopian tubes. Numerous early studies with Levovist demonstrated its capacity to traverse the pulmonary bed in sufficient concentrations to enhance both color and spectral Doppler signals, as well as gray-scale examinations using nonlinear imaging modes such as pulse inversion imaging. Levovist remains approved for use in the European Union, Canada, Japan, and numerous other countries, although not the United States. Many clinical applications of intravenous contrast were pioneered using Levovist, which has now given way to the so-called “second-generation” agents and is no longer marketed.

Second-Generation Agents

Second-generation agents were designed both to increase backscatter enhancement and to last longer in the bloodstream by taking advantage of low-solubility gases such as perfluorocarbons. These heavier gases diffuse more slowly through the bubble shell and have much lower solubility in blood. Optison (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI) (see Fig. 3.1A ) is a perfluoropropane-filled albumin shell with a size distribution similar to that of its predecessor, Albunex. It is currently approved for cardiology indications in the European Union, the United States, and Canada. SonoVue (Bracco, Milan, Italy) uses sulfur hexafluoride in a phospholipid shell and is available for cardiology and radiology indications in the European Union, China, and a number of other countries; it is approved in the United States under the name Lumason. Definity (Lantheus Medical Imaging, North Billerica, MA) (see Fig. 3.1B ) comprises a perfluoropropane microbubble coated with a flexible bilipid shell, which also showed improved stability and high enhancement at low doses. It is currently approved for cardiology and radiology indications in Canada, Australasia, and a number of Central and South American countries, and for cardiology indications in the United States. Finally, Sonazoid (Daiichi Sankyo, Tokyo, Japan and GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI) consists of a perfluorobutane bubble in a lipid shell and is currently approved for radiology indications in countries such as Japan and Korea. It should be noted that although these bubbles are very small, they are large when compared with the molecules and particles used as contrast agents for computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which diffuse through the fenestrated endothelium of blood vessels into the interstitium. Thus x-ray and magnetic resonance contrast-enhanced images frequently show an “interstitial” or “parenchymal” phase of enhancement, which may be used to identify hyperpermeable vascular structures, such as those involved with tumor angiogenesis. Microbubbles, on the other hand, are of a size comparable to that of a red blood cell, so they go where a red blood cell goes (see Fig. 3.2 ) and, more important, do not go where a red blood cell does not go. They are clinical radiology's first pure blood pool contrast agent.

Selective Uptake Agents

An ideal blood pool agent displays the same flow dynamics as blood itself, and is ultimately metabolized from the blood pool. Agents such as Definity, SonoVue, and Optison are generally not detected outside the vascular system, and therefore come close to this ideal. Contrast preparations can be made, however, that are capable of providing ultrasound enhancement during their metabolism as well as while in the blood pool. Colloidal suspensions of liquids droplets such as perfluoroctylbromide and microbubble agents with certain shell properties are taken up by the reticuloendothelial system, from where they ultimately are excreted. There they may provide contrast from within the liver parenchyma, demarking the distribution of Kupffer cells. Agents such as Levovist and Sonazoid provide “late-phase” enhancement in the parenchyma of the liver and spleen after having cleared from the vascular system, allowing detection of Kupffer cell–poor lesions such as cancers.

A typical dose of an ultrasound contrast agent is on the order of 10s of microliters of bubble suspension per kilogram of body weight, so a whole-body dose might be on the order of 0.1 to 1 mL. Fig. 3.3 shows the enhancement of the echo from systemic arterial blood after a peripheral venous injection of a second-generation agent. A first-pass peak occurs, followed by recirculation and washout as the agent is eliminated over the next few minutes. By infusing the bubbles through a saline drip or pump, a steady enhancement lasting up to 20 minutes can be obtained. The small amount of perfluorocarbon gas goes into solution in the blood and is ultimately excreted by the lungs and liver. The trace amount of shell material is reduced to biocompatible elements that, in the case of the commonly used agents, are already present in the blood.

FIG. 3.3, Arterial Blood Echo Enhancement Following an Intravenous Bolus of Optison at Increasing Doses.

The Need for Bubble-Specific Imaging

One of the major diagnostic objectives in using an ultrasound contrast agent in a solid organ is to detect flow at the perfusion—that is, the arteriolar and capillary—level. The peak enhancement in Fig. 3.3 is more than 30 dB, corresponding to a 1000-fold increase in the power of the ultrasound echo from blood. Although this may seem impressive, it does not necessarily help ultrasound to image perfusion. The echoes from blood associated with such flow, in the hepatic sinusoids for example, exist in the midst of echoes from the surrounding solid structures of the liver parenchyma, echoes that are almost always stronger than even the contrast-enhanced blood echo. When they can be seen, blood vessels in a nonenhanced image have a low echo level, so an echo-enhancing agent actually lowers the contrast between blood and the surrounding tissue, making the lumen of the blood vessel less visible. Thus in order to be able to image flow in small vessels of the liver, a contrast agent is required that either enhances the blood echo to a level that is substantially higher than that of the surrounding tissue or can be used with a method for suppressing the echo from noncontrast-bearing structures. Bubble-specific imaging methods provide this capability.

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