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A standard is a technical specification or other document which is available to the public. Such standards are drawn up with the cooperation and consensus or general approval of all interested parties affected by it. Standards should be based on the consolidated results of science, technology and experience and aimed at the promotion of optimum community benefits and approved by a body recognised on the national, regional or international level.
In the case of contact lens practice and manufacture, there are three categories of standards which are commonly referred to:
terminology – a collection of definitions which will enable us all to speak the same language
product specifications – a list of the tolerances that are applicable to the dimensions of the products we are dealing with
test methods – a series of methods which are (preferably) widely available, well understood and which if used according to carefully drawn protocols will credibly determine the dimensions of the products we are dealing with.
There are other categories of standards which are principally to provide information, but as far as commerce in the field of contact lenses is concerned the three categories above are all we are interested in.
The methods used to determine lens dimensions should preferably be generally available. However, this may not always be possible in a field where new technologies are emerging.
In order to validate a test method, it is subjected to a ring test in which representative commercial samples are measured in a number of centres by independent operators using different instruments. Sometimes, the ‘instrument’ may be better described as an ‘apparatus’ as, for example, in the case of determination of oxygen permeability for contact lens materials. This approach is described as an interlaboratory test conducted under conditions of reproducibility . There is an International Standard (ISO 5725) which describes statistical procedures that can be applied to the outcome of such ring tests to provide a statement of the ‘believability’ or ‘credibility’ of the method. For example, it may be interesting to know how credible a single measurement of the power of a soft lens is if measured on a focimeter in air. Alternatively, it might be interesting to know how many measurements would be necessary in order to be reasonably confident (‘reasonably confident’ usually means 95% confident) that the result was credible at, say, the 0.25 dioptre level. A ring test establishes these and other parameters of a particular method. Because of this, it has been agreed at ISO level that all contact lens test methods which are included in the standardisation process will be assessed by means of an international ring test.
Even with this approach, in the case of contact lenses it is not always possible to have standards as well-founded as we would like. The field of contact lenses is a rapidly changing one, with new products, materials and measurement technologies arriving continuously. In such circumstances, it is frequently necessary to make a judgement between the desirability of only standardising established technologies and the pressure of the regulated marketplace, where standards are used to help implement national or international directives that are intended to maintain and improve levels of health and safety by promoting fair competition. It is essential to publish standards which will benefit the manufacturing industry and the clinical profession in its widest sense while monitoring the performance of new and developing technologies so as to end up with standards which will stand the test of time.
An interesting case study is the measurement of power of soft contact lenses while the lenses are immersed in saline. (The same methods would equally measure the powers of rigid lenses immersed in saline, but that is of only passing interest). While it is possible to believably determine the power of spherical soft lenses in air using the focimeter by blotting the lenses and measuring them carefully, it turns out that if one tries to apply the same method to toric soft lenses, the repeatability and reproducibility are very poor; too poor, in fact, to be useful. Again, if one wants to determine the power characteristics of either a multifocal or progressively powered soft lens, the focimeter is not suitable. It is generally agreed, then, that it is desirable to have an automated method for the determination of power-related parameters for soft lenses while they are immersed in saline, especially in the case of toric, multifocal and progressively powered lenses.
A curiosity emerges here: We are really interested in the power-related parameters in air, but we would like to measure them while immersed in saline so as to address the problems of drying and deformation which occur if we try to blot the lens and measure it on the focimeter. In order to get back to the powers in air, it is necessary to subject the powers in saline to mathematical analysis. For this reason, measurement technologies to determine the powers of soft lenses immersed in saline have had to wait for the development of the personal computer to become a commercially realistic proposition.
Currently, there are at least six instruments available which claim capability to measure the power of soft lenses immersed in saline. It is now suggested that all such measurement devices can be referred to as wavefront sensors . Unfortunately, there is no shared technology or analysis across the available instruments due to commercial intellectual property sensitivity. Some of the available instruments have been assessed by international ring test and found to be ‘suitable’ in the sense that power-related parameters can be credibly determined by means of relatively few replicate measurements. It is also possible to structure a standard which will apply to any of the available methods/instruments by bracketing them as ‘wavefront sensors’; this would enable any such instrument to be included in the standardisation process. Such bracketing should not remove the requirement to test each new instrument rigorously by means of an independent ring test.
A further issue which is not currently addressed is that, under ISO rules, it is necessary to identify one of the methods as the ‘reference method’ in the event of commercial disputes. However, the rivalry among the suppliers of the competing technologies is such that this is not easy. The task of obtaining a consensus can be difficult at an international level and requires patient diplomacy and some firmness of purpose.
The current ISO (also a European and British standard) on contact lens terminology is BS EN ISO 18369–1:2017, Ophthalmic optics – Contact lenses – Part 1: Vocabulary, classification system and recommendations for labelling specifications.
Table 30.1 gives the key terms as defined in this standard, while the symbols as applied to a spherical lens are shown in Fig. 30.1 .
Dimension/Term | Symbol 1 | Abbreviation 1 |
Back optic zone radius | r 0 | BOZR |
Back peripheral radius | r 1 , r 2 , … | BPR1, … |
Front optic zone radius | r a0 | FOZR |
Front peripheral radius | r a1 , r a2 , … | FPR1, … |
Back optic zone diameter | Ø 0 | BOZD |
Back peripheral zone diameters | Ø 1 , Ø 2 , … | BPZD1, … |
Total diameter | Ø T | TD |
Front optic zone diameter | Ø a0 | FOZD |
Front peripheral zone diameters | Ø a1 , Ø a2 , … | FPZD1, … |
Geometric centre thickness | t C | CT |
Harmonic mean thickness | t HM | HMT |
Peripheral junction thickness | t PJ1 , t PJ2 , … | TPJ1, TPJ2, … |
Radial edge thickness 2 | t ER | RET |
Axial edge thickness 3 | t EA | AET |
Axial edge lift | l EA | AEL |
Radial edge lift | l ER | REL |
Back vertex power | F' V | BVP |
Oxygen flux | j | [none] |
Oxygen permeability | Dk | Dk |
Oxygen transmissibility | Dk/t | Dk/t |
1 The terms and symbols are specified in BS EN ISO 18369_1:2017. The abbreviations are suggested by the author.
2 Radial edge thickness is defined as the thickness of a contact lens along a line that passes through the centre of the vertex sphere and intersects the lens at a specified point. It is measured normal to the front surface at a specified point near the edge (see Fig. 30.4 ).
3 Axial edge thickness is defined as axial thickness at a defined distance from the edge. The symbol for axial edge thickness depends on the number of curves on the front surface. In the case of a lenticular front surface, it is t EA1 (see Fig. 30.4 ).
In an attempt to show realistic lens dimensions, two scale drawings of typical contact lenses are included. Fig. 30.2 shows a typical multicurve (in this case four-curve) rigid lens, drawn to scale. This is a fair representation of the majority of corneal rigid lenses which are currently supplied.
Fig. 30.3 shows a typical minus-powered soft lens. This is also a fair representation of the overwhelming majority of soft lenses, both hydrogel and silicone hydrogel. Most current commercial high-volume lenses will have a back surface composed of either one or two coaxially arranged spherical radii. The front surface frequently has three coaxially arranged radii, with the first peripheral radius used to provide a relatively thick zone in the mid-periphery which is intended to improve lens handling. In cases in which the lens is designed to have aberration-controlled optics, the front central optic zone will have an aspheric geometry which is intended to give the lens an approximately uniform power profile. If aberration-controlled optics are not incorporated, the arrangement of the lens geometry will be as shown in Fig. 30.3 .
Test methods for the physico-chemical properties of contact lens materials, including the determination of oxygen permeability, are specified in BS EN ISO 18369–4:2017, Ophthalmic optics – Contact lenses – Part 4: Physico-chemical properties of contact lens materials.
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