Compression hip screw fixation of intertrochanteric femoral fractures

Internal fixation is appropriate for most intertrochanteric femoral fractures. Optimal fixation is based on the stability of the fracture. The mainstay of treatment of intertrochanteric fractures is fixation with a screw-side plate device or intramedullary device.

Patient positioning

  • Place the patient on a fracture table with a perineal post.

  • Either place the foot of the contralateral lower extremity in a boot and scissor the leg (unaffected hip extended relative to the injured side) or use a well-leg holder ( Fig. 28.1 ).

    Figure 28.1, “Scissor” position for compression hip screw fixation of intertrochanteric femoral fracture .

  • Place the affected extremity into a boot after the reduction maneuver has been carried out. We typically place the affected extremity in 20 to 30 degrees of hip flexion.

  • Position the fluoroscopy unit on the contralateral side or between the patient’s legs depending on the position of the uninjured leg. Adequate fluoroscopy must be attainable before proceeding.

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