Complications of the Periacetabular Osteotomy for Treatment of Adolescent Hip Dysplasia


Acetabular dysplasia is a condition defined by insufficient acetabular coverage of the femoral head. In addition to pain and variable hip instability, the dysplastic morphology is associated with increased loading of the anterolateral acetabular rim, chondrolabral injury, and early onset and accelerated progression of secondary osteoarthritis – often resulting in the need for total hip arthroplasty by an early age. In skeletally mature adolescents and young adult patients, structural deformity correction prior to the development of advanced osteoarthritis allows for reduced pain and improved function with maintenance of the native hip joint by altering the natural history of this disorder.

The mainstay of modern surgical treatment of acetabular dysplasia is the Bernese periacetabular osteotomy (PAO), first described by Dr. Reinhold Ganz and colleagues in 1988. The PAO attempts to normalize acetabular coverage of the femoral head through a series of osteotomies that provide complete mobility of the acetabular fragment while maintaining posterior column continuity. Reorientation of the acetabulum relative to the femoral head is then performed, correcting deficiencies in femoral head coverage, medializing the joint center, and normalizing loading of the anterolateral acetabular rim.

The PAO has been shown not only to reliably achieve short-term improvements in pain, quality of life, and hip function but also, in many cases, to alter the natural history of hip dysplasia and significantly prolong the time to (or need for) joint replacement – in some cases, by up to 30 years. However, the complexity and steep learning curve of the PAO introduce considerable potential for a number of perioperative complications. The PAO is a technically challenging procedure, with some osteotomies performed blindly by feel, as well as generally fluoroscopic confirmation. Minor complications (defined as those not requiring reintervention) have been reported to occur at rates of 11% to 29%, and major complications (those requiring reoperation or resulting in permanent disability) at rates of 3.5% to 6.0%. In 2014, Zaltz et al. and the Academic Network of Conservational Hip Outcomes Research group published a multicenter prospective study characterizing the complications associated with PAO. This study prospectively followed 205 patients who underwent PAO performed by experienced surgeons. There was a total complication rate of 34.6%, with 5.9% (12 patients) experiencing major complications (grade III or IV Dindo-Clavien Classification) and 9 patients requiring repeat surgical intervention. Fifty-nine patients had minor complications (grade I or II Dindo-Clavien Classification), of which asymptomatic heterotopic ossification (HO) was the most common. This chapter will provide an overview of the most commonly reported complications ( Table 28.1 ) and highlight strategies for minimizing their risk of occurrence.

Table 28.1
Complications by Reported Frequency
Complication Reported Risk a
  • Nerve injury

  • Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve

  • Sciatic nerve

  • Femoral nerve

  • Arterial bleed/hematoma

  • Fracture

  • Wound complications

  • Heterotopic ossification

  • Delayed union/nonunion of osteotomy

  • Osteonecrosis

  • Venous thromboembolism

  • Deep infection

  • Acetabular migration


a Cumulative prevalence across reporting studies (cited) in the literature.

Preoperative Considerations

Surgeon Experience/Learning Curve

In a 1999 report by Dr. Ganz examining 508 PAO cases, it was noted that 85% of technical complications occurred within the first 50 cases. Davey and Santore found a nearly six fold decrease in major complication rate between their initial 35 cases (17%) and their subsequent 35 cases (2.9%). Similar observations have since been noted by a number of other authors, suggesting a substantial learning curve associated with the PAO.

Attempts to mitigate and/or accelerate this substantial learning curve are thus critical to overall complication risk reduction. Advanced fellowship training with a surgeon experienced in proper technique is now more feasible than in the past. Additionally, during early “independent” practice, access to an expert mentor for case discussion/progress monitoring and regular operation with an experienced cosurgeon have been suggested as means to achieve this.

Operative Time

Operative time is influenced by a number of factors, including patient pathology, surgeon technical skill/experience, and operating room team cohesiveness. Considering these factors, it is not surprising that increased operative time has been associated with complications with PAO. Factors shown to improve surgical time and patient outcomes include a trained, cohesive operating room team, use of care pathways, and operating with a second, trained attending surgeon.

Patient Selection

Careful patient selection is a critical early step in complication mitigation and overall outcome optimization. Ideal candidates for PAO are patients who are relatively young (≤30 years) with good to excellent hip joint congruency and minimal evidence of osteoarthritis. Older patient age (>40 years), joint incongruency, evidence of osteoarthritis (Tonnis grade ≥2), and increased preoperative disability have been described as significant independent risk factors for poor outcomes. In some cases older patients with healthy cartilage and younger physiologic age, as well as some patients with severe disability at presentation, can still have excellent outcomes.

Obesity has increasingly been recognized as a significant risk factor for perioperative complications and should be factored into decision-making on a patient-specific basis. A large multicenter study noted a nearly seven fold increase in the major complication rate in obese patients (body mass index [BMI] >30) (22.3%) compared to nonobese patients (3.1%). Wound complications requiring reoperation were particularly frequent among obese patients, with 11% requiring reoperation for deep infection and 15% requiring reoperation for superficial infection. Excess adipose tissue may also obscure anatomic landmarks and/or complicate instrument positioning for the osteotomies of the PAO. Though perioperative risk reduction strategies for these patients and their efficacy have yet to be fully explored, it remains important to consider BMI in patient selection and preoperative planning. Weight loss prior to surgery may be beneficial for patients in this higher-risk group to minimize their complication risk.

The most common indication and underlying diagnosis for PAO is idiopathic hip dysplasia. Although some debate exists on the etiology of that dysplasia (missed/residual childhood dysplasia vs. adolescent-onset dysplasia), this is primarily referred to as developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). Many other conditions do have associated hip instability and hip undercoverage, though, including Down syndrome, Elhers–Danlos, Charcot–Marie–Tooth, post-Perthes deformities, and cerebral palsy. While these patients do have significant improvement with PAO, there is a higher risk of complications as compared to patients with an underlying DDH diagnosis. Patients with these conditions should be counseled appropriately.

Surgical Planning and Treatment Selection

Prior pelvic reconstructive surgery is not uncommon in this population and may be associated with increased complication risk. The authors of one study, for instance, noted a higher rate of nerve injuries in a cohort with prior reconstructive surgery compared to a cohort undergoing primary surgery, which they attributed to greater degrees of deformity correction in this group and potential retraction of neurovascular structures, as well as increased susceptibility to stretch injuries and retraction secondary to scar tissue and nerve adhesions. Clinical improvement following PAO in these patients may also be more modest relative to patients undergoing primary surgery. This highlights several challenging aspects to PAO in patients with prior pelvic surgery.

Adjunct procedures performed concurrently with the PAO, including hip arthroscopy and open femoral osteochondroplasty, have increasingly been utilized to address associated pathologies of the hip, achieve comprehensive correction of deformity in a single surgical setting, and minimize risk of persistent and/or recurrent symptoms. Frequently associated pathologies and their respective treatments are summarized in Table 28.2 . Complication risk with combination surgeries appear to be no higher than the risks posed by these treatments performed as isolated procedures.

Table 28.2
Common Concomitant Pathologies and Treatments
Additional Pathology Recommended Treatment
Labral pathology Full-thickness labral tears and large degenerative labrums may be associated with persistent symptomatology, and repair can be considered in selected patients. Our preference is via arthroscopy immediately prior to the periacetabular osteotomy (PAO), in the same surgical setting.
Femoroacetabular impingement Cam-type deformities may be present in up to 40% of patients with acetabular dysplasia. Impingement can be worsened (or iatrogenically induced, if not initially present) following the acetabular reorientation of the PAO. Dynamic exam should be performed after PAO reduction, and corrective femoral osteoplasty performed through the PAO incision in hips with <20 degrees of internal rotation in 90-degree flexion after acetabular reorientation.
Joint incongruity In the setting of severe proximal deformity, concomitant femoral osteotomy may be considered to help obtain concentric reduction.

Brief Summary of Procedure

The PAO is performed through a modified anterior Smith-Peterson approach and consists of a series of four osteotomies about the acetabulum. A traditional curved Smith-Peterson incision or bikini-style incision can be utilized. The traditional Smith-Peterson incision may have a slightly higher rate of wound issues as it crosses the groin crease. The interval between the tensor fascia and sartorius is entered laterally to minimize risk to the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. This interval is deepened to the rectus tendon. This interval is then connected proximally to the inner table via subperiosteal elevation of the external oblique and inner table after an anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) osteotomy. Subperiosteal exposure is then gained on the quadrilateral plate and the superior rami. A plane is developed medial to the rectus tendon between the hip capsule and iliopsoas. This is then further developed down to the infracotyloid space, and the first cut is performed on the ischium using a curved forked osteotome. The second cut is made along the superior ramus medial to the iliopectineal eminence at the level of the obturator foramen. Subperiostial placement of curved retractors is important for the ramus cut to protect the obturator neurovascular structures. The third cut is performed with an oscillating saw from the distal aspect of the ASIS osteotomy down the iliac wing, aiming at the sciatic notch and stopping 1 cm lateral to the pelvis brim. The fourth and final cut connects the first and third cuts down the posterior column between the joint and sciatic notch. The acetabular fragment is then mobilized and positioned into place with intraoperative radiography guidance and fixed with screws from the iliac wing after provisional fixation with Kirschner wires. Postoperative course typically involves a one- to two-night hospital stay and protected weightbearing of the operative limb for 4 to 6 weeks. Full recovery time is 3 to 4 months.

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