Complications of percutaneous coronary interventions

Key points

  • Complications remain rare during interventional procedures and prediction tools have been developed to help operators appreciate potential risks before the procedure.

  • Although avoidance of complications remains the primary goal, keen awareness must exist during the procedure to react quickly when complications arise to minimize its impact.

  • Access site complications remain the most frequent complications of coronary interventional procedures.

  • Cath lab staff and operators must routinely assess preparedness for treating complications, including ensuring that everyone is aware of where essential equipment is kept and understands the process of recruiting external help and resources to the lab when needed; it is also important to run “drills” to make sure that staff are skilled in performing key tasks when an emergency arises.

Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is associated with rare but serious complications. Most of the complications are generic to all diagnostic coronary angiography procedures, and some are specific to coronary intervention. Events like death, myocardial infarction (MI), and bleeding occur at higher rates for interventional procedures because there is prolonged procedural time, complexity, and the use of anticoagulation ( Tables 12.1 and 12.2 ). It is critical to understand the possible complications of PCI to provide proper informed consent to the patient. It is also critical to be vigilant and to recognize potential complications at an early stage to try to avoid a catastrophic outcome because the most common cause of all post-PCI deaths is from a procedural complication rather than from a preexisting cardiac condition. Fortunately, death is very rare with diagnostic angiography (<0.1%). The mortality rate increases 13 times with the addition of the complexity of PCI to 1.3% ( Table 12.3 ).

Table 12.1
Event Rates of Diagnostic Versus Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Complications
Complication Event Rate Diagnostic Procedure (%) Event Rate Interventional Procedure (%)
Death 0.1 1.3
Significant bleed 0.5 5–12
AV fistula 0.75 1.1
Pseudoaneurysm 0.2 1–2
Contrast-induced nephropathy 5 8–57
Periprocedural MI (>3 × ULN cardiac enzyme) 0.1 8
Air embolism 0.1–0.3 0.1–0.3
Cerebrovascular accident 0.3 0.3
Ventricular arrhythmia 0.4 0.84
Coronary dissection 0.03–0.46 29–50
Aortic dissection <0.01 0.03
Infection/bacteremia 0.11 0.64
Anaphylactoid reaction to contrast 0.23 0.23
Cholesterol embolization 0.8–1.4 0.8–1.4
AV, Arteriovenous; MI, myocardial infarction; ULN, upper limits of normal.

Table 12.2
Complications Specific to Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Complication Event Rate (%)
No reflow phenomenon 2
Stent thrombosis 2
Vessel perforation 0.84
Stent embolization 0.4–2
Need for emergent bypass surgery 0.15–0.3
Wire fracture 0.1
Stent infection <0.1 (case reports only)

Table 12.3
Modes of Death During Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Adapted from Malenka DJ, O’Rourke D, Miller MA, et al. Cause of in-hospital death in 12,232 consecutive patients undergoing percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Am Heart J. 1999;137(4):633; Table 1.
Mode of Death Event Rate (%)
Low output failure 66.1
Ventricular arrhythmias 10.7
Stroke 4.1
Preexisting renal failure 4.1
Bleeding 2.5
Ventricular rupture 2.5
Respiratory failure 2.5
Pulmonary embolism 1.7
Infection 1.7

Complications of PCI can occur at any step of the procedure, from the administration of sedation to the transfer as the patient leaves the laboratory. This chapter will discuss many of the possible complications in the order that they might be encountered during the procedure.

Preprocedural planning and risk prediction

Previously, operators in the catheterization (cath) lab attempted to improve outcomes by decreasing access-related complications—mainly by moving toward smaller French (F) sized sheaths and eventually by embracing radial artery catheterizations. Over the past years, the cath lab environment has changed with more widespread adoption of PCI for chronic total occlusions (CTOs) and large-bore femoral access for the insertion of mechanical support devices to support higher-risk and challenging PCI procedures. In taking on these higher-complexity procedures, increasing complications (numerically) logically follow. Therefore it may be worth understanding the contributors to mortality associated with “modern” PCI.

A recent review of PCI procedures revealed that the factors most strongly associated with mortality were salvage PCI procedures, patients in refractory shock, or those undergoing PCI while in cardiogenic shock ( Fig 12.1A ). Nevertheless, emergency PCI in patients without shock was also strongly associated with mortality, as was PCI performed in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease. As noted in Fig. 12.1B , most of the mortality after PCI is isolated in those at the highest risk. The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI) also has a risk calculator that can inform treating physicians about procedural risk ( ).

Figure 12.1, Predictors of Mortality After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI). (A) Top portion shows clinical features that were predictive of mortality after PCI, and the lower panel shows relative weight (points) that these factors had in developing the post-PCI mortality risk model. (B) Left shows observed and predicted mortality in patients post-PCI as observed by quintile of risk and right shows the distribution of patients according to risk score.

All patients who present for PCI with a higher risk for mortality should have a documented discussion with the institution’s “Heart Team” (consisting of cardiac surgery, interventional cardiology, and the treating physician[s]) regarding the nuances of proceeding with a catheter-based procedure despite higher risk. Furthermore, the patient, the patient’s family, and all the team members in the cath lab should be fully aware of this discussion and the risk of the procedure before proceeding.


As previously stated, complications in the cath lab remain a rare occurrence, and this creates a barrier to prompt recognition and potential treatment because most in the lab will not have the benefit of experience in complication recognition. Some have advocated for “protocolized” thinking when overall experiential knowledge has difficulty guiding decision making. One such protocol was put together by a group of experienced operators to go through the “basic” steps when a complication is suspected ( Fig. 12.2 ). The key aspect to this flow chart is the importance of assessing the hemodynamic stability of the patient and calling for help early.

Figure 12.2, Suggested algorithm outlining a step-by-step approach when a complication is suspected in the cath lab.

To ensure as much preparedness for complications and emergent scenarios as possible, labs should consider conducting “mock” events—practicing the steps needed to deal with potentially catastrophic emergencies and having team members perform their defined roles during the emergency on a regular basis. Furthermore, Box 12.1 outlines equipment and resources that every lab should make sure that they have accounted for before performing any PCI.

Box 12.1
Modified from Doll JA, Hira RS, Kearney KE, et al. Management of percutaneous coronary intervention complications: Algorithms from the 2018 and 2019 Seattle percutaneous coronary intervention complications conference. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2020;13(6):e008962.
Recommended Equipment and Resources for Managing PCI Complications

In the Room Mechanical circulatory support tools/devices (ECMO or Impella)
ACLS drugs, airway management tools (Crash Cart)
Ability to rapidly call for help (code button)
On a Cart / Immediately Accessible Pericardiocentesis tray
Covered stents
Coils and microcatheters suitable for delivery
In-Hospital (with ability to rapidly respond) Cardiothoracic surgeon and team (including perfusionist)
Vascular surgeon
Critical Care Team
ACLS , Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support; ECMO , extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; PCI , percutaneous coronary intervention.

Vascular access

The first part of any PCI begins with vascular access. Using the femoral access, the major complications are femoral artery dissections ( Fig. 12.3 ), pseudoaneurysm, arteriovenous (AV) fistula, and retroperitoneal bleeding. As seen in Table 12.1 , the incidence of these complications is increased compared with a strictly diagnostic procedure. All arterial complications are markedly reduced (but are not eliminated) using the radial artery access.

Figure 12.3, (A) Cine angiogram frame of femoral artery dissection. This problem may be associated with limb ischemia or bleeding. It may require surgery but more often can be treated by contralateral access and implantation of iliac stent. (B) Ultrasound picture of a pseudoaneurysm ( P ) arising from the common femoral artery (CFA). The circular color object is the hematoma, which is fed by blood flow from the artery through the characteristic narrow neck ( N ).

Femoral access complications


Often associated with a low puncture, a femoral artery pseudoaneurysm represents a failure of sealing of the initial arterial puncture site, allowing arterial blood to flow into the surrounding tissue. This forms a pulsatile hematoma that acts as the covering roof over the aneurysm (see Fig. 12.3 ). Pseudoaneurysms are late appearing, associated with local pain and swelling, and diagnosed with femoral ultrasound with an excellent sensitivity of 94% to 97%. There are multiple risk factors for pseudoaneurysm ( Box 12.2 ).

Box 12.2
Risk Factors for Pseudoaneurysm Formation

Procedural factors

  • Catheterization of both artery and vein

    • Cannulation of the superficial femoral or profunda femoris rather than common femoral

    • Inadequate compression after procedure

    • More anticoagulation used

Patient factors

  • Obesity

    • Hemodialysis

    • Calcified arteries

Small pseudoaneurysms (<2 cm) often close spontaneously within 1 month. In larger pseudoaneurysms, or in small ones that fail to close, active treatment is necessary. The two most common treatment methods are ultrasound-guided compression or thrombin injection. In some hospitals, ultrasound-guided compression is not offered because of increased stress-related wrist injury to the ultrasound technician. Other advantages of thrombin injection over ultrasound compression are seen in Box 12.3 .

Box 12.3
Advantages of Thrombin Injection Compared With Ultrasound Compression for Management of Pseudoaneurysm

  • Greater technical success (96% vs. 74%)

    • Less painful to the patient and technician

    • No conscious sedation required

    • Effective in patients on anticoagulation

    • Can be used in pseudoaneurysms above the inguinal ligament

Thrombin injection can be performed by diluting 1000 U thrombin in a 1-mL syringe with normal saline (final concentration of 100 U per 0.1 mL) and injecting with direct ultrasound visualization through a long 22-gauge needle until thrombus is formed in the pseudoaneurysm cavity and Doppler-detected flow is abolished ( Fig. 12.4 ). Rarely, in very large pseudoaneurysms and those resistant to thrombin injection, vascular surgery is required.

Figure 12.4, (A) Schematic representation of the technique used to inject thrombin into a pseudoaneurysm under ultrasound guidance. (B) Cine angiogram of arteriovenous fistula. Contrast visualized in the vein returning cranially indicates a communication with the artery (i.e., a fistula). Treatment is described in the text.

Arteriovenous fistula

Another complication of vascular access is a femoral AV fistula formation (see Fig. 12.4 ). This is recognized on physical examination by a palpable thrill or an audible continuous bruit. Unlike pseudoaneurysms, conservative treatment with watchful waiting is the most common treatment modality (90%), which is likely related to the fact that AV fistulae produce low shunt blood flow volumes (160–510 mL/min) compared with most large intracardiac (e.g., left to right) shunts or dialysis shunts (1000 mL/min). One-third of persistent AV fistulae will close during the first 12 months. Most persistent AV fistulae are asymptomatic and do not require repair. Rarely, they can be symptomatic (moderate pain) and, in large patient series, about 10% of AV fistulae will ultimately require surgical repair. AV shunt flows must exceed 30% of the cardiac output to produce symptoms, and therefore it is quite rare to have a truly symptomatic shunt from a femoral AV fistula. The main risk factor for development of an AV fistula is a low femoral arterial puncture, which is responsible for almost 85% of all AV fistulae.


A rare complication of groin access is systemic infection. SCAI has detailed infection control guidelines for the cardiac cath lab. Proper sterile technique, including hand-washing and use of hats, masks, gown, and gloves, has limited bacterial infections to only 0.64% of interventional cases, with septic complications occurring in only 0.24% of cases. Routine antibiotic prophylaxis is not recommended before cardiac catheterization. Nevertheless, if there is any concern for contamination of the femoral sheath (transport between rooms, patient touching site, changing out sheaths in a delayed procedure), it is standard to give 1 g cephalexin as a prophylactic measure. If the patient is allergic, 1 g of vancomycin can be given alternatively.

An equally concerning infectious complication is the exposure of the physicians or staff to the patient’s potential pathogens. Universal precautions are to be followed by everyone in the catheterization laboratory. If there is an occupational exposure, proper management per hospital guidelines should be followed. See Box 12.4 for U.S. Public Health Service guidelines.

Box 12.4
Adapted from Chambers C, Eisenhauer M, McNicol L, et al. Infection control guidelines for the cardiac catheterization laboratory: Society guidelines revisited. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2006;67:85; Table 2.
ALT, Alanine aminotransferase; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; RPR, rapid plasma reagin.
Management of Occupational Exposure to Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis C Virus, and HIV

  • I.

    Definition: Direct contact with blood or body fluids (including percutaneous injury), contact of mucous membranes, or skin contact, especially if abraded.

  • II.


    • A.

      Clean site of exposure with soap and copious amounts of water; flush mucous membrane with large quantities of water.

    • B.

      Victim should report incident promptly, including patient/source information.

    • C.

      Provide wound care and review with victim tetanus and hepatitis B prophylaxis information.

    • D.

      Counsel and obtain consent for HIV testing from both victim and patient/source.

    • E.

      Order the following laboratory specimen with appropriate consent obtained:

      • 1.

        Victim: hepatitis C antibody, hepatitis B surface antigen, HIV

      • 2.

        Patient: hepatitis B surface antigen and core antibody, hepatitis C antibody, ALT, RPR, HIV

    • F.

      Review hepatitis B vaccination and response status of victim and follow postexposure prophylaxis to hepatitis B protocol.

    • G.

      If patient is hepatitis C positive or has elevated ALT:

      • 1.

        Follow postexposure prophylaxis to hepatitis B protocol.

      • 2.

        Follow up for anti-HIV therapy per protocol.

      • 3.

        Schedule hepatitis C and HIV testing for 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months.

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