Chondroitin Sulfate


  • CS has been recommended for use as a nutritional supplement to reduce joint pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis.

  • CS has been shown to have both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects on articular tissue; it modulates the anabolic/catabolic balance of the extracellular matrix.

  • CS is commonly used in conjunction with glucosamine to provide an alternative therapeutic option with minimal side effects as compared with traditional treatments such as NSAIDs.

  • Studies have demonstrated modest but significant reductions in pain, joint swelling, and effusion with an improvement in functional status after the use of CS, in particular when used in conjunction with glucosamine and with results comparable in efficacy to celecoxib.

  • Many such studies, however, are small or of short duration and may be unable to fully assess the long-term effects of CS on joint remodeling.

  • The use of exogenous glycosaminoglycans such as chondroitin in novel targeted chemotherapeutic interventions for the treatment of malignancy is in an early phase. Additionally, intravesical CS may be used to reduce bladder pain from interstitial cystitis.

Perioperative Risks

  • No specific anesthetic interactions or complications have been identified from the use of CS.

  • Use should be avoided in pts with shellfish allergy.

  • Hepatotoxicity has been recognized in a number of case reports in pts taking combined G-CS supplements

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