Cardiovascular Disease Risk of Nicotine and Tobacco Products

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Wild plants belonging to the Nicotiana genus were first domesticated and cultivated in the Americas. They were used by Amer-Indians for many centuries in religious and healing practices. Early European settlers in the Americas learned to use tobacco from Amerindians and exported tobacco products to Europe in the 16th century, where their use spread quickly. By 1670, nearly half the adult male population of England was smoking tobacco daily, and by 1680, the Jamestown colony in America was producing over 25 million pounds of tobacco per year for sale in Europe. In the 17th and the 18th century tobacco was widely chewed or smoked in pipes and cigars; however, paper cigarettes were introduced in the last decades of the 19th century. Because paper cigarettes are easier to manufacture, transport, carry, and use, they quickly became the most common form of tobacco use, and they remain so today. Nevertheless, tobacco continues to be used in many forms (hookah tobacco, chewing tobacco, cigars, pipes, bidis, and kreteks) and newer nicotine delivery devices (e-cigarettes, vape-pens, e-hookahs, and heated tobacco products [HTPs]) have been introduced in the market in the last decade.

Epidemiology of Tobacco Product Use

The use of tobacco in Europe and the United States continued to grow throughout the 18th and 19th century, and peaked after the World War II. However, even though the rates of smoking have declined since then, the absolute number of smokers across the globe has increased due to population growth. Currently, tobacco products are used by 1.3 billion people worldwide, and 6.5 trillion cigarettes are sold around the world each year. In the United States, 19.7% of the adults reported using tobacco products in 2018. Nearly 84% of current tobacco product users, use combustible products ( Fig. 28.1 ), 3.9% report using cigars/cigarillos/filtered little cigars, and 3.2% report using e-cigarettes. More men reported using tobacco products than women. Highest prevalence of tobacco product use is among those between 25 and 64 years of age (21% to 24%) than young adults of 18 to 24 years (17%), or older individuals who are more than 65 years old (12%). The prevalence of tobacco product use is similar between whites and Blacks, but lower among Asians and Hispanics (see Fig. 28.1 ). In the United States, the use of tobacco products also varies with region. In comparison with the Northeast and the West, tobacco product consumption is higher in the Midwestern and Southern states. The use of tobacco products is higher in those with a General Educational Diploma (GED; 41%) compared with those with no diploma (26%) or those with a high school or undergraduate degree (21% to 25%). It is much lower in those with a graduate degree (8.2%). Tobacco use also varies with income: 26% of those with income of less than $35,000 report using tobacco products, compared with only 14% of those making over $100,000 per year. Tobacco product use is much higher also in LGBTQ individuals (29.2%) than among those reporting a heterosexual orientation (19.5%). LGBTQ individuals are 1.5 times more likely to smoke cigarettes than those reporting a heterosexual orientation. Overall, there has been a substantial decrease in the use of tobacco products in the last decade. In 2005, nearly 21% adults reported using tobacco, which fell to 14% in 2018. Moreover, those who do report smoking report smoking fewer numbers of cigarettes than in the past. However, higher usage persists among individuals with low income or education, and among the LGBTQ community. This decrease, however, has been accompanied by a steep rise in the popularity electronic delivery devices, such as e-cigarettes, e-hookahs, or “vapes.”

FIGURE 28.1, Tobacco product use among U.S. adults (2018).

E-cigarettes were originally devised to aid smoking cessation and harm reduction in chronic smokers, but they have become remarkably popular among youth and youth adults, and their use continues to grow. In 2016, the overall use of e-cigarettes in the United States was 4.5%, which remained stable in 2017, but increased to 5.4% in 2018. This translates to 11.2 million e-cigarette users in 2016, and 13.7 million in 2018. The analysis of the National Youth Tobacco Survey shows that in 2019, 19.5% of high school students and 9.7% of middle school students reported ever using only e-cigarettes. The escalating use of e-cigarettes among youth and young adults is a public health emergency because it threatens to erode gains in tobacco prevention over the last several decades, particularly because youth who use e-cigarettes are at a higher risk of transitioning to smoking combustible cigarettes.

Like e-cigarettes, waterpipes/hookahs are also popular among youth and young adults. In a nationwide survey, 4.8% (95% confidence interval [CI] 4.1 to 5.7) of high school students in the United States reported smoking tobacco using a waterpipe in the prior 30 days, with similar rates among male and female students. Among adults, 7.5% (95% CI 6.8 to 8.2) report smoking waterpipe tobacco in the prior 30 days. This rate was higher among those between 15 and 17 years of age, and among those who identify themselves as bisexual or gay/lesbian. Smoking tobacco using a hookah/waterpipe seems to be gaining popularity. In the United Kingdom, for example, waterpipe use among youth is twice as common as cigarette smoking. However, most waterpipe/hookah use among youth is sporadic and in a social setting.

In addition to waterpipes and hookahs, cigars also remain popular tobacco products. Although their use seems to have declined in recent years, cigars, including little cigars and cigarillos, continue to remain in widespread use. In 2015, 12.5 million people in the United States aged 12 years or older were current cigar smokers. About 5.4% of adults reported ever use, and 2.3% reported using cigars exclusively, and 0.8% smoke cigars daily. Most cigar users are male, and white, with at least some college education. In contrast, cigarette smoking is more concentrated among those with less than a college education. Cigar smokers are also more likely to report nondaily use than cigarette users. In the United States, the prevalence of cigar smoking among adults is around 2.3%, and it has remained essentially unchanged from 2000 to 2015, although there has been a slight increase among females and Blacks. This increase has coincided with changes in cigar flavor availability, pack sizes, and price. As with other tobacco products, the prevalence of cigar smoking also seems to be sensitive to changes in federal taxation.

Health Effects of Tobacco

Accumulating research over the last 8 decades has documented a wide array of adverse health effects associated with the use of tobacco products. For several decades, tobacco product use has remained the number one cause of preventable death worldwide. In 2019, tobacco product use was the leading risk factor for mortality in men, and the seventh leading risk factor for women. For both sexes combined, exposure to tobacco (smoking, secondhand smoke exposure, and chewing tobacco) accounted for 8.71 million deaths. Tobacco accounted for 21.4% of all male deaths in the world that year. According to current estimates, the highest health burden imposed by tobacco use (estimated by disability adjusted life years [DALYs]) is in the Balkans, Poland, and Scotland, where the rates of smoking remain high. In these countries, nearly 20% of DALYs have been attributed to tobacco. In contrast, between 10% and 20% of DALYs in most other European countries could be attributed to tobacco. Canada, Russia, and many parts of Southeast Asia are also in the same category. For most of China, DALY estimates due to smoking are similar to that in Europe, except for a couple of provinces, where it exceeds 20%. In the United States, attributable burden is between 10% and 15% for most states, except for Kentucky and West Virginia, where DALY estimates vary between 17% and 20%.

Tobacco use increases the risk of disease and disability. Smoking significantly and robustly increases the risk of premature mortality (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.98; 95% CI 1.93 to 2.02). It harms nearly very organ system in the body; however, it does not affect all organs to the same extent. The lung and cardiovascular systems appear to be most vulnerable, and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs; including stroke) are the leading cause of death among smokers. These diseases kill more smokers over the age of 35 years (151,000) than lung cancer (127,700) or all respiratory diseases (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD], pneumonia, influenza, and tuberculosis, 113,100) combined. Despite reductions in the rate of smoking, tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure remain major causes of cardiovascular mortality, contributing to approximately 17% of all cardiovascular deaths globally, about 3 million deaths per year. In 2019, 35% to 36% mortality in both men and women tobacco users could be attributed to CVD, whereas neoplasms accounted for 32% of the mortality in male tobacco users and 16% in female tobacco users.

Cardiovascular Effects of Tobacco Products


Smoking cigarettes affects multiple forms of CVD. The risk of CVD due to smoking is in general lower than the risk of lung cancer. Individuals who smoke have a 9- to 10-fold higher risk of developing lung-cancer, and a 4-fold higher risk of COPD. In contrast, the relative CVD risk varies from 1.3 to 4. Nonetheless, smokers are at a particularly high risk of developing abdominal aortic aneurysm, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, peripheral artery disease (see Classic References, Price et al.) and sudden cardiac death. Patients with diabetes who smoke are also at greater risk as are individuals who continue to smoke after a cardiovascular procedure such as percutaneous coronary intervention or coronary artery bypass surgery. The relative risk (RR) for different cardiovascular conditions is shown in Table 28.1 . In many cases, the effects of smoking appear to be dose-dependent; the relative risk (RR) of peripheral artery disease among heavy smokers is 3.94 in heavy smokers, but 1.87 to 1.70 in moderate smokers. Similarly, it has been reported that the risk of nonfatal acute myocardial infarction (MI) (odds ratio [OR] = 2.95) increases by 5.6% for every additional cigarette smoked.

TABLE 28.1
Relative Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Current and Former Smokers
Cardiovascular Disease Relative Risk or Odds Ratio
Current Smoker Former Smoker
Atrial fibrillation a 1.32 (1.12-1.56) 1.09 (1.0-1.18)
Abdominal aortic aneurysm b 4.87 (3.93-6.02) 2.10 (1.76-2.50)
Heart failure c 1.75 (1.54-1.99) 1.16 (1.01-1.96)
Sudden cardiac death d 3.06 (2.46-3.82) 1.38 (1.20-1.60)
Stroke e 1.92 (1.49-2.48) 1.30 (0.93-1.81)
Peripheral artery disease f 3.94 (2.04-7.62)
Nonfatal MI g 2.95 (2.77-3.14) 1.87 (1.55-2.24)
Ischemic heart disease mortality h 1.79 (1.59-2.02)
Diabetes i all-cause mortality 1.48 (1.34-1.64)
Cardiovascular mortality 1.36 (1.22-1.52)
Coronary heart disease 1.54 (1.31-1.82)
Stroke 1.52 (1.25-1.83)
MI mortality after PCI/CABG j 1.15 (0.81-1.64) 1.19 (1.03-1.38)
Lung cancer k 8.93 (4.9-16.28)
COPD 4.01 (3.18-5.05)
Asthma m 1.61 (1.07-2.42)

CABG, Coronary artery bypass grafting; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; MI, myocardial infarction; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention.

For heavy smokers.

a Aune D, Schlesinger S, Norat T, Riboli E. Tobacco smoking and the risk of atrial fibrillation: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2018;25:1437-1451.

b Aune D, Schlesinger S, Norat T, Riboli E. Tobacco smoking and the risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. Sci Rep 2018;8:14786.

c Aune D, Schlesinger S, Norat T, Riboli E. Tobacco smoking and the risk of heart failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2019;26:279-288.

d Aune D, Schlesinger S, Norat T, Riboli E. Tobacco smoking and the risk of sudden cardiac death: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. Eur J Epidemiol 2018;33:509-521.

e Pan B, Jin X, Jun L, Qiu S, et al. The relationship between smoking and stroke: A meta-analysis. Medicine (Baltimore) 2019;98:e14872.

f Price JF, Mowbray PI, Lee AJ, et al. Relationship between smoking and cardiovascular risk factors in the development of peripheral arterial disease and coronary artery disease: Edinburgh Artery Study. Eur Heart J 1999;20:344-353.

g,h Teo KK, Ounpuu, S, Hawken S, et al. Tobacco use and risk of myocardial infarction in 52 countries in the INTERHEART study: A case-control study. Lancet 2006;368:647-658.

i Qin R, Chen T, Lou Q, Yu D. Excess risk of mortality and cardiovascular events associated with smoking among patients with diabetes: Meta-analysis of observational prospective studies. Int J Cardiol 2013;167:342-350.

j Ma WQ, Wang Y, Sun XJ, et al. Impact of smoking on all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events in patients after coronary revascularization with a percutaneous coronary intervention or coronary artery bypass graft: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Coron Artery Dis 2019;30:367-376.

k O’Keeffe LM, Taylor G, Huxley RR, et al. Smoking as a risk factor for lung cancer in women and men: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open 2018;8:e021611.

l,m Jayes L, Haslam PL, Gratziou CG, et al. SmokeHaz: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the effects of smoking on respiratory health. Chest 2016;150:164-179.

Although the adverse health effects of smoking are widely recognized, there is surprising lack of understanding of the mechanisms by which smoking impairs cardiovascular health and the specific harmful or potentially harmful substances (HPHCs) in tobacco smoke responsible for cardiovascular injury have not been clearly identified. Nonetheless, extensive evidence suggests that one of the key targets of smoking is the endothelium. In humans, smoking acutely causes endothelial cell damage (see Classic References, Blann et al.), diminishes endothelium-mediated relaxation, and long-term smoking is associated with impaired endothelium-dependent relaxation in conduit and coronary arteries (see Classic References, Barua et al. and Campisi et al.). These changes have been linked to a decrease in the bioavailability of nitric oxide in smokers. Smoking-induced vascular dysfunction not only affects blood pressure regulation, but by altering the integrity of the vessel wall, it promotes the formation of atherosclerotic lesions as well. It has been found that cigarette smoking is an independent predictor of new coronary lesion formation and that smoking is associated with a consistent increase in intimal-medial thickness of the carotid artery.

In addition to its hemodynamic and vascular effects, smoking could promote atherosclerosis also by affecting lipid metabolism. Many studies have shown that compared with nonsmokers, smokers have higher levels of serum cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol, but lower levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol (see Chapter 27 ). But, because smoking is also associated with nutritional changes, it is unclear whether the changes in lipid profile are a direct effect of smoking or dietary differences between smokers and nonsmokers. The high-triglyceride/HDL ratio in smokers has been suggested to be related to insulin resistance; however, the relationship between smoking and diabetes is complex, and the effects of smoking on diabetes seem to vary with race and smoking intensity, but mild-to-moderate insulin resistance may be a key link between cigarette smoking and CVD.

Cigarette smoking can also increase the risk of CVD by affecting thrombosis and coagulation. Smokers have higher circulating levels of fibrinogen, and platelets isolated from smokers show increased aggregation (see Chapter 95 ). Smoking also affects tissue factor (TF) and TF pathway inhibitor-1, and it increase blood viscosity, red blood cell counts, and hematocrit, thereby creating a prothrombotic state, which could increase the acute thrombotic responses upon plaque rupture. In women, smoking has been associated with sudden cardiac death due to plaque erosion leading to the formation of a large occlusive thrombus (see Chapter 91 ).

Despite extensive descriptions of the cardiovascular effects of smoking, the process that contributes to changes in vascular function, thrombosis, lipid metabolism, and atherogenesis in smokers remains unclear, and the specific constituents and chemicals that induce such injury have not been identified. Cigarette smoke, as well as smoke from combustible and HTPs, contains fine particulate matter (PM), which may be responsible for the cardiovascular risk of smoking. Indeed, a large body of work has shown that exposure to ambient air PM leads to many of the cardiovascular changes seen with smoking, which suggests that adverse cardiovascular effects of smoking, at least in part, may be attributable to PM exposure. In addition to PM, both particulate and gaseous phases of tobacco smoke contain high levels of free radicals ; some of them are particularly long-lived and may be responsible for extensive tissue damage, oxidative stress, and inflammatory responses associated with smoking.

Cardiovascular injury caused by smoking may also be related to the gaseous phase of tobacco smoke. Tobacco smoke contains 3000 to 7000 different chemicals, many of which react avidly with a wide range of biomolecules. These chemicals include tobacco-specific nitrosamines, metals, gases such as carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as acrolein, formaldehyde, 1,3-butadiene, benzene, and acrylonitrile. The specific toxicologic profile of each of these chemicals remains uncertain and the contribution of each of these chemicals to the overall toxicity of cigarette smoke has not been well documented. Nevertheless, theoretical hazard estimates based on the toxicologic properties of individual constituents and their relative abundance in cigarette smoke suggest that a major portion of the toxicity of cigarettes could be attributed to VOCs such as acrolein. This is significant because many of the newer tobacco products (e.g., e-cigarettes) do not generate high levels of tobacco-specific nitrosamines or carbon monoxide, but they do produce VOCs such as acrolein, which may be responsible for the residual toxicity associated with these products.

Even though combustion products, gases, and trace metals in tobacco smoke have received the most attention from toxicologists, the role of nicotine could not be entirely discounted. Because by itself nicotine is well tolerated and is often used for smoking cessation, it is widely believed that nicotine is relatively innocuous. This belief is fueled in part by the often-repeated phrase that “people smoke for nicotine, but they die from tar” (see Classic Reference, Russell). Nonetheless, nicotine is a potent sympathomimetic drug, which upon binding to very specific cholinergic receptors in nervous tissue elicits a wide range of metabolic and physiologic responses that could significantly affect vascular function, cardiac contractility, and lipid metabolism as shown in Fig. 28.2 . These changes, brought about by acute nicotine delivery, could increase the risk of arrhythmias, plaque rupture, and sudden cardiac death.


The health effects associated with the use of cigars are similar to those observed with smoking. In contrast with never cigar smokers, former exclusive cigar users have higher risk of heart disease (adjusted disease prevalence ratios; aPR = 1.33, 95% CI 1.03 to 1.72) and stroke (aPR = 2.42, 95% CI 1.57 to 3.75) as well as all cancers (aPR = 1.44, 95% CI 1.09 to 1.88). It has been estimated that 65,000 heart conditions and 62,000 stroke cases among U.S. adults aged >35 years can be attributed to former or current exclusive cigar smoking. Cigar smokers have a 20% higher all-cause mortality risk than never tobacco users. Many cigar smokers use other tobacco products as well, so their disease risk may be additionally affected by the risk associated with these products. Because cigars, like cigarettes, generate complex aerosols consisting of PM, VOCs, and other HPHCs, the health effects of smoking cigars are likely to be similar to those observed with smoking. However, the relative health effects of the two nicotine delivery devices have not been directly compared.

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