Breast Ultrasound Principles

Ultrasound (US) is a useful adjunct to mammography for diagnosis and management of benign and malignant breast disease. Technical advances have resulted in consistent, reproducible, high-resolution clinical US images. Although whole-breast automated scanners are now available and increasing in use, most practices rely on high-resolution handheld transducers. In women with dense breasts and additional risk factors, a screening breast US has been shown to detect additional cancers that may be occult on mammography. This chapter explores the major role of US in breast imaging.

Technical Considerations

B-Mode Gray Scale Image Optimization

Real-time handheld scanners can be used to differentiate between cysts and solid breast masses and to assess sonographic features used to characterize masses as benign, probably benign, or suspicious. Handheld units used for breast imaging should include a linear array, high-frequency transducer operating at a center frequency of 10 MHz or greater ( Fig. 5.1 ), which provides good tissue penetration to 4 cm or 5 cm. ) recommends use of a linear array transducer with a center frequency of at least 10 MHz. All scanners should also include a marking system to document and annotate US images.

FIG. 5.1, Linear array ultrasound (US) transducer. There are several types of US transducers, including the linear array transducer, curved array transducer, phased array transducer, and sector scan transducer. Beam profile, image area, and beam frequency are different among transducers. For breast examination, use of a linear array transducer with a center frequency of at least 10 MHz is recommended by the ACR Practice Parameter for the Performance of a Breast Ultrasound Examination 2014.

Good sonographic image quality relies on the application of technical principles. Superficial lesions in the near field of the transducer can be imaged well by using a thin standoff pad or a thick layer of gel to bring the lesion into the focal zone of the transducer. Accurate diagnosis of deep lesions depends on appropriate power, gain, and focal zone settings. Improper adjustments of technical parameters can result in misdiagnosis, such as mistaking a cancer for a cyst by producing suboptimal images ( Fig. 5.2 ).

FIG. 5.2, Image quality: effects of higher frequency and compression. (A) Oval mass in sagittal view has indistinct margins at 7.2 MHz (linear transducer, frequency range 14–7 MHz). Diagnosis of a simple cyst cannot be made, and the patient would most likely have undergone aspiration. (B) Same mass imaged with same transducer but operating at 14 MHz is identifiable as a simple cyst. Additional compression of the tissue with the probe helps reduce refraction shadowing that is prominent in image. Improved image quality in the image (B) allowed BI-RADS assessment as benign.

The patient should be positioned to minimize the breast thickness to allow adequate tissue penetration. To flatten the breast tissue in the upper outer quadrant, the patient is scanned in a supine oblique position with the patient’s hand behind the head and the back and shoulder supported by a wedge. For the inner breast, a supine position serves to flatten the medial breast tissue.

To ensure that the field of view includes all the breast tissue from the skin surface to the chest wall, the operator includes the pectoralis muscle and chest wall at the base of the image. Blank areas are caused by excessive depth; the field of view selected should be appropriate to the thickness of tissue in the area being scanned ( Fig. 5.3 ).

FIG. 5.3, Image quality: field of view (FOV). Two views (A and B) of the left breast at 6 o’clock with breast tissue occupying only 50% of the FOV. In these images, from the depth of 2 to 4 cm, there is no information. The focal range is set too deeply as well.

Fine adjustments can be made to the time gain compensation (TGC) curve so that fat is uniformly gray from the subcutaneous tissues to the chest wall. A gentle downward slope enables accurate evaluation of masses as cystic or solid at any depth in the breast. Incorrect gain and contrast settings that make the fat look black (anechoic) may also erroneously make a solid mass look like an anechoic cyst.

Once the sonographer identifies an area of interest or a mass, he or she may zoom in on the area to fill the screen appropriately, because it is difficult to evaluate the features of a very small lesion. The sonographer then resets the focal zone to the center of the finding or depth range to include the lesion as well as the TGC curve for optimal characterization. When the indication for a breast US is evaluation of a palpable finding, the patient is asked to locate the mass or symptomatic area to ensure inclusion of the area of concern. If the patient is unaware of a physician-detected abnormality, the quadrant or area requested by the referring physician is scanned.

In the , the ACR has made specific recommendations for US labeling. Labeling annotations should include laterality (right or left), clock face position, number of centimeters from the nipple (eg, “9 o’clock 5 cm fn”), scan plane such as radial or antiradial and longitudinal or transverse, and the initials of the person performing the scan ( Box 5.1 ). In accordance with the Practice Parameter and ACR Breast US Accreditation instructions, orthogonal images of the mass with and without measuring calipers should be documented. Measuring calipers overlying the margin of a mass, particularly if it is small, may prevent definitive evaluation. Any other pertinent clinical information, such as whether or not the lesion is palpable, may also be helpful to note. It is important that any annotation not be placed on the image of the breast itself.

BOX 5.1
Ultrasound Labeling

  • Breast side (left or right)

  • Quadrant or clock position

  • Scan plane (radial or antiradial and transverse or longitudinal)

  • Number of centimeters from the nipple

  • Image of pertinent findings, with and without measuring calipers

  • Technologist’s initials

Doppler Sonography

The reflected echoes that form the US image have both frequency and amplitude. The frequency of US changes by the motion of red blood cells. This Doppler shift frequency, which is the difference between the frequency of the transmitted US and the reflected US, is used to form the B-mode color Doppler image. The power Doppler image, on the other hand, is formed by the amplitude of the frequency-shifted echoes. Unlike color Doppler imaging, power Doppler is independent of flow direction and relative flow velocity ( Fig. 5.4 ). Power Doppler imaging is slightly more sensitive than color Doppler imaging and less affected by the Doppler angle. Technical aspects to remember include modest compression of the probe in the area of insonation, so as not to occlude flow, and selection of a sensitive frequency setting to enable low flow vascularity to be depicted.

FIG. 5.4, Color Doppler versus power Doppler. (A) The color flow sensitivity setting is inadequate and the compression with the probe is too great, occluding the small vessels in the mass. (B) The appropriate corrections have been made to sensitivity settings and compression. The vessels within the mass are now seen. (C) Amplitude-based power Doppler image shows vessels in pattern similar to that in (B) with a greater number depicted. Flow direction cannot be determined on power Doppler, but its sensitivity is higher than that of color flow. Mass containing small cysts and some calcifications is a biopsy-proven radial.

Doppler sonography is used to assess the vascularity of a mass visualized on gray scale US and may be helpful in determining whether a nearly anechoic mass is solid. It is important to note that there is significant overlap between benign and malignant blood flow patterns. Color Doppler imaging does not always detect increased flow in breast cancer, and absence of color flow should not dissuade biopsy of a mass with suspicious shape or margin. In the appropriate clinical setting, vascularity in the rim of a mass with suspicious marginal characteristics can suggest abscess ( Fig. 5.5 ) rather than cancer. In such cases, US-guided aspiration should be the initial approach followed by core biopsy if aspiration is unsuccessful.

FIG. 5.5, Color flow Doppler: vessels in rim. Circumscribed 6-mm mass with rim and peripheral vascularity diagnosed as abscess.


Elastography is a measurement of the stiffness of a lesion compared with that of subcutaneous fat or fibroglandular tissue outside of the lesion at the same depth, independent of the lesion morphology. Usually cancers tend to be stiff ( Fig. 5.6 ), whereas benign masses are softer ( Fig. 5.7 ). The elastogram often shows a cancer to be larger compared with B-mode gray scale US imaging (see Fig. 5.6 ), whereas there is no significant difference in size of a benign mass on gray scale or elastographic depiction. At the current time, using elastography to increase specificity above that of gray scale morphology is operable only for Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) categories 3 and 4A; downgrading soft masses assessed as categories 4B, 4C, and 5 to avoid biopsy is not permitted. Other technologies such as optoacoustics are under study for improving the specificity of US but have not been validated for use.

FIG. 5.6, Shear wave elastogram of a biopsy-proven invasive ductal carcinoma seen in the upper half of the image shows predominantly red, orange, and yellow colors at the stiff end of the color scale. B-mode image is seen in the lower half, and it shows a tiny irregular mass that might easily have been overlooked.

FIG. 5.7, Shear wave elastogram of benign mass boxed in the upper half of the image is all blue, soft, and distinctly recognizable through the blue overlay. B-mode image is seen in the lower half, and histopathology is apocrine metaplasia and microcysts. BI-RADS assessment in this case was category 3, probably benign, and the patient requested biopsy rather than follow-up.

Other Techniques

The use of contrast agents has been proposed as a means of improving the sensitivity of US vascular imaging. Three-dimensional gray scale US ( Fig. 5.8 ), currently without either vascularity or elastographic assessment, is undergoing rapid development for whole-breast automated US in which the coronal view of the entire breast can enable rapid perception of architectural distortion and masses (see Fig. 5.8 ). Other new algorithms for use with high-resolution linear transducers have been in development, such as one that aids in the detection of microcalcifications.

FIG. 5.8, Three-dimensional gray scale ultrasound (US) demonstrates architectural distortion. Coronal view (A) from automated whole-breast US demonstrates three masses ( circles ). The superior mass is irregular (C; arrow ) and the two adjacent masses are oval (B; arrows ) on the axial views.

Breast Anatomy

The breast is located on the chest wall between the second and the sixth ribs between the layers of the superficial pectoral fascia, the anterior layer lying beneath the skin, and the posterior layer just anterior to the pectoral muscle. Composed of fat and fibroglandular tissue, the breast is loosely organized into 8 to 20 ductal segments. Connective tissue support to the breast is provided by the curved arcs of Cooper’s ligaments ( Figs. 5.9 and 5.10 ).

FIG. 5.9, Schematic of normal breast anatomy. (A) Diagram of a breast of a woman in supine (ultrasound [US]) position. (B) Anatomy of the breast in coronal plane, which is important view in automated US systems.

FIG. 5.10, Anatomy: normal breast. Skin, subcutaneous fat, fibroglandular parenchyma, Cooper’s ligaments, and pectoralis muscle on extended field of view of a normal breast.

Arterial supply to the breast is from the branches of the axillary artery, including the thoracoacromial, lateral thoracic, and subcapsular branches. The internal mammary artery arising from the subclavian artery also contributes to the vascular supply. The venous drainage is via the subareolar venous plexus, which drains into the intercostal, axillary, and internal thoracic veins.

Lymphatic drainage of the breast is predominantly into the ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes. Drainage to the contralateral axillary nodes may occur if there is extensive metastatic involvement of the ipsilateral axilla or if there are extensive postsurgical changes that occlude drainage of the ipsilateral axillary lymphatics. Axillary lymph nodes are classified by their relation to the pectoralis muscle, with level I lymph nodes lateral to the pectoralis minor, level II lymph nodes posterior to the pectoralis minor, and level III lymph nodes medial to the pectoralis minor muscle ( Fig. 5.11 ).

FIG. 5.11, Anatomy: normal axillary lymph node. Transverse (A) and longitudinal (B) view of a lymph node of normal size, cortical thickness, and echogenic hilum resembles a miniature kidney. (C) Normal axilla. Pectoralis major is shown anterior to pectoralis minor with axillary vein deep to both. Nodal levels are defined relative to the pectoralis minor, level I lateral to it, level II between the muscles, and level III, deep to it. RT, right.

The breast bud that develops into the adult breast lies beneath the nipple. In neonates, influenced by circulating maternal hormones, the breast bud may develop asymmetrically. The ensuing palpable mass can be mistakenly interpreted as abnormal ( Fig. 5.12 ). This normal structure should not be removed surgically because breast development will be arrested on that side.

FIG. 5.12, Anatomy: normal breast bud in female adolescent. The breast at puberty resembles gynecomastia with hypoechoic tissue immediately posterior to the nipple. Because these young patients ordinarily do not undergo mammography, it is important not to misinterpret the hypoechoic retroareolar breast bud as an abnormality requiring biopsy. This area should be recognized as normal for this age group and if removed surgically, the breast will not develop.

Ultrasound Lexicon in Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System for Ultrasound (2013)

The ACR BI-RADS US subcommittee developed a US lexicon to describe US findings in a manner that is standardized, clear, and concise ( Table 5.1 ). Use of the terminology in the ACR BI-RADS lexicon helps standardize assessments, reduce confusion in interpretation and reporting, trigger appropriate management recommendations, and guide principles of an audit.

American College of Radiology Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System Ultrasound Lexicon Descriptors
From ACR BI-RADS ® Ultrasound. In ACR BI-RADS atlas, breast imaging reporting and data system, Reston, VA, 2013, American College of Radiology.
Homogeneous background echotexture, fat
Homogeneous background echotexture, fibroglandular
Heterogeneous background echotexture
Shape a

  • Oval

  • Round

  • Irregular

Orientation a

  • Parallel

  • Not parallel

Margin a

  • Circumscribed

  • Not circumscribed

    • Indistinct

    • Angular

    • Microlobulated

    • Spiculated

Echo pattern

  • Anechoic

  • Hyperechoic

  • Complex cystic and solid

  • Hypoechoic

  • Isoechoic

  • Heterogeneous

Posterior features

  • No posterior features

  • Enhancement

  • Shadowing

  • Combined pattern

Calcifications in a mass
Calcifications outside of a mass
Intraductal calcifications

  • Architectural distortion

  • Duct changes

  • Skin changes

    • Skin thickening

    • Skin retraction

    • Edema

  • Vascularity

    • Absent

    • Internal vascularity

    • Vessels in rim

  • Elasticity assessment

    • Soft

    • Intermediate

    • Hard


  • Simple cyst

  • Clustered microcysts

  • Complicated cyst

  • Mass in or on skin

  • Foreign body including implants

  • Lymph nodes, intramammary

  • Lymph nodes, axillary

  • Vascular abnormalities

    • AVMs

    • Mondor disease

  • Postsurgical fluid collection

  • Fat necrosis

a Shape, margin, and orientation are the most important feature categories taken together for assessment of likelihood of malignancy.

Tissue Composition

As in mammography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), US can depict the many variations in breast tissue composition. According to BI-RADS fifth edition for mammography, loosely correlating with the four densities are three US categories: homogeneous background echotexture fat; homogeneous background echotexture fibroglandular; and heterogeneous background echotexture.

The proportion of fat-to-fibroglandular parenchyma varies widely in the normal population variably dependent on the patient’s age, hormonal influences, and individual characteristics. In young women the breast tissue is composed predominantly of fibroglandular tissue; in older women, breast tissue has a greater proportion of fat. However, there are substantial individual variations.

In breasts with homogeneous background echotexture—fat, most of breast tissue is occupied by oval fat lobules surrounded by a thin rim of connective tissue or Cooper’s ligaments, which provide connective tissue support for the breast from the posterior layer of superficial pectoral fascia to the superficial layer lying just beneath the skin ( Fig. 5.13 ). Breasts with homogeneous background texture—fibroglandular have a thick zone of homogeneously echogenic fibroglandular parenchyma beneath a layer of subcutaneous fat of variable thickness ( Fig. 5.14 ). Many lesions, both benign and malignant, arise within the fibroglandular zone or at its junction with the layer of fat.

FIG. 5.13, Tissue composition: homogeneous background echotexture—fat. Two cases. (A) Homogeneously fatty tissue in a 59-year-old patient is easily characterized and compared with mammography using field of view or other ultrasound techniques that widen the field. For these images, the patient’s head would be at the left and feet at the right. (B) In another patient, a fibroadenoma is seen within tissue with fatty composition. The fibroadenoma is distinguished by its oblique orientation in the midst of the horizontal oriented fat lobules.

FIG. 5.14, Tissue composition: homogeneous background echotexture—fibroglandular. Automated ultrasound image (lateral view) of the left breast showing a small cyst within the homogeneous echogenic fibroglandular (FG) zone on each view ( arrows ), the 14 to 5 MHz linear acquisition, 14.5 cm wide ( top ), with the coronal ( bottom, left ) and vertical ( bottom, right ) reconstructions below. A thin layer of subcutaneous fat overlies the FG zone.

Heterogeneous background echotexture is characterized by multiple hyperechoic and hypoechoic areas, which can be focal or diffuse ( Fig. 5.15 ). Heterogeneous parenchyma may confound interpretation of small hypoechoic areas of fat with small hypoechoic masses.

FIG. 5.15, Tissue composition: heterogeneous tissue composition. Two ultrasound images of the breast, one at 10 o’clock in the right breast (A) and a second at 12 o’clock (B), show an admixture of fat and fibroglandular (FG) tissue, not in separate homogeneous tissue layers as on Figs. 5.13 and 5.14 . (C) The mammographic correlate is seen on a mediolateral oblique ( MLO ) image of this 57-year-old woman’s breast described as BI-RADS ® density category B, scattered areas of FG density.


The BI-RADS lexicon suggests standardized reporting for masses using feature analysis. A mass has three dimensions and occupies space. It should be seen in two planes on two-dimensional imaging and in three planes with volumetric acquisitions. Using multiple sonographic descriptors when describing a mass increases specificity and diagnostic confidence. The three most important feature categories, taken together for assessment of likelihood of malignancy, are shape, orientation, and margin . Additional feature categories such as echo pattern, posterior features, and architectural distortion (included in associated features ) may aid in assessing a mass.


Mass shapes are classified as oval, round, or irregular ( Figs. 5.16 and 5.17 ).The descriptor oval is used for a mass that is elliptical and includes gentle lobulation with up to three undulations. A round mass is one that is spherical, ball shaped, circular, or globular. Round is the least common shape. With US, to call a mass round, it must be circular in perpendicular projections. By definition, a mass that is neither round nor oval is irregular.

FIG. 5.16, Schematic of mass shapes: oval, round, and irregular.

FIG. 5.17, Mass shape: oval, round, and irregular. (A) Oval. An oval, circumscribed solid mass likely represents a fibroadenoma. (B) Round. A small round hypoechoic mass is an intraductal papilloma (C) Irregular. An irregular hypoechoic mass with posterior shadowing is an invasive ductal cancer.


This feature is unique to US imaging. The orientation of a mass is categorized as parallel or not parallel ( Fig. 5.18 ). Orientation is defined with reference to the skin surface. A parallel, or wider-than-tall, orientation is a property of most benign masses, but it may be seen with some cancers as well. Not parallel, or taller-than-wide, orientation indicates that a mass may be growing through the normal tissue planes and is the most common orientation of malignant masses. Orientation alone should not be used in assessing a mass.

FIG. 5.18, Mass orientation: parallel and not parallel. (A) Parallel orientation. A circumscribed oval solid mass is wider than tall, with the longest axis ( dotted line ) parallel to the skin. This is a fibroadenoma. (B) Not-parallel orientation. An irregular-shaped hypoechoic mass is taller than wide, with the longest axis ( dotted line ) not parallel to the skin. This is an invasive ductal cancer.

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