Breast Implants and the Reconstructed Breast

Breast reconstruction is commonly performed for breast augmentation, for breast reduction, or for reconstruction after breast cancer surgery. Current breast reconstruction techniques are diverse and may involve the use of an implant, autologous tissue, or a combination of the two. Radiologists should be familiar with the normal postoperative imaging appearances of breast implants and reconstructed breasts; be able to diagnose complications related to breast reconstruction, such as implant rupture; and be able to distinguish normal postoperative and reconstruction findings from postsurgical/implant complications or breast cancer recurrences. This chapter reviews the basics of breast implant placement for augmentation, autologous tissue reconstruction techniques, and reduction mammoplasty as well as reviews mammographic, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques of implants and reconstructed breasts, showing normal and ruptured breast implants, the normal postoperative or reconstructed breast, and complications related to breast reconstruction.

Breast Implants

History in the United States

Silicone breast implants were introduced in 1964 by Cronin and Gerow ( ). An estimated 2 million women in the United States have silicone breast implants, with approximately 80% placed for breast augmentation and the remainder for breast reconstruction after mastectomy. On April 16, 1992, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) restricted the use of silicone implants to women undergoing breast reconstruction for mastectomy because of concern about implant rupture and a possible association with connective tissue disease.

Addressing these concerns, an article by reported a U.S. District Court order establishing a national science panel to assess whether existing scientific studies showed an association between silicone breast implants and connective tissue disease. They concluded that no scientific evidence of such a relationship exists, and there is no evidence of a relationship between silicone breast implants and breast cancer. At that time, silicone gel breast implants were used for breast reconstruction after mastectomy in the United States. Saline-filled implants were used for cosmetic breast augmentation.

In 2007, a review article by McLaughlin et al. restated that there was no “causal association between breast implants and breast or any other type of cancer, definite or atypical connective tissue disease, adverse offspring effects, or neurologic disease.” A subsequent study by showed no association with silicone breast implants and connective tissue disease. A separate meta-analysis of 17 studies representing 7 cohorts in 2015 showed no association between breast implants and risk of breast cancer ( ). There is, however, a rare but reported primary breast anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) seen in patients with implants. This rare lymphoma is a disease of the fibrous capsule surrounding the implant and not of the breast tissue around the implant.

The FDA reapproved and lifted the moratorium on silicone breast implants for both augmentation and reconstruction after extensive study and analysis in 2006. In a document issued by the FDA ( ), breast implant types, testing, and recommending the development of Core Study Clinical Data Groups to review patient cohorts of different breast implant types from manufacturers were described. The FDA recommended studying cohorts of patients separated into indications for primary augmentation, primary reconstruction, revision augmentation, and revision reconstruction at entry to review data of 10 years or more of prospective follow-up (this could include data with premarket and postmarket approval follow-up). On the FDA website (accessed February 2015), routine MRI evaluations in all patients at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 years were recommended to monitor patients for silent rupture for the Core Studies for silicone breast implants. Many of the studies on breast implant complications and rupture now arise from FDA-recommended Core Study data.

Implant Types

There are several types of implants available in United States, in terms of material type, shape, surface texturing, and the number of chambers ( Table 9.1 ; Box 9.1 ). The most common breast implants are single-lumen silicone implants. Silicone implants are composed of a silicone elastomer shell filled with silicone made from a synthetic polymer of cross-linked chains of dimethyl siloxane, which makes the implant soft and movable. The inner silicone can be a gel, a liquid, or a solid form. The implant shape is either round or anatomic ( Fig. 9.1 ). The outer envelope can be textured (polyurethane coated) or smooth (uncoated; Fig. 9.2 ). Textured silicone implants are now comprised of first-generation through fifth-generation types ( Table 9.2 ). The newer generations of silicone implants are more stable and have had a very small rupture rate.

Variation of Implants
Category Types
Fill Saline, silicone, miscellaneous (polyvinyl alcohol sponge, lipid, etc.)
Shape Round, anatomic
Surface Smooth, texture
Chamber Single-lumen, multilumen

BOX 9.1
Examples of Implant Types

  • Single-lumen silicone

  • Single-lumen saline

  • Double-lumen: saline outer, silicone inner

  • Single-lumen silicone, outer polyurethane mesh coating

  • Single-lumen, lipid-filled

  • Complex or custom implants

  • Stacked implants

  • Direct silicone or paraffin injections

FIG. 9.1, Shapes of implants: round versus anatomic. Lateral view of silicone implants. The left implant is round shaped, and the right implant is anatomic shaped. Anatomic-shaped implants provide a more natural shape that resembles a breast.

FIG. 9.2, Surfaces of implants: texture versus smooth. Lateral view of silicone implants. Polyurethane-coated outer envelope makes a textured gray-white surface ( left ), and the uncoated envelope is smooth ( right ).

Generational Differences of Textured Silicone Implants
From Derby BM, Codner MA: Textured silicone breast implant use in primary augmentation: core data update and review, Plast Reconstr Surg 135:113–124, 2015.
Generation Years Shell Thickness (mm) Gel Internal Barrier Lining Shaped
First 1963–1972 0.75 Thick No No
Second 1972–1980 0.13 Thin No No
Third 1981 onward 0.28–0.30 Thick Yes No
Fourth 1993 onward 0.5 More cohesive, form stable Yes No
Fifth 1993 onward 0.075–0.75 Highly cohesive, form stable Yes Yes

Saline implants are composed of an outer silicone shell and an inner envelope filled with saline. Double- or triple-lumen implants have two or more envelopes inside one another, and each can contain saline or silicone gel. A common double-lumen implant is the saline outer, silicone inner implant. More recent common double-lumen implants have silicone outer and saline inner components.

Less common implants include those filled with a polyvinyl alcohol sponge or a lipid substance (Trilucent implant), the latter of which may show a serous/lipid level on MRI if ruptured. Stacked implants are two single-lumen implants placed one on top of the other in the breast for aesthetic purposes. An implant type that is no longer used was covered with a finely textured meshlike surface over the outer envelope that was composed of a polyurethane-coated material to prevent fibrous capsular formation. This implant was banned because of the release of 2,4-toluenediamine, a by-product suspected to cause cancer in laboratory animals.

All implants are placed behind the breast tissue, and some implants are placed behind the pectoralis muscle ( Fig. 9.3 ).

FIG. 9.3, Schematic of implant placement: subglandular versus subpectoral. (A) Subglandular implant placement in which the implant is placed on top of the pectoralis muscle. (B) Subpectoral implant placement in which the implant is placed underneath the pectoralis muscle, which curves over the implant.

Mammography and Implants

Mammographic Limited-Compression Views and Implant-Displaced Views

An implant is not as compressible as breast tissue and can be ruptured if compressed too hard during either mammography (in breast imaging) or during closed capsulotomy (by the surgeon’s fingers). Because limited mammographic compression decreases visualization of cancers, the Mammography Quality Standards Act recommends two specific views of each implanted breast ( Box 9.2 ): one to look at the implant and one to look at the breast tissues for cancer. These two views include one limited-compression view that includes the implant and the tissue around it but does not use much compression (to not rupture the implant), and two implant-displaced views in which the technologist carefully strongly compresses only the breast tissue in front of the implant by carefully displacing the implant out of the field of view ( Figs. 9.4 and 9.5 ). The limited-compression mammogram in which the implant is surrounded by noncompressed breast tissue looks at both the breast tissue and the implant integrity. The second view, the strongly compressed tissue implant-displaced view, looks specifically at the breast tissue for cancer. However, even with the implant-displaced views, the radiologist sees only about 80% of the breast tissue because some breast tissue will always be hidden by the implant.

BOX 9.2
Mammography of Implants

  • Four views of each breast:

    • CC and ML or MLO with the implant

    • CC and ML or MLO implant-displaced views

  • Magnification, spot, and other fine-detail views can be performed in the implanted breast

  • 5% of screenings show asymptomatic rupture

CC, craniocaudal; ML, mediolateral; MLO, mediolateral oblique.

FIG. 9.4, Standard and implant-displaced mammograms of breasts with normal silicone implants. (A) Standard mediolateral oblique (MLO; left ) craniocaudal (CC; right ) mammograms obtained under limited compression show subpectoral silicone implants. Silicone implants are depicted as completely opaque white oval structures near the chest wall. Note the pectoralis muscle curving over the implant on the MLO view in A. The technologist uses very little compression to avoid rupturing the implant, but it is hard to find breast cancer in uncompressed breast tissue. (B) Implant-displaced MLO ( left ) and CC ( right ) mammograms show well-compressed breast tissue anterior to the implant. Note that the breast tissue is spread apart on the implant-displaced views, making it easier to find early cancer. However, even with the best implant-displaced views, the radiologist can see at most only 80% of the breast tissue, because the implant obscures the rest of the tissue.

FIG. 9.5, Standard and implant-displaced mammograms of breasts with normal saline implants. (A) Standard mediolateral oblique (MLO; left ) and craniocaudal (CC; right ) mammograms obtained under limited compression show subpectoral saline implants. The lucent saline implants are surrounded by an envelope made out of stretchy silicone. Note the implant envelope wrinkles ( arrows ) and the injection ports in which the surgeon adds saline to increase or decrease the implant size at the time of surgery ( arrowheads ). (B) Implant-displaced MLO ( left ) and CC (right) mammograms show well-compressed breast tissue anterior to the implant. In this case the technologist included a tiny bit of the anterior aspect of the implant but did not rupture it on the mammogram.

Normal Implants on Mammography

A normal silicone implant is quite dense and completely opaque and obscures and displaces much of the surrounding breast tissue. On mammography the silicone implant appears as a smooth, white oval opacity near the chest wall ( Fig. 9.4A ). Unlike opaque silicone implants, saline implants contain radiolucent saline surrounded by a dense silicone outer envelope ( Fig. 9.5A ). Wrinkles on saline implants are easily detected, unlike on opaque silicone implants, which are completely white ( Fig. 9.5A ). Wrinkles are normal findings that are accentuated by mammography because the implant envelope is easily folded when compressed ( Fig. 9.6 ). Another common type of implant is the saline outer, silicone inner double-lumen implant, which appears as an opaque opacity (inner silicone implant) surrounded by lucent opacity (outer saline lumen implant; Fig. 9.7 ).

FIG. 9.6, Wrinkles in compressed implants. (A) Silicone implant ( left ) and a saline implant ( right ) are compressed from the top by a clear plastic board. Implants have no wrinkles. (B and C) The same silicone implant (B) and the same saline implant (C) as those used in A are compressed from the sides and now show wrinkles ( arrows ) in the implant envelope. This experiment indicates mammography can generate and enhance temporal implant envelope wrinkles, because implants are deformable and are compressed from the sides at the time of mammography.

FIG. 9.7, Saline outer, silicone inner double-lumen subglandular implants. Bilateral mediolateral oblique mammograms show the outer envelope containing lucent saline in the outer lumen ( arrows ) surrounding the inner silicone lumen shown as the oval opaque opacity.

Breast implants are always placed behind the breast tissue for augmentation. If the implant is behind the glandular tissue and on top of the pectoralis muscle, it is in the subglandular position. If the implant is behind the glandular tissue and behind the pectoralis muscle, it is in the subpectoral position (see Fig. 9.3 ). When an implant is in the subglandular position, the shadow of the pectoralis muscle is underneath the implant on the mediolateral oblique view ( Fig. 9.8A ). In contrast, the pectoralis muscle curves over the implant for implants placed in the subpectoral position ( Fig. 9.8B ).

FIG. 9.8, Implant positions on mammography: subglandular versus subpectoral placement. (A) Mediolateral oblique (MLO) mammogram shows a subglandular saline implant. The pectoralis muscle ( arrows ) lies underneath the implant, which has a wrinkle and injection port visible. (B) In another patient, an MLO mammogram shows a subpectoral silicone implant. The pectoralis muscle ( arrows ) curves over the implant. In the lower breast there is a circle marker around a normal skin mole. (See the schematic in Fig. 9.3 .)

The body generally forms a fibrous capsule around the implant, no matter what type of implant. The fibrous capsule is usually soft, nonpalpable, and undetectable to physical examination, but with time, the capsule may harden or calcify. On mammography, the fibrous capsule surrounding implants is not usually visible unless it calcifies. A calcified fibrous capsule contains dystrophic sheetlike calcifications and appears white, thin, and bumpy next to the implant on the nonimplant-displaced views ( Fig. 9.9 ). Another specific type of capsular calcification that can be mistaken for cancer and will sometimes prompt biopsy is from calcifying polyurethane-covered implants. These implants are covered with a spongelike material, and when they calcify they produce a typical fine mesh-like calcification ( Fig. 9.10 ). Implant-displaced views displace the capsular calcifications away from the implant. These views, with or without spot magnification, help analyze calcifications if the concern is that the calcifications are in the breast parenchyma rather than in the implant capsule.

FIG. 9.9, Examples with calcifications in the implant fibrous capsule. (A) Bilateral mediolateral oblique mammograms show a thin rim of dystrophic calcifications that outline the bilateral saline implants and a nodular dystrophic calcification ( arrow ) around the right implant. They represent calcifications in the fibrous capsules that develop around breast implants. (B) In another patient, a craniocaudal mammogram shows thin, dense linear calcifications in the fibrous capsule surrounding a silicone implant.

FIG. 9.10, Calcifications of the implant envelope. Left craniocaudal mammogram (A) and its photographically magnified view (B) show multiple tiny calcifications formed on the polyurethane-coated outer envelope of an intact subglandular saline implant ( arrow ).

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