Brain malformations represent a disruption of normal development and can be caused by genetic, infectious, ischemic, and hemorrhagic factors. As seen in Table 2.1 , the time at which the insult occurs during development will determine the malformation. Because the majority of brain malformations occur early in development, the majority of malformations will be present when imaging is performed. Brain malformations are often first encountered on ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In general, MRI provides the best assessment of brain malformation.

Timing of Developmental Events
Week Major Developments Appearance Malformations
3 Neural groove and folds
Three primary vesicles visible
Cervical and cephalic flexures
Motor neurons appear
Neural tube defects
4 Neural tube starts to close (day 22)
Rostral end of neural tube closes (day 24)
Caudal end of neural tube closes (day 26)
Neural crest cells begin to migrate
Secondary neurulation starts
Motor nerves emerge
Neural tube defects, holoprosencephaly
5 Optic vesicle, pontine flexure
Five secondary vesicles visible
Sulcus limitans, sensory ganglia
Sensory nerves grow into CNS
Rhombic lips
Basal nuclei begin
Thalamus, hypothalamus begin
Autonomic ganglia, lens, cochlea start
Holoprosencephaly, sacral cord abnormalities
6–7 Telencephalon enlarged
Basal nuclei prominent
Secondary neurulation complete
Cerebellum and optic nerve begin
Choroid plexus
8–12 Neuronal proliferation
Cerebral and cerebellar cortex begin
Anterior commissure, optic chiasm
Internal capsule
Reflexes appear
Migration/proliferation problems (e.g., abnormal cortex or gyri)
12–16 Neuronal proliferation and migration
Glial differentiation
Corpus callosum
Migration/proliferation problems (e.g., abnormal cortex or gyri)
16–40 Neuronal migration
Cortical sulci
Glial proliferation
Some myelination (mostly postnatal)
Synapse formation
Hemorrhage, other destructive events
Table from Vanderah TW, Gould DJ, Nolte J. Nolte’s The Human Brain: An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy. 8th ed. Elsevier; 2021. Top two illustrations from Arey LB. Developmental Anatomy. 4th ed. WB Saunders; 1941. Bottom illustration courtesy Dr. Naomi Rance, University of Arizona College of Medicine; all others from Hochstetter F. Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des menschlichen Gehirns . I. Teil, Franz Deuticke; 1919.

A pattern approach is necessary to detect malformations; more than one structure can be malformed. Major intracranial structures that should be evaluated include the following:

  • Size, sulcation, gyration, and myelination of the cerebral hemispheres

  • Size, formation, and proportions of the cerebellum, brainstem, and posterior fossa

  • Presence of the septum pellucidum and formation and size of the corpus callosum

  • Presence of the olfactory bulbs and sulci

  • Formation and size of the basal ganglia and thalami

  • Rotation of the hippocampi

  • Formation and size of the ventricles

Importantly, assessment of extracranial structures should include the eyes, ears, and facial bones as anomalies in these structures have associated brain anomalies. This chapter will focus on the imaging appearance of brain malformations and provide basic embryology underlying the malformation.



The corpus callosum is by far the largest commissure of the three telencephalic commissures and the principal anatomic and neurophysiologic connection pathway between the two hemispheres. The anterior commissure and hippocampal commissure represent the other two smaller telencephalic commissures and are closely related to the formation of the corpus callosum. The anterior commissure connects the olfactory cortex and crosses along the lamina terminalis. The hippocampal commissure is present but indistinguishable from the inferior margin of the posterior corpus callosum and connects the hippocampi. Formation of the corpus callosum is shown in Fig. 2.2 .

Corpus Callosum Crossing Fibers. Diffusion tensor imaging fiber tracking of anatomic segments of the corpus callosum demonstrates the following: 1) Rostrum and genu (red fibers) connect with the prefrontal and orbitofrontal cortices; 2) Anterior mid body of the corpus callosum (blue fibers) connect with the premotor and supplementary motor areas; 3) Posterior mid body of the corpus callosum (yellow fibers) connect with the primary motor areas; 4) Isthmus (purple fibers) connect with the primary sensory area; 5) Splenium (green fibers) connect with the parietal and temporal lobes and the visual cortex.

Fig. 2.1, Medial Views of the Developing Brain .

Fig. 2.2, Formation of the Corpus Callosum. (A) During week 7, the upper portion of the lamina terminalis (LT) , which connects the hemispheres across the midline, thickens and forms the lamina reuniens (LR) of His. (B) In the following week, olfactory commissural fibers cross the midline through the ventral aspect of the LR to form the anterior commissure (AC) . (C) In the following weeks, fibers develop between the anterior mediobasal cortex (septal nuclei) and the future hippocampus to form the ipsilateral fornix (FO) ; about week 11, some forniceal fibers cross the midline in the dorsal portion of the lamina reuniens and form the hippocampal commissure (HC) . (D) During week 12, the corticoseptal boundary becomes defined at the medial edge of the future neocortex, and a glial sling forms along this boundary. (E) By week 13, three commissural sites have been established: anterior commissure, hippocampal commissure, and glial sling. Depending on their origin, early neocortical commissural fibers cross the midline along the anterior commissure (temporo-occipital fibers), the glial sling (frontal fibers), or the hippocampal commissure (parieto-occipitotemporal fibers). (F) The corpus callosum enlarges by adding further commissural fibers and forms a single continuous structure stretched between the anterior commissure and the hippocampal commissure. Later, the prominent development of the frontal lobes results in posterior growth of the anterior corpus callosum, which displaces the hippocampal commissure and the splenium backward above the velum interpositum (roof above the third ventricle), stretching the body of the fornix. The corpus callosum becomes longer and thicker in development and reaches its final shape between 18 and 20 weeks’ gestation.

Fig. 2.3, Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum .

Fig. 2.4, Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum .

Fig. 2.5, Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum .

Fig. 2.6, Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum .

Fig. 2.7, Hypogenesis of the Corpus Callosum .

Fig. 2.8, Dysgenesis of the Corpus Callosum .

Fig. 2.9, Illustration of callosal agenesis with a type 1 interhemispheric cyst ( red arrows ) communicating with the ventricle ( straight arrow ). (From StatDX, Copyright © 2022 Elsevier.)

Fig. 2.10, Callosal Agenesis With Type 1 Interhemispheric Cyst .

Fig. 2.11, Callosal Agenesis With Type 1 Interhemispheric Cyst .

Fig. 2.12, Callosal Agenesis With Type 2 Interhemispheric Cyst .

Fig. 2.13, Curvilinear Callosal Lipoma .

Fig. 2.14, Lobular Callosal Lipoma .

Fig. 2.15, Callosal Lipoma .

Fig. 2.16, Callosal Lipoma .

Fig. 2.17, Corpus Callosum Thinning and Defects .

Fig. 2.18, Aicardi Syndrome .

Fig. 2.19, Aicardi Syndrome .

Fig. 2.20, Aicardi Syndrome .


  • The anterior to posterior segmentation of corpus callosum includes the rostrum, genu, body, isthmus, and splenium.

  • The majority of callosal fibers join symmetric areas of the cerebral cortex.

  • The corpus callosum should be present on imaging at 18 weeks’ gestation. The cavum septum pellucidum is closely associated with formation of the corpus callosum and should be visible by 18 weeks on ultrasound. Absence of the cavum septum pellucidum raises concern for a malformation of the corpus callosum. Sagittal T2W imaging is typically the best plane for visualizing the entire corpus callosum.

  • As the brain develops, the corpus callosum becomes longer and thicker. Biometry data of the corpus callosum indicate most of the postnatal enlargement of the corpus callosum occurs in the first 4 years of life, after which the size is essentially stable. While subjective assessment of callosal length and thickness is usually done in routine clinical care, biometry data can be useful for in some patients and are provided in Chapter 1 .

  • The following examples will demonstrate malformations of the corpus callosum on imaging.


  • 1. Kier E.L., Truwit C.L.: The normal and abnormal genu of the corpus callosum: an evolutionary, embryologic, anatomic, and MR analysis. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1996 Oct; 17: pp. 1631-1641.
  • 2. Richards L.J.: Axonal pathfinding mechanisms at the cortical midline and in the development of the corpus callosum. Braz J Med Biol Res 2002 Dec; 35: pp. 1431-1439.
  • 3. Hofer S., Frahm J.: Topography of the human corpus callosum revisited–comprehensive fiber tractography using diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroimage 2006 Sep; 32: pp. 989-994.


Key Points


  • Agenesis, hypogenesis, and dysgenesis are malformations of the corpus callosum occurring from 8–20 weeks’ gestation. Agenesis refers to complete absence of the corpus callosum. Hypogenesis refers to partial formation of the corpus callosum. Dysgenesis refers to abnormal formation of the corpus callosum.

  • Prevalence is ∼1:10,000 live births.

  • Etiologies include genetic, infectious, and teratogenic causes. Corpus callosum malformations should be differentiated from destructive lesions (e.g., adjacent white matter ischemic lesion), which are discussed later in this chapter, or high-grade thinning (e.g., high-grade obstructive hydrocephalus).

  • Malformations of the corpus callosum can be isolated or associated with cerebral anomalies (∼50% of patients) and extracerebral anomalies (∼60% of patients).

  • Over 80 chromosomal, genetic, and sporadic syndromes are associated with malformation of the corpus callosum. Approximately 50% to 80% of patients have an associated syndrome and malformation, and chromosomal anomalies are found in 15% to 20% of patients.

  • Prognosis is variable for callosal malformations and ranges from normal to developmental delay, epilepsy, and behavioral disorders. Prognosis is influenced by the presence of additional anomalies. Outcomes in isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum are normal in ∼75%, borderline or moderate disability in 14%, and severe disability in 11% of patients. Outcomes in partial agenesis of the corpus callosum are normal in ∼66%, borderline or moderate disability in 7%, and severe disability in 27% of patients.


  • In agenesis of the corpus callosum, the corpus callosum and hippocampal commissure are absent, and the anterior commissure is absent in about half of patients.

  • In hypogenesis of the corpus callosum, a variable amount of corpus callosum is present from anterior to posterior, the hippocampal commissure may be absent depending on the degree of dysgenesis, but the anterior commissure is always present.

  • Imaging findings include the following:

  • Partial or complete absence of the corpus callosum

  • Absent cingulate gyri and sulci

  • Perpendicular radiation of midline gyri from the third ventricle to the periphery

  • Widened interhemispheric fissure

    • Parallel orientation of the lateral ventricles and widened atria of the lateral ventricles (colpocephaly)

    • White matter bundles known as the Probst bundles course along the superomedial border of the lateral ventricles

    • Elevated third ventricle and lateral ventricles mimic a Texas longhorn configuration on coronal imaging

    • Absent septum pellucidum

    • Absent or hypoplastic anterior and hippocampal commissures

    • Malrotated, vertically oriented ventral hippocampi

    • Diffusion tensor imaging show a lack of fibers crossing the midline matching the area of the missing corpus callosum.

  • Postnatal MRI is recommended in patients as ∼15% of prenatally diagnosed isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum are found to have additional anomalies on postnatal imaging.

  • Additional malformations, such as pituitary gland anomalies, migrational abnormalities (most commonly gray matter heterotopia), or bilateral schizencephaly, should be excluded.

  • Corpus callosum malformations may also be part of complex brain malformations, including Aicardi syndrome, Chiari II malformation, or Dandy-Walker syndrome.


  • 1. Raybaud C.: The corpus callosum, the other great forebrain commissures, and the septum pellucidum: anatomy, development, and malformation. Neuroradiology 2010; 52: pp. 447-477.
  • 2. Huisman T.A., Bosemani T., Poretti A.: Diffusion tensor imaging for brain malformations: does it help. Neuroimaging Clin N Am 2014; 24: pp. 619-637.


Key Points


  • Corpus callosum malformations may be associated with interhemispheric cysts, also known as cystic meningeal dysplasia.

  • This malformation is believed to be secondary to a disruption of the normal development of the commissural plate and adjacent cortex. The cysts can occur from expansion of the roof of the third ventricle due to lack of an overlying corpus callosum or multiple cysts due to abnormal differentiation of the primitive meninges.

  • Often presents early with macrocephaly.

  • Prognosis is variable, ranging from normal development to epilepsy, developmental delay, and neurologic deficits.

  • In a series of 40 patients with asymmetric ventriculomegaly, interhemispheric cyst and agenesis or dysgenesis of the corpus callosum (known as AVID), 26 (65%) survived more than 2 years of age and of these 26, 12 (46%) had epilepsy, 14 (54%) could sit independently, 4 (16%) were in mainstream schools, 16 (62%) had expressive language problems, and 7 (28%) had near normal development without seizures.

  • Often requires ventricular shunting.


  • Callosal agenesis or dysgenesis, absent septum pellucidum, and an interhemispheric cyst are the hallmark imaging findings. Often seen as asymmetric ventriculomegaly as the cyst communicates with one ventricle. Diencephalic-mesencephalic junction dysplasia and aqueductal stenosis can be associated with agenesis of the corpus callosum with interhemispheric cyst.

  • Based upon their morphology they can be classified in two types:

    • Type 1: The cyst is communicating with the ventricle , likely represents a diverticulum of the ventricles, and is T1- and T2-isointense to CSF.

    • Type 2: The cyst is not communicating with the ventricle . Typically multiple cysts are present and the cysts are T1-hyperintense relative to CSF. Type 2 cysts are often associated with migrational abnormalities, including heterotopias and cortical malformations like polymicrogyria, or may be part of syndromes. Type 2 cysts often require ventricular shunting. Aicardi syndrome can have this appearance.

  • Differential diagnosis:

  • Porencephaly: Should have normal head size, associated gliosis or hemorrhage, and no mass effect

  • Schizencephaly: Gray matter lined cleft without mass effect

  • Arachnoid cyst: Located over the convexity rather than midline


  • 1. Barkovich A.J., Simon E.M., Walsh C.A.: callosal agenesis with cyst: a better understanding and new classification. Neurology 2001; 56: pp. 220-227.
  • 2. Huisman TA, Poretti A. Chapter 7. Disorders of brain development. In: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine, 5th ed. Edited by Scott Atlas, MD. Wolters Kluwer: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • 3. Limoges N., Ostrander B., Kennedy A., Woodward P.J., Bollo R.J.: Neurological and clinical outcomes in infants and children with a fetal diagnosis of asymmetric ventriculomegaly, interhemispheric cyst, and dysgenesis of the corpus callosum. J Neurosurg Pediatr 2021 Nov 19; pp. 1-5.


Key Points


  • Midline lipomas are believed to be secondary to an abnormal differentiation of the meninx primitive. The meninx primitive can disrupt the development of the corpus callosum and adjacent cortex.

  • Larger lipomas associated with callosal malformations are more likely to be associated with neurologic disability compared to thin, curvilinear lipomas.

  • Lipomas may grow as the child grows.


  • A pericallosal or interhemispheric lipoma appears hyperechogenic on ultrasound and hyperintense on T1-weighted MRI; the MRI signal is suppressed on fat-saturated MR sequences. Uncommonly, on fetal MRI the lipoma can sometimes lack the T1W hyperintensity due to immature fat cells.

  • On gradient echo MR imaging, marked fat-related chemical shift signal loss may be seen along the periphery of the lesion along the direction of the frequency encoding gradient.

  • The lipomas may be of various sizes and typically follow the course of the corpus callosum.

    • Lobular , mass-like focal lipomas are usually associated with callosal malformations.

    • Thin, curvilinear lipomas are less likely associated with callosal malformations.


  • 1. Raybaud C.: The corpus callosum, the other great forebrain commissures, and the septum pellucidum: anatomy, development, and malformation. Neuroradiology 2010; 52: pp. 447-477.
  • 2. Huisman TA, Poretti A. Chapter 7. Disorders of brain development. In: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine, 5th ed. Edited by Scott Atlas, MD. Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


Key Points

  • Corpus callosum may appear “dysplastic” on a midsagittal image secondary to a remote injury. Examples include the following:

    • Chronic porencephalic cyst after neonatal periventricular hemorrhagic infarction

    • Neurosurgical interhemispheric transcallosal approach to the third ventricle

    • Periventricular white matter injury due to a neonatal hypoxic ischemic event

  • Differentiation from a true malformation is essential for prognosis.

  • Depending on the timing of injury (prenatal versus postnatal), differentiation must be made between malformation, disruption, and destruction.


  • 1. Huisman T.A., Bosemani T., Poretti A.: Diffusion tensor imaging for brain malformations: does it help. Neuroimaging Clin N Am 2014; 24: pp. 619-637.
  • 2. Huisman TA, Poretti A. Chapter 7. Disorders of brain development. In: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine, 5th ed. Edited by Scott Atlas, MD. Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


Key Points


  • Defined by Dr. Jean Aicardi as an association of infantile spasms, agenesis of the corpus callosum, and chorioretinal lacunae in infant girls.

  • Aicardi syndrome is an X-linked dominant disorder and lethal in 46 XY males . Consequently, Aicardi syndrome is seen in females. The gene causing Aicardi syndrome, however, is unknown.

  • Poor prognosis with severe neurologic and cognitive impairments, epilepsy, and reduced life span, on average ranging from 8 to 18 years.

  • Infants with Aicardi usually have infantile spasms, which are characterized as single jerks of the body that occur usually while awake. Children typically grow out of infantile spasms and have generalized tonic-clonic seizures or other types of seizures.


  • Findings include agenesis of the corpus callosum , migrational abnormalities , including gray matter heterotopia, polymicrogyria or pachygyria, choroid plexus cysts or papillomas, and optic nerve colobomas or microphthalmia .

  • White matter dysmyelination may also be seen.

  • Vertebral (block or hemivertebrae) and rib abnormalities may coexist.

  • Interhemispheric cyst when present is usually multilocular.

  • With exception of the corpus callosum agenesis, imaging findings may be subtle on early fetal MR imaging and become more obvious on follow-up MR imaging.


  • 1. Huisman TA, Poretti A. Chapter 7. Disorders of brain development. In: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine, 5th ed. Edited by Scott Atlas, MD. Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • 2. Hopkins B., Sutton V.R., Lewis R.A., et. al.: Neuroimaging aspects of Aicardi syndrome. A. J Med genet A 2008; 146A: pp. 2871-2878.


Understanding cortical malformations requires an understanding of basic cortical development.

The germinal matrix develops in the walls of the telencephalon. Areas known as the ganglionic eminences develop as larger regions of the germinal matrix. As the neurons from the germinal matrix proliferate and migrate to the outer cortex, they form permanent and transient axonal connections, and the zones in the telencephalon are visible during this stage of development. These zones change in appearance during development and peak between 15 and 24 weeks of gestation ( Fig. 2.21 ).

Fig. 2.21, Cytodifferentiation and Lamination of the Neocortex .

Fig. 2.22, Microcephaly With Simplified Gyral Pattern .

Fig. 2.23, Microcephaly Primary Hereditary .

Fig. 2.24, Microcephaly With Polymicrogyria .

Fig. 2.25, Microlissencephaly .

Fig. 2.26, Hemimegalencephaly .

Fig. 2.27, Lissencephaly and Pachygyria due to LIS1 Mutation .

Fig. 2.28, Lissencephaly and Pachygyria due to LIS1 Mutation .

Fig. 2.29, Pachygyria From DCX Mutation .

Fig. 2.30, Gray Matter Heterotopia .

Fig. 2.31, Gray Matter Heterotopia .

Fig. 2.32, Gray Matter Heterotopia .

Fig. 2.33, Gray Matter Band Heterotopia in DCX Mutation .

Fig. 2.34, Glioneuronal Heterotopia .

Fig. 2.35, Glioneuronal Heterotopia .

Fig. 2.36, Glioneuronal Heterotopia .

Fig. 2.37, Glioneuronal Heterotopia .

Fig. 2.38, Congenital Muscular Dysplasia .

Fig. 2.39, Walker-Warburg .

Fig. 2.40, Polymicrogyria .

Fig. 2.41, Polymicrogyria .

Fig. 2.42, Polymicrogyria .

Fig. 2.43, Schizencephaly .

Fig. 2.44, Schizencephaly .

Fig. 2.45, Porencephalic Cyst .

Fig. 2.46, Porencephalic Cyst .

Fig. 2.47, Porencephalic Cyst .

Fig. 2.48, Porencephalic Cyst .

Fig. 2.49, Hydranencephaly .

Fig. 2.50, Hydranencephaly .

Fig. 2.51, Zellweger Syndrome .

Fig. 2.52, Zellweger Syndrome .

Fig. 2.53, PIK3CA-Overgrowth Syndrome .

The ventricular zone gives rise to descendants of the neural plate and subventricular zone. The periventricular zone is a cell sparse layer with axons that give rise to the corpus callosum. The subventricular zone is the source of cortical and striatal neurons, astrocytes, and glial cells. The intermediate zone is a region of axonal connections. The subplate contains maturing neurons and connections important for cortical layer organization. The subplate reaches maximum thickness at 22 weeks’ gestation and disappears at 30 weeks. The cortical plate is the final destination of migrating neurons and will develop into a six-layered neocortex with the innermost layer (layer VI) forming first, and, as neurons continue to migrate, will progressively form the more outer layers. Proliferation and migration of glial progenitors continues in the postnatal period into adulthood.

Cortical malformations can be categorized as malformations due to abnormal neuronal or glial proliferation, abnormal neuronal migration, or abnormal postmigrational development ( Box 2.1 ). This section will illustrate the common cortical malformations and disorders in which these are common findings. Cortical dysplasias, which are cortical malformations resulting from abnormal neuronal/glial proliferation and postmigrational development, are discussed in Chapter 8 , Epilepsy.

BOX 2.1
Classification of Congenital Cortical Malformations
From Barkovich AJ, Guerrini R, Kuzniecky RI, Jackson GD, Dobyns WB. A developmental and genetic classification for malformations of cortical development: Update 2012. Brain . 2012;135(5):1348–1369. doi:10.1093/brain/aws019

Group I. Malformations Secondary to Abnormal Neuronal and Glial Proliferation or Apoptosis

  • I.A. Microcephaly

  • I.B. Megalencephalies and Hemimegalencephaly

  • I.C. Cortical dysgenesis with abnormal cell proliferation (FCD type 2)

Group II. Malformations due to Abnormal Neuronal Migration

  • II.A Heterotopia

  • II.B. Lissencephaly

  • II.C. Subcortical heterotopia and sublobar dysplasia

  • II.D. Cobblestone malformations

Group III. Malformations Secondary to Abnormal Postmigrational Development

  • III.A. Polymicrogyria and schizencephaly

  • III.B. Polymicrogyria without schizencephalic clefts

  • III.C. Focal cortical dysplasias (FCD type 1)

  • III.D. Postmigrational microcephaly


Key Points


  • Microcephaly is defined as a head circumference at least 3 standard deviations below age-matched normative values.

  • Primary or genetic mediated microcephaly is believed to result from early exhaustion of the neuronal precursors or accelerated neuronal apoptosis.

  • Primary microcephaly must be differentiated from secondary, acquired microcephaly due to brain injury (e.g., after a hypoxic ischemic injury or TORCH infection).

  • Multiple classifications are available of which the significance is being debated.

  • Prognosis varies but often is associated with epilepsy, motor deficits, and intellectual disability. Patients with microcephaly primary hereditary typically have mild to moderate intellectual disability and speech and motor delay. Patients with microlissencephaly often have severe hypertonia or hypotonia, seizures, and early death.


  • On sagittal imaging the cranial vault/brain appears disproportionally small compared to the maxillofacial skeleton.

  • Microcephaly may be associated with several patterns of the cerebral cortex and remainder of the brain:

    • Microcephaly primary hereditary (MCPH) demonstrates microcephaly with architecturally normal cortical thickness and folding.

    • Microcephaly with simplified gyral pattern (MSG) demonstrates absent tertiary sulcation, shallow sulci, delayed/impaired myelination, and normal cortical thickness. The corpus callosum may be thin but is typically completely formed from anterior to posterior.

    • Microlissencephaly with increased cerebral cortical thickness, agenesis or dysgenesis of the corpus callosum, and hypoplasia of the brainstem and cerebellum.

    • Microcephaly with polymicrogyria or cortical dysplasia.


  • 1. Raybaud C., Widjaja E.: Development and dysgenesis of the cerebral cortex: malformations of cortical development. Neuroimaging Clin N Am 2011; 21: pp. 483-543.
  • 2. Huisman TA, Poretti A. Chapter 7. Disorders of brain development. In: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine, 5th ed. Edited by Scott Atlas, MD. Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • 3. Barkovich A. James, Guerrini Renzo, Kuzniecky Ruben I., Jackson Graeme D., William B.: Dobyns, A developmental and genetic classification for malformations of cortical development: update 2012. Brain May 2012; 135: pp. 1348-1369.


Key Points


  • Hemimegalencephaly is characterized by a diffuse hamartomatous overgrowth of part or entirety of a cerebral hemisphere. The ipsilateral cerebellum may also be enlarged (total hemimegalencephaly).

  • The exact etiology remains unclear, but this severe congenital malformation is presumed to be secondary to a combination of an accelerated, excessive neuronal proliferation and impaired apoptosis .

  • Most children present with intractable seizures, developmental delay, and hemiplegia.

  • Hemimegalencephaly is seen as an isolated finding but may also be part of various syndromes including PIK3/akt/mTOR disorders, hypomelanosis of Ito, neurofibromatosis type 1, Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome, and Proteus syndrome.


  • The enlarged cerebral hemisphere shows a thickened, dysmorphic cortical ribbon with simplified gyration and shallow sulci. The adjacent white matter is abnormal with features consistent with dysmyelination.

  • Color-coded fractional anisotropy maps confirm the disorganization of the cortical ribbon and the subcortical, hemispheric white matter.

  • Characteristically, the ipsilateral lateral ventricle is enlarged compared to the contralateral side, often commensurate with the enlarged affected hemisphere. In addition, the shape of the enlarged ventricle is abnormal. The midline is in most cases preserved.

  • The hemicranium containing the enlarged hemisphere is typically enlarged, resulting in an increased head circumference/macrocephaly.


  • 1. Huisman TA, Poretti A. Chapter 7. Disorders of brain development. In: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine, 5th ed. Edited by Scott Atlas, MD. Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


Key Points


  • Lissencephaly and pachygyria are cortical malformations due to abnormal neuronal migration often occurring as a spectrum in patients.

  • Lissencephaly results from an arrested neuronal migration resulting in a four-layer cortical ribbon.

  • Lissencephaly may be secondary to a LIS1 mutation (classic lissencephaly), DCX mutation also known as X-linked (XLIS), TUBA1A gene mutation, or secondary to infections (cytomegalovirus). LIS1 and DCX mutations account for 40% to 75% of patients with classic lissencephaly.

  • Pachygyria is likely caused by abnormal regulation of microtubule activities.

  • Pachygyria can be caused by infections or be part of overgrowth syndromes, including hemimegalencephaly.


  • Lissencephaly is characterized by the appearance of a smooth brain surface with little or no gyri (agyria) and sulci generally resembling a figure-8 shape . Pachygyria is characterized by broad/wide gyri, shallow or absent sulci, and abnormal thickened cortical ribbon with a smooth inner and outer contour of the cortex. Many cases of occurring as a spectrum in patients have a combination of agyria and pachygyria.

  • Pattern of agyria-pachygyria can indicate underlying genetic mutation:

    • LIS1 mutations often have greater agyria of the parietal and occipital lobes and pachygyria of the frontal lobes.

    • DCX mutations have more severe involvement of the frontal lobes compared to the occipital lobes.

    • TUBA1A gene mutations often demonstrate classic lissencephaly as well as malformation of the corpus callosum, rounded hippocampi, and pontocerebellar hypoplasia.


  • 1. Raybaud C., Widjaja E.: Development and dysgenesis of the cerebral cortex: malformations of cortical development. Neuroimaging Clin N Am 2011; 21: pp. 483-543.
  • 2. Huisman TA, Poretti A. Chapter 7. Disorders of brain development. In: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine, 5th ed. Edited by Scott Atlas, MD. Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


Key Points


  • Heterotopia refers to an abnormal collection of neurons in an anomalous location other than the cortical gray matter.

  • Heterotopia is believed to be secondary to an arrested migration of neurons from the germinal matrix toward the cortical ribbon along the radial glial path.

  • Heterotopia may occur isolated or be part of complex brain malformations or syndromes including Chiari II malformation, commissural anomalies, Joubert syndrome, fragile X syndrome, and FLNA gene mutation.

  • Clinical symptoms are variable. Mild degrees of periventricular heterotopia may be incidentally identified. Other patients may have developmental delay, seizures, and motor dysfunction.


  • Heterotopias are isointense to cortical gray matter on all MRI sequences and do not show contrast enhancement.

  • On (color-coded) fractional anisotropy maps, heterotopia have low FA values due to the high degree of isotropic diffusion, similar to cortical and central gray matter.

  • Heterotopia may be subcortical or periventricular.

  • Heterotopia may be focal/nodular, multifocal, linear/band-like, unilateral, or bilateral. Band heterotopia is typically seen in females with LIS1 or DCX mutation.

  • Large heterotopia may exert a mass effect on adjacent structures.

  • Overlying cortical ribbon may be affected/malformed.


  • 1. Raybaud C., Widjaja E.: Development and dysgenesis of the cerebral cortex: malformations of cortical development. Neuroimaging Clin N Am 2011; 21: pp. 483-543.
  • 2. Huisman TA, Poretti A. Chapter 7. Disorders of brain development. In: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine, 5th ed. Edited by Scott Atlas, MD. Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


Key Points


  • Also known as neuroglial hamartoma. A focal mass lesion/malformation composed of differentiated derivatives of neuroectodermal tissue, including disorganized mature neuronal and glial cells.

  • Occurs between the fifth and sixth week of gestation, when the forebrain vesicle is divided into the telencephalon and diencephalon.

  • Most are large at presentation, supporting that the etiologic event occurs early in gestation.

  • Glioneuronal heterotopia is clinically and pathologically benign and must be differentiated from true neoplasms.


  • On neuroimaging the lesions are typically extraaxial with lack of infiltration of adjacent brain structures. The CT and MRI characteristics follow gray and white matter densities/signal intensities on all sequences. No directional diffusion seen on fractional anisotropy maps. Faint or absent contrast enhancement. Lack of growth on serial imaging supports diagnosis.

  • Glioneuronal heterotopias are typically located extracranially, including the orbit, pharynx, middle ear, neck, and thorax. The nasal cavity represents the most common location.

  • Rarely, glioneuronal heterotopias may be located intracranially. Intracranial glioneuronal heterotopias are frequently associated with congenital craniofacial anomalies.

  • Prenatal ultrasound or fetal MRI allows diagnosis of the lesion but is challenging.


  • 1. Huisman T.A., Brehmer U., Zeilinger G., et. al.: Parapharyngeal neuroglial heterotopia extending through the skull base in a neonate with airway obstruction. J Pediatr Surg 2007 Oct; 42; pp. 1764-1767.
  • 2. Meoded A., Turan S., Harman C., et. al.: Pre- and postnatal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging of intracranial extra-axial glioneuronal heterotopia. Fetal Diagn Ther 2011; 30: pp. 314-316.


Key Points


  • Cobblestone malformations are malformations of neuronal migration .

  • Multiple genes (autosomal recessive inheritance) have been identified linked to alpha-dystroglycan mutations. Consequently, these disorders are also known as alpha-dystroglycanopathies.

  • Abnormal glycosylation of the cell-surface glycoprotein alpha-dystroglycan results in a deficient binding of extracellular matrix proteins containing laminin domains. This binding is essential for muscle fibers to attach to the muscle basal lamina, and deficiency prevents normal muscle contraction ( muscular dystrophy ). Proper function of glycosylated alpha-dystroglycan is also relevant for the linkage of radial glial cells to the basement membrane during development of the cortical ribbon, and for the glial guide cells to the retinal limiting membrane. The lack of a proper attachment of the radial glial cells to the pial basement membrane allows for overmigration of neurons through the pial basement membrane into the subpial and subarachnoid space, resulting in the typical cobblestone appearance. Consequently, in dystroglycanopathies additional neuronal cerebral and cerebellar migrational abnormalities and retinal abnormalities including colobomas may accompany the muscular dystrophy.

  • Clinically, they are subclassified into merosin-positive or -negative muscular dystrophy (CMD1), Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy (CMD2), muscle eye brain disease (CMD3), and Walker-Warburg syndrome (CMD4).

  • Muscle biopsy typically confirms diagnosis.

  • Neonates present at birth with hypotonia, early onset progressive muscular weakness, delayed motor development, impaired vision, and seizures.


  • Cortical anomalies, including cobblestone lissencephaly, polymicrogyria, and/or pachygyria

  • Z-shaped or kinked, thin brainstem, and cervicomedullary kinking

  • Cortical/subcortical cerebellar inclusion cysts, hypoplastic vermis and cerebellum, and tectal plate deformities

  • Abnormal myelination

  • Ventriculomegaly

  • Malformed corpus callosum

  • Retinal abnormalities as well as colobomas

  • Occipital encephaloceles may be seen in CMD4

  • Imaging findings typically become more prominent on postnatal imaging, in particular the dysmyelination and cortical anomalies


  • 1. Bosemani T., Orman G., Boltshauser E., Tekes A., Huisman T.A., Poretti A.: Congenital abnormalities of the posterior fossa. Radiographics 2015; 35: pp. 200-220.
  • 2. Tali A., Poretti A., Boltshauser E., Huisman T.A.: Differential diagnosis of ventriculomegaly and brainstem kinking on fetal MRI. Brain Dev 2016; 38: pp. 103-108.
  • 3. Huisman T.A.: Fetal MRI of the Central Nervous System and Abdomen. Semin Roentgenol 2008; 43: pp. 314-336.


Key Points


  • Polymicrogyria results from abnormal late neuronal migration/early cortical organization impairing the normal lamination of the cortical ribbon. This occurs in the second half of the second trimester.

  • Polymicrogyria may be secondary to intrauterine infections, ischemia, toxins (e.g., alcohol) or genetic/syndrome related (e.g. Aicardi syndrome, Zellweger syndrome, tubulinopathy, mTORopathy).

  • Polymicrogyria may be focal or multifocal, unilateral or bilateral.

  • If the polymicrogyria is bilateral and symmetrical, evaluation for a genetic disorder or syndrome should be performed.

  • Prognosis is variable and depends on extent and location, associated anomalies. Unilateral polymicrogyria can be found in otherwise healthy children who present in the first or second decade with seizures.


  • Abnormal cortical ribbon characterized by multiple small and irregular-shaped gyri with small, shallow or fused intervening sulci.

  • The surface of the brain may appear “smooth” due to the obliterated or fused sulci.

  • Dysplastic, abnormal leptomeningeal vessels may overlay the abnormal cortical ribbon.

  • On fetal MRI, polymicrogyria can appear as either early appearance of a sulcus or irregular cortical sulcation.

  • Polymicrogyria typically lines a schizencephalic cleft.

  • Associations: CMV infection, septo-optic dysplasia, callosal anomalies, gray matter heterotopia, MPPH syndrome (macrocephaly, polymicrogyria, polydactyly, hydrocephalus), tubulinopathy, Zellweger syndrome.


  • 1. Raybaud C., Widjaja E.: Development and dysgenesis of the cerebral cortex: malformations of cortical development. Neuroimaging Clin N Am 2011; 21: pp. 483-543.
  • 2. Huisman TA, Poretti A. Chapter 7. Disorders of brain development. In: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine, 5th ed. Edited by Scott Atlas, MD. Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


Key Points


  • Schizencephaly is a malformation of cortical migration resulting in a gray matter–lined cleft in the cerebral hemisphere communicating from the subpial space to the ventricle.

  • The most likely etiology of a schizencephaly is an early, intrauterine vascular insult during neuronal migration and cortical organization occurring at ∼16 to 21 weeks’ gestation, similar to polymicrogyria.

  • Open-lip schizencephaly is more frequently symptomatic compared to closed-lip schizencephaly. Bilateral schizencephaly is associated with more severe neurocognitive impairment compared to unilateral. 90% of patients have motor dysfunction, 78% have cognitive dysfunction, and 68% have seizures.


  • Schizencephaly is defined as a cleft extending from the surface of the brain toward the ventricle lined by malformed gray matter (transmantle clefting). The cortical gray matter lining the cleft is dysplastic with abnormal lamination and may include areas of pachygyria and polymicrogyria.

  • Schizencephaly is subdivided into open-lip and closed-lip schizencephaly.

  • In open-lip schizencephaly, the lips/borders of the cleft are separated by cerebrospinal fluid, while in closed-lip schizencephaly the lips/borders of the cleft are “touching” each other with minimal or no cerebrospinal fluid within the cleft.

  • In closed-lip schizencephaly, a focal dimple may be seen along the ventricular wall at the “insertion site” of the cleft.

  • Dysplastic vessels may extend into the cleft.

  • Schizencephaly may be unilateral (∼60%) or bilateral (∼40%). In bilateral schizencephaly the leaves of the septum pellucidum are nearly always absent; in unilateral schizencephaly they are absent in most cases.

  • On (color-coded) fractional anisotropy maps the aberrant course or lack of affected white matter tracts are easily identified.

  • Schizencephaly can be diagnosed on fetal MRI in most cases.

  • Additional findings include: agenesis or hypogenesis of the corpus callosum (38%), septo-optic dysplasia (17%), hydrocephalus (24%), and microcephaly (42%).


  • 1. Raybaud C., Widjaja E.: Development and dysgenesis of the cerebral cortex: malformations of cortical development. Neuroimaging Clin N Am 2011; 21: pp. 483-543.
  • 2. Huisman TA, Poretti A. Chapter 7. Disorders of brain development. In: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine, 5th ed. Edited by Scott Atlas, MD. Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • 3. Braga V.L., da Costa M.D.S., Riera R., Dos Santos Rocha L.P., de Oliveira Santos B.F., Matsumura Hondo T.T., de Oliveira Chagas M., Schizencephaly Cavalheiro S.: A Review of 734 Patients. Pediatr Neurol 2018 Oct; 87: pp. 23-29.


Key Points


  • Porencephalic cysts are focal brain defects filled with cerebrospinal fluid. These are not classified as malformations due to the destructive etiology but are presented here in this section because of the imaging pattern.

  • In most cases they are chronic sequelae of remote injury, which may include a focal arterial or venous stroke, focal intraparenchymal hemorrhage, trauma, surgery, or infection.

  • Porencephalic cysts are frequent complications of hemorrhagic periventricular venous infarctions secondary to a germinal matrix hemorrhage.

  • Depending on the timing of the injury, prenatal versus postnatal, additional malformations (e.g., cortical dysplasia) may coexist secondary to a disruption of normal intrauterine brain development.

  • May be isolated within the white matter or may communicate with the adjacent ventricular system or subarachnoid space.

  • Depending on the etiology, timing of injury, size, and location of the cyst in relation to functional centers, symptoms may vary, including minimal to severe functional deficits, motor and cognitive developmental delays, and seizure activity.


  • Unilateral large focal porencephalic cysts are often accompanied with hemiatrophy of the brainstem, including Wallerian degeneration, in particular if the corona radiata or perirolandic area is involved.

  • Typically, marginated by white matter with or without adjacent white matter gliosis; the overlying cortical ribbon may be thinned.

  • On color-coded fractional anisotropy maps, a reduction in size or occasional complete lack of white matter tracts may be observed.

  • Prenatal or early postnatal destructive lesions typically show little to no gliosis on follow-up because of the immature response of the brain to injury.

  • Occasionally porencephalic cysts may exert mass effect on adjacent brain tissue, even when communicating with ventricular system, and may require fenestration or drainage.

  • On imaging the cysts follow the imaging characteristics of cerebrospinal fluid. If the cyst is not communicating with the ventricular system or subarachnoid space an increased protein content within the cyst may result in an increased signal intensity on T1W/FLAIR imaging.


  • 1. Huisman TA, Poretti A. Chapter 7. Disorders of brain development. In: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine, 5th ed. Edited by Scott Atlas, MD. Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


Key Points


  • Complete or near complete absence of the supratentorial brain (hemispheric white matter and cortical gray matter) likely secondary to occlusion or atresia of the supraclinoid internal carotid arteries occurring in the second trimester. Causes can include in utero TORCH infections, twin-twin transfusion, maternal toxins, thrombotic causes, and COL4A1 mutation.

  • Hydranencephaly is not a malformation because it is a destructive process, but it is presented in this section due to the imaging pattern.

  • Initially infants have microcephaly that progresses to macrocephaly due to poor CSF regulation. Shunting of the supratentorial CSF may be indicated to assist management of macrocephaly.

  • Prognosis is poor, with function limited to the brainstem.


  • Absent cerebral hemispheres (some remaining medial temporal and occipital lobes can be seen) and CSF-filled cranium.

  • Brainstem, cerebellum, thalami, and choroid plexus, which are supplied by the vertebral arteries, are typically intact. Parts of the basal ganglia and medial occipital lobes may also be present. The preserved tissue survives via an intact posterior circulation.

  • The falx cerebri is present .

  • Residual leptomeninges may be seen following the inner table of the skull.

  • No circle of Willis is seen; no supraclinoid internal carotid arteries visible.

  • Differential Diagnosis: Alobar holoprosencephaly: absent falx Severe hydrocephalus: thin mantle of cortex present


  • 1. Huisman TA, Poretti A. Chapter 7. Disorders of brain development. In: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine, 5th ed. Edited by Scott Atlas, MD. Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


Key Points


  • Autosomal recessive peroxisome disorder that can result from multiple gene mutations

  • Congenital anomalies (craniofacial, eyes, liver, bone, brain), hypotonia, psychomotor retardation, facial dysmorphism, seizures, periarticular calcifications, and hepatomegaly; death frequently within 1 year


  • Bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria ; small gyri in the anterior frontal and temporal lobes

  • Caudothalamic groove germinolytic cysts

  • Hypomyelination

  • MRS: elevated lipid and lactate on short echo


  • 1. Barkovich A.J., Raybaud C.: Pediatric Neuroradiology.6th edition2019.Wolters-KluwerPhiladelphia


Key Points


  • PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway ( Fig. 2.54) involved in multiple disorders.

    Fig. 2.54, PI3K-AKT-mTOR and Interacting Signaling Pathways With Associated Heritable Diseases .

    Fig. 2.55, Tubulinopathy .

    Fig. 2.56, Tubulinopathy .

    Fig. 2.57, GPR56 Mutation .

    Fig. 2.58, Filamin A Deficiency .

    Fig. 2.59, Ventricle Embryology .

    Fig. 2.60, Alobar Holoprosencephaly .

    Fig. 2.61, Semilobar Holoprosencephaly .

    Fig. 2.62, Semilobar Holoprosencephaly .

    Fig. 2.63, Semilobar Holoprosencephaly .

    Fig. 2.64, Lobar Holoprosencephaly .

    Fig. 2.65, Syntelencephaly .

    Fig. 2.66, Syntelencephaly .

    Fig. 2.67, Septo-optic Dysplasia .

    Fig. 2.68, Septo-optic Dysplasia .

    Fig. 2.69, Septo-optic Dysplasia .

    Fig. 2.70, Septopreoptic Holoprosencephaly .

    Fig. 2.71, Absent Septum Pellucidum .

  • Tuberous sclerosis: TSC1 and TSC2 genes result in dysregulation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and lead to cortical dysplasias.

  • PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome (also known as Cowden and Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndromes): the PTEN mutation leads to dysregulated AKT activity and the PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum, which includes epidermal nevi, CLOVES syndrome, megalencephaly-capillary-malformation, congenital lipomatous overgrowth, fibroadipose hyperplasia, and hemihyperplasia multiple lipomatosis.


  • Brain and extracranial findings in PI3K3CA-related overgrowth spectrum include the following:

    • Hemimegalencephaly, megalencephaly, and polymicrogyria

    • Focal cortical dysplasia

    • Ventriculomegaly

    • Tonsillar ectopia/Chiari I malformation

    • Large, isolated lymphatic malformation


  • 1. Jansen L.A., Mirzaa G.M., Ishak G.E., et. al.: PI3K/Akt pathway mutations cause a spectrum of brain malformations from megalencephaly to focal cortical dysplasia. Brain 2015; 138: pp. 1613-1628.
  • 2. Keppler-Noreuil K.M., Rios J.J., Parker V.E.R., et. al.: PIK3CA-related overgrowth spectrum (PROS): Diagnostic and testing eligibility criteria, differential diagnosis, and evaluation. Am J Med Genet A 2015 Feb; 0: pp. 287-295.


Key Points


  • Tubulinopathies result from mutations of the genes TUBA , TUBB , or TUBG encoding for the different isotypes of alpha-, beta- or gamma-tubulin, proteins that form the components of microtubules. The isotypes are the basis for the microtubule cytoskeleton that are assembled from the polymers of these tubulin heterodimers. The microtubule cytoskeleton is essential for the normal nervous system development.

  • Mutations of these essential genes consequently result in complex malformations affecting the neuronal proliferation, migration, and axonal pathfinding.


  • Depending on the genetic mutation, various brain malformations are present, including the following:

    • Basal ganglia malformation: A relatively characteristic imaging findings is that the b asal ganglia may appear malrotated , in particular the caudate nucleus, putamen, and globus pallidus are difficult to separate from each other on imaging. This is partially secondary to hypoplasia of the anterior limbs of the internal capsule (absence of the ALIC sign).

    • Cortical malformations: lissencephaly, pachygyria, polymicrogyria-like cortical dysplasia, simplified gyral pattern, and microlissencephaly

    • Cerebellar hypoplasia

    • Brainstem malformation: Pontine thinning or clefting, asymmetric cerebral peduncles

    • Malformation of the corpus callosum


  • 1. Mutch C.A., Sahin P.M., Barry B., et. al.: Disorders of microtubule function in neurons: Imaging correlates. AJNR, Am Journal of Neuroradiol 2016; 37: pp. 528-535.
  • 2. Bosemani T., Orman G., Boltshauser E., et. al.: Congenital abnormalities of the posterior fossa. Radiographics 2015; 35: pp. 200-220.
  • 3. Huisman TA, Poretti A. Chapter 7. Disorders of brain development. In: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine, 5th ed. Edited by Scott Atlas, MD. Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


Key Points

  • GPR56: Autosomal recessive disorder; involves a protein involved in cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions; clinically manifests with developmental delay, seizures, dysconjugate gaze, pyramidal and cerebellar signs. Imaging: bilateral frontoparietal polymicrogyria with decreasing anterior-posterior gradient of severity , cerebellar cysts, thick corpus callosum, hypoplastic pons, and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) demonstrate reduced transverse pontine fibers and middle cerebellar peduncle fibers and some patients with aberrant fibers from the corticospinal tract crossing the corpus callosum.

  • Filamin A deficiency: X-linked disorder; filamin A is an actin-binding protein that regulates cell shape and migration. Imaging demonstrates gray matter heterotopia , cerebellar hypoplasia, bilateral perisylvian or temporo-parieto-occipital polymicrogyria, and hydrocephalus. Lungs demonstrate emphysema , which manifests with respiratory distress in infancy.

  • Chudley-McCullough syndrome (GPSM2): autosomal recessive; clinical features include severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss; imaging findings include frontal polymicrogyria , heterotopia, callosal hypogenesis, dysplastic inferior cerebellar fissures.

  • Reelin mutation: Imaging findings include pachygyria/lissencephaly and bilateral cerebellar hypoplasia.

  • VLDRL: Imaging findings include pachygyria/lissencephaly and bilateral cerebellar hypoplasia.

  • CASK: Imaging findings include simplified gyral pattern and cerebellar hypoplasia.

  • MPPH syndrome: Macrocephaly, polymicrogyria, polydactyly, hydrocephalus.


  • 1. Poretti A., Bolthauser E., Huisman T.A.G.M.: Cerebellar and brainstem malformations. Neuroimaging Clin N Am 2016 Aug; 26: pp. 341-357.
  • 2. Quattrocchi C.C., Zanni G., Napolitano A., et. al.: Conventional magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging studies in children with novel GPR56 mutations: further delineation of a cobblestone-like phenotype. Neurogenetics 2013; 14: pp. 77-83.
  • 3. Ozdemir M., Dilli A.: Chudley-McCullough syndrome. J Clin Imaging Sci 2018 Nov 15; 8: pp. 45.


At approximately 35 days of gestation, the prosencephalon divides into the telencephalon and diencephalon. The telencephalon, which forms the cerebral hemispheres, separates as outpouchings in the region of the foramen of Monro. The thin-walled cerebral hemisphere vesicles expand and cover the diencephalon. The telencephalon vesicle will partition in the midline along the roof of the telencephalon, leading to the interhemispheric fissure and differentiation of the falx. Separation of the embryonic prosencephalic vesicle depends on a balance between ventral and dorsal midline induction. The segmentation has a posterior → anterior, caudal → rostral, and dorsal → ventral pattern, which means the inferior frontal lobes are the last region to separate.

Holoprosencephalies are a result of abnormal ventral induction occurring ∼fifth to sixth week of gestation. The interhemispheric fissure fails to form, and the prosencephalic vesicle is not split into the two telencephalic vesicles, resulting in varying degrees of midline fusion. Etiology of holoprosencephaly is heterogeneous and includes teratogens (alcohol, retinoic acid), environmental factors (maternal diabetes), and genetic causes (∼25% to 50% of cases), including trisomy 13 and at least 14 gene mutations, of which sonic hedgehog gene (30% to 40%) and ZIC1 (5%) are the most common. Additional maxillofacial malformations may exist, including hypotelorism, midline clefts, single central incisor, absent metopic suture, and cyclopia (the face may predict the brain). Additional midline structures that may be affected include the rhinencephalon (hypoplastic olfactory bulbs), hypothalamus/pituitary gland, septum pellucidum, and corpus callosum.

Holoprosencephaly is subdivided in alobar, semilobar, and lobar forms, depending on the severity and extent of the midline anomaly ( Table 2.2 ). Holoprosencephaly and similar malformations are discussed in this section.

Types of Holoprosencephaly
Finding Craniofacial Anomalies Ventricles Septum Pellucidum Falx Cerebri Interhemispheric Fissure Thalami, Basal Ganglia
Severe Monoventricle Absent Absent Absent Fused
Variable Rudimentary temporal and occipital horns Absent Present posteriorly Present Posteriorly Partial fusion
Absent or mild Squared-off frontal horns Absent Well-formed Present Separated


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