Bioresorbable Coronary Scaffolds

Key Points

  • Bioresorbable scaffolds (BRS) have the potential to overcome the remaining limitations of new generation drug eluting stents (DES) by providing temporary vessel scaffolding and then disappearing.

  • They are composed of either polymer or corrodible metal-based alloys and the most frequently used material in the current generation of BRS is poly(L-lactic) acid (PLLA) followed by magnesium.

  • As of May 2017, five BRS—Absorb, DESolve, ART Pure, Fantom, and Magmaris—have acquired the Conformité Européenne (CE) mark, while Absorb has also been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) in Japan.

  • Absorb is presently the only BRS that has been tested against a new generation DES in randomized trials with at least mid-term follow-up. However, with the accumulation of data from these trials, a paradoxically increased thrombotic risk of this scaffold emerged and the manufacturing company eventually stopped its commercial production.

  • Numerous other BRS are currently in the phase of clinical trials against a new generation DES while intensive research and developments are ongoing globally to advance this technology and hopefully meet its expectations.


The evolution of percutaneous coronary revascularization, after its introduction in clinical practice with balloon angioplasty, has been characterized by three device-based landmarks; chronologically, these are the bare metal stents (BMS), the drug-eluting stents (DES), and the bioresorbable scaffolds (BRS). BMS were designed to overcome some of the major drawbacks of balloon angioplasty, most importantly acute vessel closure and recoil. Two landmark trials, the comparison of balloon-expandable-stent implantation with balloon angioplasty in patients with coronary artery disease (BENESTENT) trial and STent REStenosis Study (STRESS), demonstrated the superiority of BMS over balloon angioplasty and introduced BMS as the new standard of practice in percutaneous revascularization in the early 1990s. BMS, however, were still plagued by significant rates of in-stent restenosis. To address this problem, DES were developed by coating BMS with polymers containing antiproliferative drugs. First-generation DES significantly reduced in-stent restenosis and target lesion revascularization (TLR) compared with BMS, but there were remaining concerns of late or very late stent thrombosis (ST). To overcome this limitation, DES were further developed with more biocompatible or biodegradable polymers, thinner struts, and new antiproliferative drugs. These developments led to the current generation DES that are associated with both excellent efficacy and improved safety profile. New-generation DES represent the latest revolution in percutaneous coronary intervention and are considered the best currently available technology in the field, but room for improvement still exists. This room is associated with the permanent implant that is left in the coronary arteries and has been the driving force for the development of BRS. The concept of a device that “does the job (i.e., provides short-term vessel support and inhibits early constrictive remodeling) and disappears” is very appealing and due to their intriguing features, BRS have the potential to become not only another revolution, but literally the “holy grail” of percutaneous coronary revascularization. The currently available evidence does not yet support this optimistic view; however, intensive research and developments are ongoing globally to advance this technology and hopefully meet its expectations.

Terminology: Stents, Scaffolds, Biodegradation, Bioabsorption and Bioresorption

The word “ Stent ,” now used in many medical disciplines, derives from the name of an English dentist born in 1807, Charles Thomas Stent. Jacques Puel and Ulrich Sigwart are to be credited for introducing and popularizing this term in percutaneous coronary intervention, substituting previously used terms such as intravascular prostheses or grafts. In their landmark 1987 work, the researchers described the first use of intracoronary stents in humans, which at that time were called “Wallstents” after its inventor, Hans Wallstén. Scaffold is a newer term that implies temporary arterial support and was introduced in the interventional cardiology field to distinguish these devices from permanent stents. It has been widely used in peer-reviewed medical literature over the last years and has become the preferred term to designate this bioresorbable device. The scientific community also recommends that the term bioresorbable instead of bioabsorbable or biodegradable is used in conjunction with the word scaffold. Bioabsorption refers to the disappearance of the compound into another substance but does not necessarily equate to degradation and, even less, to elimination of the polymer from the body. Indeed, even if a “bioabsorbable” polymeric device is no longer visible as a result of degradation (“bioabsorption”), high molecular mass molecules can still be trapped between skin and mucosa without passing physiological barriers. Bioresorption indicates the total elimination of polymers from the body via natural routes (like kidney or lungs) by dissolution, assimilation, and excretion. The words “ degradation ” and “ bio-degradation ” are also confusing and should be restricted to cases of unknown or abiotic mechanisms (“degradation”) or cell-mediated in vivo mechanisms (“bio-degradation”).

Rationale and Promises of Bioresorbable Scaffold

BRS provide a number of theoretical advantages over new-generation DES. These advantages become established after biodegradation is completed, liberating the vessel from its “cage,” and can be grossly classified as follows: (1) Restoration of vessel physiology and functionality, including vessel pulsatility, vasomotion, and vascular mechano-transduction (conversion of hemodynamic forces to chemical stimuli or signaling pathways) and preservation of the vessel’s ability to undergo positive, outward remodeling. (2) Restoration of vessel anatomy , producing less alteration in angulation and curvature. In addition to limiting vascular straightening, any area/diameter mismatch causing step-up or step-down regions is also expected to subside following scaffold degradation. (3) Absence of a permanent foreign-body implant which serves as a nidus for chronic irritation, flow disturbances, and thrombosis, especially when full endothelial coverage is not achieved and/or sustained endothelial dysfunction or late acquired strut malapposition is observed. At the vessel level, a disappearing stent could also result in avoidance of side branch “jailing” and “overhanging” in bifurcation and/or ostial lesions, as well as overcoming the inability to graft the stented segments. The latter is particularly pertinent to complex, multi-vessel coronary artery disease, where the use of multiple long stents and the need for repeat revascularization are common. Furthermore, the use of noninvasive imaging modalities like computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for stent assessment could be facilitated by eliminating the metal-related blooming artefact. (4) Expansion of indications for coronary stenting beyond the treatment of a functionally significant stenosis, to include passivation of vulnerable plaques regardless of their hemodynamic significance and treatment of special populations, like pediatric patients. Finally, since the duration of biodegradation is modifiable, a tuned elution of multiple drugs from the different components of the scaffold could become feasible, targeting multiple mechanisms of restenosis.

Historic Development

The efforts to create BRS started 30 years ago and during the ‘90s, research groups from the Thorax Centre, Mayo clinic, Cleveland clinic, and the Kyoto University performed a number of experimental studies attempting to elucidate the properties of various different polymers. The first preclinical studies performed were disappointing, but ongoing research indicated that polymer molecular weight was a major determinant of the observed vascular responses, and subsequent studies with high-molecular-weight poly(L-lactic) acid (PLLA) showed more promising results. However, although the idea of a BRS had been present since the early days of stent development, the technology failed to develop at that stage for the lack of an ideal polymer and the advent of metallic DES, and matured long after DES had become the golden standard in percutaneous revascularization. In 2000, the Igaki-Tamai PLLA-based scaffold became the first BRS to be implanted in humans and aliphatic polyesters have dominated the field as scaffold materials ever since, despite the compromises that had to be made in various mechanical performance properties. The first investigations of magnesium alloy-based scaffolds for cardiovascular interventions started in 2003 and the first clinical trial of magnesium-based BRS for intracoronary use was published in 2007.

Materials and Properties

New-generation DES are typically made of stainless steel, cobalt-chromium, or platinum-chromium. The current BRS, on the other hand, are composed of either polymer or corrodible metal-based alloys. The physical properties of the different materials used for stent and scaffold manufacturing are compared in Table 16.1 . The most frequently used material in the current generation of BRS is PLLA, followed by magnesium.

TABLE 16.1
Mechanical and Physical Properties of Bioresorbable Scaffolds and Metallic Stents Materials
Adapted from Ang HY, Bulluck H, Wong P, et al. Bioresorbable stents: Current and upcoming bioresorbable technologies. Int J Cardiol . 2017;228:931–939.
Material Strength Elasticity Phase Behavior Deformation Degradation
Tensile Strength (MPa) Young’s or Tensile Modulus (GPa) T g (°C) T m (°C) Elongation at Break (%) Degradation Rate (Months)
PLA 65 2–4 60 180–190 2–6 18–30
PLLA 60–70 2.7–4 60–65 175–180 2–6 >24
PDLLA 45–55 1.9–3.7 55–60 Amorphous 2–6 12–16
PCL 23 0.34–0.36 −54 55–60 >4000 24–36
PGA 90–110 6.0–7.0 35–40 225–230 1–2 6–12
PC 55–75 2–2.4 ≈147 225 80–150 >14
Mg alloy (WE43) 220–330 40–50 NA 540–640 2–20 3–12
Stainless steel 316L 668 193 NA 1371–1399 40+ Biostable
Cobalt chromium 1449 210–235 NA ≈1454 ≈40 Biostable
NA , Not applicable; PC, Tyrosine-derived polycarbonates; PCL, Polycaprolactone; PDLLA, poly(D,L-lactic acid); PGA , Poly(glycolic acid); PLA, pure poly(lactic acid); PLLA , poly(L-lactic) acid.


The term “polymer” originates from the Greek words «πολύ» (many or much = poly) and «μέρος» (part = mer) and refers to a macro-molecule that is composed of multiple repeated sub-units. Polymers have specific characteristics that define their mechanical properties which in turn define their suitability to be used as materials for scaffold development. Copolymerization of polymers with different properties has been widely employed in BRS fabrication to overcome the individual weaknesses of each polymer. The key polymer characteristics, beyond their type, include molecular weight, crystallinity, and hydrophobicity, while the key mechanical properties are tensile strength, elasticity, phase behavior, and biodegradation rate. The weight-averaged molecular weight of the polymer affects its processability whereas the number-averaged molecular weight influences its mechanical strength and elasticity. Crystallinity is determined by the degree of monomers’ linear arrangement and affects both tensile strength and degradation rate; in general, higher crystallinity results in longer degradation time and higher tensile strength. Hydrophobicity , from the Greek word «ύδωρ» = hydro (water) and «φόβος» = phobia, is the property of repelling water rather than absorbing it or dissolving in it and is also a regulating factor of the degradation rate. Tensile strength quantifies the amount of stress that a material can endure before suffering permanent deformation. Good radial strength allows for thinner struts and lower profile, hence better deliverability. Elasticity, from the Greek word «ἐλαστός» = ductible, is defined as the ability of a body to resist a distorting/deforming influence or force and return to its original size and shape when the latter is removed. For polymers, their elastic properties are quantified by the Young’s or tensile modulus of elasticity which is highly dependent on temperature. In the case of PLLA, increasing crystallinity is expected to increase its strength but at the expense of reducing its elasticity, limiting the amount of expansion that a polymer scaffold can endure during deployment without fracturing. The phase behavior of polymers is defined by their glass transition temperature (Tg) (= the temperature that the polymer starts to display rubbery behavior) and melting point temperature (Tm).


Pure poly(lactic acid) (PLA) has unfavorable mechanical properties for BRS production but exists as two stereo-isomers that result in four distinct polymers, namely PLLA, poly(D-lactic acid) or PDLA, poly(D,L-lactic acid) or PDLLA, and meso-PLA. The first three have favorable characteristics for BRS fabrication. PLLA is a semi-crystalline material that consists of highly ordered segments with high concentrations of polymer, termed crystal lamellae, bound together by less dense, amorphous polymer tie chains. It has high tensile strength, although still inferior to the durable metals used in conventional stent fabrication, while the additional methyl group makes it more hydrophobic, leading to slower absorption rates than non-PLA-related polymers. Furthermore, it is less inflammatory and has the highest Tg among the general biodegradable polymers, well above the body temperature of 37 o C, so that the scaffold is dimensionally stable in its deployed size under physiological conditions. For these reasons, PLLA is the most commonly used polymer for BRS fabrication. The degradation of PLLA takes place in three steps. First, hydrolysis of the amorphous regions, which are less packed and therefore more accessible to water, occurs. The molecular weight decreases, with little effect on mechanical performance and a slight reduction in crystallinity. In the second phase, continuous cleavage of the amorphous tie chains occurs, which causes a decrease in mechanical strength (due to scission of the amorphous tie chains) and polymer fragmentation into low-weight oligomeric poly-lactic acid molecules. This results in further mass loss and visible structural discontinuities. Finally, the oligomers hydrolyze to lactic acid monomers which de-protonate to lactate. Lactate is then converted to pyruvate and enters the Krebs cycle, where it is further metabolized in CO 2 and H 2 O excreted through the lungs and kidneys, respectively. Remaining particles smaller than 2 μm are phagocytosed by macrophages. In practice, since the degradation rate depends on a number of more or less interrelated factors, there is not one PLLA but a number of polymers having the same basic chemical structure but different behaviors depending on the synthesis route. PDLA is a crystalline material with similar physico-chemical and hydrolytic properties to PLLA, although somewhat lower tensile strength and stiffness. However, the derived polymer has not been exploited so far, primarily because the D-lactic acid precursor is less accessible than the L-isomer. PDLLA is an amorphous polymer, due to the random distribution of the two isomeric forms of PLA that it contains, it and has a lower tensile strength and a shorter degradation rate than PLLA. Poly(glycolic acid) (PGA) is the simplest linear aliphatic polyester and one of the first biodegradable polymers ever investigated for medical use. It has the highest tensile strength among the polymers used for BRS fabrication, but it also has a rapid degradation rate and an increased inflammatory trend. Polycaprolactone (PCL) is a semi-crystalline polymer with very high elongation at break but very low in vivo degradation rate. The structural changes during the bioresorption process of three characteristic BRS based on aliphatic polyesters are shown in Fig. 16.1 .

Fig. 16.1, Biodegradation process of CE-mark approved bioresorbable stent.


Tyrosine-derived polycarbonates (PC) are a class of polymers that contain amino acid-like backbones connected by carbonate bonds, resulting in strong mechanical properties with preservation of the biocompatibility of their degradation products. Their resorption pathway is similar to PLLA (see Fig. 16.1 ). Polyanhydrides have the unique property that the degradation of the anhydride bond is dependent on backbone polymer chemistry, thus allowing for precise tuning of payload release, but have poor mechanical properties.

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