Biomechanical models to study spinal phenotypes

Key points

  • Intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration involves endplate-driven and annulus-driven phenotypes that accumulate and interact with progressive degeneration and eventual collapse of the IVD.

  • IVD injuries result in organ-level changes that affect cellular level responses and organ level biomechanical behaviors, which can be measured and manipulated in model systems.

  • IVD degeneration phenotypes can be represented by distinct injuries in biomechanical model systems including endplate-driven defects and annulus-driven defects, as well as biochemical degradation.

  • Annulus-driven and endplate-driven IVD injuries, and biochemical degradation, can all result in depressurization that biomechanically results in IVD height loss, and affect low force behaviors such as an increase in the neutral zone.

  • Large annulus-driven defects create a loss of annulus fibrosus integrity and affect torsional stiffness and can also increase torsional range of motion in addition to resulting in depressurization.


We gratefully acknowledge Christopher Smith, MA, CMI, Academic Medical Illustrator, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, for his medical illustrations that greatly contribute to this chapter, and Byron Mui, BA, for helpful discussions on biomechanical model systems.


This work supported by NIH/NIAMS Grants 1 R01 AR069315,1R01 AR064157, and 1R01 AR057397.


Back and neck pain involve pathologies of all spinal tissues that result in functional changes to spinal biomechanics and biology. As spine research advances, it has become clear that many clinical definitions of spinal pathologies have limited relationships to painful conditions, motivating a need for more precise phenotypic characterizations. One of the most clear examples of this is intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration (see Chapter 6 ), since abnormalities in disc magnetic resonance imaging (see Chapter 5 ) are common in asymptomatic controls and do not always correlate with clinical symptoms in patients [ , ]. Consequently, IVD degeneration is commonly considered to have similar characteristics of aging and often considered an aging phenomenon and is accelerated in some [ ]. More precise definitions of functional pathological phenotypes are required to describe better the pathological changes associated with disability and pain and to distinguish those changes from aging phenomena. Modeling these specific phenotypes for biomechanical testing is therefore critical to the study of spinal pathology

The purpose of this chapter is to describe biomechanical models to study spinal phenotypes, which include tissue and structural biomechanical models, cell and organ culture, and finite element modeling. We first describe IVD degeneration phenotypes and then describe the biomechanical, and to a lesser extent the biological, changes involved in distinct injuries that simulate these spinal pathology conditions. We describe findings that have informed pathophysiology known to be associated with IVD degeneration to clarify important biomechanical characteristics required to repair these degenerative conditions.

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