Biologic Augmentation in Peripheral Nerve Repair


Peripheral nerve injuries remain a main source of morbidity and disability. Peripheral nerve injuries have life-altering impacts on the patients who suffer years of uncertainty while waiting for some level of recovery. Patients may be left with devastating sensory and motor deficits such as limb numbness, dysethesias, paralysis, and neuropathic pain which renders them disabled. The management of nerve injuries is multifactorial including the location of the injury, the type of injury, the size of segmental nerve defect, the timing of injury presentation, and accompanying soft tissue injury. Nerve injuries lead to both physiological and histopathological changes to the nerve and its surrounding soft tissue, including demyelination, degeneration, remyelination, and regeneration. Despite the permissive growth environment of the peripheral nervous system (PNS), major human nerve injuries have very limited potential for spontaneous recovery. Although there has been significant amount of research addressing the molecular biology of nerve injury and numerous surgical advances detailing peripheral nerve repair, the injured limb still cannot be restored to normal function. Unfortunately, optimization of outcomes has plateaued with surgical manipulation alone as issues with the rate of regeneration, specificity of regeneration, segmental nerve defects, and degeneration of target end organ remain unaddressed by current practices. Tension-free primary repair is the gold standard for peripheral nerve injuries that do not have gaps. Nerve injuries with gaps present a greater challenge for the reconstructive surgeons. Faced with this predicament, surgeons have been searching for alternative techniques to allow bridging of gaps, as well as tensionless nerve repair. The role of biologic augments in the repair of peripheral nerve injuries has long been studied in both animal models and humans to address this issue. It is, therefore, critical that we are made aware of the appropriate applications and the limitations of these tools to understand how we can promote an effective regenerative environment for damaged nerves. Adapted from our recent review, we include discussions regarding microanatomy, nerve response to injury, as well as limitations of peripheral nerve regeneration, as these topics provide invaluable information to further understand the role of biologic augmentation in peripheral nerve repair and reconstruction.


Peripheral nerves are heterogeneous composite structures that are comprised of neurons, Schwann cells (SCs), macrophages, and fibroblasts. The neuron is a polarized cell that forms the foundation of the nerve and consists of dendrites, the cell body, and a single axon. Axons project toward their sites of innervation to form synapses with their target end organs. If the axonal diameter is greater than or equal to 1 μm, each SC will wrap its plasma membrane around one single region of an axon to form myelin. SCs produce myelin to encapsulate the axon and aid in action potential transmission as myelin allows for fast and efficient conduction and propagation of an action potential down an axon. The blood supply to the nerve is a complex vascular plexus formed from anastomoses of epineural, perineural, and endoneurial plexi, as well as segmental blood supply derived from a number of nutrient arteries. It is apparent that the blood supply to the nerve is fragile and may be disrupted due to trauma or tension during nerve repair. In addition, peripheral nerves have connective tissue layers to provide strength and protection to the nerve: (1) the epineurium, (2) perineurium, and (3) endoneurium. It is crucial to recognize that all surgical interventions are strictly directed at these connective tissue layers, whereas the axon and SCs must respond to injury and regenerate via their inherent biology.

Nerve Response to Injury

In contrast to chronic nerve injuries that are SC driven, acute nerve injuries are axonally mediated with Wallerian degeneration being initiated with granular disintegration of the axonal cytoskeleton. Within 48 hours after injury to the nerve, SCs break down myelin and phagocytose debris from the axon in the distal stump. Macrophages are then recruited to the area and start releasing growth factors that in turn encourage SC and fibroblast proliferation. SCs begin the reparative process by forming longitudinal bands of Bungner, which are essentially growth-promoting conduits for regenerating axons. Injection of predifferentiated SCs near injured nerves has been shown to aid remyelination in regenerating axons, reduce percent myelin debris, and improve functional recovery in rodents. At the tip of the regenerating axon is the growth cone, which is composed of cellular matrix from which fingerlike projections called filopodia extrude to explore the microenvironment. Proteases are released from the growth cone to clear a path toward a target organ, which is heavily influenced by different factors. After injury, SCs upregulate neurotrophic factors nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived growth factor (BDNF), as well as their corresponding receptors in the distal stumps. This increase in expression of NGF and its low-density receptors is believed to promote extensive proliferation and migration of SCs and mainly affects properties of sensory neurons. BDNF levels are also increased and are postulated to act as an anterograde trophic messenger under the influence of NGF. Ciliary neuronotrophic factor (CNTF) is a neuronotrophic factor that is believed to affect survival and regeneration of motoneurons and is found to be reduced significantly in the SCs of the distal stump, with this reduction extending to the neuromuscular junction. Furthermore, there is increased retrograde axonal transport of CNTF after nerve injury. Neurite-promoting factors, such as laminin and fibronectin, and matrix-forming precursors, such as fibrinogen, are all synthesized in response to nerve injury.

In addition to the release of trophic factors, tubulin deacetylation is an important factor leading to decreased stability of microtubulin, which is required for axonal integrity and regeneration. Calcium-dependent activation of the histone deacetylases HDAC5 and HDAC6, in particular, leads to tubulin degeneration likely playing a role in inhibiting axonal regeneration after peripheral nerve injuries. The interaction between axons and SCs has also emerged as an important regulator of PNS development and regeneration. Fleming et al. identified that the receptor tyrosine kinase Ret genetically interacts with Er81 to control Nrg1-Ig in promoting the formation of Pacinian corpuscles. Taken together, these factors have the potential to promote regeneration; provide signaling for cell survival, neuronal differentiation, and proliferation; and influence synaptic function.

After a nerve injury, PNS neurons upregulate a number of regeneration-associated genes that may have direct role in neurite outgrowth. For example, the overexpression of transcription factor Activating transcription factor 3 (ATF-3) has been shown to promote neurite outgrowth after peripheral nerve injury. In their animal study, Bomze et al. concluded that growth-associated protein 43 and cytoskeleton-associated protein 23 were expressed after nerve injury and, together, were able to induce dramatic increase in the number of regenerated axons. Pathways associated with increased regeneration after a nerve injury have also been identified. The ERK pathway was shown to mediate axonal elongation, with the kinases Extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) and Akt promoting regeneration after axonal injury. After nerve injury, the cytokine interleukin-6 has been shown to work through the JAK-STAT3 pathway to overcome the inhibitory molecules and allow for axonal regeneration. In addition to pathways that are involved in axonal regeneration, there are also pathways that have been associated with inhibition of axonal regeneration. The small GTPase Rho signaling pathway, for instance, has a role in cytoskeletal reorganization and cell motility. Studies have shown that activation of Rho results to collapse of growth cones, and inhibiting Rho pathway allows for contractility and promotes neurite outgrowth.

Limitations of Peripheral Nerve Regeneration

Despite the promise of improved functional recovery, results are still limited as detailed by these studies with all currently available techniques. Outcomes of nerve repair after a traumatic injury are commonly influenced by factors outside of the control of the surgeon such as the age of the patient, location of injury, and timing of injury presentation and nerve repair. As initially reported by Sunderland and subsequently by many others, nerve reconstruction outcomes are better with younger patients, early repairs, repairs of single function nerves, distal injuries, and short nerve grafts. There are numerous challenges facing nerve repair, and optimization of outcomes has plateaued with surgical manipulations alone, offering limited capacity to effect true functional neural regeneration. The ultimate repair and regeneration is a complex biological process that we are just beginning to understand through clinical experiences as well as animal experimental studies. Rate of regeneration, specificity of regeneration, segmental nerve deficits, and degeneration of the target end organ are challenges that need to be overcome to achieve meaningful functional recovery ( Fig. 14.1 ).

FIG. 14.1, Roadblocks to recovery after nerve injury include (A) the presence of a segmental nerve defect, (B) variable rates of regeneration, (C) the need for specificity of regeneration, (D) glial scar formation, and (E) the degeneration of the target end organ.

Rate of Regeneration

In adults, it is well accepted that neural regeneration occurs at a slow rate of about 1 mm per day. The rate of regeneration can be monitored with a present advancing Tinel sign as it progresses from proximal to distal. When a nerve is injured, the nerve must grow over substantial distances and traverse over scar and fibrous changes in its environment to reach its target. For example, a brachial plexus injury may involve distances of up to 1 m and may require up to 3 years for regenerating axons to reach the hand muscles.

Many factors can limit and influence the rate of nerve regeneration. The type of nerve injury can influence the probability of successful regeneration. A crush nerve lesion for instance has a continuous basal lamina structure that provides guidance for regenerating nerve. After axotomy, the nerve sheath discontinuity impedes reinnervation and can lead to neuroma formation. Animal studies have also shown that production of neurotrophic factors in the distal segments of a nerve gradually decreases to the point where sufficient levels are not present to support nerve growth, preventing fast regeneration. Furthermore, this nongrowth permissive state promotes axonal retraction and “wandering axons” which is thought to prevent regeneration to the neuromuscular junction.

Specificity of Regeneration

Axonal misdirection is believed to play a significant role in poor functional recovery after severe nerve injuries. Nerve injuries induce rapid axonal sprouting so as to facilitate anterograde, target directed axonal regeneration. Moreover, the degenerating distal nerve segment has growth-promoting potential and may enhance the specificity of regeneration. Quantitative retrograde labeling technique has been used to define the number of regenerating motoneurons and the specificity of their peripheral connections. It has been shown that motor nerves tend to reinnervate motor pathways. Even in injured mixed sensory-motor nerves, it was observed that motor axons preferentially reinnervate motor pathways. This involves recognition molecules of the L2/Human Natural Killer-1 (HNK-1) family that are detectable in ventral spinal roots and motor axons but not in dorsal root or sensory cutaneous nerves. As a nerve tries to regenerate, motor axons were found to explore different pathways by sending out collateral branches. Specificity of pathway regeneration is subsequently gained by “pruning off” those collaterals that have grown into inappropriate nerve branch. After injury, muscle fibers previously belonging to a specific motor unit will likely be innervated by a different motor axon. This mismatch between central commands to motor neurons and the actual distribution of muscle fibers innervated by those motor neurons contributes to unsuccessful functional recovery, as well as sensorimotor disturbances. Furthermore, after injury, some axons grow in various directions and compete for innervation, which will lead to loss of prelesional innervation selectivity. A study visualizing regenerating axons reported axons exposed to as many as 150 different potential distal pathways. Although preferential motor reinnervation has been detailed in animals, it remains unclear as to what level this occurs in the human condition.

Segmental Nerve Defects

Intuitively, regeneration over a segmental gap is quite challenging and has been demonstrated with animal studies as epineural neurorrhaphy without a gap showed better nerve regeneration when compared with neurorrhaphy with a gap. Functional restoration after a nerve injury requires the growth of axons over the distance between the lesion and the end target. After injury, fibrosis and edema cause nerve fibers to lose their elasticity and extensibility, as well as a certain amount of retraction. If a nerve tissue is destroyed, the fascicular pattern of the proximal and distal stumps may differ in relation to the length of the defect. Injury with a segmental gap precludes tension-free, end-to-end coaptation repair. There has been some disagreement regarding whether or not there is an ideal nerve defect that will allow neural regeneration and achieve functional recovery. Nerve injury repairs of short defects, between 0.5 and 5.0 mm, have been producing varying results. Studies of segmental nerve defects have revealed the existence of a critical nerve gap length where the efficacy of conduits starts to decline. These different types of nerve conduits have been used to provide foundation for nerve regeneration to occur in nerve gaps that are less than 3 cm; however, animal models examining nerve regeneration in nerve gaps of 3 cm or more have not shown promising results. Mackinnon and Dellon detailed that the primate peripheral nerve could regenerate across a 3-cm nerve gap when guided appropriately. They extrapolated their findings to humans with nerve gaps of 3 cm or less and demonstrated excellent recovery in 33% of the patients.

Other experiments have suggested that axons should be able to align themselves in response to neurotrophic factors when allowed to grow across a conduit. This finding suggested that conduit repairs might lead to improved functional results, compared with standard end-to-end repair. Different growth factors with different conduit luminal scaffolds such as collagen and laminin have been used. These modifications, however, did not offer substantial benefit over using autografts ; thus, continued investigation is being conducted to find the effective combination of scaffold, cells, and signaling factors that will yield better neural regeneration outcomes.

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