Biliary Tract Tumors

Benign Gallbladder Tumors

Benign tumors of the gallbladder are relatively common, with up to 5% of patients undergoing abdominal ultrasonography being found to harbor gallbladder polyps. Benign gallbladder tumors can be broadly categorized as epithelial (adenomas), mesenchymal (fibromas, lipomas, hemangiomas), or as pseudotumors (cholesterol polyps, inflammatory polyps, and adenomyomas). Cholesterol polyps are the most common of the benign tumors, accounting for approximately 60% of all gallbladder polyps. Adenomyomas account for approximately 25% of gallbladder polyps. They can appear polypoid or infiltrative in morphology and can be associated with biliary colic–like symptoms. Adenomas make up approximately 4% of polyps and are thought by some to be neoplastic. That being said, most gallbladder cancers do not arise from precursor adenomas, and K-ras mutations are not typically found in gallbladder cancers arising from adenomas.

Clinical presentation of gallbladder polyps varies widely. One large retrospective series showed that of polyps diagnosed on ultrasound, 64% were found during work-up of unrelated problems, 23% had abdominal symptoms, and 13% had liver function test abnormalities. The likelihood of malignancy in gallbladder polyps increases with increasing polyp size and decreasing polyp number. A classic review of 182 cases of resected gallbladder polyps identified only 13 cases of malignancy; likelihood of malignancy in this series was associated with patient age more than 50 years and solitary polyps greater than 1 cm in size. Most studies recommend resection for polyp size greater than or equal to 1 cm in diameter. Of note, even in two more modern series, between 27% and 32% of patients thought to have polyps on ultrasound were found to have no polypoid lesion on final pathology.

The management of gallbladder polyps is dictated by the presence of symptoms and their likelihood of harboring occult malignancy. Risk factors include primary sclerosing cholangitis, congenital polyposis syndromes, and chronic hepatitis B. Any patient with symptoms referable to gallbladder polyps should undergo cholecystectomy. In addition, patients with suspicious polyps (size >10 mm, number <3, sessile lesions, or sonographic evidence of mucosal invasion) should undergo cholecystectomy. Cholecystectomy for patients with suspicious polyps can be performed laparoscopically, but great pains should be taken to minimize the likelihood of tumor spillage. Furthermore, for a high level of suspicion, intraoperative frozen-section analysis of the resected gallbladder specimen should be undertaken because confirmation of malignancy could mandate an extended oncologic resection. This can also be done minimally invasively and should be discussed with the patient in advance. Patients who do not undergo surgical therapy for borderline polyps deserve close radiographic follow-up, with serial sonograms performed at 6- to 12-month intervals to identify any rapid interval size progression that may indicate the presence of malignancy.

Gallbladder Cancer

Cancer of the gallbladder is the most common biliary malignancy, and it is the fifth most common gastrointestinal cancer. Because of its aggressive nature (manifested by its propensity toward nodal metastases, direct hepatic invasion, and seeding of peritoneal surfaces), it is usually diagnosed at an advanced stage, resulting in an overall median survival of less than 6 months. However, advances in our understanding of its tumor biology accompanied by progress in diagnostic and surgical extirpative techniques have motivated a fresh approach to this once universally fatal disease; indeed, the possibility of cure is real for a subset of patients presenting with gallbladder cancer.


The prevalence of gallbladder cancer appears to be highest in South America, intermediate in Europe, and lower in the United States and United Kingdom. In the United States the incidence is 1 to 2 per 100,000, but incidence rates are as high as 22 per 100,000 in women in Delhi, India. Epidemiologic analysis suggests that processes promoting chronic gallbladder irritation and inflammation are also risk factors: history of biliary disease, Mirizzi syndrome, age, female gender, obesity, high carbohydrate diet, ethanol abuse, and tobacco abuse (all of which are associated with calculous biliary disease) have been associated with a higher risk of gallbladder cancer. Moreover, 69% to 86% of patients with gallbladder cancer have a personal history of gallstone disease. The presence of an abnormal pancreaticobiliary duct junction, thought to promote chronic biliary inflammation, has been associated with both choledochal cyst disease and gallbladder cancer. The incidence of gallbladder cancer in the so-called porcelain gallbladder, presumably resulting from chronic inflammation and calcification of the gallbladder wall, was once estimated to be as high as 61%; however, more contemporary analyses suggest that the correct figure is more likely between 7% and 25%.

The exact nature of the relationship between chronic inflammation and gallbladder tumorigenesis is unclear. It has been estimated that only 0.3% to 3% of patients with gallstones will develop gallbladder cancer, eliminating any theoretical benefit for prophylactic cholecystectomy (with the exception of porcelain gallbladder).


The anatomic relationships of the gallbladder to surrounding structures dictate the surgical strategies that must be used in its treatment. The gallbladder fossa, against which the fundus and body of the gallbladder lie, is found beneath the junction of hepatic segments IVB and V. As a result, the likelihood of direct hepatic invasion of gallbladder cancer typically mandates resection of these segments. The infundibulum of the gallbladder lies adjacent to the right portal pedicle within the porta hepatis; as a result, tumors arising in the infundibulum commonly invade the right portal pedicle and require a right trisectionectomy for complete surgical extirpation.

The thin gallbladder wall is composed of an inner mucosa, a thin lamina propria, and a single muscularis layer (unlike the two muscle layers that line most hollow viscera). The serosa of the gallbladder is typically opened during a standard cholecystectomy, with the avascular subserosal layer being used as the surgical plane of dissection; the ability of mucosally based tumors to microscopically invade across the serosa explains the high prevalence of positive resection margins after standard cholecystectomy for gallbladder cancer.

The lymphatic drainage of the gallbladder has been well characterized. The pattern of lymphatic flow appears to be directed initially toward the cystic and pericholedochal lymph nodes, then to the posterior pancreaticoduodenal, periportal, and common hepatic artery nodes within the hepatoduodenal ligament, and eventually to the celiac, aortocaval, and superior mesenteric artery nodes. There appears to be no ascending lymphatic drainage into the hilum of the liver. For this reason, meticulous lymphadenectomy within the hepatoduodenal ligament is a critical component of surgical strategy in the management of gallbladder cancer. Unfortunately, the potential for direct drainage from the pericholedochal nodes into the aortocaval nodes explains the difficulty of completely encompassing the extent of lymphatic involvement after surgical resection.


Approximately 60% of gallbladder cancers arise in the fundus, with 30% arising from the body and 10% from the neck. Although it is likely that gallbladder cancer may follow the pathogenic sequence of mucosal dysplasia to carcinoma in situ to invasive cancer, it is unlikely that most gallbladder cancers arise from precursor adenomata.

Gallbladder cancers have been categorized as infiltrative, nodular, combined nodular-infiltrative, papillary, and combined papillary-infiltrative. Infiltrative tumors, which are the most common variety, initially appear as indurated areas of gallbladder wall thickening that spread into the subserosal plane, which is typically violated during routine cholecystectomy. Nodular tumors invade into adjacent pericholecystic structures early, but unlike infiltrative cancers, induce sharply defined borders that can facilitate curative resection. Papillary tumors tend to grow in a polypoid fashion, often filling into the lumen of the gallbladder with minimal wall invasion; as such, this variety of tumors tends to be associated with more favorable prognoses.

Microscopically, adenocarcinoma is the most common histologic subtype seen with gallbladder malignancies. Other histologic subtypes that have been reported include adenosquamous carcinoma, oat cell carcinoma, sarcoma, carcinoid, lymphoma, and melanoma. Histologic grading for gallbladder cancer, which has been recognized as a significant prognostic variable, is categorized from G1 (well differentiated) to G4 (undifferentiated); patients most commonly present with G3 (poorly differentiated) tumors.

The propensity of gallbladder cancer to penetrate beyond the single muscle layer of the gallbladder wall results in a high likelihood of tumor penetration into the liver, peritoneal cavity, and lymphovascular spaces at the time of diagnosis. Review of the literature suggests that only 10% of cases are confined to the gallbladder wall at the time of diagnosis; 59% exhibit direct invasion into hepatic parenchyma, 45% demonstrate lymph node metastases, and 20% present with distant extrahepatic metastases. Indeed, a high level of suspicion for occult intraperitoneal metastases should be maintained throughout the diagnostic process for patients with gallbladder cancer. The most common site of extraabdominal spread is the lungs, although pulmonary metastases are rare in the absence of extensive intraperitoneal disease.

Mutations and Targeted Therapies

In the coming years, relevant evidence for this section should grow dramatically. Traditionally, biliary and gallbladder cancers have been poorly researched and thereby mechanisms of carcinogenesis remain poorly understood. Earlier studies posited that gallbladder carcinoma develops via distinct pathways, either occurring de novo with predominant p53 alteration with low percentage of K-ras mutation, or via adenoma-carcinoma sequence in the absence of p53, K-ras, or adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene mutations. Although targeted therapies have yielded promising results in other more uniformly developed malignancies, it appears that a variety of heterogeneous pathways can result in gallbladder cancer development. This may explain lack of success in targeted agents against biliary tract cancers thus far because few have examined targeted therapies in relationship to mutations carried. Mutations identified thus far include BRAF mutations in 7 of 21 (33%) resected specimens, and interestingly K-ras and BRAF mutations were not identified in the same specimens. There is much left to learn, but targeted therapies do represent a promising avenue for future adjuvant therapies.


Patients with gallbladder cancer may experience complaints that mimic those of benign biliary colic. Symptoms of persistent pain, weight loss, anorexia, jaundice, and a palpable right upper quadrant mass are typically indicative of advanced disease that is not amenable to surgical resection. A review of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) experience highlighted the observation that 95% of patients presenting with jaundice were ultimately noted to harbor unresectable disease.

Tumor markers provide limited assistance with diagnosis. In the presence of appropriate symptomatology, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) elevations greater than 4 ng/mL have been shown to predict gallbladder cancer with 50% sensitivity and 93% specificity. Similarly, elevations of carbohydrate antigen (CA) 19-9 greater than 20 U/mL are 79.4% sensitive and 79.2% specific. Radiographic findings on ultrasonography include the presence of a polypoid gallbladder mass (seen in 27% of gallbladder cancer cases) or an invasive gallbladder-based lesion (seen in 50% of cases); other sonographic findings consistent with gallbladder cancer include discontinuous gallbladder mucosa, echogenic mucosa, or submucosal echolucency. Computed tomographic (CT) findings seen in patients with gallbladder cancer include a mass filling the gallbladder lumen in 42% of cases, a polypoid mass in 26%, a mass in the region of the gallbladder fossa without a distinctly recognizable gallbladder in 26%, and diffuse wall thickening in 6% ( Fig. 112.1 ). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) are especially accurate means of identifying small hepatic metastases and involvement of the common bile duct.

FIGURE 112.1, Appearance of gallbladder cancer on computed tomography; arrow notes extensive sessile polypoid lesion within lumen of gallbladder wall.

Despite the high frequency of nodal involvement, definitive preoperative identification of lymph node metastases is challenging. Enlarged benign inflammatory lymph nodes are commonly encountered at the time of laparotomy. Although the CT finding of ringlike or heterogeneous enhancement of a more than 10-mm large lymph node has been found to identify lymph node metastases with 89% accuracy, only 38% of nodal metastases are preoperatively identified by CT. Endoscopic ultrasonography may be useful for assessing peripancreatic and periportal adenopathy. Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (PET) is useful for identifying distant metastases that may contraindicate surgical intervention, but PET efficacy for nodal metastases is limited.

The striking ability of disseminated gallbladder cancer cells to implant within needle tracts limits the utility of percutaneous core biopsy for diagnosis. Percutaneous fine-needle aspiration appears to have a lower incidence of needle tract seeding while providing satisfactory diagnostic accuracy, and it can be used in cases of surgically unresectable disease in which a definitive tissue diagnosis may direct nonoperative therapy. Cytologic analysis of bile samples collected either percutaneously or endoscopically is not often helpful for diagnosing gallbladder cancer, with suboptimal sensitivities of approximately 50%.


The most accurate predictor of outcome is tumor stage. With changes and improvements in surgical therapy, the impact of various staging criteria has evolved. For example, previous iterations of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging system categorized patients with tumors extending into the liver as having unresectable stage IV disease. With the increased implementation of modern hepatic resection techniques, curative resection is now possible for this subset of patients with gallbladder cancer; the current AJCC system ( Table 112.1 ) now categorizes patients with disease invasive into the liver within stage III. In addition, nodal metastases found outside of the hepatoduodenal ligament (N2) have been shown to carry the same ominous prognostic weight as distant nonnodal metastases (M1) ; for this reason, the current AJCC system categorizes any patients with N2 disease within stage IV.

TABLE 112.1
American Joint Committee on Cancer System for Gallbladder Cancer
T1a Tumor invades lamina propria of gallbladder wall
T1b Tumor invades muscular layer of gallbladder wall
T2 Tumor invades perimuscular connective tissue but not across serosa
T3 Tumor invades across serosa of gallbladder wall and/or invades liver and/or one adjacent structure or organ
T4 Tumor invades main portal vein or hepatic artery or two or more extrahepatic structures or organs
N0 No lymph node involvement
N1 Lymph node involvement within hepatoduodenal ligament
N2 Lymph node involvement beyond hepatoduodenal ligament
M0 No distant metastases
M1 Distant metastases
Stage IA T1 N0 M0
Stage II T2 N0 M0
Stage IIIA T3 N0 M0
Stage IIIB T1-3 N1 M0
Stage IVA T4 N0-1 M0
Stage IVB T1-4 N2 M0
T1-4 N0-2 M1

This emphasizes the importance of thorough lymphadenectomy. To reiterate, the cystic duct, common bile duct, hepatic artery, and periportal lymph nodes are considered N1 disease in the 7th edition of AJCC staging manual, whereas the paraaortic, paracaval, superior mesenteric artery, and celiac lymph nodes are N2 nodes. Standard lymphadenectomy for regional clearance is thus limited to the hepatoduodenal ligament. If N2 disease is suspected, most surgeons will sample nodes in the N2 distribution for staging purposes but will not completely clear these nodal basins in the interest of sparing the patient added morbidity. Imaging plays a critical role when considering surgical re-resection after incidentally found gallbladder cancer, or when planning surgery for suspected gallbladder cancer. Most authors advocate for some combination of CT, MRI, and PET.

Stage I Gallbladder Cancer

The setting in which a surgeon is most apt to encounter stage I gallbladder cancer occurs after routine cholecystectomy for presumed benign stone disease, when pathologic analysis of the resected gallbladder unexpectedly identifies cancer within the muscular layer of the gallbladder wall. As stated earlier, the plane of dissection used during a typical cholecystectomy is along the subserosal plane, which should not violate a T1 tumor. The likelihood of N1 disease is low for patients with T1a tumors, and, for this reason, simple cholecystectomy should be curative. A notable exception to this is the situation in which the cystic duct margin remains positive, in which case re-resection to negative margins is imperative. On occasion, this may necessitate common bile duct excision with reestablishment of biliary-enteric continuity. Additional debate surrounds the management of T1b disease, with studies suggesting that T1b disease can present with lymph node metastases in up to 20% of patients and many authors advocating for radical resection.

Stage II Gallbladder Cancer

The subserosal plane of dissection used in the standard cholecystectomy is likely to violate T2 tumors; indeed, patients with T2 tumors resected by simple cholecystectomy have a 40% to 50% likelihood of margin positivity. Furthermore, approximately one-half of patients with T2 tumors harbor nodal metastases. For these reasons, extended cholecystectomy with portal lymphadenectomy is the procedure of choice for patients with stage II disease. The importance of performing an extended cholecystectomy with negative margins is underscored by the observation that 5-year survival rates are 70% to 90% for patients with stage II disease treated with extended cholecystectomy, as compared with 20% to 40% after simple cholecystectomy alone (with no 5-year survivors among those with positive margins).

Stage III Gallbladder Cancer

Performance of an extended cholecystectomy for patients with stage III disease has been associated with 5-year survival estimates of 33% to 67%. Occasionally, tumors localized to the infundibulum of the gallbladder can present unique surgical challenges because extensive tumor within the region of the adjacent right portal pedicle may necessitate removal of the right hemiliver, in addition to resection of segment IVA; this is undertaken in the form of an extended right hepatectomy or right trisectionectomy.

Stage IV Gallbladder Cancer

Unfortunately, no long-term survival has been observed among patients with stage IV disease. Involvement of N2 nodes outside of the hepatoduodenal ligament and distant metastases are indicative of more aggressive tumor biology than that seen in bulky tumors extending into the hepatic parenchyma or in those with nodal disease confined to the hepatoduodenal ligament.

Surgical Management

The standard template on which all gallbladder cancer operations should be based is the so-called radical or extended cholecystectomy. This consists of cholecystectomy with en bloc resection of a rim of segments IVB and V and lymphadenectomy of the cystic, pericholedochal, periportal, and posterior pancreaticoduodenal lymph nodes residing in the hepatoduodenal ligament and local aortocaval lymph nodes ( Fig. 112.2 ). Knowledge of a patient's tumor stage and familiarity with the general biologic proclivities of gallbladder cancer allow the surgeon to tailor surgical therapy to the individual oncologic needs of each patient. For example, lymphadenectomy can often be performed by simply skeletonizing the porta hepatis. However, in cases of prior dissection in which cicatricial changes in the porta hepatis might blur any distinction between tumor and postoperative changes, in patients with infundibular tumors extending into the region of the common bile duct or in very obese patients, resection of the extrahepatic biliary system with Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy reconstruction may be necessary to accomplish a margin-negative resection and adequate lymphadenectomy.

FIGURE 112.2, Portal lymphadenectomy and radical cholecystectomy with en bloc segment IVB/V hepatic resection for gallbladder cancer.

In practice, the surgeon is often confronted with gallbladder cancer diagnosed incidentally on final pathology after a routine simple cholecystectomy. In the scenario in which the diagnosis of gallbladder cancer is unexpectedly made at the time of laparoscopy, the operating surgeon should discuss the situation with the patient's family and either convert to an open exploration for possible extended cholecystectomy with portal lymphadenectomy, or abort the procedure with subsequent reexploration or referral. The only exception to this is if the patient is at a specialty center where surgeons are well-versed in minimally invasive techniques and are capable of safely performing resection and lymphadenectomy laparoscopically or robotically.

In a more recent series, 66% of those presenting after incidental discovery were eligible for reexploration, and, of those, 17% had no evidence of residual disease. Ultimately, 62% of those reexplored underwent R0 or curative resections, but this represents only 41% of those presenting following incidental disease discovery. Still more discouraging, evidence suggests that the presence of residual disease identified on liver resection following cholecystectomy with incidentally discovered gallbladder cancer confers similar survival to patients with stage IV disease. This makes the case for prudent preoperative investigation prior to index operations and likely reflects the invariable violation of the subserosal plane during laparoscopic cholecystectomy that can result in inadvertent peritoneal seeding. This also underscores the importance of staging laparoscopy, which remains an effective means of identifying patients with unresectable gallbladder cancer.

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