Basics of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis


This chapter covers the basics of digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), including acquisition, display, and interpretation techniques. Additionally, dose-related concerns and synthesized imaging will be explained .

Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) was developed to improve on the limitations of traditional digital mammography (DM), namely the limited sensitivity in women with dense breast tissue as well as the relatively high number of patients called back from screening for additional imaging.

Many prospective and retrospective studies have demonstrated that in the screening setting, imaging with DBT results in increased cancer detection, with a simultaneous decrease in the number of false-positive examinations. Because of these advances, adoption of DBT has been rapid and is now becoming the standard of care in the United States. As of May 2020, 70% of mammography facilities have at least one DBT unit, and 40% of all accredited machines in the United States have DBT capability. Additionally, the benefits of DBT are not limited to screening. DBT facilitates interpretation in the diagnostic setting by improving lesion characterization and aiding in the localization of findings for further evaluation with ultrasound and possible biopsy.

Acquisition of Images

When DBT was first approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Association (FDA) and released for clinical use in 2014, both DM and DBT images were acquired. This was a combined examination under the same compression rather than replacement of DM with DBT. Maintaining the standard of care DM images was important to enable comparison with prior examinations and allow for assessment of symmetry between breasts. The DBT images therefore were adding information for the radiologist to review and required longer interpretation times. As new manufacturers developed equipment capable of DBT imaging, different methods were employed to maximize information while minimizing dose and interpretation times. Common to each system available today are the administration of many low-dose x-ray images through the breast, which are then reconstructed into thin “slices.” However, each manufacturer of DBT machines has their own method of acquiring these low-dose images. Additionally, not all manufacturers suggest imaging the breast with the combination examination, but rather suggest imaging with DBT in only one view. Other efforts to minimize the dose involve generating a synthetic mammography (SM) to replace the need to acquire a separate DM image.

Methods of Acquiring DBT Images

Similar to a standard DM acquisition, with DBT, the breast remains stationary in compression and is repositioned for each view. However unlike DM where the gantry is stationary during the exposure, DBT images are acquired while the gantry moves in an arc across the breast to obtain multiple very low-dose images at different angles. The number of projection images obtained per view are fixed (manufacturer determined) and are independent of breast thickness. The “reconstructed slices” are generated from the projection images and are the images that the radiologist interprets. The thickness of these images can be manipulated by the reader in some systems or is determined by the manufacturer. The number of reconstructed slices is dependent on the thickness of the breast (i.e., if the breast compresses to 5 cm and the reconstructed slices are 1-mm thick, then there will be 50 images to interpret for that view).

Two main methods of obtaining the projection images are the “step and shoot” method and the “continuous” method ( Box 6.1 ). As the names imply, with the step and shoot method, the gantry comes to a full stop between each low-dose exposure. With the continuous method, the gantry sweeps across the breast in one motion and acquires multiple images during the exposure. The continuous method has a faster acquisition (and therefore less patient motion), but gantry movement during exposure results in some focal spot blur. The main advantage of the step and shoot method is decreased focal spot blur, resulting in improved signal to noise. However, because the gantry is stopping for each exposure, there is increased time of acquisition and the potential for patient motion.

Box 6.1
Method of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) Image Acquisition

  • Step and shoot: decreased focal spot blur but longer exposure

  • Continuous: faster acquisition, therefore less susceptible to patient motion, but has some focal spot blur

Dose of DBT Compared With DM

Although the dose of the combination examination (DM + DBT) is below the FDA limit of 3 mGy for the phantom image, efforts to decrease the exposure to the patients have been underway. One method to decrease the dose is to expose the patient to one view with DBT only and the other view to DM only. Therefore the overall dose is comparable to DM. Studies have shown that overall, this method is not inferior to standard DM imaging. Another method to decrease the dose is to generate an image that is similar in appearance to DM without the need to acquire a separate DM image. This generated image is called a synthetic mammogram . Fig. 6.1 shows the American College of Radiology (ACR) Phantom dose in mGy for analog film, DM, DBT plus DM, and DBT with SM only.

Fig. 6.1, Chart demonstrating the differences in dose (mGy) per modality for a single image of an ACR phantom.

Imaging With DBT in One View Only

Several studies have shown noninferiority of acquiring DBT in one view and DM in the other view as a dose-reduction method. Because it has been shown that cancers were rated more visible on DBT compared with DM, imaging the breast in the mediolateral oblique (MLO) view with DBT increases the opportunity for cancer detection. However, despite the improved conspicuity of findings, imaging with DBT in both views provides the greatest opportunity for lesion detection. In fact, cancers have been shown to be more conspicuous on the DBT craniocaudal (CC) view compared with the DBT MLO view, which could lead to missed cancers if DBT is only performed on the MLO view. Therefore imaging with DBT for both views is optimal.

Synthetic Imaging

The FDA has approved software advancements that generate two-dimensional (2D) SM from the DBT data set. Because several studies have demonstrated that synthetic images are nearly as good as a standard DM, a number of facilities have stopped acquiring the DM image, effectively reducing the dose of the DM + DBT to approximate that of original DM levels.

Because DBT is the source of the SM image, there is often enhanced visualization of DBT-only findings such as architectural distortion and masses. Additionally, calcifications on SM are brighter than on DM and contribute to improved interpretation speed. Importantly, because the SM images are effectively a summation of the DBT reconstructed slices, the benefit of the thin slices are not gained and overlapping tissue may still obscure findings. SM should serve as a preview of the findings on DBT and must not be a replacement for reviewing the DBT slices.

There have been several improvements over time with the quality of synthetic images. The earliest versions had problems with reconstruction that generated features of the breast that were pixelated, such as the nipple. Additionally, resolution of the morphology of calcifications was poor. Furthermore, earlier versions of SM were challenged with an artifact generated from the processing algorithm that artificially enhanced structural elements in the breast that falsely appeared to represent calcifications, termed pseudocalcifications . However, the most recent high-resolution synthetic images appear almost indistinguishable from a standard DM and result in very few pseudocalcifications. Research has demonstrated that the performance of synthetic images when used in conjunction with DBT approximates that of the combination examination. Additionally, better visualization of skin lines and improved conspicuity and characterization lesion margins are an added benefit of the higher resolution SM. Decreased dropout (“halo” artifact) adjacent to large calcifications or other high attenuation objects such as surgical clips is minimized. Finally, reduced background noise and image blur contribute to the image quality and approximation to DM. However, the very large file sizes of these higher-resolution SM images require significant storage and bandwidth to transfer data efficiently. Fig. 6.2 shows a DM and corresponding standard resolution and high-resolution SM for a patient.

Fig. 6.2, Comparison of 2D digital mammogram with different synthetic mammograms in the MLO view. (A) Digital mammogram. (B) Standard-resolution synthetic mammogram. (C) High-resolution synthetic mammogram.

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