Bacterial Keratitis

Key Concepts

  • Bacterial keratitis is a common and potentially sight-threatening corneal infection.

  • Ocular trauma and contact lens use are the most common risk factors.

  • The most frequent causative organisms are gram-positive cocci, whereas gram-negative bacilli are more commonly associated with contact lens wear.

  • Antibiotic resistance among etiologic pathogens is increasing, that is, increased incidences of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and topical fluoroquinolones-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

  • The majority of community-acquired cases of bacterial keratitis with small infiltrates or peripheral location can be managed empirically with commercial, broad-spectrum topical antibiotics without corneal smears or cultures.

  • Microbiologic culture, specific topical antibiotic therapy, and frequent follow-up are indicated in central or large corneal infiltrates extending to the deep stroma; in those that are chronic or unresponsive to initial antibiotic therapy; or in those with atypical features suggestive of nonbacterial etiology such as fungus or Acanthamoeba.

  • The benefit of adjunctive corticosteroids for treatment of bacterial keratitis remains unclear.

  • Judicious use of topical corticosteroids after confirmation of the causative organism and appropriate antibiotic therapy may minimize inflammation and tissue destruction.

  • Patient education to enable prevention, contact lens hygiene, early detection, and therapeutic compliance should improve clinical outcomes.


Microbial keratitis is due to the proliferation of microorganisms (including bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites) and associated inflammation and tissue destruction within the corneal tissue. It is a potentially sight-threatening condition and frequently presents as an ocular emergency. Distinguishing microbial keratitis from other noninfectious keratitis is often challenging. Bacterial keratitis is the most common cause of suppurative corneal ulceration, which rarely occurs in the normal eye because of the cornea’s natural resistance to infection. Predisposing factors, including contact lens wear, ocular trauma, corneal surgery, ocular surface disease, systemic diseases, and host immunosuppression, may alter the defense mechanisms of the ocular surface and permit bacteria to invade the cornea. There are no specific clinical signs that confirm a definite bacterial cause in microbial keratitis, but clinicians should assess the potential infectious risk factors and the distinctive corneal findings to determine potential etiologies. When potential infection is suspected, laboratory investigations should be considered. The therapeutic plan can be initiated and modified according to the laboratory findings, clinical response, and tolerance of the antimicrobial agents. Antibiotic therapy is the mainstay of treatment. The therapeutic goals for the management of bacterial keratitis are elimination of infection and inflammation, and restoration of corneal integrity and/or visual function. The outcome usually depends on the preceding pathology, the etiologic agent, the extent of ulceration at presentation and bacterial susceptibility to topical antibiotics. , Surgery may be considered if medical therapy fails to eradicate the pathogens or if the vision is markedly threatened by the infection or resultant scar.


An estimated 71,000 cases of microbial ulcerative keratitis occur annually in the United States, with an increasing incidence in recent years. The estimated population incidence of microbial keratitis in the developing world is up to 800 per 100,000/year, which is about 70 times higher than in developed countries. The exact incidence of bacterial keratitis remains unclear. It was estimated that there are 30,000 cases per year in the United States. Bacterial keratitis is costly to individuals and to society. An estimated $20 million at least is spent annually in the United States for the diagnosis and treatment of bacterial keratitis.

While complete epidemiologic information for developing countries remains lacking, it is known that bacterial keratitis is a leading cause of corneal blindness in developing nations, usually related to ocular trauma. In India, a large retrospective study demonstrated a decrease in bacterial keratitis incidence, which may be attributed to increased access to antibiotics and changing referral patterns. A recent meta-analysis revealed that the highest proportion of bacterial corneal ulcers was reported from North America, Australia, the Netherlands, and Singapore, likely related to the high prevalence of contact lens use in these developed regions.

Occasionally, severe or refractory bacterial keratitis requires surgical intervention. The Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA) reports that approximately 3.3% of all corneal transplants are performed for microbial keratitis in the United States versus 18.5% internationally.

Host Defense and Risk Factors

Defense of the Ocular Surface

Bacterial keratitis usually occurs in patients with predisposing risk factors that compromise normal ocular surface defenses. These defenses include the eyelid, tear film, corneal epithelium, and normal ocular flora.

The eyelids provide the ocular surface with a physical barrier against exogenous microorganisms. Normal blinking also distributes the tear film, which washes away potential pathogens via the nasolacrimal drainage system. Eyelid trauma, poor Bell reflex, or an abnormality of lid closure can compromise this defense mechanism, especially in obtunded or debilitated patients with poor blinking. Chronic infection and inflammation of the eyelid margin can predispose the cornea to bacterial infection.

Tear film constituents provide additional protective factors. Abnormalities of tear volume, tear film distribution, tear components, or tear drainage system threaten ocular surface health. The lipid layer of the tear film possesses surfactant or detergent-like properties that destabilize microbial cell membranes. Aqueous tear deficiency and corneal or conjunctival scarring may lead to poor or uneven corneal wetting. Loss of mucin on tear film or ocular surface may result in loss of corneal integrity and epithelial damage, which allow pathogens to invade the cornea. Many tear proteins, such as secretory immunoglobulin A, lipocalin, surfactant, complement components, and various enzymes including lysozyme, lactoferrin, betalysins, orosomucoid, secretory phospholipase A 2 , and ceruloplasmin have antibacterial effects. , A recent study also correlated tear cytokine changes in bacterial keratitis, which result in adaptive immune responses against pathogens. Nasolacrimal duct obstruction can lead to reduced concentrations of certain antibacterial substances and bacterial pooling in the tear film, predisposing the ocular surface to infection.

An intact corneal epithelium is a critical mechanical barrier. Few bacteria are capable of penetrating an intact epithelium. Compromised corneal epithelial integrity caused by contact lens wear, corneal trauma, or corneal surgery is an important factor predisposing to the development of bacterial keratitis. Furthermore, corneal epithelial cells are capable of phagocytosis and intercellular transport of ingested particles, potentially providing additional defenses to eradicate the invading microorganisms. Both planktonic bacteria suspended in the tears and sessile bacteria adherent to the ocular surface constitute normal flora, which helps to prevent overgrowth of exogenous organisms. Inappropriate use of topical antibiotics could alter the natural protection by normal flora and predispose the cornea to development of opportunistic infections or antibiotic-resistant pathogens. In addition, the conjunctiva contains subepithelial mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)—a collection of lymphoid cells—and can provide specific immune-mediated defenses to the ocular surface.

External Risk Factors

Corneal trauma, including chemical and thermal injuries, foreign bodies, and local irradiation, can predispose to infectious keratitis. Agricultural injuries may lead to Nocardia keratitis or other unusual infectious etiologies. Exposure to contaminated water or other solutions may also lead to bacterial keratitis. Preservatives are now routinely added to multiuse topical ophthalmic medications to prevent contamination. Nonetheless, the antimicrobial profile of various ophthalmic preservatives may vary due to a lack of standardized antimicrobial effectiveness testing regimens across countries.

Chronic topical anesthetic abuse disrupts the corneal epithelium and neural pathways, rendering the cornea at risk for microbial infection ( Fig. 76.1 ). Crack cocaine smoking also disrupts the corneal epithelium and is associated with vigorous eye rubbing in the setting of a relatively hypoesthetic cornea. Nosocomial corneal infections have occurred in unconscious or sedated patients as a result of lagophthalmos or inadvertent trauma by the tubing or solutions used for airway aspiration. Geographic and climatic factors can also influence the prevalence of bacterial keratitis. The variation of habitats, antibiotic usage, and microorganism exposure, such as in rural versus urban areas, can lead to differences in infectious keratitis profile.

Fig. 76.1, Bacterial keratitis with a ring ulcer associated with topical anesthetic abuse.

Contact Lens Use

Contact lens wear has been identified as the most common risk factor for bacterial keratitis in developed countries. There are an estimated 38 million contact lens wearers in the United States and 125 million worldwide. Microbial keratitis affects 5–10 per 10,000 contact lens users and accounts for nearly 1 million clinic visits annually in the United States. The incidence of contact lens–related microbial keratitis has been well established at 2–4 per 10,000 wearers per year for daily soft lens wearers and 20 per 10,000 for overnight soft lens wearers. Bacterial infections represent nearly 90% of all contact lens-related microbial keratitis cases, with Pseudomonas aeruginosa being the most common pathogen, followed by Staphylococcus aureus .

All types of contact lenses, including hard, gas-permeable, soft, disposable, orthokeratology, and cosmetic, have been implicated in microbial keratitis. , On average, contact lens users have a 1.5% chance of developing infectious keratitis during a lifetime of contact lens wear. The incidence of microbial keratitis is lowest with rigid gas-permeable lenses. Although daily disposable contact lenses can circumvent storage and cleansing steps and are associated with less severe disease, the risk of microbial keratitis has not been significantly reduced. , The two major risk factors associated with contact lens–induced infectious keratitis are overnight wear and poor lens hygiene, which account for 43% and 33% of the population-attributable risk of microbial keratitis. , Although there is less corneal hypoxia associated with the use of silicone hydrogel lenses, the severity and overall incidence of keratitis are comparable between extended wear of silicone hydrogel lenses and overnight wear of hydrogel lenses.

Pseudomonas spp. are the most common contact lens-associated pathogen in bacterial keratitis ( Fig. 76.2 ). , P. aeruginosa and other microorganisms have been frequently recovered from tap and bottled water used to prepare contact lens saline solutions. Bacteria can adhere to a contact lens regardless of lens materials, and microbes can survive in the moist chamber of a contact lens case. Worn contact lenses with surface protein and mucin deposits are more susceptible to bacterial adhesion. The biofilm, a slimy layer composed of organic polymers produced by bacteria embedded on contact lenses, can protect pathogenic bacteria from antibiotics and provides a nidus for infection.

Fig. 76.2, Severe Pseudomonas keratitis with extensive stromal necrosis and suppuration associated with extended wear soft contact lens.

A seasonal variation in the incidence of contact lens-associated bacterial keratitis might be due to activities such as swimming in the summer. Contact lens wear does not necessarily affect normal conjunctival flora, but some lens disinfectants may influence the microbial milieu of the ocular surface. Although healthcare workers wearing contact lenses do not necessarily have altered conjunctival flora, they are prone to develop bacterial keratitis caused by antibiotic-resistant strains.

Contact lens use can adversely affect the healthy cornea by causing hypoxia and altering epithelial hemostasis. Corneal hypoxia and related endothelial dysfunction can result in acute epithelial edema and compromise epithelial integrity. Contact lens wear slows corneal epithelial hemostasis by suppressing cell proliferation, impairing cell migration, and reducing the rate of cell exfoliation. Corneal abrasion may occur during lens insertion or removal.

Ocular Surface Abnormalities

Ocular surface diseases such as mucus membrane pemphigoid, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, atopic keratoconjunctivitis, radiation and chemical injury, and vitamin A deficiency can lead to squamous metaplasia of the ocular surface epithelium and cause an unstable tear film.

Dysregulation of the host immune system and alteration of host flora may also play an important role. Disruption of the epithelial glycocalyx may encourage bacterial adherence and subsequent keratitis. Bacterial keratitis can complicate corneal epithelial erosions associated with epithelial basement membrane dystrophy, lattice corneal dystrophy, and vernal or atopic keratoconjunctivitis.

Microbial keratitis is an uncommon but serious complication after corneal transplantation that threatens the viability of corneal grafts and jeopardizes the posttransplant visual outcome. The incidence of microbial keratitis following penetrating keratoplasty ranged from 1.76% to 4.9% in developed countries versus 7.4% to 12.6% in developing countries. Newer keratoplasty techniques, including endothelial and anterior lamellar keratoplasty, may have a lower rate of postoperative infectious keratitis, but retrospective data are currently limited. In general, risk factors for the development of post-keratoplasty infectious keratitis have three sources: the host environment, surgical technique, and donor tissue. The most commonly cited risk factors are suture-related problems ( Fig. 76.3 ) and suboptimal ocular surface conditions, including epithelial defect, postoperative contact lens use, topical antibiotics, and topical corticosteroids. Gram-positive bacteria native to the normal ocular flora are the most common microorganisms after penetrating keratoplasty, with S. aureus in developed countries versus Streptococcus pneumoniae and coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CNS) in developed countries. The most commonly identified gram-negative bacterium after penetrating keratoplasty is P. aeruginosa .

Fig. 76.3, A stromal infiltrate from coagulase-negative Staphylococcus in the deep stroma around the suture track of a corneal graft. The condition developed after suture removal.

Fig. 76.4, An indolent nontuberculous Mycobacterium keratitis with several intralamellar infiltrates with feathery edge and mild surrounding stromal inflammation after laser in situ keratomileusis surgery.

Microbial keratitis following refractive surgery is an increasingly recognized sight-threatening complication. The incidence of post-LASIK (laser in situ keratomileusis) infectious keratitis is variable among reports with estimates ranging from 0% to 1.5%. The incidence of infectious keratitis was found to be 0.02%–0.2% after primary surface ablation, with Staphylococcus as the most commonly reported etiology. , A recent survey from the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) indicates the incidence of infections following refractive surgery appears to be declining, including those by atypical Mycobacterium ( Fig. 76.4 ). Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is becoming an increasingly common etiologic agent. Pathogenesis may occur through colonization of bandage contact lenses and a postoperative persistent epithelial defect. Systemic conditions such as malnutrition, diabetes, collagen vascular diseases, or chronic alcoholism may also compromise the ocular surface and increase the risk of microbial keratitis caused by unusual organisms such as Moraxella ( Fig. 76.5 ). In patients with HIV, the incidence of microbial keratitis was generally thought to be comparable to the general population, but an analysis in northern California suggests that HIV may be an independent risk factor. Furthermore, infectious keratitis tends to be more severe and more resistant to therapy in these patients. , A study with a high HIV prevalence setting in rural South Africa found a high occurrence of bacterial superinfection in viral keratitis in HIV patients, with Staphylococcus epidermidis as the most common detected bacterium.

Fig. 76.5, A superficial indolent corneal ulcer with moderate corneal edema and mild infiltrates in a diabetic patient with Moraxella keratitis.


Bacterial keratitis can be caused by multiple microorganisms ( Table 76.1 ). Staphylococci and Pseudomonas are the most common organisms in the United States. In contrast, in addition to coagulase-negative staphylococci, , Streptococci , particularly S. pneumoniae , are a predominant cause of bacterial keratitis in many developing nations. ,

TABLE 76.1
Common Etiologic Agents of Bacterial Keratitis in the United States
Data from Ophthalmology AAO. Preferred practice pattern: bacterial keratitis . San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology; 2018.
Class/Organism Common Isolates Cases (%)
Gram-Positive Isolates 29–75.1
Gram-positive cocci Staphylococcus aureus 4–27.6
Coagulase-negative staphylococci 1–45.5
Streptococcus pneumoniae 0–3.4
Streptococcus viridans group 1–6.9
Gram-positive bacilli Propionibacterium species 4–7
Mycobacterium species 3
Gram-Negative Isolates 31–50
Gram-negative bacilli Pseudomonas aeruginosa 3–33
Serratia marcescens 3–13.5
Proteus mirabilis 3–4.4
Enteric gram-negative bacilli, other 1–10
Moraxella species and related species 1–20.7
Coccobacillary organisms Haemophilus influenzae , other Haemophilus species 2.5

Regional differences may affect the order and percentage of pathogens. See discussion on resistant strains in specific bacteria and pharmacology sections.

Bacterial Adherence

The smallest inoculum that can produce infection in the human cornea remains undetermined. Animal models of bacterial keratitis show that only about 50 P. aeruginosa or 100 S. aureus are needed to initiate corneal infection. ,

Shortly after a corneal injury, viable bacteria adhere to the damaged edges of corneal epithelial cells and to the basement membrane or the bare stroma near the wound edge. The glycocalyx of injured epithelium is particularly susceptible to attachment by microorganisms.

Microbial attachment is initiated by the interaction of bacterial adhesins with glycoprotein receptors of the ocular surface. , The ability of certain bacteria to adhere to an epithelial defect may account for the frequent occurrence of S. aureus , S. pneumoniae , and P. aeruginosa infection. Biofilm production enhances bacterial aggregation, protects adherent microorganisms, and promotes growth during these early stages of infection. Pili (fimbriae) are thin (4–10 nm in diameter) protein filaments located on the surfaces of many bacteria. Pili facilitate adherence of P. aeruginosa and Neisseria spp. to epithelium.

Bacterial Invasion

The bacterial capsule and other surface components are important in corneal invasion. For example, some bacteria avoid activation of the alternate complement pathway because of their capsular polysaccharide. Lipopolysaccharides, the subcapsular constituents of bacteria, and endotoxin induce an inflammatory response. Bacterial invasion of surface epithelial cells is partially mediated by the interactions between the bacterial cell-surface proteins, integrins, epithelial cell-surface proteins, and the release of proteases by bacteria. Few microorganisms such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae , Neisseria meningitidis , Corynebacterium diphtheriae , Haemophilus aegyptius , and Listeria monocytogenes can penetrate the intact corneal epithelial surface via these types of mechanisms.

Without antibiotics or other intervening factors, bacteria continue to invade and replicate in the corneal stroma. Keratocytes are also capable of phagocytosis, but the exposed, avascular stroma provides little protection to the cornea. Microorganisms in the anterior stromal lamellae produce proteolytic enzymes , that destroy stromal matrices and collagen fibrils. Bacterial invasion begins within hours after exogenous contamination of a corneal wound or after the application of a heavily contaminated contact lens. The largest increase in a bacterial population usually occurs within the first 2 days of stromal infection.

After inoculation, bacteria infiltrate the surrounding epithelium and invade the deeper stroma around the initial site of infection. Viable bacteria tend to be found at the peripheral margins of the infiltrate or deep within a central ulcer crater.

Corneal Inflammation and Tissue Damage

Various inflammatory cells and soluble mediators can be induced by bacterial invasion and cause corneal inflammation with eventual tissue destruction. Soluble mediators of inflammation include the kinin-forming system, the clotting and fibrinolytic systems, immunoglobulins, complement components, vasoactive amines, eicosanoids, neuropeptides, and cytokines. The complement cascade can be triggered to kill bacteria, but complement-dependent chemotaxins also initiate focal inflammation.

The production of cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin (IL)-1, results in the adherence and extravasation of neutrophils in limbal blood vessels. This process is mediated by cell adhesion glycoproteins such as integrins and selectins and members of the immunoglobulin superfamily such as intercellular adhesion molecules (ICAMs) on vascular endothelial cells and on leukocytes.

Vascular dilation of the conjunctival and limbal blood vessels is associated with increased permeability, resulting in an inflammatory exudate into the tear film and peripheral cornea. Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) can enter the injured cornea anteriorly via tear film through an epithelial defect, but most migrate from the limbus.

Recruitment of acute inflammatory cells occurs within a few hours after bacterial inoculation. As neutrophils accumulate at the infected site, more cytokines such as leukotrienes and complement components are presumably released to attract additional leukocytes. Macrophages subsequently begin to migrate to the cornea to ingest invading bacteria and degenerating neutrophils. Extensive stromal inflammation eventually leads to proteolytic stromal degradation and liquefactive tissue necrosis. The regulation of various immune response components such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and ILs is a subject of active investigation and may provide further insight into the mechanism of infectious keratitis as well as opportunities for novel therapies.

Natural History

Bacterial keratitis can occur in any part of the cornea, with a predominance of inferior localization. Loss of vision can frequently occur due to corneal scarring or topographic irregularity. Infections involving the central or paracentral cornea are of paramount importance. These are likely to cause vision loss, even if the causal organism is successfully eradicated. Untreated or severe bacterial keratitis may result in corneal perforation and has the potential to develop into endophthalmitis and result in loss of the eye. Recent studies suggest that risk factors for progression from bacterial keratitis to endophthalmitis include topical corticosteroids, fungal infection, corneal perforation, infection adjacent to a previous surgical wound, and systemic diseases. , Because the destruction of corneal tissues can take place rapidly (within 24 hours when the infection is caused by a virulent organism), optimal management requires rapid recognition, timely institution of therapy, and appropriate follow-up.

The rate of disease progression is dependent on a variety of bacterial and host factors. For example, highly virulent organisms such as Pseudomonas , S. pneumoniae , or N. gonorrhoeae cause rapid tissue destruction, whereas other organisms such as nontuberculous Mycobacteria and Streptococcus viridans are usually associated with a more indolent keratitis. Some bacteria that are considered to be normal conjunctival flora (e.g., Corynebacterium ) may become opportunistic pathogens in a compromised eye.

There is a higher risk of polymicrobial keratitis in patients who have systemic and/or multiple risk factors for keratitis, and there are a higher number and duration of corneal infiltrates in polymicrobial keratitis than in monomicrobial keratitis. The most common causative organisms in polymicrobial keratitis are S. epidermidis and Fusarium species. In these patients, the most common etiology is trauma. ,


Severe bacterial keratitis usually has a history including rapid onset of pain, photophobia, decreased vision, conjunctival injection, anterior chamber reaction, and/or hypopyon. In contrast, keratitis caused by nontuberculous Mycobacterium may present with an insidious onset or indolent course. In most cases, the clinical findings cannot readily identify the causative organism. Many microorganisms such as fungi, herpes virus, or Acanthamoeba can cause syndromes that masquerade as bacterial keratitis.

Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis includes infectious and noninfectious causes of infiltrates. Nonbacterial corneal pathogens include fungi (both yeast and mold), parasites (including protozoa such as Acanthamoeba ), nematodes (such as Onchocerca ), and viral infection. Viruses including herpes simplex virus (HSV), varicella-zoster virus (VZV), and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) produce immunologically mediated corneal infiltrates that may resemble a bacterial or fungal, or Acanthamoeba keratitis. Eyes with viral keratitis are also prone to microbial superinfection. Viruses can cause a true suppurative keratitis, as in necrotizing stromal disease. Noninfectious stromal infiltration may be associated with contact lens wear, hypersensitivity reactions, or autoimmune diseases. Systemic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, polyarteritis nodosa, granulomatosis with polyangiitis (formerly Wegener granulomatosis), and sarcoidosis may produce infiltrative keratitis. Other causes include dermatologic disorders (e.g., severe ocular rosacea) and allergic conditions (e.g., vernal and atopic keratoconjunctivitis).

Clinical Examination

The purpose of clinical evaluation in bacterial keratitis is to evaluate predisposing or aggravating factors in order to construct a differential diagnosis, to assess the severity of the disease and the associated complications, and to initiate appropriate management in a timely manner. Obtaining a detailed history is paramount and should include ocular symptoms (e.g., degree of pain, redness, discharge, blurred vision, photophobia, duration of symptoms, circumstances surrounding the onset of symptoms) and review of prior ocular history (including ocular surface diseases, medications, contact lens wear, previous infectious keratitis, ocular or eyelid surgery, and trauma) and systemic conditions such as diabetes mellitus.

In many cases, patient discomfort, tearing, and inflammation will compromise visual acuity. It is useful to ascertain whether the visual acuity is consistent with the anterior segment examination. An external examination should be performed with particular attention to the following: general appearance of the patient, skin conditions, facial examination, eyelids and lid closure, conjunctiva, nasolacrimal apparatus, and corneal sensation—which must be assessed prior to instillation of topical anesthetic.

Detailed slit lamp biomicroscopy should include evaluation of both eyes of the following: eyelid margins (meibomian gland dysfunction, ulceration, eyelash abnormalities including trichiasis, irregularities, nasolacrimal obstructions or punctal anomalies), tear film (dry eye or debris), conjunctiva (discharge, erythema, follicles, papillae, cicatrization, keratinization, membrane, pseudomembrane, ulceration, scars, foreign bodies), sclera (inflammation, ulceration, nodules, ischemia, or thinning), the limbus, and cornea (epithelial defects, neovascularization, bullae, punctate keratopathy, dellen, edema, stromal infiltrates, thinning, or perforation). The location (central, paracentral, peripheral, perineural, or adjacent surgical or traumatic wound), density, size, shape (ring [ Fig. 76.6 ] or satellite lesions), depth, character of infiltrate margin (suppurative, necrotic, feathery, soft, crystalline), and color of the corneal ulcer should be carefully evaluated and documented. The endothelium and associated anterior chamber inflammation (keratic precipitates, cell, flare, hypopyon, or fibrin) should not be overlooked. Other findings such as foreign bodies, sutures, signs of corneal dystrophies (e.g., epithelial basement membrane dystrophy, Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy), previous corneal inflammation (thinning, scarring, or neovascularization), and signs of previous eye surgery or trauma are also important. Fluorescein, rose Bengal, or lissamine green staining may provide additional information, such as the presence of dendrites, pseudodendrites, loose or exposed sutures, epithelial defects, or preexisting ocular surface disease. Intraocular extension of infection or infectious endophthalmitis, though rarely directly caused by the microbial keratitis without corneal perforation, should be ruled out by inspecting the anterior chamber and vitreous cavity with regard to inflammation and clarity.

Fig. 76.6, A small superficial Staphylococcus aureus keratitis with a large, noninfectious immune ring.

Clinical features suggestive of bacterial keratitis include suppurative stromal infiltrate (particularly those greater than 1 mm in size) with indistinct edges, edema, and white cell infiltration in surrounding stroma. An epithelial defect and anterior chamber reaction are often seen. The corneal ulcer is considered to be severe if the lesion progresses rapidly, has an infiltration dimension larger than 6 mm, involves deeper than one-third of the corneal thickness, presents with impending or overt perforation, or has scleral involvement. The microbial organisms that usually produce these severe and rapidly progressive corneal ulcers include S. aureus , S. pneumoniae , β-hemolytic Streptococcus , and P. aeruginosa . Slowly progressive corneal ulcers tend to be caused by organisms such as CNS, S. viridans , Actinomyces , Nocardia , Moraxella , and Serratia ( Fig. 76.7 ).

Fig. 76.7, A small and dense localized infiltrate with a small satellite lesion in a Serratia keratitis.

Specific Bacterial Ulcers

As discussed, the most common pathogenic organisms identified in bacterial keratitis include staphylococci and gram-negative rods ( Pseudomonas species). In bacterial keratitis associated with the use of contact lenses, Pseudomonas is the most commonly identified etiologic agent, accounting for more than 50% of cases. However, climate may also affect the incidence of P. aeruginosa keratitis. In Australia, the incidence of P. aeruginosa contact lens microbial keratitis is increased in tropical compared to temperate zones, whereas the incidence of Serratia marcescens contact lens microbial keratitis is higher in temperate zones. , Pseudomonas is also a common pathogen in bacterial keratitis acquired in the hospital or health-care environment.

There are no specific signs or symptoms that are pathognomonic to distinguish the microorganisms responsible for bacterial keratitis, and there are many factors that may alter the clinical presentation. Nonetheless, some characteristic features of the infiltrative ulcer, such as severe suppuration in Pseudomonas keratitis, may provide clues to the causal microorganisms.


Staphylococcus , the most common gram-positive organism, is usually present in normal ocular flora. The bacteria grow easily as pearly-white colonies on routine culture media such as blood agar plate ( Fig. 76.8 ). Staphylococcus keratitis occurs more frequently in the compromised corneal surface such as in bullous keratopathy, chronic herpetic keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, ocular rosacea, or atopic keratoconjunctivitis.

Fig. 76.8, Pearly-white colonies of Staphylococcus aureus in C streaks on a blood agar plate from a corneal ulcer. Diminishing numbers of colonies are noted in the consecutive C streaks, indicating the organisms are from bona fide infection rather than contamination of the plate.

S. aureus tends to produce a rapidly progressive corneal infiltration and moderate anterior chamber reaction with endothelial plaques or hypopyon. The corneal lesions are usually round or oval with dense infiltration and a distinct border ( Fig. 76.9 ), but occasionally a stromal microabscess with an ill-defined border may develop.

Fig. 76.9, A large peripheral corneal ulcer of Staphylococcus aureus with several smaller infiltrates in a patient with marked blepharitis.

MRSA has been isolated with increasing frequency from patients with bacterial keratitis, , although the regional incidence varies widely from 1.3% in Toronto to 45% in Los Angeles. High rates of MRSA have been observed in conjunctival flora studies. , Several recent studies suggested an increasing trend of fluoroquinolone resistance among MRSA. , , Increasing rates of MRSA from 18% to 55% across a 25-year period have also been observed in culture-proven postoperative endophthalmitis cases. The common predisposing factors for MRSA colonization include preexisting ocular surface disease, , advancing age, local immunocompromised status, and recent antibiotic usage. Interestingly, recent exposure to a healthcare setting or being a healthcare worker have not been identified as risk factors for conjunctival colonization. , Isolated postoperative MRSA infections have also been reported following keratorefractive surgery. ,

CNS usually causes opportunistic infection in the compromised cornea. More than 85% of eyelid cultures from the normal population are positive for CNS. The infection tends to progress slowly, and the infiltrates are usually superficial and localized with a clear surrounding cornea. However, severe ulcers with dense infiltrates can occur if untreated. Methicillin-resistant CNS rates have been reported as high as 53.7% of CNS isolates recently.


S. pneumoniae keratitis usually occurs after corneal trauma, dacryocystitis, or filtering bleb infection. The ulcer tends to be acute, purulent, and rapidly progressive with a deep stromal abscess. The anterior chamber reaction is usually severe with marked hypopyon ( Fig. 76.10 ) and retro-corneal fibrin coagulation. A culture appears nonhemolytic on a blood or chocolate agar plate ( Fig. 76.11 ). Perforation secondary to ulcer is common. A distinct, indolent crystalline keratopathy has also been reported.

Fig. 76.10, A Streptococcus pneumoniae corneal ulcer in an immunocompromised patient with deep stromal infiltrates and dense hypopyon.

Fig. 76.11, Heavy growth of nonhemolytic Streptococcus pneumoniae on a chocolate agar plate.


Nocardia asteroides grows slowly as small white colonies on the culture plate ( Fig. 76.12 ) and is a variably acid-fast and gram-positive bacillus in branching filaments ( Fig. 76.13 ). It tends to produce an indolent ulcer after minor trauma, particularly with exposure to contaminated soil. The keratitis usually waxes and wanes. Nocardia can survive within neutrophils and macrophages associated with production of superoxide dismutase. The characteristic features of Nocardia keratitis include raised, superficial pinhead-like infiltrates in a wreath-like configuration ( Fig. 76.14 ), brush fire border, cracked windshield appearance, and multifocal or satellite lesions. The keratitis may simulate mycotic infection and microbiologic confirmation is crucial for appropriate therapy. Nocardia keratitis with early diagnosis and therapy typically have good visual recovery. Despite aggressive and prompt surgical intervention, the prognosis for Nocardia scleritis and endophthalmitis is more guarded.

Fig. 76.12, Confluent growth of small white colonies of Nocardia asteroides .

Fig. 76.13, Branching gram-positive and variably acid-fast Nocardia arranged as pseudohyphae from a corneal scraping.

Fig. 76.14, Trauma-related Nocardia keratitis with multifocal chalky white infiltrates in a wreath-like configuration on the leading edge.

Nontuberculous Mycobacteria

Previously known as “atypical mycobacteria,” this is a class of rapidly growing and acid-fast mycobacteria, in contrast to the slow-growing and better known Mycobacterium tuberculosis . The most common pathogens are Mycobacterium fortuitum and Mycobacterium chelonae , which may be found in soil and water. These organisms tend to cause a slowly progressive keratitis and usually occur after a corneal foreign body, corneal trauma ( Fig. 76.15 ), or following corneal surgery, particularly after LASIK (see Fig. 76.4 ). ,

Fig. 76.15, Nontuberculous Mycobacterium keratitis with a central stromal infiltrate with surrounding corneal edema and minimum associated inflammation.

Keratitis from nontuberculous mycobacteria is often associated with delayed onset of symptoms, topical corticosteroid use, and severe ocular pain, which can develop 2–8 weeks after exposure to the organism. Infiltrates are typically nonsuppurative and can be solitary or multifocal, with variable anterior chamber reactions. Delay in diagnosis is common due to the protracted clinical course and difficulty of isolating the organism from culture. The diagnosis may be challenging in LASIK patients because infection can be confused with diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK). The diagnosis may be confirmed with acid-fast stain or culture on Löwenstein-Jensen medium ( Fig. 76.16 ). Lack of response to conventional antibiotic therapy is usually a clue to the diagnosis of this unusual keratitis.

Fig. 76.16, Confluent growth of small colonies of nontuberculous Mycobacterium on Löwenstein-Jensen medium.


P. aeruginosa is the most common gram-negative pathogen isolated from severe keratitis. The increasing prevalence of Pseudomonas keratitis in otherwise healthy individuals has been largely associated with the use of soft contact lenses. Rapid progression, dense stromal infiltrate, marked suppuration, liquefactive necrosis, and descemetocele formation or corneal perforation are the characteristics of this pathogen (see Fig. 76.2 ). The remaining uninvolved cornea usually has a ground-glass appearance and diffuse graying of epithelium. Despite appropriate treatment, the keratitis may progress rapidly into a deep stromal abscess, and stromal keratolysis with perforation may occur. A corneal ring infiltrate, which is a dense accumulation and aggregation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, can also be present (see Fig. 76.17 ). The other, less common clinical presentation of Pseudomonas keratitis associated with contact lens use is an indolent course of multiple elevated granular opacities caused by less virulent species. , Severe disease caused by P. aeruginosa results from the specific virulence factors of the organism and an extreme host inflammatory response with PMNs. , Pseudomonas strains can be categorized genotypically into either cytotoxic or invasive types based on the expression of different toxins. Cytotoxic strains secrete a phospholipase exoU that induces rapid necrosis of host cell membrane and causes overwhelming inflammation and host tissue damage ; whereas invasive strains secrete a different toxin, exoS, and are capable of invading host epithelial cells and producing cell death through disruption of the host cell actin cytoskeleton. Invasive strains are more frequently found in the isolates from contact lens–related keratitis, and associated with greater overall disease severity but better response to topical corticosteroids than cytotoxic strains. Treatment of P. aeruginosa eye infections often becomes a challenge due to the resistance of this bacterium to antibiotics via intrinsic and acquired mechanisms. Transfer of resistance due to interchangeable genetic elements is an important mechanism for the rapid transfer of antibiotic resistance in this pathogen.

Fig. 76.17, A ring of necrotic stromal infiltrate in a Pseudomonas keratitis, simulating Acanthamoeba keratitis.

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