Auxiliary Transplantation

The first reported performance of auxiliary liver transplantation (ALT) was in a dog by Welch in 1955. The auxiliary liver was placed in a heterotopic position in the right paravertebral gutter, with portal venous inflow directed from the iliac vein. The idea of heterotopic ALT was attractive because it avoided the need for native hepatectomy and an anhepatic phase, with the idea that it would improve hemodynamic stability during transplantation. The first experience of ALT in a human was reported in 1964, using a heterotopic graft, with the aim of avoiding some of the obstacles presented by whole-liver replacement. The majority of early cases were performed in patients with chronic liver disease, and although a small number were successful, the majority died in the early postoperative period from graft failure, bleeding, or sepsis. In an early review, Blankensteijn et al reported long-term survival of 2 out of 47 patients who underwent heterotopic ALT between 1964 and 1980. After 1986, outcomes of ALT started to improve, although only small numbers of cases were reported from several centers. The technique of ALT proved to be more difficult than that of orthotopic liver replacement (liver transplantation [LT]) with a higher rate of technical complications and less satisfactory early graft function and outcome. Subsequently the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in the cirrhotic liver remnant of one of the few long-term survivors led to the abandonment of ALT as a treatment for chronic liver disease.

Attention turned to the use of ALT to treat acute liver failure (ALF), and this has now become an established indication. Other rare indications for ALT have included children with selected noncirrhotic inborn errors of metabolism based in the liver, highly sensitized patients undergoing renal transplantation, and as a way of supporting potentially small-for-size grafts. There are important differences in the selection of patients and grafts, surgical technique, and long-term management between these groups of indications. ALT can be performed as either heterotopic or orthotopic (auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation [APOLT]) implantation of a donor partial or whole liver graft while leaving behind a part of or all the native liver. In performing ALT for ALF the main aim is to ensure that the recipient receives sufficient graft volume and function that the patient survival approaches or is equivalent to that of whole-liver replacement, and secondarily to allow for native liver recovery and immunosuppression withdrawal to avoid the long-term complications of immunosuppression.

Auxiliary Liver Transplantation for Acute Liver Failure


The liver retains the ability to regenerate completely even after severe ALF. For many patients with ALF there is insufficient time to allow for effective liver regeneration, and in these circumstances death is inevitable in the absence of LT. Orthotopic LT has proved to be the most effective way of restoring liver function in patients with end-stage ALF, with reported 1-year patient survival of greater than 70%. The majority of patients transplanted for ALF are young and are therefore at greatest risk for exposure to the long-term complications of immunosuppression after transplantation, which include nephropathy and renal failure, hypertension, malignancy, and graft failure. With whole-liver replacement, loss of the native liver precludes the possibility of liver regeneration, and this led to renewed interest in ALT for ALF in the early 1990s.

The mortality of ALF before the introduction of LT ranged between 80% and 95%. In the United States between 1997 and 2004 the 1-year and 5-year patient and graft survival rates for LT for ALF were 82%, 70%, 76%, and 61%, respectively. Over a similar time frame the European Liver Transplant Registry database recorded lower 1-year patient and graft survival of 74% and 66%, respectively, and broadly similar 5-year patient and graft survival of 69% and 60%, respectively. Outcomes have improved in recent years (patient survival at 1, 3, and 5 years between 2004 and 2009 was 79%, 75%, and 72%, respectively). The concept of ALT for ALF is to transplant sufficient liver mass to support the patient while the native liver recovers and to have patient survival outcomes that are comparable to whole-liver replacement. Anecdotal reports of ALT from several centers were published together as a European experience (van Hoek et al), which was helpful in identifying that patients under 40 years of age and particularly children were most likely to survive with subsequent liver regeneration and withdrawal from immunosuppression. In addition, patients with hyperacute liver failure seemed to be more likely to regenerate than those with subacute liver failure and that orthotopic rather than heterotopic engraftment had a better outcome.

Auxiliary transplants have included the use of whole liver, right lobe, left lobe, or left lateral segment grafts. Graft selection depends on the quality of the donor liver, size discrepancy between donor and recipient, severity of liver failure (and the degree of “toxic liver syndrome”), and the likelihood of recovery of the native liver. The selection of appropriate recipients for this procedure remains a challenge.

Selection Criteria

The present selection criteria for performing LT for ALF identify patients with a predicted mortality of 85% to 90% in the absence of transplantation. The window for transplantation in these patients before death from multiorgan failure, cerebral edema, or sepsis can be short, and a liver may not become available for transplantation. Patients with ALF can be differentiated by their clinical course into two groups: hyperacute and subacute liver failure. Hyperacute liver failure (e.g., caused by acetaminophen toxicity) has a rapid onset and is associated with encephalopathy and progression of liver failure. It is associated with a toxic liver syndrome with hemodynamic instability, cerebral edema, severe coagulopathy, and renal failure. However, if these patients survive, regeneration occurs rapidly with restoration of normal liver architecture. In contrast, subacute liver failure is associated with a more indolent course, with severe jaundice, moderate coagulopathy, and preservation of renal function. Encephalopathy occurs late and is often associated with the onset of sepsis. Even though these patients have regenerative nodules at the time of transplantation, liver regeneration is often slow and may be ineffective with a higher risk for progression to fibrosis. ALT has been performed successfully in both groups of patients, particularly in children.

When considering ALT, it is important to have a graft of good quality to ensure that sufficient liver mass is transplanted to provide early good graft function. Marginal livers are difficult to use as partial grafts and provide inferior function and should be avoided. If a marginal liver is being considered, it should be used as a whole graft replacement.

Technical Considerations

ALT is technically more demanding than whole-liver replacement, and careful consideration needs to be given to the condition of the recipient at the time of transplantation. Patients with hemodynamic instability or raised intracranial pressure may not tolerate surgery, and whole-liver replacement is more appropriate. Patients with hyperacute liver failure may have toxic liver syndrome secondary to liver necrosis and can temporarily improve with hepatectomy and portocaval shunt. Therefore there is a need to resect the majority of the native liver in these patients to reduce the severity of this systemic insult. If a significant volume of necrotic liver is left in situ, the patient may continue to experience cerebral edema and hemodynamic instability following transplantation, and neurological injury has been reported on several occasions in this group. In our experience an extended right hepatectomy provides the best protection against these effects in adult recipients and also creates space for a right lobe graft with the larger liver mass providing better early graft function.

Poor-quality or small-for-size grafts should not be used in these circumstances because of the likelihood of a poor outcome. Evidence from living donation suggests that the graft-to-recipient body weight ratio should be greater than 0.8% for satisfactory graft and patient survival. Small or poor-quality grafts are at risk for small-for-size syndrome, with the development of cholestasis, ascites, and gastrointestinal hemorrhage with persistence of portal hypertension and death from recurrent sepsis 4 to 6 weeks after LT.

Patients with subacute liver failure invariably have evidence of some regeneration at the time of transplantation. Selection of patients who are suitable for ALT is more difficult because not all will regenerate. Factors predicting native liver regeneration include age younger than 40 years, the absence of significant fibrosis, and the presence of some surviving hepatocytes on liver biopsy at the time of transplantation. Children invariably regenerate regardless of the cause of their liver disease. Patients with subacute liver failure seldom have toxic liver syndrome, and it may be possible to leave a larger mass of native liver behind for regeneration. In addition, their clinical condition tends to be more stable, and they will tolerate more protracted surgery and can be considered for either right or left lobe APOLT. Even though the patient’s recovery after a right lobe graft may be more rapid, liver regeneration occurs more slowly and may be delayed by larger functioning grafts.

Auxiliary Liver Transplantation for Acute Liver Failure in Children

ALF in children is a relatively common indication for LT and accounts for 6.92% (0 to 2 years), 17.93% (3 to 10 years), and 18.67% (11 to 18 years) of patients ( Table 68-1 ). The key problem in children is getting a graft of the appropriate size to use as an auxiliary graft. Farmer et al reported the largest single-center series of LT for ALF in children (159 LT on 122 recipients); however, ALT was not used. In a series from our center from 1990 to 2009, 128 liver transplants were performed on children with ALF, of which 20 were APOLT. Patient survival was 85% at 1, 5, and 10 years. There were 3 deaths at a median of 9 days after APOLT. There were no biliary or vascular complications. Most important is the fact that of 17 survivors, 14 (82%) had successful regeneration of their native livers and the majority had withdrawn from all immunosuppression. The likelihood of obtaining a size-matched graft for children with ALF is uncommon. A right APOLT can seldom be performed because of the problems of size discrepancy; however, the left lateral segment of an adult liver usually provides a satisfactory liver mass for successful APOLT. All the small children in our series of APOLT and the majority reported by others have received left lateral segment grafts.

TABLE 68-1
Guidance for Performing Auxiliary Liver Transplantation for Acute Liver Failure in a Child
Situation Question Answer
Pre-LT Is the patient too sick? High ICP or clinical signs of cerebral edema
Significant cardiovascular instability
Intolerant of hepatectomy
Indications What is the best indication for APOLT Recipient age < 40 years
Hyperacute or acute liver failure
Absence of fibrosis on liver biopsy
Donor selection Which is the best donor for APOLT? Donor < 40 years of age
Good liver function
LDLT is an option
Cold ischemic time < 12 hours
Size match (Note: left lateral segment graft likely to be best option)
Technical aspects What are the main technical issues? Orthotopic position of APOLT
Size matching to ensure good graft perfusion
Keep main vessels with the graft to be used for ALT if split.
Intraoperative measurement of portal vein pressure to the graft
Arterial inflow either from aortic conduit or hepatic artery branch
Short Roux loop for biliary reconstruction
Peri-LT support Posttransplantation complications Early graft dysfunction—check venous inflow and outflow
Recognizing acute rejection may need biopsy
Higher incidence of bleeding (exclude small for size)
Hepatic artery thrombosis may require graft resection.
Acute hepatitis B requires prophylaxis with lamivudine and HBIg.
Posttransplantation Posttransplantation follow-up? Standard immunosuppression
Native and graft liver biopsies at 7 days and 1, 3, 6, and 12 months
CT and HIDA scan at 3, 6, and 12 months.
Slow taper and withdrawal of immunosuppression once biopsy, CT, and HIDA confirm native liver regeneration
Surgical excision of auxiliary only for necrotic liver (usually too rapid immunosuppression withdrawal)
ALT , Auxiliary liver transplantation; APOLT , auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation; CT , computed tomography; HBIg , hepatitis B immune globulin; HIDA , hepatoiminodiacetic acid; ICP , intracranial pressure; LDLT , living donor liver transplantation; LT , liver transplantation.

Results of Auxiliary Liver Transplantation for Acute Liver Failure Worldwide

Reported outcomes of ALT are listed in Table 68-2 . Following early occasional case reports, later series included larger numbers of adults and children with outcomes equivalent to those obtained by whole-liver replacement. Immunosuppression withdrawal is possible in approximately 80% of survivors. The majority of groups use orthotopic rather than heterotopic ALT with formal right or left hepatectomy with the equivalent graft in adult patients. Greater variation has been reported in children, although left hepatectomy and left lateral segment APOLT is the most practical approach and overcomes the problems posed by size discrepancy. All series report high rates of immunosuppression withdrawal, often starting within a few weeks of ALT. Operative and cold ischemia times are longer than with standard LT, reemphasizing that the procedure is technically more demanding.

TABLE 68-2
Reported Results of Auxiliary Liver Transplantation for Acute Liver Failure in Adults and Children
Author Year No. Adult/Ped Age Cause Graft Donor Op Time CIT Patient Survival Median Follow-up IS Withdrawal
Faraj et al 2009 20 Ped 12 yr
2 paracetamol
1 mushroom
3 LL
8 RL
1 whole
18 DBD
7 hr (5.5-9.7) 10 hr (8-15.7) 85%
17 cases
113 mo 14 (82% of survivors)
Lodge et al 2008 13 Adult 34 yr
Paracetamol Whole 499 min (300-820) 69%
9 cases
68 mo 8 cases (89% of survivors)
Kato et al 2006 6 Ped 2 yr
(8 mo-8 yr)
1 Hep A
1 LL
591 min (559-654) 470 min (394-568) 100% 12 mo 1 case
5 reduced IS
Kasahara et al 2005 6 Both 28 yr
1 Hep B
3 LL
1 RL
LDLT 0% 4.5 mo N/A
Kasahara et al 2005 6 Both
12 yr
3 citrullinemia
1 C-N-II
3 LL
LDLT 83%
5 cases
5 yr N/A
Kasahara et al 2005 13 Adult SFS Grafts 30 yr
2 Wilson
2 BA
2 cirrhosis
1 Budd-Chiari
11 LL
2 RL
LDLT 69.2%
9 cases
5 yr N/A
Durand et al 2002 6 Adult 25 yr
4 RL
DBD 7 hr 50 min (5.5-11) 5/6 58 mo 4/5
Jaeck et al 2002 15 Both 30 yr
4 drugs
5 other
Reg 8/10
Stopped IS in 6/8
Azoulay et al 2001 12 Both 26.7 yr (10.4-43) 2 HBV
1 drug
7 unknown
1 other
4 LL
7 RL
11 DBD
738 ± 195 min 560 ± 176 min 66% 1 yr 2/12 (17%)
Inomata et al 1999 15 Adults
SFS grafts
23 yr
3 acute on chronic
2 Wilson
4 BA
13 LL
LDLT 9/15 1 yr
van Hoek et al 1999 47
Both 28 yr
2 Ecstasy drugs
5 paracetamol
1 halothane
5 other
11 HBV
1 non-ABC
1 ischemia
10 cryptogenic
4 orth whole
18 orth LL
7 orth LLS
4 orth RL
4 orth ERL
3 HALT whole
1 yr 15 Graft removed—14/15
25 Graft not removed—8/25
Erhard et al 1998 4 Adult 22.5 yr
1 Ecstasy
1 non-ABC
Heterotopic + PV arterialization
3 whole
1 right
DBD 50% 2 cases
Sudan et al 1997 7 Ped 9 yr
1 varicella
4 non-ABC
2 LL
2 whole
DBD 57% 3 yr 3 Withdrawal
4 Removal
Pereira et al 1997 7 Adult 28 yr
3 paracetamol
2 non-A, non-B
1 Ecstasy
2 LL
DBD 8.5 hr (7.3-10) 12 hr (6-14) 3/7 1 yr 2 cases
Bismuth et al 1996 5 Both 17 yr
1 drug
1 Reye
1 unknown
2 LL
2 RL
12 hr
8.5 hr
3/5 2 cases
Chenard-Neu et al 1996 30 Both 29.6 yr
5 paracetamol
2 Ecstasy
1 multidrug
1 halothane
1 preeclampsia
5 unknown
4 whole
16 LL
4 RL
1 whole
5 partial
19/30 (63%) 18 months 13/19 (68%)
Boudjema et al 1995 8 Both 18 yr
2 drugs
1 others
2 LL
2 RL
DBD 7.5 hr
7.5 hr
6/8 1-17 mo 4/6
Oldhafer et al 1994 4 Both 26 yr
1 paracetamol
2 unknown
2 LL
2 LL
DBD 4/4 11 mo 3/4
AIH , Autoimmune hepatitis; APOLT , auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation; BA , biliary atresia; DCD , donation after cardiac death; DBD , donation after brain death; CIT , cold ischemic time; ELTR , European Liver Transplant Registry; FHF , fulminant hepatic failure; HALT , heterotopic auxillary liver transplant; HAV , hepatitis A virus; HBV , hepatitis B virus; HCV , hepatitis C virus; HELLP , HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets); Hep , hepatitis; IS , immunosuppression; LL , left lobe; LDLT , living donor liver transplantation; LLS , left lateral segment; NSAID , nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug; Op , operating; orth , orthotopic; PBC , primary biliary cirrhosis; Ped , pediatric; PNF , primary nonfunction; PSC , primary sclerosing cholangitis; PV , portal vein; RL , right lobe; SFS , small for size.

Auxiliary Liver Transplantation for Metabolic Liver Diseases


LT has been used successfully to treat inborn errors of metabolism that produce structural and functional impairment of the liver. Liver replacement not only corrects the underlying metabolic defect but also treats underlying cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Some liver-based metabolic disorders do not cause cirrhosis but are associated with severe or life-threatening extrahepatic complications. LT has been used to replace the defective enzyme or receptor site in such disorders, with a reported long-term survival in children of 78% and 68% at 5 and 10 years, respectively. APOLT has been used as a treatment for noncirrhotic metabolic diseases based in the liver where there is a missing gene product or protein; the rationale is to provide sufficient liver mass to correct the underlying metabolic disorder while retaining a part of the native liver. Should the donor graft fail, it can be removed with the native liver acting as a safety net. In addition, gene therapy remains a possibility in the long term and would avoid the need for lifelong immunosuppression. Contraindications to APOLT include any metabolic disease in which the liver is the site of production of an abnormal protein or enzyme that damages other target organs, such as familial amyloid polyneuropathy and primary hyperoxaluria type 1. These require removal of the entire liver; otherwise any remnant continues to produce the abnormal protein with disease progression. Some of these conditions that have been treated by APOLT are described later.

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