Trauma Surgery Essentials

Monitoring of Resuscitation of Hemorrhagic Shock

Algorithm: Monitoring of resuscitation of hemorrhagic shock Open full size image Must-Know Essentials: Monitoring of Resuscitation and Endpoint of Resuscitation Background ■ Multiple hemodynamic, metabolic, and regional parameters are available to monitor the resuscitation of shock in trauma patients. ■…

Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta

Must-Know Essentials: Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta in Abdominal Trauma (Blunt/Penetrating) Background ■ For resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA), an endovascular balloon is placed in the aorta to control hemorrhage, as well as to maintain…

Viscoelastic Hemostatic Assay

Must-Know Essentials: Viscoelastic Hemostatic Assay You’re Reading a Preview Become a Clinical Tree membership for Full access and enjoy Unlimited articles Become membership If you are a member. Log in here

Principles of Management of Hemorrhagic Shock

Algorithm: Management of hemorrhagic shock Open full size image Must-Know Essentials: Principles of Management of Hemorrhagic Shock Control of Airway and Ventilation ■ Supplemental oxygen ■ Definitive airway ■ Endotracheal intubation/surgical airway ■ Ventilatory support Access for Fluid Resuscitation ■…

Assessment of Shock in Trauma Patients

Algorithm: Assessment of shock in trauma patients Open full size image Must-Know Essentials: Shock in Trauma Patients Classification of Shock in Trauma Patients ■ Hemorrhagic shock: most common in trauma patients ■ Bleeding from lacerations ■ Bleeding in the soft…

Management of Breathing and Ventilation

Algorithm: Compromised breathing and ventilation Open full size image Must-Know Essentials: Causes of Compromised Breathing and Ventilation Emergent Concern of Breathing and Ventilation ■ Complex maxillofacial trauma ■ Midface fractures ■ Bilateral mandibular body fracture ■ Severe brain injury (GCS…

Airway Assessment and Management

Algorithm: Assessment and Management of Airway Open full size image Must-Know Essentials: Assessment of Compromised Airway Manifestations of Compromised Airway ■ Patient unable to verbalize ■ Noisy breathing ■ Stridor ■ Patient using or retracting accessary muscles of breathing ■…

The Vicious Cycle of Trauma

The vicious cycle of trauma and the lethal triad Open full size image Must-Know Essentials: The Vicious Cycle of Trauma and the Lethal Triad Definition ■ Vicious cycle of trauma ■ Hemorrhage after trauma initiates a cycle of acidosis, hypothermia,…

Process of Evaluation of Trauma Patients

Algorithm: Evaluation of trauma patients (ATLS guidelines) Open full size image Must-Know Essentials: Process of Evaluation of Trauma Patients Primary Survey (A, B, C, D, E) and Resuscitation ■ A: Airway and cervical spine protection ■ B: Breathing and ventilation…

Death in Trauma Patients

Trimodal distribution of deaths in trauma patients Open full size image Must-Know Essentials: Death in Trauma Patients You’re Reading a Preview Become a Clinical Tree membership for Full access and enjoy Unlimited articles Become membership If you are a member.…