Tachdjian's Pediatric Orthopaedics

Lower Extremity Injuries

Pelvis and Acetabulum Pelvis Pediatric pelvic ring fractures are less common in children than in adults and are most often the result of high-energy trauma, most commonly a motor vehicle versus a pedestrian. Although mortality is rare, a pelvic ring…

Upper Extremity Injuries

The author wishes to acknowledge the contribution of <ce:bold>John </ce:bold>A. Herring for his work in the previous edition version of this chapter. Injuries to the Clavicle The clavicle is one of the most frequently broken bones in children, , which…

Spinal Injuries

The author wishes to acknowledge the contribution of John A. Herring for his work in the previous edition version of this chapter. Traumatic Injuries of the Cervical Spine Cervical spine injuries are rare in children and are often difficult to…

General Principles of Managing Orthopaedic Injuries

Skeletal injuries are common in children, with an estimated 40% of boys and 25% of girls sustaining a fracture by 16 years of age. Because of the properties of the immature skeleton, these injuries have different characteristics, complications, and management…

Malignant Bone Tumors

The author wishes to acknowledge the contribution of John A. Herring for his work in the previous edition version of this chapter. Osteosarcoma Osteosarcoma (osteogenic sarcoma) is the most common malignant bone tumor in children and adolescents. The most prevalent…

Benign Musculoskeletal Tumors

Simple Bone Cysts (Solitary Bone Cyst, Unicameral Bone Cyst) Incidence Simple bone cysts are benign tumors of childhood and adolescence. They represent approximately 3% of all primary bone tumors sampled for biopsy and nearly always occur during the first 2…

General Principles of Tumor Management

Tumors of the Musculoskeletal System Tumors of the musculoskeletal system present a variety of challenges. The pediatric orthopaedist manages many benign tumors easily with a good outcome, but occasionally serious complications develop. Surgeons with specific expertise in oncology provide the…

Infections of the Musculoskeletal System

The author wishes to acknowledge the contribution of John A. Herring for his work in the previous edition version of this chapter. Overview The evaluation and treatment of children with musculoskeletal infection is a multidisciplinary process, frequently involving pediatrics, orthopaedic…


Joints General Considerations A joint is a connection between bones of the skeleton. Joints can be classified as fibrous, cartilaginous, or synovial. Fibrous joints are represented by the sutures of the skull, whereas an example of a cartilaginous joint is…

Limb Deficiencies

Normal development of the limbs begins at the end of the fourth week after fertilization, with limb buds forming in the mesoderm along the flank of the embryo ( Fig. 21.1 ). The limb bud is divided into three major…