Surgery of the Skin

Incision, Draining, and Exteriorization Techniques

Chapter Summary Preoperative planning includes the following methods to confirm and define the extent of the condition: using palpation, ultrasonography (US), computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Be mindful of the regional anatomy. Previously removed cysts may be…

Skin Biopsy Techniques

Chapter Summary The skin biopsy is essential to dermatologic surgery both in diagnosis and planning therapy. Several biopsy techniques are available, including shave, saucerization, curettage, scissors “snip,” punch, and scalpel excision, or incisional biopsy. Complications are infrequent but can be…


Chapter Summary A surgical treatment option for benign and malignant lesions Excellent safety profile and relatively easy to perform A low-cost procedure of short duration Less invasive and has a lower morbidity than some other surgical procedures Usually performed as…


Chapter Summary Electrosurgery refers to thermal tissue damage resulting from tissue resistance to the passage of high-frequency, alternating electric current as in electrocoagulation, electrofulguration, electrodesiccation, and electrosection. Electrocautery refers to thermal damage from heat generated by an electric current. The…

Wound Healing

Chapter Summary Wound healing occurs in orderly, overlapping phases: the inflammatory, the proliferative, and the remodeling phases. The depth of the wound determines the degree of contraction and the location and source of keratinocytes that serve as a reservoir for…


Chapter Summary In general, the rate of wound infections in dermatologic surgery is extremely low. Given the frequency with which cutaneous procedures are performed, an understanding of skin microflora and risks of infection with procedures ranging from biopsies to liposuction…

Patient Evaluation, Informed Consent, Preoperative Assessment, and Care

Chapter Summary Preoperative consultation should include the following elements: medical, surgical and social history, list of current medications, allergies, problem-focused physical examination, and explanation of any proposed procedure. Medical conditions may impact outcomes of cutaneous surgery, including pregnancy, hypertension, and…

Instruments and Materials

Chapter Summary A dermatologic surgeon's skill depends upon knowledge of basic instrumentation and wound closure materials. Knowledge of the basic engineering principles such as stress–strain and basic metallurgy is an essential prerequisite to understanding instrumentation and materials. Investing in high-quality…

Anesthesia and Analgesia

Chapter Summary Most skin surgery can be performed under local anesthesia, avoiding the risks associated with general anesthesia. Local anesthetics reversibly interrupt propagation of nerve impulses by interfering with sodium ion influx into peripheral nerve cells. Topical application is particularly…