Spine Secrets

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Spinal navigation, robotic surgery, and three-dimensional printing

Spinal navigation 1 Briefly outline the development of spinal navigation. Spinal navigation was introduced in the early 1990s as advances in computer-based technologies enabled a transition from frame-based systems developed for cranial surgery to frameless navigation systems. First-generation frameless systems…

Rheumatoid arthritis

1 What is rheumatoid arthritis? Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, systemic inflammatory disorder of uncertain etiology that affects the synovium of joints. It is an immunologically mediated systemic disorder that affects articular and nonarticular organ systems. The articular involvement…

Spinal infections

1 How are spinal infections classified? Host immune response: Pyogenic versus granulomatous Anatomic location: Vertebral body, disc, epidural space, subdural space, facet joint, paraspinous soft tissue Infectious route: Hematogenous, local extension, direct inoculation Host age: Pediatric versus adult Duration: Acute…

Metabolic bone diseases of the spine

Bone basics—structure, function, and homeostasis 1 What are some major functions of bone? Major bone functions include: Mineral storage (i.e., calcium, phosphorus, magnesium) Protection of internal organs from injury (i.e., brain, spinal cord, viscera) Provide support to the body by…

Metastatic spine tumors

1 What is the most common tumor of the spine? Metastatic lesions are the most common tumors of the spine. Metastatic lesions account for over 90% of all spinal column tumors. Spine metastases are the most common type of skeletal…

Primary spine tumors

1 What types of tumors arise in the spine? Primary tumors and secondary tumors. 2 What is the difference between primary and secondary tumors of the spine? Primary tumors of the spine arise de novo in the osseous, cartilaginous, neural,…

Disorders of the spinal cord and related structures

Spinal cord tumors 1 How does one describe the anatomic location of a spine tumor? Spine tumors are localized according to the anatomic compartment in which they occur: extradural , intradural-extramedullary , or intramedullary ( Figs. 61.1 and 61.2 ).…