Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Introduction It is important to try and achieve as close as an anatomic reduction of the articular surface as possible, especially in a young patient, in the management of intra-articular distal radius fractures to reduce the chance of posttraumatic radiocarpal…
Introduction Distal radius fractures are the most common upper extremity fracture in patients in the United States, accounting for 0.7%–2.5% of emergency department visits. , Worldwide, the incidence of distal radius fractures has increased over the past 40–50 years, almost…
Indications Surgical indications for both bones forearm fractures include the following: (1) nondisplaced or minimally displaced both bones forearm fractures with a propensity for instability (comminution, initial displacement prior to reduction, and polytrauma patients) and (2) significantly displaced or angulated…
Indications The primary indication to reconstruct the interosseous membrane (IOM) is a longitudinal radioulnar dissociation also known as an Essex-Lopresti injury (ELI). An ELI is an injury triad involving fracture of the radial head, rupture of the interosseous ligaments, and…
History Although the eponym for forearm longitudinal instability is known as Essex-Lopresti, Dr. Peter Essex-Lopresti was not the first person who reported the injury. It was first described by Brockman in 1931. Curr and Coe later reported on a case…
Introduction A Monteggia fracture-dislocation, defined as a proximal ulna fracture with a concurrent proximal radioulnar joint dislocation, is a rare but complex injury of the forearm and elbow. Monteggia fracture-dislocations account for 1%–2% of forearm fractures and are commonly secondary…
Indications Anterior olecranon fracture-dislocation of the elbow (also referred to as transolecranon fracture-dislocation) is characterized by disruption of the trochlear notch, loss of radiocapitellar alignment, maintenance of some apposition of the articular surfaces, intact collateral ligaments, and a normal radioulnar…
Olecranon fractures have historically been treated with tension band wires and recently plates. Plate and tension band hardware have been associated with soft tissue irritation from hardware prominence and migration due to improper seating at the time of surgery. Another…
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Introduction Proximal ulna fractures and fracture-dislocations present a unique challenge to the orthopedic surgeon. It is one of the few joints with multiple articulations and degrees of freedom. Due to these intricate relationships, the disruption of the elbow’s complex osseous…