Rich’s Vascular Trauma

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Introduction For the purposes of this chapter, vascular trauma is considered in the following anatomic distributions, each of which has differing diagnostic and management considerations: (1) cervical or carotid, (2) axillo-subclavian, (3) thoracic, (4) abdominal, and (5) extremity domains. Whereas…

South Africa

Region-Specific Epidemiology South Africa is a large country (1,200,000 km 2 ), with a population of about 60 million, of whom half live in the urban environment and half live in the rural environment. There is inevitably a wide difference…


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Introduction For many centuries a simple ligation was the main treatment option in patients with vascular injury. The first significant series of vascular reconstructions applied for the treatment of vascular injuries was published by Serbian surgeon Vojislav Soubbotich at the…


Historical Background Russian surgeons have made significant contributions to vascular surgery. After Nikolai Pirogov, one of the founders of military surgery, investigated vascular trauma and published one of the first atlases on vascular anatomy, many Russian surgeons have contributed to…


Introduction The management of severe traumatic injury has undergone major changes over the last 20 years, as Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS), the concept of damage control, massive transfusion protocols, new technological innovations, and improved intensive care have been implemented…

Vascular Trauma in Finland

Introduction Europe covers a land area of 10 million km 2 and has a population of 750 million people in 45 independent countries with a significant variability in the standard of living, culture, religion, ethnics, and politics. Despite a history…

Sri Lanka

Introduction In 2009 Sri Lanka emerged from a civil war which was mainly fought in the Northern and Eastern parts of the country and spanned 26 years. During this war, soldiers (and to a lesser degree civilians) in the conflict…