Plastic Surgery: Volume 2: Aesthetic Surgery

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Aesthetic genital surgery

Synopsis ■ Male and female aesthetic genital surgery can greatly enhance confidence if a real or perceived deformity exists. ■ Many new genital surgeries have been developed. ■ In the male, penile enlargement surgery can result in severe deformities, which…

Energy devices in aesthetic surgery

Synopsis ■ Liposuction remains a staple of aesthetic body contouring. The introduction of new technology has allowed for improved outcomes with less invasive procedures. ■ While the introduction of energy-based skin tightening has improved patient outcomes, patient selection remains key…

Post-bariatric reconstruction

Synopsis ■ Obesity is a global epidemic with only rising rates. With the rise in bariatric surgical procedures, there has been a concomitant increase in the demand for plastic surgical reconstruction after massive weight loss (MWL). ■ Assessment of the…

Medial thigh

Synopsis ■ Medial thighplasty has grown in popularity in the massive weight loss population, as they are often left with deformities of the inner and outer thigh. ■ Not every weight loss patient is a candidate for medial thighplasty. ■…

Upper limb contouring

Synopsis ■ Upper limb contour is often of great concern to individuals following weight loss and some older women. ■ Correction of contour deformities of the axilla and forearm and in some instances the lateral thoracic region as well as…

Buttock shaping with fat grafting and liposuction

Synopsis ■ Ideal candidates for augmentation by autologous fat grafting have sufficient liposuction donor sites to provide adequate fat for grafting. ■ Buttock augmentation by autologous fat grafting is extremely technique-dependent and requires meticulous attention to sterility and even distribution…

Buttock augmentation with implants

Synopsis ■ Buttock augmentation is major surgery, with the potential for significant complications. ■ The overall goal of buttock augmentation is to achieve a more youthful appearance and contour and to create the ideal waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7. ■ There…