Plastic Surgery: Principles and Practice

Board and Fellowships Exams

Introduction The fellowship or boards of plastic surgery equivalent exams are the final trial by ordeal for most trainees, who will have faced exams over a large portion of their adult lives. Their respective examining boards put together the general…

Abdominoplasty and Body Contouring

Anatomy An excellent knowledge of the entire anatomy of the lower trunk and extremities is essential for esthetic and reconstructive skin-tightening procedures. In addition to knowledge of the main perforating vessels, the course of important nerves is mandatory to avoid…

Liposuction and Liposculpture

Introduction Liposuction and liposculpture represent the evolution of minimally invasive plastic surgery techniques developed in an attempt at restoring shape and form. Liposuction was first described in the 1920s but it was not until the 1970s that the technique was…


Definition Blepharoptosis is defined as a lower than normal position of the upper eyelid in relation to the globe and pupil. The term is often abbreviated to ptosis. The upper eyelid normally covers the upper 1–2 mm of the cornea,…


For videos accompanying this chapter see . See inside cover for access details. Introduction The nose is a multifarious structure with critical mechanical and functional roles, which by virtue of its position, serves as the central and salient component…

Neck Lift

Acknowledgment All photographs, illustrations, descriptions, and text contained in this chapter are property of the Marten Clinic of Plastic Surgery, San Francisco, CA, and are used with permission. For video accompanying this chapter see . See inside cover for…


For video accompanying this chapter see . See inside cover for access details. Introduction Our face is our most inextricable sense of self. A person’s self-image and self-esteem are powerfully influenced by their appearance. People requesting a facelift are…

Lower Eyelid and Midcheek Rejuvenation

For videos accompanying this chapter see . See inside cover for access details. Introduction The lower eyelid and midcheek are areas that patients commonly present with, usually with the complaint of eye bags or just “looking tired.” Intuitively, it…

Upper Eyelid Rejuvenation

For videos accompanying this chapter see . See inside cover for access details. Introduction The human mind instinctively examines another’s eyes before any other facial feature. Trustworthiness, aggression, and even fertility are conveyed by the appearance of the eyes.…

Forehead Lift

Introduction The first forehead lift procedures were performed using an “open” technique in which long incisions on the scalp or along the frontal hairline were made, a forehead flap was turned inferiorly, and modifications were made to corrugator supercilii and…